It appears that you posted first and were not "waiting" at the time of posting. I think the clever thing you were aiming for is, "I'll wait." The difference is pretty important.
Next, you did a fine job and probably spent some time putting that list of garbage links together. Unfortunately, nobody cares. Look up, "whataboutism" and try to grasp the idea that only gullible dolts (Fox News/Trump types) will fall for that nonsense. You have failed to make a point. Bless your heart.
The thing that sticks out to me most about all of the foxmerized righties that post on this blog, they still haven't faced the reality that they're not really winners, they're just pathetic victims being played like a violin by their own Kochbagger Party. The billionaires are laughing all the way to the Cayman Islands.
I would like to know what "fair share" is. The top 20% pay 80%. 50% of Americans do not pay Federal taxes, seems fair already. The hardest thing for me as a business owner is they keep changing the rules and it screws with my budgets. I think it should be a percentage. Say 25% of revenue. Personnel or corporate. Of course taxes would start at after minimum wage or a certain level.
Wow! Sorry I startet this crap sling if I did.... They (especially females) in states south, usually go to this. Still; No bless hearts. It's too critical now....
It wasn't the right that made Franken step down. Cosby got a trial as should any accused.
And if you falsely accuse someone you should get the punishment they would have gotten if convicted. Thats for Gloria and the false signature stunt she tried to pull.
Hot about the pussy grabber not keeping his hands to himself???? ... or does he get a pass like he gave his KKK pals "good people" at the Charlottesville protest?
Many of those questions might be about all those senators and congress critters that can't keep their hands where they belong. Not to mention all the photos and Obama awards that went to the hollywood misfits, like Harvey,Cosby,and many more.
Hot Coffee: Hiprocrisy is your Kochbagger party passing a bill that will skyrocket the national debt. Hiprocrisy is demanding dems step down for sex harassment, but not demanding an accused child rapist and self admitted sexual predator step down from his illegit presidency.
Well maybe the 1% on the left could be a good example and offer to give up the Social Security they don't need, health care would change quickly if they had to abide by the same laws and and standards we do. Don't think they would be drug testing for food stamps if they had to get tested before each check was handed out or vote was taken. No flying those jets around it's not good for the enviornment. Notice their jets are exempt from global warming. How come they get to keep their salary and benifits even after being tossed from their jobs??? No organic food for them, let them eat GMO's.
Never ending hiprocracy. Yet somehow the left thinks it all started when Trump was elected.
535 people have voted these problems into existance and they were not all on the right.
16 of the last 32 years the democrats were in office,and they had just as many banksters on the payroll.
High tax rates on the extremely wealthy are necessary to preserve representative democracy. Money is power and when that power gets abused to where it both owns controls our government, then welcome to fascism.
Contol of the message/media is the Fascist's main weapon and obviously it works on the simple minds of the rightie populous.
Hey Bachmann: Can't you come up with something more original than the rightie talking point that people want everything for free???? Nothing is a true democracy we call it the commons, "promote the general welfare of the people" familiar with that?
Well; we are gonna see tomorow about this time if $$$ is the root of political evil also, especially in Alabama. What concerns me much "Moore" (no pun intended but it expressed itself with an extra o) ; is that if, and when, progressives do win the moral arguement and control, what the money people do. As I proffered in a previous post, we have the power but it will take organization and coordination to bring the economy to it's knees. Merely 3 or 4 days of staying home, not purchasing a damn thing, not buying gas, burgers, nothing!
Will the faschist moneychangers beat us to it and colapse the economy should we gain control? I guess that's where the coporatist will have to decide "country" over evility and greed. I never in my wildest thoughts considered this crap could happen here and that we are living through it! As Thom read comments from a german after the war and has many times; the Corn got over their heads and they cannot see! No bless heart from me!
The real embarassament is a washed up leftie 1% like yourself (from the other end of the curve) will explain what is going on in America. Personally, I have no problem with people traveling in private jets, they are paying for them, they are paying the taxes. It's those 1% from your end of the curve who don't pay taxes, want everything for free, and complain about those who do pay taxes.
There are factual errors in this blog. In particular, FDR clearly understood that payroll taxes were not meant to cover SS payouts. He put them in place so workers would believe they had a stake in the program and thus more likely to defend it when it inevitably came under attack by the capitalists. He also hoped the taxes would send a message to the opposition to lay off. Some in his Administration believed that levying a tax in the midst of the depression wasn't exactly wise (i.e. that the program should just be carried by the government). FDR admitted that they were right on the economics, but his tax was a political and psychological strategy, not an economic one.
Moreover, FDR's remarks on tax fairness had nothing to do with needing that revenue to finance government spending. It is not widely known that he suspended the gold standard.
FDR took us off the gold standard domestically in 1933 to have more spending latitude to deal with the depression. - NY Fed Chair Beardsley Ruml: [With an] "...inconvertible currency, a sovereign national government is finally free of money worries and need no longer levy taxes for the purpose of providing itself with revenue... It follows that our Federal Government has final freedom from the money market in meeting its financial requirements... All federal taxes must meet the test of public policy and practical effect. The public purpose which is served should never be obscured in a tax program under the mask of raising revenue." Taxes For Revenue Are Obsolete, 1946
I am traveling internationally next month and I am sure that I will be asked embarrasing questions about what is going on in America.
Getting back to subject. Most of the 1% do not care about the rest. They live in secured communities usually behind guarded gates. They socialize in private clubs that are tax write offs. They travel in private jets. They do care that their airports and navigation systems are maintained by tax dollars. Letting CHIP (Childrens Health Insurance Program) lapse shows how much the Republican Fascists care about the poor. They want to bring children into the world but do not want them to have healthcare. How cruel can you get? Now they want the recent tax cut legislation to be paid for with cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Diane (Post #1) is on Social Security and Medicare but is so brainwashed that she will defend that. I am on Social Security and Medicare that I paid for and do not want 1 cent to go to the 1%.
Tom , I respect your knowledge of politics and passion for progressive causes, but I did think you were a little short with the lady that was critical of Democrats for not being as tough as Republicans. She was upset because Al Franken had to resign, though Trump and Moore are still in office. Even if she is wrong and like you say Democrats need to always take the "high road", it's becoming even more apparent that Republicans don't reponse to 'reason'.
Earlier you had a guess talk about the 'possiblity' of Right Wing companies controlling and having access to voting machines. This brings to question, just how far they might go to win an election and stay in power.
"Nothing about Donald Trump?" Where have you been? Whose idea was it to declare Obama an illigitimate prez because he wasn't born in the U.S.? Whose idea was it to run on a compaign to save Social Security, Medicare & Medicare, and once elected has completely flipped to finding a way to make Paul Ryan's wet dream come true? Who promised to "drain the swamp" from big corporations, then proceeded to appoint every head of Goldman Sachs to head his cabinet positions? Who said "I love all people -- rich or poor -- but in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person," he said at a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "Does that make sense? If you insist, I'll do it -- but I like it better this way." Name one person he has appointed to anything that was not uber-rich.
That last one was, of course, your supposedly rich friend (don't know how rich because he's the only president since Nixon who would not release his tax records) Donald Trump. I hope you are super rich, because with Trump at the helm, this boat is going down fast. There won't be any jobs offered by the government to improve roads and bridges because that money has to float up to the billionaires so they will have even more money to hide overseas. And those tax cuts being given to the super wealthy - they get to keep all their tax loopholes and writeoffs, but in that new tax scam by your party, we the people lose every single one of our "deductibles." Is that really fair with you? "Leftie/socialists?" What do you think Jesus was, a fascist? You're disgustingly out of step, and I have to wonder if you aren't a millionaire yourself.
Former Minnesota Gov. Arne Carlson came to Sen. Al Franken’s defense Sunday when he posted a commentary to his blog that said he is “deeply troubled by the resignation of Al Franken and the complete absence of anything resembling due process.”
Carlson, an independent-minded Republican who endorsed the presidential bids of Barack Obama in 2008 and Hillary Clinton in 2016, was elected governor in 1990 and served until 1999.
The Complete posting by Arne Carlson calling for Franken to wait for due process:
[Governor Arne Carlson Sunday, December 10, 2017And Justice for All.Recent events have brought to mind some terrifying days I experienced growing up in the Bronx. As a 6th grader, I was painfully shy with a pronounced stammer. One day, two uniformed policemen came into the classroom, looked around, and pointed to me while declaring, “We want that boy.” I was escorted to the principal’s office, planted in a chair, and asked if I knew why I was there. I stammered “no” and was told to stare at the wall clock until my memory improved. When it became clear that clock watching was not going to produce a confession, I was grilled on my whereabouts for a series of Saturdays. Fortunately, my father had formed a boys club at our church and he would take us to various points of interest in New York City. My Saturdays were covered. This only produced frustration from the officers so I was directed back to clock watching. That evening, I shared the horror with my parents who were Swedish immigrants and certainly not acquainted with the finer points of law. So my father wrote down the places and times of the boys club Saturday trips. Certainly, that would clear me they reasoned. However, the next day I was back again facing the clock. My father’s list meant nothing because the police officers had been informed by a reliable witness that two boys crawled over the school fence, broke into the school, and caused minor damage. One was identified as an Italian and the other had blond hair. Since there were few blonds in our Italian, Jewish and Irish community then it was clear that it had to be me. Of this the police were certain. On the afternoon of the second day, Mrs. McCauley, my 6th grade teacher who bore a striking resemblance to Aunt Bee of Mayberry fame, burst into the principal’s office, grabbed me by the hand and boldly declared, “I want my boy back.” Some time later, the mystery was solved and yes there was more than one blond in the Bronx. However, the pain of that memory still makes me well up. My presumption of innocence was trampled by the authorities who had certainty of their side and by a principal who was all too willing to vacate her office and her responsibility to protect her students. My parents were poor and all too trusting in authority. It was my teacher, Mrs. McCauley, who saved me from entering the juvenile system. To her courage, I owe my life.]_____________________________________________________________________
Being a victim can be painful but the answer to an injustice cannot be to create another injustice.
I am deeply troubled by the resignation of Al Franken and the complete absence of anything resembling due process.
Now reports are surfacing that Leeann Tweeden, Franken’s prime accuser, may have been coached by Roger Stone, a major Trump operator. Since there was no vetting, we only heard her story. But there has been no explanation as to why she attended a USO event in 2009 honoring Franken and was captured on tape joking around with him. This is three years after she claimed to be traumatized by Franken.
She continued in 2011 with a tweet containing a photo of her and Franken together.
This is all very troubling. A rush to judgment is, unfortunately, all too human. But a rush to punishment is totally unacceptable.
Perhaps this is a time for reconsideration. We now know that the right wing attempted to plant a false accusation with the Washington Post. On the other side, we also know that an accuser against Roy Moore of Alabama fudged the truth in her allegations.
Further, we know that Senate Democrats who asked for Franken’s resignation may have been motivated more by the politics of the Alabama Senate race than the seriousness of the allegations.
And now we have the supreme insult of New York Senator Schumer “advising” Governor Dayton on how to pick a successor. That is a certainty for GOP advertising in 2018.
It is time for all of us to sober up. Our nation is in peril with Donald Trump in the White House and Republicans yielding to his demands. We are increasingly moving towards authoritarianism and continued GOP subservience could possibly lead to the dissolution of the Mueller investigation.
While I am not always in agreement with Senator Al Franken, I firmly believe in due process which is a cornerstone of our democratic way of living. Whenever in history we abandoned it, we severely damaged ourselves. Just think about the lynching of Blacks in the South, the internment of people of Japanese descent in World War II, or the era of McCarthyism when lives were destroyed based solely on allegations.
The simple fact is that Al Franken has been the Senate’s most effective challenge to Trump and his subordinates. The possibility of any rigging by Roger Stone and his associates should cause all of us to call for a rescinding of the Franken resignation and a prompt and thorough review of all allegations by the Senate Ethics Committee.
He was elected by we, the people, and he should continue to serve until a legal determination has been made.Posted by Governor Arne Carlson at 10:45am
Actually Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds, it's you that doesn't get it and never will. But I will say, that when it comes to fart sniffing, you're the best!!!!
It appears that you posted first and were not "waiting" at the time of posting.
I think the clever thing you were aiming for is, "I'll wait." The difference is pretty important.
Next, you did a fine job and probably spent some time putting that list of garbage links together. Unfortunately, nobody cares. Look up, "whataboutism" and try to grasp the idea that only gullible dolts (Fox News/Trump types) will fall for that nonsense. You have failed to make a point. Bless your heart.
The thing that sticks out to me most about all of the foxmerized righties that post on this blog, they still haven't faced the reality that they're not really winners, they're just pathetic victims being played like a violin by their own Kochbagger Party. The billionaires are laughing all the way to the Cayman Islands.
There arn't 'arf some evil folk on this blog!
I would like to know what "fair share" is. The top 20% pay 80%. 50% of Americans do not pay Federal taxes, seems fair already. The hardest thing for me as a business owner is they keep changing the rules and it screws with my budgets. I think it should be a percentage. Say 25% of revenue. Personnel or corporate. Of course taxes would start at after minimum wage or a certain level.
Wow! Sorry I startet this crap sling if I did.... They (especially females) in states south, usually go to this. Still; No bless hearts. It's too critical now....
It wasn't the right that made Franken step down. Cosby got a trial as should any accused.
And if you falsely accuse someone you should get the punishment they would have gotten if convicted. Thats for Gloria and the false signature stunt she tried to pull.
I'm just say'in
Hot about the pussy grabber not keeping his hands to himself???? ... or does he get a pass like he gave his KKK pals "good people" at the Charlottesville protest?
Why aren't all the Senate Dems who foolishly demanded that Franken step down not demanding that Crooked Donny step down??? WTF????
Franken should never have stepped down. Was Gillibrand just eliminating competition for a future White House bid????
Many of those questions might be about all those senators and congress critters that can't keep their hands where they belong. Not to mention all the photos and Obama awards that went to the hollywood misfits, like Harvey,Cosby,and many more.
Hot Coffee: Hiprocrisy is your Kochbagger party passing a bill that will skyrocket the national debt. Hiprocrisy is demanding dems step down for sex harassment, but not demanding an accused child rapist and self admitted sexual predator step down from his illegit presidency.
Well maybe the 1% on the left could be a good example and offer to give up the Social Security they don't need, health care would change quickly if they had to abide by the same laws and and standards we do. Don't think they would be drug testing for food stamps if they had to get tested before each check was handed out or vote was taken. No flying those jets around it's not good for the enviornment. Notice their jets are exempt from global warming. How come they get to keep their salary and benifits even after being tossed from their jobs??? No organic food for them, let them eat GMO's.
Never ending hiprocracy. Yet somehow the left thinks it all started when Trump was elected.
535 people have voted these problems into existance and they were not all on the right.
16 of the last 32 years the democrats were in office,and they had just as many banksters on the payroll.
High tax rates on the extremely wealthy are necessary to preserve representative democracy. Money is power and when that power gets abused to where it both owns controls our government, then welcome to fascism.
Contol of the message/media is the Fascist's main weapon and obviously it works on the simple minds of the rightie populous.
Diane the cha ching girl! What the hell does your list have to do with Thom's post?
Hey Bachmann: Can't you come up with something more original than the rightie talking point that people want everything for free???? Nothing is a true democracy we call it the commons, "promote the general welfare of the people" familiar with that?
Well; we are gonna see tomorow about this time if $$$ is the root of political evil also, especially in Alabama. What concerns me much "Moore" (no pun intended but it expressed itself with an extra o) ; is that if, and when, progressives do win the moral arguement and control, what the money people do. As I proffered in a previous post, we have the power but it will take organization and coordination to bring the economy to it's knees. Merely 3 or 4 days of staying home, not purchasing a damn thing, not buying gas, burgers, nothing!
Will the faschist moneychangers beat us to it and colapse the economy should we gain control? I guess that's where the coporatist will have to decide "country" over evility and greed. I never in my wildest thoughts considered this crap could happen here and that we are living through it! As Thom read comments from a german after the war and has many times; the Corn got over their heads and they cannot see! No bless heart from me!
@3 Legend:
The real embarassament is a washed up leftie 1% like yourself (from the other end of the curve) will explain what is going on in America. Personally, I have no problem with people traveling in private jets, they are paying for them, they are paying the taxes. It's those 1% from your end of the curve who don't pay taxes, want everything for free, and complain about those who do pay taxes.
There are factual errors in this blog. In particular, FDR clearly understood that payroll taxes were not meant to cover SS payouts. He put them in place so workers would believe they had a stake in the program and thus more likely to defend it when it inevitably came under attack by the capitalists. He also hoped the taxes would send a message to the opposition to lay off. Some in his Administration believed that levying a tax in the midst of the depression wasn't exactly wise (i.e. that the program should just be carried by the government). FDR admitted that they were right on the economics, but his tax was a political and psychological strategy, not an economic one.
Moreover, FDR's remarks on tax fairness had nothing to do with needing that revenue to finance government spending. It is not widely known that he suspended the gold standard.
FDR took us off the gold standard domestically in 1933 to have more spending latitude to deal with the depression.
- NY Fed Chair Beardsley Ruml:
[With an] "...inconvertible currency, a sovereign national government is finally free of money worries and need no longer levy taxes for the purpose of providing itself with revenue... It follows that our Federal Government has final freedom from the money market in meeting its financial requirements... All federal taxes must meet the test of public policy and practical effect. The public purpose which is served should never be obscured in a tax program under the mask of raising revenue."
Taxes For Revenue Are Obsolete, 1946
I am traveling internationally next month and I am sure that I will be asked embarrasing questions about what is going on in America.
Getting back to subject. Most of the 1% do not care about the rest. They live in secured communities usually behind guarded gates. They socialize in private clubs that are tax write offs. They travel in private jets. They do care that their airports and navigation systems are maintained by tax dollars. Letting CHIP (Childrens Health Insurance Program) lapse shows how much the Republican Fascists care about the poor. They want to bring children into the world but do not want them to have healthcare. How cruel can you get? Now they want the recent tax cut legislation to be paid for with cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Diane (Post #1) is on Social Security and Medicare but is so brainwashed that she will defend that. I am on Social Security and Medicare that I paid for and do not want 1 cent to go to the 1%.
They must have all changed their minds when they came to realize how great Trump was going to make everything. I know I can't wait to see.
Will these individuals be included in your list?
Still waiting.
Justice is democratic Chicago
Tom , I respect your knowledge of politics and passion for progressive causes, but I did think you were a little short with the lady that was critical of Democrats for not being as tough as Republicans. She was upset because Al Franken had to resign, though Trump and Moore are still in office. Even if she is wrong and like you say Democrats need to always take the "high road", it's becoming even more apparent that Republicans don't reponse to 'reason'.
Earlier you had a guess talk about the 'possiblity' of Right Wing companies controlling and having access to voting machines. This brings to question, just how far they might go to win an election and stay in power.
"Nothing about Donald Trump?" Where have you been? Whose idea was it to declare Obama an illigitimate prez because he wasn't born in the U.S.? Whose idea was it to run on a compaign to save Social Security, Medicare & Medicare, and once elected has completely flipped to finding a way to make Paul Ryan's wet dream come true? Who promised to "drain the swamp" from big corporations, then proceeded to appoint every head of Goldman Sachs to head his cabinet positions? Who said "I love all people -- rich or poor -- but in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person," he said at a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "Does that make sense? If you insist, I'll do it -- but I like it better this way." Name one person he has appointed to anything that was not uber-rich.
That last one was, of course, your supposedly rich friend (don't know how rich because he's the only president since Nixon who would not release his tax records) Donald Trump. I hope you are super rich, because with Trump at the helm, this boat is going down fast. There won't be any jobs offered by the government to improve roads and bridges because that money has to float up to the billionaires so they will have even more money to hide overseas. And those tax cuts being given to the super wealthy - they get to keep all their tax loopholes and writeoffs, but in that new tax scam by your party, we the people lose every single one of our "deductibles." Is that really fair with you? "Leftie/socialists?" What do you think Jesus was, a fascist? You're disgustingly out of step, and I have to wonder if you aren't a millionaire yourself.
From Star Tribune today:
Former Minnesota Gov. Arne Carlson came to Sen. Al Franken’s defense Sunday when he posted a commentary to his blog that said he is “deeply troubled by the resignation of Al Franken and the complete absence of anything resembling due process.”
Carlson, an independent-minded Republican who endorsed the presidential bids of Barack Obama in 2008 and Hillary Clinton in 2016, was elected governor in 1990 and served until 1999.
The Complete posting by Arne Carlson calling for Franken to wait for due process:
[Governor Arne Carlson Sunday, December 10, 2017And Justice for All.Recent events have brought to mind some terrifying days I experienced growing up in the Bronx. As a 6th grader, I was painfully shy with a pronounced stammer. One day, two uniformed policemen came into the classroom, looked around, and pointed to me while declaring, “We want that boy.” I was escorted to the principal’s office, planted in a chair, and asked if I knew why I was there. I stammered “no” and was told to stare at the wall clock until my memory improved. When it became clear that clock watching was not going to produce a confession, I was grilled on my whereabouts for a series of Saturdays. Fortunately, my father had formed a boys club at our church and he would take us to various points of interest in New York City. My Saturdays were covered. This only produced frustration from the officers so I was directed back to clock watching. That evening, I shared the horror with my parents who were Swedish immigrants and certainly not acquainted with the finer points of law. So my father wrote down the places and times of the boys club Saturday trips. Certainly, that would clear me they reasoned. However, the next day I was back again facing the clock. My father’s list meant nothing because the police officers had been informed by a reliable witness that two boys crawled over the school fence, broke into the school, and caused minor damage. One was identified as an Italian and the other had blond hair. Since there were few blonds in our Italian, Jewish and Irish community then it was clear that it had to be me. Of this the police were certain. On the afternoon of the second day, Mrs. McCauley, my 6th grade teacher who bore a striking resemblance to Aunt Bee of Mayberry fame, burst into the principal’s office, grabbed me by the hand and boldly declared, “I want my boy back.” Some time later, the mystery was solved and yes there was more than one blond in the Bronx. However, the pain of that memory still makes me well up. My presumption of innocence was trampled by the authorities who had certainty of their side and by a principal who was all too willing to vacate her office and her responsibility to protect her students. My parents were poor and all too trusting in authority. It was my teacher, Mrs. McCauley, who saved me from entering the juvenile system. To her courage, I owe my life.]_____________________________________________________________________
Being a victim can be painful but the answer to an injustice cannot be to create another injustice.
I am deeply troubled by the resignation of Al Franken and the complete absence of anything resembling due process.
Now reports are surfacing that Leeann Tweeden, Franken’s prime accuser, may have been coached by Roger Stone, a major Trump operator. Since there was no vetting, we only heard her story. But there has been no explanation as to why she attended a USO event in 2009 honoring Franken and was captured on tape joking around with him. This is three years after she claimed to be traumatized by Franken.
She continued in 2011 with a tweet containing a photo of her and Franken together.
This is all very troubling. A rush to judgment is, unfortunately, all too human. But a rush to punishment is totally unacceptable.
Perhaps this is a time for reconsideration. We now know that the right wing attempted to plant a false accusation with the Washington Post. On the other side, we also know that an accuser against Roy Moore of Alabama fudged the truth in her allegations.
Further, we know that Senate Democrats who asked for Franken’s resignation may have been motivated more by the politics of the Alabama Senate race than the seriousness of the allegations.
And now we have the supreme insult of New York Senator Schumer “advising” Governor Dayton on how to pick a successor. That is a certainty for GOP advertising in 2018.
It is time for all of us to sober up. Our nation is in peril with Donald Trump in the White House and Republicans yielding to his demands. We are increasingly moving towards authoritarianism and continued GOP subservience could possibly lead to the dissolution of the Mueller investigation.
While I am not always in agreement with Senator Al Franken, I firmly believe in due process which is a cornerstone of our democratic way of living. Whenever in history we abandoned it, we severely damaged ourselves. Just think about the lynching of Blacks in the South, the internment of people of Japanese descent in World War II, or the era of McCarthyism when lives were destroyed based solely on allegations.
The simple fact is that Al Franken has been the Senate’s most effective challenge to Trump and his subordinates. The possibility of any rigging by Roger Stone and his associates should cause all of us to call for a rescinding of the Franken resignation and a prompt and thorough review of all allegations by the Senate Ethics Committee.
He was elected by we, the people, and he should continue to serve until a legal determination has been made.Posted by Governor Arne Carlson at 10:45am
Actually Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds, it's you that doesn't get it and never will. But I will say, that when it comes to fart sniffing, you're the best!!!!