So Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds, how the fuck do you get free internet? I pay about 45 bucks a month for internet. And I'm sure that everyone on this site pays too. And any way you look at it, internet companies use the Public Airways and rights of Immanent Domain, maintained and funded by taxpayers to deliver their goods. Now you want us to pay more on top of it!!!! But of course, Republicans believe that if they can just make the rich richer, then somehow it will all be magnificent.
I suppose you would like to have every street and highway be a toll road?
Maybe I wear a pussy hat but at least my head is not all covered with shit from cramming it up Trump's stinkin' ass.
Sleezy XXX PeePee Donnie got my vote only because he is hated by both sides AND he knowshow to appoint judges. Period. End of story.
With respect to PG Franken, you forgot the letter "I" in PG.
Franken was a known little prick who I actually believe was set up and dumped by the Democrat party who were the first to quickly call for his resignation.
I would be shocked if these greedy nazi/fascists bastards decide to maintain Net Neutrality. After all, truth is the enemy of all totalitarian regimes. To quote FDR, "this is a day that will live in infamy."
Republicans are at war with the United States with the goal of installing a new fascist oligarchy, and of course, complete control of the media is essential to that goal.
Regarding tomorrow's greedy internet scheme, if I'm understanding Thom, it appears that monoply capitalism is rearing its ugly head once again. Just like the Citizens United tumor, there's usually a root cause to all of our democracy cancers..... and always planted by a few selfish and out of control capitalists.
I'll say this once again, there are at least 999 of us for every one of them. Why do we take the abuse? I believe Trump's dangerous and out of control character is representative of many 1/1000 percenters....and I strongly suspect fascists like the Kochs are just as bigoted as Bannon and Crooked Donny. To not rise up and stop the madness is akin to Germany in the 1930's. Tomorrow is a step closer to the point of no return, in fact it might be the final step.
BTW: I'm still puzzled as to why nobody is talking about the corp tax cut being a fraud. The justification for going back up to 21% from 20% is that billions will be gained from that move. I'm no Archimedes, but if the effective rate is already at 17%, then how in hell is 21% going to generate any additional revenue????
Before I read the comments of former governor Arne Carlson, I had the same thoughts. Senator Franken never had due process and is punished for his humility and respect for the accusers. He should not resign. In the next election the voters of MN should decide his fate.
Let's at least give it a try ( to aid common sense in direction to those who lack it). Looks like last chance to me. Not to be maudlin, actually optimistic but; Jones won, but by only 1.5 %. There is obviously work yet to be done.
Up is down. Black is white. Put history in the "memory" hole. I re-read 1984 in September last year. That appears to be their paybook. Exposure is our best advantage now. What is the Republican Fascist worst nightmare? The internet! Corporate news ain't gonna report anything that causes anyone to question GE, Monsanto, Boeing, Contract war (Haliburton), Duke Power, or any other corporation. In their minds, the internet and social media is their worst enemy, although they got away (so far) with the Russia and the Lasange brainwashing campaign by using it. I was about to give up on logic and reason until yesterday. I applaude the citizens (and, that's what people who vote are; citizens) in Alabama! I still want to know how many write-ins were for Nick Saban though..... Rama Jama, give e'm hell ALABAMA! Still hope Toyota decides for the "Once Great State" of North Carolina! Were on the mend and will hopefully take back our state next November from the Koch's and ALEC! Burr says he's retiring and Tillis; well..... He probably wore one of the last hoods, he's from down east where Smithfield is, home of the clan!
During Thanksgiving I met up with relatives, Distant relatives and friends from another area. Discussed Net Neutrality and found most ignorant on the situation. The Republican Fascist Party with the help of the 1% owned and operated mainstream media are being very successful on this operation.
Diane Cha Ching: The good news about the election is that Trump and Bannon clearly don't have the clout they delude themselves about. The vast majority do not support Fascists, Bigots, Religious Perverts, and it looks like Crooked Donny is doing a wonderful job at destroying your Kochpublican Party.
BTW: Do you have a disorder of some sort, maybe selective attention to facts ? say voted for sleazy XXX PeePee Donny, but at the same time demonize PG Franken.
Is it really good news from Alabama? Roy Moore was clearly the Hillary Clinton of opponents .
In my opinion, the republicans were actually handed a gift last night. They lost a senate seat for the next two years but they insured the removal of slimeball Al Franken from office. The announcement of Frankens replacement was carefully crafted to be done after the Alabama race results. Look for something today on that front. Franken may be the only pissed off democrat in the entire country this morning.
The republican loss also removed the legitimate argument that all republicans support child molesters which would have a far greater impact than having a southern democrat sitting in the senate for the next two years.
It will be interesting to see how Jones positions himself once he has been seated for a few months. Walking on eggshells to say the least.
My main reason for voting for Trump. I question anything the ABA supports. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Good wins over evil in Alabama. Greed will eventually kill the Republican Fascist Party. Going after Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will finally open eyes.
State taxes are minor compared to Federal. Those that do move out of Calfornia must be taking their income with them to Colorado if they are infact avoiding taxes. Hard to do. I left CA at 21 due to high cost of housing and traffic.
Most items are taxed. Gas tax has both federal and local taxes. You left out the part about numerous other hidden taxes.
Your rent credits are only applied on a few state taxes, not Federal.
Of course when you take sentences out of context. You missed the part about Income is so low that it is below a living wage. It is really sad that the Republican Fascist Party has blocked all attempts to raise the minimum wage and take these people off of the welfare rolls. Interesting that Half of the 45% that do not pay taxes get there with tax deductions. Have you ever heard of Carried Interest tax deduction that the wealthy use and was not stopped in recent tax cut calculations? But it is very sad that in this great country the other half (22.5%) do not make the paltry amount that would put them in the taxable bracket. But You would rather squeeze it out of them. Of course Roy Moore says that the last time the country was great was when we had slavery.
Our highways are not free. They are paid for with taxes. Infrastructure is paid for with taxes. Education is not free, it is paid for with taxes. Our commons are not free, they are paid for with taxes.
"The Commons" is a euphemism for free stuff. You washed up lefties want free health care, free internet, and anything you want to call "the Commons".
Another way of saying "promote the general welfare" would be "encourage good behavior ", or good wishes. "Have a nice day" :)).....You see I just promoted your general welfare. :)
Gas tax is only paid if you purchase fuel and following the leftie/socialist tripe, no democrats have a drivers license which is why they are not allowed to vote in states where voter ID is required.
Property tax is added in rent. The renters just do not get to deduct it.
#5. Everyone pays sales tax and gas tax. Numerous other hidden taxes are also paid. Property tax is added in rent. The renters just do not get to deduct it. Should they pay incomt tax if the have no income? Or their income is so low that it is below living wage standards. How many do you personally know that want everything for free. You response in post #5 is so Fox News.
So Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds, how the fuck do you get free internet? I pay about 45 bucks a month for internet. And I'm sure that everyone on this site pays too. And any way you look at it, internet companies use the Public Airways and rights of Immanent Domain, maintained and funded by taxpayers to deliver their goods. Now you want us to pay more on top of it!!!! But of course, Republicans believe that if they can just make the rich richer, then somehow it will all be magnificent.
I suppose you would like to have every street and highway be a toll road?
Maybe I wear a pussy hat but at least my head is not all covered with shit from cramming it up Trump's stinkin' ass.
Sleezy XXX PeePee Donnie got my vote only because he is hated by both sides AND he knows how to appoint judges. Period. End of story.
With respect to PG Franken, you forgot the letter "I" in PG.
Franken was a known little prick who I actually believe was set up and dumped by the Democrat party who were the first to quickly call for his resignation.
I would be shocked if these greedy nazi/fascists bastards decide to maintain Net Neutrality. After all, truth is the enemy of all totalitarian regimes. To quote FDR, "this is a day that will live in infamy."
Republicans are at war with the United States with the goal of installing a new fascist oligarchy, and of course, complete control of the media is essential to that goal.
With a 999/1 odds , I'd say it is time to dust off that pink pussy hat and get into the street.
Knowing your numbers are dead on, that should put well over 300,000,000 out screaming at the sky for free internet today.
That should get their attention.
Note, I excluded infants who are not yet brainwashed.
Regarding tomorrow's greedy internet scheme, if I'm understanding Thom, it appears that monoply capitalism is rearing its ugly head once again. Just like the Citizens United tumor, there's usually a root cause to all of our democracy cancers..... and always planted by a few selfish and out of control capitalists.
I'll say this once again, there are at least 999 of us for every one of them. Why do we take the abuse? I believe Trump's dangerous and out of control character is representative of many 1/1000 percenters....and I strongly suspect fascists like the Kochs are just as bigoted as Bannon and Crooked Donny. To not rise up and stop the madness is akin to Germany in the 1930's. Tomorrow is a step closer to the point of no return, in fact it might be the final step.
BTW: I'm still puzzled as to why nobody is talking about the corp tax cut being a fraud. The justification for going back up to 21% from 20% is that billions will be gained from that move. I'm no Archimedes, but if the effective rate is already at 17%, then how in hell is 21% going to generate any additional revenue????
Before I read the comments of former governor Arne Carlson, I had the same thoughts. Senator Franken never had due process and is punished for his humility and respect for the accusers. He should not resign. In the next election the voters of MN should decide his fate.
Let's at least give it a try ( to aid common sense in direction to those who lack it). Looks like last chance to me. Not to be maudlin, actually optimistic but; Jones won, but by only 1.5 %. There is obviously work yet to be done.
How can one man wield so much power?
I'm speechless
Common sense is dead. RIP
Up is down. Black is white. Put history in the "memory" hole. I re-read 1984 in September last year. That appears to be their paybook. Exposure is our best advantage now. What is the Republican Fascist worst nightmare? The internet! Corporate news ain't gonna report anything that causes anyone to question GE, Monsanto, Boeing, Contract war (Haliburton), Duke Power, or any other corporation. In their minds, the internet and social media is their worst enemy, although they got away (so far) with the Russia and the Lasange brainwashing campaign by using it. I was about to give up on logic and reason until yesterday. I applaude the citizens (and, that's what people who vote are; citizens) in Alabama! I still want to know how many write-ins were for Nick Saban though..... Rama Jama, give e'm hell ALABAMA! Still hope Toyota decides for the "Once Great State" of North Carolina! Were on the mend and will hopefully take back our state next November from the Koch's and ALEC! Burr says he's retiring and Tillis; well..... He probably wore one of the last hoods, he's from down east where Smithfield is, home of the clan!
During Thanksgiving I met up with relatives, Distant relatives and friends from another area. Discussed Net Neutrality and found most ignorant on the situation. The Republican Fascist Party with the help of the 1% owned and operated mainstream media are being very successful on this operation.
Diane Cha Ching: The good news about the election is that Trump and Bannon clearly don't have the clout they delude themselves about. The vast majority do not support Fascists, Bigots, Religious Perverts, and it looks like Crooked Donny is doing a wonderful job at destroying your Kochpublican Party.
BTW: Do you have a disorder of some sort, maybe selective attention to facts ? say voted for sleazy XXX PeePee Donny, but at the same time demonize PG Franken.
Roy Moore was fully supported by Donald Trump and Steve Bannon.
The voter turnout in AL was somewhere between 18% and 25% of registered voters. Depending on source.
Why walk on eggshells?
Rick Steves #3
Is it really good news from Alabama? Roy Moore was clearly the Hillary Clinton of opponents .
In my opinion, the republicans were actually handed a gift last night. They lost a senate seat for the next two years but they insured the removal of slimeball Al Franken from office. The announcement of Frankens replacement was carefully crafted to be done after the Alabama race results. Look for something today on that front. Franken may be the only pissed off democrat in the entire country this morning.
The republican loss also removed the legitimate argument that all republicans support child molesters which would have a far greater impact than having a southern democrat sitting in the senate for the next two years.
It will be interesting to see how Jones positions himself once he has been seated for a few months. Walking on eggshells to say the least.
My main reason for voting for Trump. I question anything the ABA supports. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Senate Republicans nominate first judge who received a unanimous "not qualified" from the American Bar Association.
Good wins over evil in Alabama. Greed will eventually kill the Republican Fascist Party. Going after Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will finally open eyes.
The "Hell" of it is; it don't square! Greed is the new religon of the uninformed/uneducated masses.
Apart from other observations
Trump is racist... he simply hates everything Obama tried to accomplish because he was colored different on his skin
These actions (clichéd) support pure, malicious, unadulterated greed and avarice simply because POTUS can!
Are those actions not deadly sins?
How does that square with evangelists and Christians within the GOP?
How about the vote totals along with percent please?
State taxes are minor compared to Federal. Those that do move out of Calfornia must be taking their income with them to Colorado if they are infact avoiding taxes. Hard to do. I left CA at 21 due to high cost of housing and traffic.
You forgot the part where people move from California to Colorado to avoid paying high state taxes. Know any of them?
Most items are taxed. Gas tax has both federal and local taxes. You left out the part about numerous other hidden taxes.
Your rent credits are only applied on a few state taxes, not Federal.
Of course when you take sentences out of context. You missed the part about Income is so low that it is below a living wage. It is really sad that the Republican Fascist Party has blocked all attempts to raise the minimum wage and take these people off of the welfare rolls. Interesting that Half of the 45% that do not pay taxes get there with tax deductions. Have you ever heard of Carried Interest tax deduction that the wealthy use and was not stopped in recent tax cut calculations? But it is very sad that in this great country the other half (22.5%) do not make the paltry amount that would put them in the taxable bracket. But You would rather squeeze it out of them. Of course Roy Moore says that the last time the country was great was when we had slavery.
Our highways are not free. They are paid for with taxes. Infrastructure is paid for with taxes. Education is not free, it is paid for with taxes. Our commons are not free, they are paid for with taxes.
#7 Mother Teresa of the Southern Tier
"The Commons" is a euphemism for free stuff. You washed up lefties want free health care, free internet, and anything you want to call "the Commons".
Another way of saying "promote the general welfare" would be "encourage good behavior ", or good wishes. "Have a nice day" :)).....You see I just promoted your general welfare. :)
@ rick Steves
Everyone pays sales tax and gas tax.
People only pay sales taxes on items that qualify.
Gas tax is only paid if you purchase fuel and following the leftie/socialist tripe, no democrats have a drivers license which is why they are not allowed to vote in states where voter ID is required.
Property tax is added in rent. The renters just do not get to deduct it.
Rent credits are issued and tax deductible in many states.
Should they pay incomt tax if the have no income?
What is your definition of no income? Are you unaware of the income tax tables?
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax
How many do you personally know that want everything for free.
Don't personally know him but he was just screwed out of a nomination and is still made over $1,000,000 in 2016.
Bernie Sanders
#5. Everyone pays sales tax and gas tax. Numerous other hidden taxes are also paid. Property tax is added in rent. The renters just do not get to deduct it. Should they pay incomt tax if the have no income? Or their income is so low that it is below living wage standards. How many do you personally know that want everything for free. You response in post #5 is so Fox News.