Thom's Blog

Republicans have Rejected the Republican Party

Now that John Kasich and Ted Cruz have dropped out, it’s pretty much official: Donald Trump is the 2016 Republican nominee for president.

The pundits never saw this coming, but they should have. The Republican Party has been running a scam on its base for decades now, and voters were bound to discover this scam sooner or later.

How Donald Trump Could Defeat Hillary Clinton…

Back in February, workers at a Carrier manufacturing plant in Indianapolis were told that the factory, and their 1,400 jobs, were being moved to Mexico.

That story was front-and-center ahead of today's Indiana primary, and it shows how trade has become the big issue of the 2016 election.

We Don't Need Another Cable Giant.

Thanks to the FCC, two-thirds of our nation's high-speed internet subscribers may soon be under the control of just two companies.

According to a recent article over at, that agency has approved Charter Communication's $90 billion dollar takeover of two other cable providers: Time Warner and Bright House Networks.

Secretary John Kerry Makes History At The UN

While much of the mainstream media was focused on 2016 election cycle, Secretary of State John Kerry was making history with his granddaughter at the United Nations. Last week, Secretary Kerry joined a gathering of the majority of the world's nations and signed on to the historic Paris Climate Accord.

Will Millennials Be The Lost Generation?

The expectation for many Americans has always been that one generation will do better than those who came before them. But, that may not be the case when it comes to millennials.

Bernie’s R.I. Win is a Rebirth for the Democratic Party

So, last night didn’t go that well for Bernie Sanders.

Despite high hopes for a strong showing in the so-called “Acela primaries,” he managed to win just one of the 5 states at play -- Rhode Island. As a result, his path to the Democratic nomination, although still open, just got a lot slimmer.

Have you heard about the retirement income gap?

Low wages aren't the only reason that the poor are getting poorer and the richer are getting richer.

According to new research from the Economic Policy Institute, high-income Americans are 10 times more likely to have retirement accounts than those at the low-end of the income spectrum. And, the national shift away from defined-benefit pension plans into 401(k)'s has left more and more older Americans retiring in poverty.

Reaganomics is Literally Making Americans Kill Themselves.

Reaganomics is literally making Americans kill themselves.

Another Climate Record Bites The Dust...

We have shattered another climate record. Just like the month before it, last month was the hottest March on record, and that's not good news for our species.

According to a recent warning from the Japan Meteorological Agency, last month's record temperatures should be “a reminder of how perilously close we now are to permanently crossing into dangerous territory.”

The Power of Plants!

It now appears plants do much more than add color to a room. According to a number of studies, having plants around could benefit your health.

A 15-year longitudinal study found that women who lived in greener spaces live longer than their plantless counterparts: Those who live in the greenest neighborhoods were 34 percent less likely to die of respiratory disease and 13 percent less likely to die of cancer.

Greenland is in a major meltdown...

Greenland’s Ice Sheet Is In A Red Alert Meltdown. According to data released by the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) Greenland's ice sheet has melted 12% over last year - an alarming rate.

This is not only unusual but is happening a month before usual.

Can Social Media Seize Control of Our Elections?

Americans don’t trust the media. In fact, studies show that we like really, really, really don’t trust the media.

A new survey from the Media Insight Project, for examples, shows that just 6 percent of Americans “say they have great confidence in the press.”

Climate Change is Bad For Our Health

The threat of global climate change isn't only a threat about wild weather.

According to a new report produced by eight different government agencies, the health risks of climate change should also give us cause for concern.

We Can't Afford The Fossil Fuel Industry

We're constantly told that we can't afford to enact the bold climate solutions necessary to make the switch to 100 percent renewable energy. But, the people who say such things often leave out the hefty price that taxpayers are already paying to cover the cost of dirty fossil fuel energy.

Democracy: The Continuing Fight Against Factions

On Sunday, thousands of activists from around the country arrived right here in Washington, D.C. after a 10-day-long, 140 mile march from Philadelphia.

The marchers are part of a movement called Democracy Spring and Democracy Awakening, and today they staged a sit-in at the Capitol Building. They plan on camping out there through the end of the week.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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