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  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    {{ This, he suggests, is how fascism will always take over a nation. And it seems that even President Obama is now realizing the gravity of the moment that Trump, Pence, and their enablers have brought us to. }}

    Democrats, under Bill Clinton /and/ Obama, helped pave the way for this GOP victory. By throwing the poor under the bus with expansion of the War on Drugs, so-called "Welfare Reform," and the constant yells of "save the middle class."

    Obama is a corporate shill all the way...laid down more oil
    pipelines than all the other presidents put together...prosecuted more
    whistle blowers than all the other presidents put together...carried
    on George W. Bush's draconic Patriot Act, and even expanded it,
    leading to more of our rights stripped away...big into
    fracking...pushed for the Trans Pacific Partnership...eliminated
    federal funding for abortion, offered the GOP a fat cut in Social
    Security...made permanent 94% of GW Bush's tax cuts to the rich...gave
    litigation immunity to Monsanto...chose conservatives to the Supreme
    Court...sent more troops to the Middle East...never closed
    GITMO...militarized the police...asserted the president's power to
    assassinate anyone in the world...gave amnesty to torturers and
    financial criminals (including not prosecuting any of those "too big
    to fail" banks)...created a vast police state spying operation against
    the population.

    {{ "Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God.” }}

    Well, wasn't religious fanaticism part of the problem that led to Nazism? The Catholic Church certainly kissed Hitler's ass. The simmering hatred of Jews for centuries, that was never resolved, is also a consequence. So please, don't give us this "God" BS.

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    As Benjamin Franklin is to have said, "We have a republic, if we can keep it." The extent to which this republic would advance the promise of democracy (i.e., equality of opportunity) has from the very beginning encountered deep opposition by a privileged elite. The evidence was first presented by the historian Frederick Jackson Turner and political economist Henry George in the late 19th century. With the end of the frontier era, they both wrote, the existence of "haves" and "have nots" became a permanent condition, although movement in each direction still occurred. Charles Beard documented the origins of this systemic inevitability in his book "An Economic Interpretation of the U.S. Constitution," noting that only the elite were represented at the Constitutional Convention. In the mid-1960s, another historian, Jackson Turner Main, examined wealth ownership in the mid-18th century and discovered that already much of the wealth held was inherited rather than earned.

    Social democracy and what in the United States is best described as "liberalism" kept a lid on the extremes until the emergence of the conservative right that ushered Ronald Reagan into the Presidency. We have from that time on been on a path whereby our systems of property law and taxation have exacerbated an already seriously unjust redistribution of income and wealth from producers to those who enjoy "rentier" privilege.

    We do need real tax reform, but the package now advanced will achieve an even more rapid acceleration of income and wealth concentration at the top. We need to shift the source of public revenue from the taxation of earned income, from actual capital goods (i.e, buildings, machinery, technologies) and commerce and onto unearned income and what are wrongly classified as "capital gains." Actual capital goods do not appreciate in value over time. Gains on the sale of assets such as land, commodities and financial instruments should be taxed at least as high as any other source of income.

    Ideally, public revenue should come from ground rents and economic rents, meaning the potential annual rental value of locations, of tracts of agricultural and mineral-laden lands, of the broadcast spectrum, of licenses granted to extract resources from the seas and oceans, and other natural assets with an inelastic supply (one important example being take-off and landing slots at airports).

    Edward J. Dodson, Director

    School of Cooperative Individualism

  • Tomorrow Ajit Pai Decides Whether To End Your Free And Open Internet   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Didn't read your comment before I posted mine but it would be great if cities and towns could fight back by 'eminient domaining' the internet providers telephone poles and cables on OUR sidewallks, streets, air space. - OR - Use local zoning or bylaws to stipulate conditions for using OUR streets sidewalks and airspace

  • Tomorrow Ajit Pai Decides Whether To End Your Free And Open Internet   7 years 8 weeks ago

    How good would it be if cities and towns could fight back by 'eminient domaining' the internet providers telephone poles and cables on OUR sidewallks, streets, air space. - OR - Use local zoning or bylaws to stipulate conditions for using OUR streets sidewalks and airspace

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    There is a website devoted to mostly Fox News lies. It also covers Rush Limbaugh and a few others. When was the last time that you heard and apology or correction from Trump or Fox News. One person that you would have a very difficult time finding false news from would be Rachael Maddow, she is very well researched. If she makes a mistake she owns up to it.

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Good work Diane "Pussy Hat" Chelsea Clinton Reynolds, now you only have about 2000 more of Trump's reported lies to find apologies for. But of course the main difference between these news outlets and Trump and Fox news is that they will actually report their errors and make apologies. Trump and Fox news, not so much!

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    P.S. Please don't feed the trolls.

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Benito Mussolini said, "Fascism should really be called corporatism, since it is the melding of corporation and state." I've been calling this fascism since Citizens United gave corporations 'persons' our constitutional rights and made money = speech.

    The quotes from German citizens gave me chills. It's hard to believe, as a first time commenter, how many American citizens are content with this state of affairs, and actively defending it.

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    @ #8

    Pigeons must sleep with their heads under their wings.

    Four minutes of my life I will never get back,

    The New York Times has corrected five stories on President Donald Trump’s response to the Charlottesville protests, admitting in each report to misquoting what the president said in the aftermath of the violence.

    Washington Post reporter apologizes for tweet on crowd size at Trump rally

    CNN forced to correct story after Comey’s testimony contradicts reporting

    CNN’s Reza Aslan apologizes for using profanity to describe Trump

    CNN Resignations A Sign Of The High Stakes In Covering Trump's Administration

    CNN Corrects a Trump Story, Fueling Claims of ‘Fake News’

    ABC News apologizes for ‘serious error’ in Trump report and suspends Brian Ross for four weeks

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    #7 Kend, If Trump was the slightest bit interested in "higher wages for workers" why did he hire 70 foreign workers at Mar a Lago?

    If he wanted to give "higher wages for workers" why does he not start with the minimum wage that has not been increased since 2009?

    Why is it that these trolls come on this site and complain about fake news and have nothing to back it up with. Yet they vote for a President that lies 5 times a day on average.

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    What's old is new again. History repeats itself. The master has his enthusiastic followers. Instead of Jewish people, the poor and elderly will be targeted. No gas chambers this time, A crumbling economy (by design) will suffice. Those who can't serve will be discarded to fend for themselves. They will be scorned by all who are active.

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    What I think about your article? It's true: we're already there! I warned people before the election last November that this creature in the Whitehouse is the epitome of fascism and that we are heading into Hitler times again, this time in the United States. And I predict that he will propell us into World War III. He should never have been selected!

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Gee Kend, I'd be interested in hearing a few of those apologies that news programs have given for the lies they have told about Trump. Somehow how I seemed to have missed them. If it's not too much trouble, could you just give us a few examples? I can't seem to fine them.

    When it comes to wages, why should Trump care how high the wages are for people that work for contractors that have done work for him. Hell, they can make as much as they want. No problem!! He just neglects to pay them, makes the contractor take him to court and then declares bankruptcy. Why should he care how much they make? For all he cares they can make a thousand dollars an hour! Just try to collect!!

    I'll be here waiting to hear those apologies though. If there is as many as you say, shouldn't be too much trouble to find a ton of them? We can all hardly wait!!!

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Trump calls it fake news because it is. It is unbelievable how many times news programs have to apologize for the lies they have told. To compare Trump to Nazi Germans is honestly about the lowest Thom has gone. The only thing Hilter and Trump have in common is they both wanted higher wages for workers.

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Actually it may be later than we think for survival of our democracy which is already on life support. If Trump fires Mueller and bombs Iran , which I'm convinced is already in the works, with permission from Putin of course, the distraction of a new and massive war with the 21st century version of the Persian Empire will in my opinion be the death of our democracy. I believe this because the war will most likely overlap a major economic collapse and this kind of chaos will create the perfect environment for outlets like foxaganda to manipulate the populous into making even worse decisions than Trump and Pence....much worse.

    Characters/Fascists like the Kochs are in the shadows right now directing imbeciles like Ryan and Pence to destroy the New Deal and thus throw gas on a fire already starting to rage. Chaos and economic desperation is what they want.. worked for Hitler.

    I sure hope the choice to pull us out of this nightmare will be Bernie, but fear that foxaganda weapons along with the end of net neutrality, will manipulate people into accepting a Hitler instead.

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Diane Cha Ching: Why don't you put forth some effort and explain why you stand against the will of the vast majority of citizens in this country. Go ahead and defend Crooked Donny and your Kochpublican Party.

    Lets have a debate over established facts and truth, things like McConnell filbustering Democratic Party legislation to end tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas, Trump fake University, trickle down economics, the list is endless...take your pick, but no alternative facts allowed.

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    And right on cue to validate all of Thom's points, we have none other than the #1 comment by Diane "Pussy Hat" Chelsea Clinton Reynolds!!

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    beepbeep - your nature is nasty, cruel, thoughtless, inconsiderate, inhuman

    We are aliens... where do you come from?

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    How voters SCREW THEMSELVES when they vote for Republicans

    The average life expectancy throughout the United States is 79.3 years, whereas the average life expectancy in Alabama is 75.4 years (nearly 4 years less)! This is no coincidence considering the Republican Party’s “I-have-no-god-but-money” ideology, their opposition to federal government healthcare programs, and the fact that a majority of Alabama voters have been voting for Republicans for decades until this week. By voting for screw-your-neighbor Republicans, those statistics show that a majority of Alabama voters were also SCREWING THEMSELVES!

    Feel free to publish this or to use these points in your own articles.

    Christopher C. Currie, 161 Lake Shore Drive, Pascoag, RI 02859 401-568-8266

  • Tomorrow Ajit Pai Decides Whether To End Your Free And Open Internet   7 years 8 weeks ago

    beepbeep... nasty piece of work that

  • How Democracy Dies   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Horray! We are back on the Nazi's again. Run out of material did we?

  • Tomorrow Ajit Pai Decides Whether To End Your Free And Open Internet   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Reading the reactions to the end of Net Neutrality, this may be the end of the Republican Fascist Party. They certainly do not represent the people. I cannot wait until 11/18 to vote them out.

  • Tomorrow Ajit Pai Decides Whether To End Your Free And Open Internet   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Wow, I guess I am a birdbrain. I meant eminent domain, not immanent domain. What the Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds was I thinking?

  • Tomorrow Ajit Pai Decides Whether To End Your Free And Open Internet   7 years 8 weeks ago

    Because I live in a very rural area I pay $59.99 per month for internet. Not to mention what I pay for a cell phone. This morning on local tv news they did a local poll on Net Neutrality. 78% wanted it to stay the way that it is 10% did not know what Net Neutrality is.

  • Tomorrow Ajit Pai Decides Whether To End Your Free And Open Internet   7 years 8 weeks ago

    You truly are a bird brain.

    Thanks for the laughs,

    Merry Christmas to you and your flock!

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