Why Neither Party Can Survive the Downfall of the Working Class

Senator Marco Rubio dropped out of the Republican race on Tuesday after losing his home state of Florida to Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.
Go West, Young Man: Bernie’s Path to Victory and Political Revolution

So last night was pretty tough for Bernie Sanders.
Hillary Clinton won 4 of the 5 primary contests at play in Super Tuesday Number 3, and leads in a fifth contest in Missouri that’s still too close to call. She also added to her already significant lead in delegates.
How To Reduce Gun-Related Deaths In America By Over 80%

In a Pittsburgh suburb called Wilkinsburg two gunmen ambushed a backyard party one Wednesday evening recently, killing five people and injuring three more in the attack.
The shooters are still on the loose, and the attack marked the 62nd mass shooting in 2016 according to MassShootingTracker.org.
A Key Component of American Fascism is Already in Place

Thanks to Donald Trump’s increasingly hostile and race-baiting rhetoric, the topic of fascism -- what it is and what causes it -- is once again on the minds of many Americans.
Generation Y - the hidden wealth divide.

Young Americans are now poorer than retired people. That's the stunning take away from a new study by The Guardian Newspaper, and they say that the problem not unique to the United States.
Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta

Wednesday's debate was the first debate after a surprising loss for Hillary Clinton in Michigan, and the former Secretary of State was particularly critical of Sanders on the debate stage in Miami.
The Era of Small Government is Over

Americans are finally waking up to the biggest Republican con of them all: the small government con.
Ever since the 1980s, Republicans have used a strategy former Reagan budget director David Stockman called “starving the beast.”
The thinking behind this strategy is pretty simple.
First, you cut taxes to “starve” the “the beast” (the government) of the revenue it needs to survive.
It's Time to Rid the DNC of DINOs, Starting with the Chair

According to one Michigan mayor, members of the DNC asked security to eject audience members who vocally supported Bernie Sanders during Sunday's debate in Flint Michigan.
Jim Fouts, a three-term independent mayor of Warren, Michigan, attended Sunday's Democratic debate, just like he had attended the Republican debate on Thursday.
Will China show us up on climate solutions?

While Republican lawmakers in our country continue to deny the proven science of climate change, China is waging an all-out war on coal in that nation.
"This trade deal is not about trade."

We've known for some time that the “investor-state dispute settlement” process is a threat to our national sovereignty. But, now we know that those international trade courts are also a huge benefit to billionaires and massive corporations.
Why Is Our Government Working for the Private Good over the Public Good?

It's been over two years since a massive chemical spill in West Virginia left regulators puzzled over basic questions like, how toxic is this chemical? Does it pose a threat to pregnant women and children? How long will this chemical stay in the environment, or in people's bodies?
The reason we couldn't answer those questions was simple.
The Big Lie that the Left Is Anti-Business

If there’s one smear that Republicans and Libertarians are fond of repeating over and over again, it’s the idea that Democrats are “anti-business.”
Sometimes they even take it as far as saying that Democrats are actually “anti-business.”
What Happens When the Elites Collapse in Both Parties

If there’s one quote that captures what the 2016 election is really all about, at least on the Republican side of things, it’s what one Trump supporter in Texas said about why the Donald has won him over.
There's A Racial Gap In Retirement

There are many ways that African Americans are still disadvantaged in our country, but few of them are as glaring as the disparity we see in retirement savings.
Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."

Using our tax dollars to pay for the things our country needs is not giving away “free stuff.” But, that's the line we keep hearing in response to our push to expand social programs.