Neither the Virus Nor Trump-ism Can Be Wished Away
In order to beat the virus, we study science. In order to beat Trump-ism we need to study some political science. And that starts by knowing our enemies. Trump and his allies ( here and abroad) are performing as enemies to the founding principles of the Constitution. Why is that? Who are his allies?
Americans can all agree we don’t want a dictatorship here in the USA. Yet there seems to be no facility or viable process to challenge our POTUS even after we hear his words siding with dictators over our allies – and even over our own intelligence. It is madness for us to permit this kind of behavior from anyone, let alone our military commander. How powerful is this cabal of global dictators that Trump seems to belong to? To understand that, this map is instructive:
As you can see, Russia, China, and most of the Middle East and Africa are dictatorships. I’ve made the Trump USA orange, and dubbed it a dysfunctional democracy. You can see right away that the United States is the tie breaker for land area and financial clout in the struggle between democracies and dictatorships. Without the United States, democracies would control about 35% of the world’s financial resources, making it easy for the dictatorships to take it all in a short time. That is precisely what is at stake here. The entire world order is on the US ballot in November.
Dictators are not Trumpism’s only allies. There are also the sold-out large corporations, such as Facebook. many are beholden only to their bottom line and would prefer a world where there is no competition and people are just needy consumers. The unbridled capitalism paradigm also leads to large wealth gaps just as a dictatorship does. So yes, we need to stand up to the billionaires, as Bernie and Warren have said, but first things first.
The remaining allies of the authoritarians are the poorly educated. They are usually sold on “religious” and phony “personal value” talking points. That’s why state-run media is so important to a successful dictatorship. That’s also why Putin took Pravda early in his regime.
Protect The Vote
Trump seems to be losing the election badly as of today. But he has powerful allies and they are more than willing to cheat again. Today I went online and Googled “VOTE AGAIN” at GoDaddy. I think we should create a site where people can vote again or at least register their votes again. I realize that it will never be their official vote. But the site I envision takes ID, and secures the voter’s ID and votes with blockchain encryption. It’s rather easy to do these days. That way, when Trump challenges the election results, as he will certainly do if he is still a force to reckon with in November, we are armed to fight back.
When people argue we would only get Democrats to vote at this pretend vote site, I counter with, “if our numbers are a majority of all votes in any county or state, we won’t need the GOP votes to be counted”. This would be a site created primarily to count Democrat votes because we fully expect the GOP to cheat wherever they can.
We need Democrat votes to be registered somewhere else besides then current state run voting machines, which are known to be subject to hacking. We still don’t know if Hemp won in Georgia. Trump and his allies know the ballot box is the battlefield upon which the war to decide his fate and the fate of the planet will be fought on November 3rd 2020.
Why are not the three super billionaires – Bezos, Gates and Bloomberg ( I have given up on Zuck ) – announced a financial pact to save the post office and vote by mail? Don’t they realize that dictators seize media businesses first to stay in power? it feels like we are sleeping, partying and just hoping all with go smoothly on 11/3. It’s 120 days out; we should be firing on all cylinders. It’s also 30 days out from the supposed cutoff date to announce bad news on candidates. Trump will not honor that convention. He expects the Dems to however. I hope we prove him wrong on that. The gloves are off. This is a war. Maybe it’s a cyber war, but we can lose our democracy in this war. Isn’t that what WW2 was about?
*I fully believe Putin showed Trump this above map in Helsinki and explained to him that together they could rule the planet. I found this map with a simple Google search “dictator vs democracy map”. Putin knows Trump has no sense of history, but also that Trump needs to stay in power or possibly be exposed for all the crimes he has committed. Putin knew Trump would see the world like a RISK board once he showed it to him that way.
Democracies and dictatorships are like cats and dogs. They are natural born enemies because their philosophies are diametrically opposed. Nearly all dictators steal from their own people to amass power and wealth. That’s why you see such large wealth gaps in most dictatorships. Since dictators are essentially thieves, they all need to continue to hide their deepest secrets.
If dictators could align, they could wipe out the democracies and protect their secrets for the foreseeable future. So that’s why they think this US election is important in Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Their existence as dictators depends on the world not viewing democracy as the better way to go. Since its hard to have an Iron Curtain in today’s internet/social media world – their best hope is for Trumpism to prevail here.
Hey Norma Baum, I love it…COVID-PRO-QUO. With friends like Trump, who needs enemies. I guess he’s returning the favor to Putin by letting us all die from this virus.
Have appreciated your program for many years. Several months ago, while thinking about the truly corrupt machinations of our current administration, the words "COVID-Pro-Quo" popped into my mind. I would love to hear you & others riff on this.
The one downside of Liberal/Progressive policies is that the public never really feels the true extent of the damage done by Republicans. I remember hearing Paul Krugman say, when the economy was crashing all around us, at the end of the “Dubya” administration, (and I paraphrase) “what kept the economy from falling into a deep Depression, were the safety nets enacted by liberal/progressive politicians such as Social Security, unemployment benefits, Food Stamps, etc.” These Liberal policies insulate the electorate from ever feeling the full brunt of Republican, neofascist, greed and as Thom says, Libertarian economics. Therefore, they have become complacent and often act like privileged, spoiled brats that cannot understand or refuse to comprehend the futility of politicians that have only one economic plan. “If we just make the rich richer. Everything will be wonderful.” That is their delusional view of paradise. “If we just make the rich richer…” This their answer for everything!
This is what keeps us in this destructive cycle of “Boom and Bust” that has become the norm since the era of Reagan. The solution however, is not to repeal the Liberal/Progressive policies that have saved our economy over and over. But we must hold accountable those that take advantage of the complacency of much of the electorate and those that pander to the racist and selfish attitudes and emotions that, unfortunately about a third of the population is often eagerly receptive to, while another segment of the population is often vulnerable to. Usually the tactics of Republicans are often treasonous in nature and in any case their rhetoric is almost always built on out and out lies.
The answer is ACCOUNTABILITY!! ACCOUNTABILITY!!! ACCOUNTABILITY!!! It has to be made clear to the average citizen that these corrupt treasonous liars are not above the law.
Great rant Thom, you are truly a megachurch of Republican hate.
You forget two points.
1. Every time you have a Libertarian guest on your show they contradict you when you tell them what you think Libertarians believe.
2. Trump and Libertarian beliefs constantly oppose one another.
I get you abhor free thinking individuals but please try to direct your anger into the appropriate group of people as it will give you another whole day's worth of material.
Although I have listened for much more than a decade, Thom always brings me new info. This time it was the real estate angle of that history.
My relative took the training and worked in real estate for one year. It was simply people constantly trying to financially screw the person they were working with, for, or selling to. They decided to save their soul and go into another field.
Trump and his gang used that business for every dirty illegal deal they could pull-off. Let's see if the Southern District of NY manages to do the right thing when he leaves office. And in the meantime, I will do the work and pass the word. Thank you for trying to do the same, all you!
Also, will we charge rent for the public land that we all own?
Since they took it, destroyed nature, and put buildings on?
I was thinking that they can keep their buildings - But the buildings and roads can't remain on our public land.. And each person involved, will be charged a million dollars each a day, until the buildings are moved, and the trees, and other plants are re-planted exactly as the satellite photos show.
After roadkill/flattening of the EPA, Tearing up corporate regulations on polluting. What makes you so suspicious that they are trying to get rid of us??
It must be your imagination Thom.
Remember: The ONLY thing the right cares about, that is closer than family, is their wallet.
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; background: transparent }
What if the Occupant and DeVos are planning to use a teachers union strike to create a national emergency that will lead to destruction of the unions like Reagan did with the air controllers?
Terminate campaign donations. Terminate Lobbyists. Get the money out of politics, so all they have left is to CARE for the voters. Give them equal time on TV. And a train ticket to travel. No more jets. If you want to play golf or do any other project.. USE YOUR OWN MONEY.
He took away the EPA protection from mining, air, and insecticide poison, and just about eliminated Obama Care which supported pre-existing conditions..
He has been encouraging hatred since he's been in office.
If we ever get democrats, a majority in power, we had better cut down the power that any future president has. We don't need any more nuts.
Thank you for the grear article, and I just wanted to take this opportunityt to say that at Lawn Care Singapore, not only do we provide quality service, our lawn service pricing is also one of the lowest in the market, allowing you to save a lot while still getting the quality you deserve.
Glad you got that off your chest Thom. Sorry you continue to struggle with your daily life under a Trump administration.
It would be easy to debunk nearly every one of your statements but that would just be met with meaningless blather from your crew of unhappy followers so I will leave with me smiling as I go about my day.
Recently, we have been surrounded by a lot of negativity, we all should calm down, relax and be smart! In order to calm down, we all do not have enough free time, right? So, maybe I will help someone find that free time. Guys just follow the link and you will see everything for yourself, this is possibly the best service of its kind Thank you for your attention and have a nice day!
Thom really knows how to take inventory. When someone tells you who they are, believe them!
I saw an Ayn Rand interview that gave some insight into her sociopathic thought process. The short version is she viewed herself as being the whole world.
This is probably close to what Trump does; all else, including people, are objects for him to use and to show-off or to show-up.
We will have to be brave and muster all the wisdom we can gather to deal with him and his followers after the election. Reading "The Republican Brain" has helped me understand they are not ignorant, stupid or just plain evil as a rule. What they believe and what they do sometimes is. We all have a mind we help to create, but some of it is biological.
Accountable, well we did not hold Bush and Cheney accountable for Iraq. Let's send some more Dems to Congress, ones that would have impeached those two bastards too.
My local Republican controlled city today opted out on a county mandatory mask Requirement in public places. The majority of call ins to a Council meeting Zoom call in were for mask requirements. The argument against was that masks are not proven to be effective. I worked in Taiwan and saw the effectivenessaa;
Taiwan, population 24 million, 450 total cases, 7 deaths. Have not had a case in months. They wear masks. It is impossible to Social Distance in Capital City Taipei. Florida, population 21 million, 283000 cases, 4300 deaths. Currently cases are doubling every 14 days. They did not wear masks.
I know, Stopgap. After Cheney got into office I said to my wife, "Didn't we get rid of these people with Nixon?" She answered, "People like that always return." And they do like some horror movie because enough sick ones love power and control for its own sake, and the smarter or more manipulative ones can lead the weaker. It's an old, old story that Orwell explored. And no, they won't be held accountable any more than Kissinger was. They are all too close in background and social status to rat on one another. And even Biden must know that if he prosecutes the Trump people someday down the road he too could be in the docket.
Thom, you mentioned World War 2 and part of the problem is that there is no visible common enemy to fight. A virus is an abstraction that few people have seen. (I have, tiny dots in an electron microscope. Big whoop.) So instead of building tanks and growing wheat, picking up a gun to fight, following battle lines on a map towards Berlin and Tokyo, we have "don't get close", "don't let them see your face", all (necessary) negatives that feed the nihilism of Trump and the other sociopaths around him. Personally I don't think these people necessarily want to hurt Americans, some may even believe they are doing the right thing. They...just...don't...feel...others...pain.
The really scary thing is that, even if Biden and the Democrats takeover the Senate and the Congress and the Whitehouse, there will still be about 60 million of these Trump freaks out there, stewing and fuming about whatever insane delusions are swirling around in their demented brains. If anything, Trump has once and for all exposed the degree of immoral, greedy, racist populism that exists a large portion of mankind.
These people have always been there, just waiting for their messiah to liberate them and validate their deepest and darkest white supremacist views.
Enter Donald Trump!!
It is imperative that if Biden and the Dems take over the Whitehouse, Senate and Congress, that they hold this “Tea Party” medieval, pitchfork toting, mob of “Flat Earth” treasonous, Kool Aid drinking knuckle dragging vermin accountable for the damage they have done to our constitution, economy, environment, healthcare and general welfare of mankind, here and throughout the entire planet.
No matter who or what DJT is, and anyone with an IQ in double digits can see he's a horrible human being,BUT, he works for the elites, and until they're done with him, reguardless of any "election", we're stuck with this monster and his sycophants.
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Thom! Figure this... the explanation is that these people are abnormal
I'll bet they all attend a place of worship to make themselves feel better
Some wave upside down bibles in public as a photo opportunity
They believe this makes them look good in others' eyes
“What will a man gain by winning the whole world, at the cost of his true self?” Jesus Trumpo would say Jesus was a loser
Neither the Virus Nor Trump-ism Can Be Wished Away
In order to beat the virus, we study science. In order to beat Trump-ism we need to study some political science. And that starts by knowing our enemies. Trump and his allies ( here and abroad) are performing as enemies to the founding principles of the Constitution. Why is that? Who are his allies?
Financial Criminals are the Masterminds Behind Autocracies
Americans can all agree we don’t want a dictatorship here in the USA. Yet there seems to be no facility or viable process to challenge our POTUS even after we hear his words siding with dictators over our allies – and even over our own intelligence. It is madness for us to permit this kind of behavior from anyone, let alone our military commander. How powerful is this cabal of global dictators that Trump seems to belong to? To understand that, this map is instructive: 150w, 300w, 768w" style="box-sizing: inherit; max-width: 140%; vertical-align: middle; width: auto; clear: both; display: block; float: none; margin-left: -232px;" />The Dictatorship vs Democracy Map*
As you can see, Russia, China, and most of the Middle East and Africa are dictatorships. I’ve made the Trump USA orange, and dubbed it a dysfunctional democracy. You can see right away that the United States is the tie breaker for land area and financial clout in the struggle between democracies and dictatorships. Without the United States, democracies would control about 35% of the world’s financial resources, making it easy for the dictatorships to take it all in a short time. That is precisely what is at stake here. The entire world order is on the US ballot in November.
Dictators are not Trumpism’s only allies. There are also the sold-out large corporations, such as Facebook. many are beholden only to their bottom line and would prefer a world where there is no competition and people are just needy consumers. The unbridled capitalism paradigm also leads to large wealth gaps just as a dictatorship does. So yes, we need to stand up to the billionaires, as Bernie and Warren have said, but first things first.
The remaining allies of the authoritarians are the poorly educated. They are usually sold on “religious” and phony “personal value” talking points. That’s why state-run media is so important to a successful dictatorship. That’s also why Putin took Pravda early in his regime.
Protect The Vote
Trump seems to be losing the election badly as of today. But he has powerful allies and they are more than willing to cheat again. Today I went online and Googled “VOTE AGAIN” at GoDaddy. I think we should create a site where people can vote again or at least register their votes again. I realize that it will never be their official vote. But the site I envision takes ID, and secures the voter’s ID and votes with blockchain encryption. It’s rather easy to do these days. That way, when Trump challenges the election results, as he will certainly do if he is still a force to reckon with in November, we are armed to fight back.
When people argue we would only get Democrats to vote at this pretend vote site, I counter with, “if our numbers are a majority of all votes in any county or state, we won’t need the GOP votes to be counted”. This would be a site created primarily to count Democrat votes because we fully expect the GOP to cheat wherever they can.
We need Democrat votes to be registered somewhere else besides then current state run voting machines, which are known to be subject to hacking. We still don’t know if Hemp won in Georgia. Trump and his allies know the ballot box is the battlefield upon which the war to decide his fate and the fate of the planet will be fought on November 3rd 2020.
Why are not the three super billionaires – Bezos, Gates and Bloomberg ( I have given up on Zuck ) – announced a financial pact to save the post office and vote by mail? Don’t they realize that dictators seize media businesses first to stay in power? it feels like we are sleeping, partying and just hoping all with go smoothly on 11/3. It’s 120 days out; we should be firing on all cylinders. It’s also 30 days out from the supposed cutoff date to announce bad news on candidates. Trump will not honor that convention. He expects the Dems to however. I hope we prove him wrong on that. The gloves are off. This is a war. Maybe it’s a cyber war, but we can lose our democracy in this war. Isn’t that what WW2 was about?
*I fully believe Putin showed Trump this above map in Helsinki and explained to him that together they could rule the planet. I found this map with a simple Google search “dictator vs democracy map”. Putin knows Trump has no sense of history, but also that Trump needs to stay in power or possibly be exposed for all the crimes he has committed. Putin knew Trump would see the world like a RISK board once he showed it to him that way.
Democracies and dictatorships are like cats and dogs. They are natural born enemies because their philosophies are diametrically opposed. Nearly all dictators steal from their own people to amass power and wealth. That’s why you see such large wealth gaps in most dictatorships. Since dictators are essentially thieves, they all need to continue to hide their deepest secrets.
If dictators could align, they could wipe out the democracies and protect their secrets for the foreseeable future. So that’s why they think this US election is important in Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Their existence as dictators depends on the world not viewing democracy as the better way to go. Since its hard to have an Iron Curtain in today’s internet/social media world – their best hope is for Trumpism to prevail here.
I've been saying Trump, once he knew corona would not magically disappear, wanted the virus to be REAL BAD in November. This is NOT coincidental.
This is my post on that.
Hey Norma Baum, I love it…COVID-PRO-QUO. With friends like Trump, who needs enemies. I guess he’s returning the favor to Putin by letting us all die from this virus.
Are you smiling whatabout? Or is it whistling past the graveyard!!
Hi Thom,
Have appreciated your program for many years. Several months ago, while thinking about the truly corrupt machinations of our current administration, the words "COVID-Pro-Quo" popped into my mind. I would love to hear you & others riff on this.
Thank you for all you do!
Whatabutt should give us some examples of sucessful Libertarian governments.
The one downside of Liberal/Progressive policies is that the public never really feels the true extent of the damage done by Republicans. I remember hearing Paul Krugman say, when the economy was crashing all around us, at the end of the “Dubya” administration, (and I paraphrase) “what kept the economy from falling into a deep Depression, were the safety nets enacted by liberal/progressive politicians such as Social Security, unemployment benefits, Food Stamps, etc.” These Liberal policies insulate the electorate from ever feeling the full brunt of Republican, neofascist, greed and as Thom says, Libertarian economics. Therefore, they have become complacent and often act like privileged, spoiled brats that cannot understand or refuse to comprehend the futility of politicians that have only one economic plan. “If we just make the rich richer. Everything will be wonderful.” That is their delusional view of paradise. “If we just make the rich richer…” This their answer for everything!
This is what keeps us in this destructive cycle of “Boom and Bust” that has become the norm since the era of Reagan. The solution however, is not to repeal the Liberal/Progressive policies that have saved our economy over and over. But we must hold accountable those that take advantage of the complacency of much of the electorate and those that pander to the racist and selfish attitudes and emotions that, unfortunately about a third of the population is often eagerly receptive to, while another segment of the population is often vulnerable to. Usually the tactics of Republicans are often treasonous in nature and in any case their rhetoric is almost always built on out and out lies.
The answer is ACCOUNTABILITY!! ACCOUNTABILITY!!! ACCOUNTABILITY!!! It has to be made clear to the average citizen that these corrupt treasonous liars are not above the law.
Great rant Thom, you are truly a megachurch of Republican hate.
You forget two points.
1. Every time you have a Libertarian guest on your show they contradict you when you tell them what you think Libertarians believe.
2. Trump and Libertarian beliefs constantly oppose one another.
I get you abhor free thinking individuals but please try to direct your anger into the appropriate group of people as it will give you another whole day's worth of material.
Although I have listened for much more than a decade, Thom always brings me new info. This time it was the real estate angle of that history.
My relative took the training and worked in real estate for one year. It was simply people constantly trying to financially screw the person they were working with, for, or selling to. They decided to save their soul and go into another field.
Trump and his gang used that business for every dirty illegal deal they could pull-off. Let's see if the Southern District of NY manages to do the right thing when he leaves office. And in the meantime, I will do the work and pass the word. Thank you for trying to do the same, all you!
Also, will we charge rent for the public land that we all own?
Since they took it, destroyed nature, and put buildings on?
I was thinking that they can keep their buildings - But the buildings and roads can't remain on our public land.. And each person involved, will be charged a million dollars each a day, until the buildings are moved, and the trees, and other plants are re-planted exactly as the satellite photos show.
After roadkill/flattening of the EPA, Tearing up corporate regulations on polluting. What makes you so suspicious that they are trying to get rid of us??
It must be your imagination Thom.
Remember: The ONLY thing the right cares about, that is closer than family, is their wallet.
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; background: transparent }
What if the Occupant and DeVos are planning to use a teachers union strike to create a national emergency that will lead to destruction of the unions like Reagan did with the air controllers?
Terminate campaign donations. Terminate Lobbyists. Get the money out of politics, so all they have left is to CARE for the voters. Give them equal time on TV. And a train ticket to travel. No more jets. If you want to play golf or do any other project.. USE YOUR OWN MONEY.
He took away the EPA protection from mining, air, and insecticide poison, and just about eliminated Obama Care which supported pre-existing conditions..
He has been encouraging hatred since he's been in office.
If we ever get democrats, a majority in power, we had better cut down the power that any future president has. We don't need any more nuts.
Thank you for the grear article, and I just wanted to take this opportunityt to say that at Lawn Care Singapore, not only do we provide quality service, our lawn service pricing is also one of the lowest in the market, allowing you to save a lot while still getting the quality you deserve.
Glad you got that off your chest Thom. Sorry you continue to struggle with your daily life under a Trump administration.
It would be easy to debunk nearly every one of your statements but that would just be met with meaningless blather from your crew of unhappy followers so I will leave with me smiling as I go about my day.
Recently, we have been surrounded by a lot of negativity, we all should calm down, relax and be smart! In order to calm down, we all do not have enough free time, right? So, maybe I will help someone find that free time. Guys just follow the link and you will see everything for yourself, this is possibly the best service of its kind Thank you for your attention and have a nice day!
Thom really knows how to take inventory. When someone tells you who they are, believe them!
I saw an Ayn Rand interview that gave some insight into her sociopathic thought process. The short version is she viewed herself as being the whole world.
This is probably close to what Trump does; all else, including people, are objects for him to use and to show-off or to show-up.
We will have to be brave and muster all the wisdom we can gather to deal with him and his followers after the election. Reading "The Republican Brain" has helped me understand they are not ignorant, stupid or just plain evil as a rule. What they believe and what they do sometimes is. We all have a mind we help to create, but some of it is biological.
Accountable, well we did not hold Bush and Cheney accountable for Iraq. Let's send some more Dems to Congress, ones that would have impeached those two bastards too.
My local Republican controlled city today opted out on a county mandatory mask Requirement in public places. The majority of call ins to a Council meeting Zoom call in were for mask requirements. The argument against was that masks are not proven to be effective. I worked in Taiwan and saw the effectivenessaa;
Taiwan, population 24 million, 450 total cases, 7 deaths. Have not had a case in months. They wear masks. It is impossible to Social Distance in Capital City Taipei. Florida, population 21 million, 283000 cases, 4300 deaths. Currently cases are doubling every 14 days. They did not wear masks.
Hello DrRichard, To be an evil genius, you don't have to be a genius. You just have to be evil!
I know, Stopgap. After Cheney got into office I said to my wife, "Didn't we get rid of these people with Nixon?" She answered, "People like that always return." And they do like some horror movie because enough sick ones love power and control for its own sake, and the smarter or more manipulative ones can lead the weaker. It's an old, old story that Orwell explored. And no, they won't be held accountable any more than Kissinger was. They are all too close in background and social status to rat on one another. And even Biden must know that if he prosecutes the Trump people someday down the road he too could be in the docket.
Thom, you mentioned World War 2 and part of the problem is that there is no visible common enemy to fight. A virus is an abstraction that few people have seen. (I have, tiny dots in an electron microscope. Big whoop.) So instead of building tanks and growing wheat, picking up a gun to fight, following battle lines on a map towards Berlin and Tokyo, we have "don't get close", "don't let them see your face", all (necessary) negatives that feed the nihilism of Trump and the other sociopaths around him. Personally I don't think these people necessarily want to hurt Americans, some may even believe they are doing the right thing. They...just...don't...feel...others...pain.
The really scary thing is that, even if Biden and the Democrats takeover the Senate and the Congress and the Whitehouse, there will still be about 60 million of these Trump freaks out there, stewing and fuming about whatever insane delusions are swirling around in their demented brains. If anything, Trump has once and for all exposed the degree of immoral, greedy, racist populism that exists a large portion of mankind.
These people have always been there, just waiting for their messiah to liberate them and validate their deepest and darkest white supremacist views.
Enter Donald Trump!!
It is imperative that if Biden and the Dems take over the Whitehouse, Senate and Congress, that they hold this “Tea Party” medieval, pitchfork toting, mob of “Flat Earth” treasonous, Kool Aid drinking knuckle dragging vermin accountable for the damage they have done to our constitution, economy, environment, healthcare and general welfare of mankind, here and throughout the entire planet.
No matter who or what DJT is, and anyone with an IQ in double digits can see he's a horrible human being,BUT, he works for the elites, and until they're done with him, reguardless of any "election", we're stuck with this monster and his sycophants.