Thom's Blog

Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!

Flint isn't the only city in Michigan with problems. Detroit is dealing with their own disasters, one of which is the condition of their public schools.

And, the major issues at those schools have a direct connection with Flint's water crisis – they are ruled by the same emergency manger, Darnell Earley, who was appointed by Governor Rick Snyder.

Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President

One of the most disturbing developments of the 2016 Republican race for president has been Donald Trump's popularity among the most racist elements in American society.

The New Yorker, for example, had lengthy piece over the summer detailing the excitement he has generated in the neo-Nazi movement.

But here's the thing, Trump isn't the only guy with crazy, and frankly, dangerous supporters.

Snow Does NOT Disprove Global Warming.

People on the East Coast may have finally dug out from last week's blizzard, but the Republicans' selective ignorance on climate science is just getting warmed up. So, we should get used to saying these next words: snow in winter does not disprove global warming.

Flint, Michigan is What Happens When You Run Government Like a Business...

Republicans love to say we need to run government like a business. But, we only need to look to Flint, Michigan to see how that works out for our fellow citizens.

Free trade is the kiss of death for our economy.

Free trade is the kiss of death for our economy. Patrick Kellen over at says, "If an enemy was seeking to hire someone to destroy America he might have hired the political leaders who created” [free trade agreements].

When it comes to Davos, talk is cheap...

According to Sam Pizzigati from the Institute for Policy Studies, the millionaires at Davos can do a lot more than talk about global inequality. If the global business elites gathering in Switzerland really want to do something big, they should simply stop dodging their taxes.

“Yes We Can” versus “No We Can’t”

With just one week to go before the Iowa caucuses, the media, even the so-called liberal media, is still having trouble taking Bernie Sanders seriously.

Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?

According to NASA and NOAA scientists, 2015 was the warmest year ever for global land and ocean surfaces, dating all the way to 1880.

The Most Disingenuous Attack on Bernie Yet

If you watched Sunday’s Democratic debate, you learned something interesting about Bernie Sanders: he voted for the Commodities Futures Modernization Act, something Hillary Clinton was all too eager to point out when the two of them got to talking about Wall Street reform.

Sounds pretty bad, right?

Spokane, WA says 'Stay Home When You're Sick.'

For more than a year, President Obama has been calling on Congress to pass legislation to guarantee all workers can take time off when they're sick.

Since our legislators show no signs of moving forward with that, Spokane, Washington is refusing to wait any longer. Last week, that city broke in the New Year by passing their own sick-leave legislation.

Taxes Are The Price We Pay For an EQUAL Society.

Thomas Piketty, the world-famous French economist, has ran the numbers on American income inequality. And, his analysis confirmed what many of us already know – low taxes on the rich have made them much richer, and have left the rest of us trying to catch up.

The Massive Danger Lurking Beneath Our Feet.

The massive methane leak in California is only the tip of a giant, dangerous iceberg. According to a new report from EcoWatch, there are more than 300 similar natural gas storage facilities around the U.S., and any one of them could be the site of the next disaster.

Stop the Bipartisan Dreaming!

After 7 years in the White House, President Obama still hasn’t learned his lesson about Republicans.

Case in point: his conclusion to last night’s State of the Union address.

Looking back on his time as commander-in-chief, the president regretted that he had not done more to change our country’s broken political system.

Aliso Canyon: The Invisible Disaster.

There is a massive methane leak in California that you may not even know about. Since mid-October, a broken pipe located 8,000 feet below ground has been leaking an estimated 50,000 kilograms of methane every hour, but Governor Jerry Brown only declared a state of emergency over that leak last week.

The DNC Junta Is Continuing The DLC Coup

With just three weeks to go before the Iowa caucus, Bernie Sanders is now in a statistical dead heat with Hillary Clinton.

According to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, he trails her by just 3 points in Iowa, well within the margin of error.

In other words, it’s a tie.

A dead heat.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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