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  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Hi students! I rarely ask groupmates to help with my assignment, let alone ordering them online. service shows all of its professional approaches every time you start working with them. Starting from a simple proofreading/editing and finishing with sophisticated papers like term papers or dissertations, this writing service is really flawless.

  • The blowback over masks is just the latest faux conservative outrage   4 years 30 weeks ago

    I have written and called several retailers and stated that by not requiring masks they are not protcting their employers or customers. They repsond that they are following required laws. The laws need to be changed. But Costco does required masks and it protecting its employees and customers.

  • The blowback over masks is just the latest faux conservative outrage   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Breathing - The Air we live in, Facemasks, Hypoxia Hyperbole

    First of all let's understand the air we breathe: The atmosphere is composed of oxygen gas, water vapor, nitrogen gas, carbon dioxide gas, and the other gases that occupy 0.97 % of the air volume. Oxygen represents 21 % of the air volume. Carbon dioxide gas represents about 0.03 % of the volume of the atmosphere. Nitrogen is 78 % of the volume of the atmosphere. That’s where we start the breathing process.

    So what comes out as we exhale? What we exhale is still 78 percent nitrogen, now 16 percent oxygen, 0.09 percent argon, and 4 percent carbon dioxide. So, our exhaled air still has Oxygen that is four times greater than the CO2!! In addition the oxygen exhaled (16%) is still three times more than what was taken by the body (21-16 = 5) during that breath. I could re-breath the same breath 3 times before depleting the available oxygen from our air.

    Now Imagine breathing with a facemask exposed to the same ‘fresh’ air. A small portion of what you exhale, which still includes three times more oxygen than your lungs will absorb and more CO2, that is not used, remains between the mask and and your face. This left over exhalation is then mixed with regular air with higher oxygen content from the surrounding air during your next inhale.

    If i were placed in an air tight container like a cave where the entrance has collapsed, I would eventually suffer hypoxia and eventual die. However, with a face mask, and unlike the cave, I still have access to normal air and it’s ever present oxygen.

    I also have an oximeter and it showed no difference in my blood O2 levels between wearing and not wearing a face mask. Now I understand why that works out that way. There’s plenty of oxygen available.

    I really wish we could ignore the evil that is tearing our nation apart and dividing us with nonsense, pseudo-science, and outright lies.

    Everyone left of the TEA Party needs to ignore this BS and unite to defeat the evil destroying America!!!

  • Bill Barr is covering up for Donald Trump - and posing a dire threat to democracy   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Since taking office in February 2019, Mr Barr has become one of the president’s most effective and controversial appointees. He has worked to undermine the Russia investigation that hung over the first two years of Mr Trump’s presidency and to block efforts by Democrats in Congress to investigate the administration. affordable electricians he even served as a sort of field commander for the president, marshalling federal forces in the capital to quell the protests and riots that followed the killing of George Floyd by police last month. In doing so, Mr Barr has helped to shore up the presidency of a man whose instincts about executive authority largely align with the attorney-general’s own long-held beliefs. But he has also triggered an extraordinary backlash, including from within his own Department of Justice. Last week, two current serving prosecutors testified before Congress that the attorney-general had bent the DoJ to his own political and personal whims, including in cases linked to Mr Trump. Their testimony followed two open letters this year signed by thousands of former justice department lawyers calling on Mr Barr to resign. For his many critics, Mr Barr is one of the Trump administration’s great villains, perhaps even more so than the president himself. Donald Ayer, a former top Republican justice department official who served with Mr Barr in the George HW Bush administration, told Congress last week that the attorney-general was a danger to the country. “I believe that William Barr poses the greatest threat in my lifetime to our rule of law and to public trust in it,” he said, explaining why he had come to testify. “That is because he does not believe in its core principle that no person is above the law. Instead, since taking office, he has worked to advance his life-long conviction that the president should hold virtually autocratic powers.”

  • How Do We Prevent Trump Loving Republicans From Reinventing Themselves?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Up thread, a poster stated," Time to stop pretending".

    Good advice, I hope the poster follows his/her own recommendations...:)

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Captain Henery Wirtz, discussed in the above link, was punished for war crimes. We have a few modern day, so-called VIPs, who need to suffer the same trials for their complicity in this nations modern era war crimes. For me, as a vet, ( US Army 66' to 69'. I will NEVER fly the American flag with any pride, until that occurs..

  • Will America Recover from the Rightwing Billionaire's War Against Us?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Nice blog
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  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    If you think that Confederate Generals should be honored read this.

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    avn013: You seem to be laying out the case for relativism, whereby reality is dependent upon one's subjective perceptions. Having put a lot of thought into it while expressing quite well with strong reasoning your sense of German history and what constitutes collective responsibility "in violating the basic (and hardwired) human right to life" is much appreciated. It brings to mind a quote attributed to various authors made famous by John F. Kennedy: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” An excellent book on the subject is "They Thought They Were Free" by Milton Mayer.

    When looking at a tree, do you "see" the actual living tree in all of its glory or merely the reflection of it filtered through fragmented thoughts?

    Although I hesitate to delve into the metaphysical aspects on a political blog of what it means for an individual to be fully conscious, aware not only of our common surroundings but also of one's own mind as it relates to life in general, which courses through ourselves as well as outwardly in all living things (the greatest mystery and our most precious possession), I do think that as we relate to one another on the everyday pragmatic level in society it is important to accept as true a certain set of facts and shared experiences that can be agreed upon as right or wrong. The Holocaust was wrong. Slavery was wrong. Not responding intelligently to a pandemic is wrong. Billionaires buying politicians and controlling the media is wrong. Polluting the planet is wrong. Etcetera.

    Why? Because such actions destroy life and the goodness of it. Sometimes an answer is so simple it defies any attempt to explain it further or to rationalize it according to one's particular conditioning, try as we might.

    Forgoing the deeper philosophical aspect, an example of what I meant on a more generic level regarding ignorance versus willful ignorance is that of a doctor and a patient. Is the patient stupid because he or she is not as knowledgeable about medical science as the doctor is? No. Is the patient stupid if he or she refuses to follow the advice of the doctor? Yes.

    Again: Destroying Confederate monuments isn’t ‘erasing’ history. It’s learning from it. Defenders of the memorials are the ones trying to forget the past.

    Again: If Southerners and dead-enders want to appreciate their treacherous and bloodthirsty history, then their repugnant memorabilia should be relegated to museums, as Auschwitz has become, where it can be thoroughly scrutinized in the proper historic context as the scourge that it is. That hurtful and bigoted crap does not deserve a place of honor in our public spaces!


  • Will America Recover from the Rightwing Billionaire's War Against Us?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    COVID made our live terrible, specially in US. Now am making essay about this, its very deep topic, so I collaborate with Its greate to have someone who can advise and follow you with this difficult writing work.

  • Will America Recover from the Rightwing Billionaire's War Against Us?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    The Randification of the U$A is almost complete. If COVID 45 wins another term, the experiment with American democracy could be over, and a new era of feudalism gains ascendancy, with the corporate form being the new masters.

    " I hope we shall crush in it's birth, the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."

    Thomas Jefferson November 12th 1816

    Very prescient statement..

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    @deepspace: "willful ignorance"? How is it possible that can one prove that someone else chooses to be ignorant? Is willfully ignorant?

    IMO “ignorance” itself is a limit difficult to reach. Absolute knowledge is the “opposite” limit that is also difficult to reach. By definition (?), what we know is based on the information we have available and on our brain’s structure. The latter is “shaped” genetically (DNA) and by experience, usually serendipitous and circumstantial events. How the mind emerges from the brain is a mystery to me. Is the mind “free to choose”? If yes, then AI still has a looong way to go, and most probably will never get there. This case leaves plenty of room for some type of consciousness, soul (and in ancient philosophy some people believed that soul was material!). If not, then bye-bye free will, we are more like sophisticated robots that think they can think autonomously. In this case AI is certain to catch up with us and possibly to supercede us. If that is part of evolution, a new species is certain to appear.

    I have a different reading for Germany. Germans as a people voted Hitler ( and his “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei” (aka Nazi party) in. His party, in some respects, could be considered left of Bernie Sanders. German people expected that this time (WWII) would eventually become the great nation they always aspired to be (and in many senses they deserve it, as much as the French, Russians, English and pretty much everyone else). However, not only the lost, but they lost severely. On top of that they will find out about the holocaust. Many new it (they were working there), more suspected it, but the extent of the genocide and the methodical, scientific methods applied to erase human lives to zero, I think was beyond the imagination not only of many Germans but of most of humanity in general. Past history has had genocides and genocides. I think what distinguishes this one is the scientific method used. Science till then and till the two nuclear bombs (which we have yet to apologize) was much higher respected by the average person anywhere. My impression is that unlike most (all?) of the Allies (“winners”), Germans felt that they were guilty not so much for starting (once again) a war (Europe’s, favorite past time), but for realizing their collective responsibility in exterminating their own people (in Germany and in conquered places) (to whom prisoners of war “belong”? To whom people of a conquered place “belong”?), i.e. in violating the basic (and hardwired) human right to life. IMO Germany had accepted this guilt and tried to rectify to the extent possible (how can a society “rectify” enough, is another story). That is why Nazi monuments have been erased. (And hopefully, nothing similar will be erased anew in Germany all in other places, but we humans, sometimes tend to forget or even re-interpret after a few generations). In this respect, my reading of the resistance to erase the monuments, is still controversial. If the vast majority of USA-ians thinks that any monuments represent an ugly part of their history, which has been resolved then the monuments will be replaced by the others that reflect the current attitude on the same topic or other. If the vast majority believes that these monuments are an appropriate reflection of their selves (as presumably was the feeling when the monuments were built), then they stay. If the community is split then dialogue starts. Violence may be a mean of expression (acceptable or not), but if it is not accompanied by some form of dialogue it usually makes things worse. Division into Yankee and Dixie states(communities) is not necessarily a division between “Black lives matter” and its negation. I would be surprised if there exists a monument that most of people strongly believes that it glorifies slavery. Hm, if “slavery” can also mean “cheap labour”, well, I don't know, I would not be very surprised. Are there monuments that remind us that slavery is a dark piece of our history that should not be repeated? If yes, how many and where? Can we install some more, just for the education of the next generation?

    Dividing people into ignorants and knowledgeable, or “willful ignorants” and “not-willful ignorant” etc, neither differs much from the orange-great-Divider’s divisions in to “patriots” and “enemies of MAGA”, nor from his “inclusive” policy of “well both sides were violent” (2017?, 2018?)

    So, this time I will disagree. The “beauty/ugliness lies in the eye of the beholder”.

    @whatabout. I agree. Fear is the first enemy in the path of knowledge. ("The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge" , Carlos Castaneda, 1968)

  • Will America Recover from the Rightwing Billionaire's War Against Us?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    The only way these forces of greed and evil can be stopped is to deny them their power as Franklin Roosevelt said. That means progressives must come out and vote in droves no matter how difficult through voter suppression that the Republican Party and right-wing media make it by discouraging us from performing our patriotic duty, from keeping the beating heart of democracy beating. But that is only the first battle; after celebrating victory at the polls, we should not rest on our laurels thinking that we won the war, that all is good. Fighting fascism on all fronts is a never-ending struggle.

  • Wednesday 02 December '09 show notes   4 years 30 weeks ago

    j'adore Bali et tout particulèrement les Sac Balinais

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    By "lighted" does he mean to set on fire? };--)))

    Alongside the Stars and Stripes, a lot of Stars and Bars are proudly displayed by so-called "patriots." That's the flag of despicable traitors and losers who took up arms against their own "guvmunt" -- the very definition of treason. And they were roundly defeated, after much death and destruction, just like the Nazis in Germany.

    The ubiquitous Confederate battle flag is a prominent symbol of racism and hate, which good citizens should commemorate by spitting on it and burning it in the public square this Fourth of July, along with tearing down all the traitorous monuments of the losers, most of which were erected during the Jim Crow era in the backlash against the Reconstruction period, well after the Civil War ended. Why must the American People still endure such backward, discredited attitudes more than a century and a half later?

    If Southerners and dead-enders want to appreciate their treacherous and bloodthirsty history, then all their repugnant memorabilia should be relegated to museums, like Auschwitz has become, where it can be thoroughly scrutinized in the proper historic context as the scourge that it is. That hurtful and bigoted crap does not deserve a place of honor in our public spaces!

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Interesting last paragraph on Whatabutts #9 post. We have lots of right wingers in my neighborhood that think flying the American flag makes them more patriotic. Yet, they fly it night and day without it being lit. We even had 1 neighbor that would fly the Betsy Ross 13 star flag. Also flew an American flag with the Coiled snake and "Do not Tread on Me" printed over the stars and stripes. In other words a defaced American Flag. Is this patriotic?

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Whatabout evidently is claiming a special privilege by expecting that the content of his posts can never be challenged, which he conflates falsely with an ad hominem attack. If one reads my post carefully (which is now #4) with any degree of comprehension, it is clear that the general attitudes of racists and bigots are being disputed, as they should be whenever they crop up. If whatabout identifies with those attitudes, which he obviously does by his own words, then so be it -- it's a conflict of his own making. If I used the same metric of logical fallacy that he is employing, then his last post immediately above (unless he again changes the sequence by "editing") could be equally interpreted as an ad hominem attack.

    Still, the question remains: Why would whatabout edit an existing comment already set in place, knowing that it will screw up the order of the thread when someone else has posted another comment/reply after him? Wouldn't it be much easier and more logical simply to post an additional comment in the proper order -- respecting the sequential integrity of the thread -- if he felt the need to further explain his position? Imagine what a confusing jumble of disjointed responses and replies and thoughts that the comment section of this blog would become if everyone employed the same tactic of editing that whatabout has. How could a hapless reader who comes by to visit make any sense of such a hodgepodge of gibberish? Or is that the point?

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago
  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago


    I ask again that you do something with your posters that continually attack or complain about other posters because they do not agree with their point of view.

    Mr/Ms. Deepspace being a prime example.

    Everyone can clearly see I duly noted my edited post hours later after hearing Thom's show and the reason I did so was to point out that Thom was agreeing with me that the tearing down of statues of our American history was a blatant attempt to erase the fact it ever happened. My edit kept everything in my post in context. If some posters were not so busy posting ad hominem attacks that would be very apparent to them.

    As for posters whining and complaining about editing or having a polite contrary opinion to that of our host which I understand is within the rules, I find their actions by attacking the opinions of others to be a childish cry for attention and that is specifically against the rules as you have clearly pointed out to that individual in the past.

    Please take up this matter with the offending individual and just a note to anyone here with their panties in a wad, if I edit any of my posts it will be noted and for a reason that is apparent to all but those who constantly raise their hand shouting "pick me first, pick me first".

    Thank you Moderator for your prompt attention to this request.

    Happy Fourth of July everybody and remember the flags go up at sunrise and come down at sunset unless they are lighted.

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    whatabout skipped his comment ahead, flipping #s 4 and 5 so that they are now out of logical order, by editing it rather than just posting a new comment, which would have kept the posts in the proper sequence. Several hours had passed between his original post and his edit job, which also significantly changed the content, so it was obviously done on purpose to confuse readers. How childish -- the petty tactic of an intellectually dishonest troll, who can't defend his own words when challenged.

  • Will America Recover from the Rightwing Billionaire's War Against Us?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Greed is good!

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago


    Chinese civil war at 1940? Are you sure? I just checked wikipedia:

    The CCW was civil war "lasting intermittently between 1927 and 1949". Neither armistice,nor peace treaty. Legally still debatable if it has been ended. Go figure out who won.

    Presumably, (please correct me if wrong), you believe "communism" is defacto Evil, and trying to "prove" it a posteriori, by implying that the "Good" side, i.e. the side fighting "communism" won, is simply a cyclic kind of argument, which may satisfy your beliefs, but for some others proves nothing.

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    @ 5 Agreed!!

    Why tear them down? IMO, leave them defaced, and put up a larger plaque explaining the truth, and why they're defaced, and not worthy of praise.

    Instead of vandalism, it could be a learning moment for someone.

  • The Russia bounty scandal shows how close Trump is to destroying America altogether   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Bounties on troops? Even if true, did we(USA), not hire and supply Osama to kill Russian troops in Afghanistan? "What goes around, comes around", no whining please!!

    Currently, our biggest problem is COVID-45!!

  • How Do We Pry the Confederate Monuments Out Of Trump's Tiny Hands?   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Thom, I am always mystified by the left's attempts to erase or adjust the parts of history they don't personally accept as fact.

    I do understand that in some people's eyes statues and monuments can be offensive but I think a more rational and adult approach might be the addition of a large plaque placed right beside the offending statue or monument stating why some people find them objectionable.

    On the flip side, I would love to get your position on the destruction or removal of say, MLK monuments all over the country.

    Fools and uninformed children support the removal of the parts of our countries history just because they are unhappy with their presence. They happened, and rather than being destructive, how about growing up and make better choices such as understanding that was part of who we have become today and the process will continue to evolve.

    Being afraid of statues or monuments is a terrible way to go through life.

    A quick edit and thank you for at about the 54-minute mark in hour two of your show today, did I hear you say you want selected statues torn down and melted, the concrete bases broken up and then erased or wiped from history forever?

    I was driving at the time but I will try to find your exact words online. If I am correct, you just drove home the point I was making in my post. If I am in error, I apologize in advance.

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