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  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Two BoxCars bumped together and he popped out of a bum's butt -- a soul mate for Hotdog.


  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Isn't it telling that the billionaire-sponsored Congress, the billionaire-sponsored deep state, and the billionaire-sponsored media is atwitter about Russians attacking our elections; yet, no one in the ruling establishment dares utter a peep about the Republican Party attacking our elections much more openly and effectively? Could this be a new area of study in human psychology called "mass self-denial and projection" perhaps?

  • A 21st-Century Form of Indentured Servitude Has Already Penetrated Deep into the American Heartland   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Wow! Six Trillion! Think of how many decades of healthcare, college, and international goodwill that could have funded. "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars." Alas, such is our nature. American power brokers never were good at sorting priorities or practicing what their religions preach.

  • How To Save The Internet From Trump & His Cronies   7 years 31 weeks ago

    ...Thus, "reactionary Republican." What next -- two cans and a string? Somehow the greed-masters will figure out how to monopolize that too.

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Trump drained the swamp and filled up the sewer with the most dispiciple, depraved, vile, low life, stinking rotten pieces of putrid treasonous shit that the diarrhetic ass of the Republican party could spew out.

    Actually we should thank Trump for proving once and for all just how fucked up and insane these Republicans really are. While it's true that there is cult minority that will never get it, the facts show that most people do get it. The question is how much damage can these fascists bastards do? And how far have they gotten in their mission to rig elections?

    The Voter Fraud Commission is just another example of what these sick pukes will stoop to in their demented, immoral quest for power. Of course they hope, as a by produce, it will distract form the their Russian collusion crisis. But, make no mistake, voter suppression along with creating apathy toward government is the real goal.

    Gerrymandering is just another tool in their criminal tool shed. But if you support treasonous collusion with the Russians to bring down our democracy. Rigging elections with hackable, unaccountable voting machines. Wasting tax payer money on implausible Voter Fraud witch hunts designed to suppress votes and weaken American democracy, and any number of other dirty tricks. Then by all means, join the Trump/Putin crime family. But remember, once you're in, you may not come out alive. Especially, if you are a Russian whistle blower.

  • Do Republicans Fundamentally Not Understand the Point of Healthcare?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    "...oft repeated lie..."

    Let's examine:

    What Diane is really saying is that a lying Republican liar named Rubio was a despicable liar, like most lying Republican liars, and that the media made their usual mistake of believing a lying Republican liar in the first place. ("Oh when will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn?" -- Peter, Paul, & Mary)

    During his campaign, Rubio the Liar falsely took credit for "saving $2.5 billion" in legislation that prevented the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from using their general fund to compensate insurance companies when they fell short, called "re-insurance," for taking extra risks by insuring everyone qualified under the ACA exchanges, instead of just cherry-picking young and healthy people, as was their normal, get-rich-quick scheme before Obamacare was enacted to keep them honest.

    The ACA mandate to offer insurance at a reasonable cost to potentially unhealthy people was dubbed "risk corridor," but the extra funding was only to last a few years, until the markets adjusted to all the new customers, and insurance companies figured out the right premiums to charge accordingly. Basically, companies who profited too much over their 20% limit due to high rates were required to kick into a special fund that would pay out to companies losing money due to low rates.

    Unfortunately, or by design (?), when the Republican liars on the Supreme Court ruled that it was okay for states to opt out of the ACA's Medicaid expansion provision (Right on cue, 19 mostly red states jumped off that cliff like a mindless pack of lemmings), more unhealthy people than originally anticipated were thus thrown onto the federal exchanges, skyrocketing the risk, and far outweighing whatever money was available in the special fund.

    Now comes Rubio the Liar's great idea -- yes, it was his idea originally, and by pushing it hard, he inspired other Republican lying gobshites to take up the torch -- which was to introduce legislation that would prevent the government from making up the difference from any other available funds, thereby causing numerous insurance companies to abandon the markets in high-risk sectors (again, mostly in red states -- go figure). Rubio the Liar initially introduced his evil rot as a stand-alone bill that ultimately failed. Sad.

    His more underhanded compatriots, however, succeeded later in slyly slipping a Rubioesque poison pill into a general spending bill. So yeah, technically Rubio the Liar lied by taking credit for the final passage, as one would expect a lying Republican liar to do, but his overall subversive efforts were nonetheless the primary driving force that led to one of the most infamous (there are many) lying Republican sabotages of the ACA, in the hopes of collapsing the markets and hurting, in many cases fatally, their poor, sick, and old constituents, in addition to the helpless children of these hapless families.

    All those problems caused by all those lying Republican liars and all their lying lies -- do you detect a pattern? BTW, expect insurance companies to sue up the yingyang for being lied to "big league" and royally double-crossed. Boo hoo.

    Since óinseach seldom includes the key facts of whatever story she twists into a pretzel and then priggishly harps about, here's a few links to the more complete picture:

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago


  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Problem is BOTH parties R Corrupt now> So U might start w/George Soros who was a NAZIS "SS" during WW2> Ask Any WW2 Vet who fought Germans> Their take on "SS" Soldiers was same as Gen.Patton's>"SS R Demons loosed upon Earth who s/b EXTERMINATED" My dad, a 3-war vet used to shoot PPL like Soros (SS soldiers) for a living and said "We can do it again, if need be"

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Trump won because AMERICA is tired of the FARCE of a 2-party System & its MEDIA where we see NO DIFF between a 1-party Dictatorship & our 2-party system since 100% of vote goes to THE SYSTEM> Ross Perot proved it a FARCE when he got ZERO VOTES in THE SYSTEM, & then the BI-Partisan (WTF is That?) commision ruled to EXCLUDE 3rd partys (isn't that what a 1-party SYSTEM does?) What took everyone so long? I knew it a FARCE when TV shoed us a BOLT-ACTION carbine was used to OFF JFK> Now we know from internet it was a coup> Hear for yourself from an EYEWITNESS of who was in on it

    Search "LBJ's Mistress" for []

  • A 21st-Century Form of Indentured Servitude Has Already Penetrated Deep into the American Heartland   7 years 31 weeks ago

    #deepspace: (1) Good one. (2) I just read that We, the People, have paid out 6 Trillion dollars over the last decade to the war budget. Seriously, when are people going to take their heads out of the sand? They remind me of those who go down to the shore when the sky is orange and the sea has retracted from the shoreline to look for fish and explore the seabed. What size tidal wave do people need to wake up and get on it???

  • A 21st-Century Form of Indentured Servitude Has Already Penetrated Deep into the American Heartland   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Also Deepspace you could point out all of the times that the Republicans have done nothing but vote for the 1% but brainless idiots like Outback will tell you that Republicans support the 2nd Amendment and that makes them righteous.

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    For years I've seen writings by people trying to warn the Democratic Party about Republican gerrymandering, packing the courts, voter suppression, election hacking, etc. The corporate Democrats like Clinton and Obama have even more contempt for the people who tried to warn them than they have ever had for even the worst Republicans.

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    trump did not win the election, He was suck into office by mistake by an massive voter suppression by the 30 corrupt republican attorney generals removing 13.5 million possible Democratic voters from the voter polls, to insure republican were installed in local, state and federal seats to completely control the government. In part these account for the non voters of 2016.

    There is little doubt that they will employ these options again along with others equally unconstitutional.

    The gerrymandering is but one enabling method.

    In my opinion there is only one way to return to where we were. We need a benign dictator to lead a revolt to arrest, imprison, execute, the corrupt republicans from top to bottom. Shut down the propaganda media and those PAID to mislead everyone. The first couple of months would be very busy. Just hunting the behind the scenes hidden paymasters will be difficult, but can be accomplished.

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Merry Christmas Diane:):)

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    I understand why all of those commercials are necessary and I don't want Thom Hartmann off the air for lack of funds. But i must agree that all of the commercials are annoying and detract from the program. They make it difficult to listen.

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Trump may be unpopular, but Democrats don't vote. He doesn't need the 60% plus who don't approve of them because they are willing to sit back and let his supporters win

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    He couldn't have won without gerrymandering and Russian interference. It is beyond me how we ended up here after the Bush fiasco and then watching Pres. Obama battle obstruction while trying to repair the damage for eight years. It makes it clear that an insidious type of brainwashing by "news" sources really worked for those who want to squash the middle class and force citizens into a "not enough for you and me" mentality.

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Gerrymandering certainly had an impact, but without digital vote flipping and cross-check election fraud Clinton actually won all of those close swing states by wide margins, and thus is easily the legit President.

    Why isn't Kobach under arrest for election fraud? If just one valid voter was dropped, he has committed election fraud and should face jail time. Trump by claiming voter fraud is doing what he always does...hey look the other way while I grab your genitals.

  • A 21st-Century Form of Indentured Servitude Has Already Penetrated Deep into the American Heartland   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Although the modern Democratic Party has huuuge problems and has completely failed the American people and violated our democratic principles in so many ways, mainly because too many of its members insist on working with rapacious Republicans in pursuing fascism -- a police state, a surveillance state, a military empire, an oligarchy, talking the talk with common folk for their votes but walking the walk with rich bastards for their money -- it did achieve major (and truly great) accomplishments, since the the last century before and after the Republican Great Depression, that should never be forgotten. Now is the time for Democrats to rediscover their roots and hold their representatives accountable!

    Place the following list (only a partial one) alongside Republican accomplishments during the same time period (if you dare):

    Old age: Social Security; Medicare.

    Healthcare Reform: Medicaid; Food Stamps/WIC; Women's right to control their reproductive future; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Affordable Care Act.

    Veterans’ Benefits: GI Bill; Veterans Administration.

    Equal Rights and Voting: Civil Rights; Women’s Right to Vote; The Voting Rights Act; Motor Voter.

    Labor Laws: National Labor Relations Board (NLRB); The Wagner Act; 8-hour Work Day, 40-hour Work Week; Overtime; Workplace Safety Laws; Unemployment insurance; Earned Income Tax Credit; Family & Medical Leave Act; Americans With Disabilities Act; Equal Pay Act; Minimum wage.

    Economic Growth (Democratic Presidents: Roosevelt through Obama): New Deal; Great Society; The Civilian Conservation Corps; Peace Corp; Vista; Job Corp; AmeriCorps; The Department of Housing and Urban Development; Morrill Land Grant Act; The Tennessee Valley Project (TVA); Rural Electrification; Balancing the federal budget; Federal Loan Program.

    Banking and Wall Street Regulations: Bank Deposit Insurance (FDIC); The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); Federal Reserve System (not so great); Anti-trust Legislation; Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act; Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB); Allowing citizens to view their own credit records; Lobbying Disclosure Act.

    Consumer Protection and Safety: The Department of Transportation; Vehicles Safety Requirements; Reduced Emissions, and Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE); Consumer Product Safety Commission; Product Labeling Laws; Food Safety Laws; Truth in Advertising Laws; The Brady Bill (5-day wait on handgun purchases for background checks).

    Universal Public Education: The Department of Education; Public Universities; Support for Public Education; Head Start; School Lunch and Breakfast Programs.

    Funding for Science: Medical and Engineering Research; Space Exploration; National Science Foundation (NSF); National Institutes of Health (NIH).

    Protection for the environment and from natural disasters: Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas; Endangered Species Act; Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA); The Department of Energy.

    Citizen Awareness and Transparency: Public Broadcasting (PBS, NPR); The Internet; Freedom of Information Act; National Weather Service.

    International Peace: Winning World War II; The United Nations; NATO; Marshall Plan; Supporting the establishment of Israel; Peace between Israel and Egypt; Peace between Israel and Jordan; The Iran deal.

    (Now, get the f*cking military out of the Middle East and every other stupid war and spend that money (our taxes) at home, gawddamnit!!!)

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago


    What do you think of the DLCC's Advantage-2020.

    Is it worthy of our money?

    - Shawn

  • Will The GOP Actually Let ObamaCare Fail?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    The Repubs want Obama's name off Obama Care. Yet they're too greedy to pass a successful Repub version.

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Gerrymandering didn't help for sure. But a combination of mostly idiot/fear mongering media shows, mostly owned by the rich and News spoken by powerful liars. Add to that the not so hot voting choices. Add to this keeping people from voting.. Pile on, the computers. They can be tampered with - Paperwork can't. Worse yet.. Computers and software are made by shady characters . Which make me worry about the validity of future elections. (Look at the garbage we have now)

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Not sure how much "rigging" there was, but his fake platform took him a long way. Not so much the art of the deal as it was the art of the bluff.

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago


    That's true of every competitive live radio program nowadays, isn't it? Try podcasting for your news, commentary, and general information -- there is a huge array of programs that are free, or relatively inexpensive (such as Thoms'), on demand at your convenience, totally mobile ...and, most importantly, no commercials!

  • Did Gerrymandering Give Us Trump?   7 years 31 weeks ago

    Trump started his voter fraud investigation today. This is too prove that he won the popular vote, which Hillary won by 2.8 million. I would rather see the Electoral College vote fraud investigated, which Trump won by less than 50000 votes spread over PA, MI and WI.

    About Gerrymandering, nothing much can be done until the 2020 when the next census is taken. Then based on the results they change the dividing lines. A few court cases are ongoing on how they are distributed. For the first time this census will be mainly conducted on the internet. You can bet Republicans are plotting how they can manipulate that.

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