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  • To Keep Americans Safe, We Have To Get Billionaires and Money Out Of Politics   4 years 29 weeks ago

    Woops! sorry

  • To Keep Americans Safe, We Have To Get Billionaires and Money Out Of Politics   4 years 29 weeks ago

    # 1poster asked; "When does the greed stop?"

    Answer; When "we the people" re-regulate. So, don't hold your breath.

    The oligarchs have "bought and paid for" the majority of both parties, and this upcoming election can't change much, unless there's a hugh responce by the electorate.

    We'll see..

  • To Keep Americans Safe, We Have To Get Billionaires and Money Out Of Politics   4 years 29 weeks ago

    # 1poster asked; "When does the greed stop?"

    Answer; When "we the people" re-regulate. So, don't hold your breath.

    The oligarchs have "bought and paid for" the majority of both parties, and this upcoming election can't change much, unless there's a hugh responce by the electorate.

    We'll see..

  • To Keep Americans Safe, We Have To Get Billionaires and Money Out Of Politics   4 years 29 weeks ago

    # 1poster asked; "When does the greed stop?"

    Answer; When "we the people" re-regulate. So, don't hold your breath.

    The oligarchs have "bought and paid for" the majority of both parties, and this upcoming election can't change much, unless there's a hugh responce by the electorate.

    We'll see..

  • To Keep Americans Safe, We Have To Get Billionaires and Money Out Of Politics   4 years 29 weeks ago

    # 1poster asked; "When does the greed stop?"

    Answer; When "we the people" re-regulate. So, don't hold your breath.

    The oligarchs have "bought and paid for" the majority of both parties, and this upcoming election can't change much, unless there's a hugh responce by the electorate.

    We'll see..

  • It's Time To Tax Money Bins!   4 years 29 weeks ago

    Edward Dodson: Kudos.

  • It's Time To Tax Money Bins!   4 years 29 weeks ago

    vetinla: I agree if we all have the same total income.

    A 10% tax rate on an annual $13,000 total income will bring the person below the poverty line. On $130,000,000 it is simply tickling the person. The former income needs much less police protection than the latter. In the next generation the offsprings following the inhertance laws of taday, who will have had a significantly different starting line, will get a different financial boost. Run this algorithm for a couple of generations and social coherence is likely to deteriorate.

    Andrew Youngs' proposal of UBI (aka freedom dividend), an idea much older than Andrew, which has been applied selectively in Alaska for the last few decades, is a right step for fixing the problem at the low end: what is our acceptable minimum standard of living for each and everyone fellow citizen under current technological advances? At the other end the question is: what is the tax rate for our fellow citizens whose annual income has exceeded expectations given our current technological advances? The obvious answer is the excess income (not the total) should be taxed at a rate below 100%. For example 94%.Tax rate for the part of the total income which is the UBI should be zero 0%. For the next brackets it should be what IRS thinks are reasonable tax rates and should becthe same for all independent of total income. Pissible exceptons should be well justified by court decisions.

  • Will Forcing Kids and Teachers Back to School Be Trump's Waterloo?   4 years 29 weeks ago

    , Thom, I heard the former Secretary of Education under Obama, on Rachel Maddox show, say that trump does not have the power or authority to demand that schools reopen across the country. I think most people do not want harm to their children and teachers surely have some say in this. Please stop catastrophizing, if that is a word. I really much prefer your intelligent and reasoned discussions and arguments, leaving out the shouting. Love you, stay well.

  • Will Forcing Kids and Teachers Back to School Be Trump's Waterloo?   4 years 29 weeks ago

    “But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.”

    --Sinclain Levis, It Can't Happen Here

  • Will Forcing Kids and Teachers Back to School Be Trump's Waterloo?   4 years 29 weeks ago

    I agree, people get it with their kids. When he threatens to withhold school money unless they put them at risk it will be impossible to ignore the implications. Mr. T. is sounding more and more like Hitler in the bunker, ordering Germany to go down with him. In 1945 most of his officers ignored that level of madness, and perhaps history will repeat itself here.

  • Will Forcing Kids and Teachers Back to School Be Trump's Waterloo?   4 years 29 weeks ago

    Stealing God's children away from their families, caging them like animals in inhumane conditions indefinitely, and then destroying the records of their relatives was not outrageous enough to cause Trump's political enablers to pay a price with their base, who gleefully cheered them on -- USA, USA, USA!

    The fiery-eyed hypocrites who loudly proclaim "God and Country" as their raison d'être continually violate the core teachings of not only their nation's basic principals -- Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, -- but also the admonishments of their own Saviour: Luke 17:2 - It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

    The wickedness of the impeached Donald John Trump and the subhuman creatures with whom he surrounds himself knows no bounds. A staggering death toll, ravaging destruction, and the godless violation of innocents will be their enduring legacy.

  • It's Time To Tax Money Bins!   4 years 29 weeks ago

    I would be content if we ALL paid the same percentage in federal taxes based on TOTAL income. Period., full stop...

  • To Keep Americans Safe, We Have To Get Billionaires and Money Out Of Politics   4 years 29 weeks ago

    Biden will have perhaps the most difficult job of any president before him, cleaning up the near-hopeless mess left by four years of radical Republican fascism, even worse than the widespread disorder after eight years of the Cheney-Bush, economy-busting war regime that Obama had to face.

    But in the relentless barrage of Trumpian lunacy dominating the headlines ad nauseam, let us not fail to keep our eye on the gravest danger facing all of us at this late date, magnitudes worse than any other:

    "When does the greed stop?"

    Billionaires exemplify that one trait all too common in the collective psyche of humanity -- the unfettered greed that is ultimately responsible for virtually all the ills of civilization, and that is on track to kill not only the two hundred thousand-plus in Trump's Un-united States of America by this election day but the potentially hundreds of millions! by the future election days (if any) of our children, grandchildren, and their children.

    According to all the scientific data available to this generation of Homo sapiens, it seems that our very survival, and likely that of most other species clinging desperately to Mother Earth, primarily depends on the evolution of human thought in the aggregate and a deep understanding of why our inner dilemma of selfishness and greed is universally destructive in every possible way -- so that we can end it altogether as a guiding force in society.

  • Blowing the lid off the billionaires' big con - and its deadly link to the coronavirus pandemic   4 years 29 weeks ago

    Thom Hartmann: Back in 2013,, “Giri and Gimu - Where Money REALLY Came From” your explanation about where money came from is IMO most probably true, at least as a concept. I think that if I replace money with tax then what you said appears to be an excellent interpretation of why taxes exist: Tax is imposed on a transaction (between 2 or more members of a society), so that the society as a whole has enough resources to protect and support these transactions (by making sure that the field is level, that infrastructure exists to facilitate the two parties of the transaction fulfill the exchange as smoothly as possible). However, this seems to be just an opinion, which I share fully, but I would like some hard-core proof for it. You know a lot of people, why can't you convince a true economist to listen to you long enough to be convinced and give us the hard core data that support this point of view. (The justification of this opinion with giri and gimmu is a joke for someone who understands these words. Actually, I learned the word giri by example while in Japan, but I had also the advantage that in my mother tongue this word exists. English on the other hand lacks this word. Potlatch is something completely different. Giri is not an obligation and has little to do with exchange of gifts. For example during Christmas a lot of people exchange gifts but they may have or may not have giri. I can not say much about gimmu, because I was not taught it by example (sure is a giri related to parents, but exactly what is another story). And Japanese (at least most of them) consider nijou a nobler form of giri. So, nihou, gimmu giri. All of them translated as “obligation”, “duty” in some ethical or “higher form” sense in English. But, all of them are not translatable in English and other languages (but there should be exceptions (Chinese? Korean? Are my guesses).

    Your todays’ comment seems to imply that tax should be imposed on something that does NOT involve a transaction. I strongly disagree. This is a “legal” way for governments to steal money and property. Is is only a step from charging us for breathing (we already have to pay for water, a place to sleep, a place to pee, and for survival food, which are contrary to the spirit of any society. Of course, nowadays humans have matured enough that only is some places people still die from thirst and lack of food). This “legal way” has been applied for years, and as you rightly write has deteriorated in more suffering for those below the “millionaire” status. On the other hand going back to the “republican” “standard” of taxing annual incomes over few millions with a rate of 95% (individuals, companies) is the right way to go. This means that IRS has the means to check and enforce these rates. Billionaires who do not like this deal should have the option to take their money bin and go wherever they please for ~10 years (to be ostracised), while their assets non-monetary assets within USA territory are frozedn for the same amount of time, in case the come back (with whatever is left of their bin). Despite our decline in democratical values, the deterioration of politics, indifference of voters, indifference in active participation in the “common things” I still believe that USA is one of the top places to live, because (from my experience) most people at least have several of their fundamental rights respected (especially if they are not black or other minority). Where the billionaires may go? Putin’s Russia is doing well and could do with some money bins, especially these days that oil price is down and there is military (expensive as we know from Afghanistan and other “excursions in the neighborhood). Xi’s China, has made a lot of progress towards capitalism, but still has a long way to democratize its communism. And for those who love the everyday excitement, there is Libya, Syria etc. As for Europe, well I wonder how much tax they will be paying there and what their fringe benefits will be. But that’s not my problem.

    ‘Back in 2011……. "I don't want to be a rich man in a poor country."’

    Hmm. I may believe the story if a link with the interview is posted. Although, I will agree with the “conclusion” (Trevor Noah,, “Thomas Piketty - Why Capitalism Must Be Reformed | The Daily Social Distancing Show”), I think the story is made up. Why a German? Why not a Norwegian? Because they have monarchy? Why not a Swiss then? Switzerland ahs been a democracy for as along as she existed, and the tax evasion rate is lower than that of Germany.

  • The Washington Post Reveals Cracks in Healthcare   4 years 29 weeks ago

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  • Blowing the lid off the billionaires' big con - and its deadly link to the coronavirus pandemic   4 years 29 weeks ago

    Yes, it is true in part rationalized by their campaign to "Starve the Beast," as if their tax cheating is appropriate since all government is bad. THE REAL PROBLEM HERE IS THAT PEOPLE ARE BAD, and that just cannot be denied. The Pollyanna who sings cumbaya, is seen as just as big an idiot in the minds of the poor whites. Therefore, the paradigm against government, is partly true, which is why the poor white dolts vote against their own interests. The real problem here is that the fascists use bits of truth and hammer them into the heads of those who are rightly mad, but just do not know who to turn to, so they listen to their preachers and so-called conservatives, as they see the kind of debauchery that the liberal media brings them daily. They see intellectuals as the tool of Satan, and the may be have a point since Democrats have been complicit, up to now. Let's not forget that Clinton signed lots of deregulation, particularly the Banksters. And although Obama sure looked the part and gave a good speech, he brought back the same banksters who caused the Great Recession. At the top of both parties are just a bunch of lying lawyers who are akin to tag team wrestlers who are two cheeks on the same arse, the America of you and me that gave us this current witches brew.

  • Blowing the lid off the billionaires' big con - and its deadly link to the coronavirus pandemic   4 years 29 weeks ago

    This is my favorite story Thom tells; he always knows true wisdom when he hears it.

    The Libertarians magical thinking, and the Conservative's inability to grasp nuance makes it improbable they will ever understand. They get the hardship when it lands on their doorstep. It is how their brains function, literally. It has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence or education, and that's the mistake many people from the left make.

    Apathy is our true enemy. If you can teach one young person today that politics affects everything they do every day of their life, you will have made progress. By the looks of the of the youth in the streets, we are making progress and history. I hate the sacrifice, but love those young, old, and in-between who want to reclaim our humanity. TAG-YOU'RE IT!

  • Blowing the lid off the billionaires' big con - and its deadly link to the coronavirus pandemic   4 years 29 weeks ago

    People are more agitated because of the pandemic. They don't trust the government's effort. nugenix

  • It's Time To Tax Money Bins!   4 years 29 weeks ago

    People with property already pay property tax. This is aimed at people who hold their wealth in other forms who don't currently pay tax on it.

  • Can Americans Stop the Republican Party and Their Billionaire Lifeline Before Another Hundred Thousand Americans Die?   4 years 29 weeks ago

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  • It's Time To Tax Money Bins!   4 years 29 weeks ago

    lYes, the Rich have successfully, cut the legs off the IRS, and their buddies in Congress have manipulated IRS regulations to give them to ability to pay,very low, or no taxes. This has to change. I support what the Pres. Eisenhower admin did, 94% tax on the rich, our economy bloomed and created the middle class.

  • It's Time To Tax Money Bins!   4 years 29 weeks ago

    Hope this isn't being designed against all homeowners, as I've paid off my modest home, live on "Social Security", and get by. Don't need nor can afford more taxes. On homes for the rich, yes? They use All Americans money to flout themselves as better than anyone else and support abuses against everyone. A Flat Tax for those making above say, $500,000 a year, to help other buy modest homes, would certainly help millions in this country.

  • It's Time To Tax Money Bins!   4 years 29 weeks ago

    Thom, You need to research on why property taxes exist and what they actually cover. You also mistakenly assume that the uber rich live in or own only one residence, pay no sales taxes, donate no money, own one vehicle, or employ any outside contractors and services to manage their lavish lifestyle.

    The only idea posted here that makes any sense is a Wall Street transaction tax which could and should be used to pay down our national debt with no other option for it to be allocated elsewhere. Politicians see a new revenue stream and they cannot control themselves. That transaction tax could be a fraction of a penny per share on each share traded and it would bring in billions of needed revenue.

    The idea that makes sense that has never been posted here is a hard look at the reduction in the size of our overall Government and its many redundant departments.

  • It's Time To Tax Money Bins!   4 years 29 weeks ago

    Not only do the wealthy not pay as much in tax. The IRS does not even audit them because the returns are too complicated. Corporations are not audited either. It is simple, you hire a tax attorney or consultant for 100000 and he saves you a million.

  • It's Time To Tax Money Bins!   4 years 30 weeks ago

    Speaking of taxes... wouldn't a tax on securities trades bring in a whole bundle of loot?

    I would think that kind of tax would tap into the largest category of "money" in the world, dozens or hundreds of trillions of dollars are held by speculators. A tax on buying and selling securities might be able to fund the entire U.S. budget, or health care for all, or free schools...


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