The Death Knell For Establishment Politics
Hillary Clinton's webpage was recently updated to clarify that Hillary Clinton will "continue to support a public option, and work to build on the Affordable Care Act to make it possible."
That hasn't exactly been her tone since she announced.
Success Starts With Failure
Donald Trump is wrong.
We don’t need to make America great again.
We need to let Americans fail again.
It all starts by solving our student loan crisis.
According to recent reporting by the Wall Street Journal, the most recent graduating class, the class of 2015, was the most indebted in American history.
Have the Democratic Superdelegates Been Compromised?
Bernie Sanders had a record number of supporters turn out to give him a 22 percent win over Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire primaries.
It was a big win in terms of voter support, but it didn't translate to a big win in terms of delegate support.
Despite the fact that Hillary suffered the second biggest defeat in New Hampshire's history, both candidates walked away from New Hampshire with 15 delegates.
The Decline of Manufacturing & the Rise of Big Banks
The big Republican knock against Bernie Sanders - and, to some extent, the knock on Hillary Clinton and any Democrat - is that they want America to be more like Europe, in particular Northern Europe.
Bernie’s socialist policies might work fine for Scandinavia, Republicans say, but they’re pretty much DOA in the good old U. S. of A.
U.S. Prisoners Deserve College Educations - and the Right to Vote
During the Democratic debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in Milwaukee, Bernie Sanders made a bold pledge about criminal justice reform in America.
Critics quickly claimed that his pledge was pie-in-the-sky, especially because so many inmates are state inmates, not federal inmates.
We Must Act Now on Climate.
The action we take right now on climate change could dictate what life on this planet is like for the next 10,000 years.
According to a new study published in the journal “Nature Climate Change,” “The next few decades offer a brief window of opportunity to minimize large-scale and potentially catastrophic climate change that will extend longer than the entire history of human civilization thus far.”
Why Americans Like Socialism
The big Republican knock against Bernie Sanders - and, to some extent, the knock on Hillary Clinton and any Democrat - is that they want America to be more like Europe, in particular Northern Europe.
Bernie’s socialist policies might work fine for Scandinavia, Republicans say, but they’re pretty much D.O.A. in the good old U. S. of A.
Comparing 2016 America to 1972 America Doesn't Work
Bernie Sanders' big win in New Hampshire has given his campaign a big boost, but even Bernie knows that there's still a long primary season ahead.
One of the biggest criticisms about Bernie Sanders, one that I hear frequently from pro-Clinton callers, is that Bernie Sanders could be the next George McGovern.
And it's a serious criticism that's being thrown at Bernie.
Why New Hampshire Outcome is Bad for the TPP
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump won big last night, but the real loser wasn’t the Republican establishment or Hillary Clinton: it was the Trans-Pacific Partnership and everything it represents.
At this point, it’s almost a cliché to draw comparisons between the Trump and Sanders campaigns.
A Progressive Economy Can Rebuild America!
Regardless of which presidential candidate you vote for in November, you might want to take a second look at progressive economic policies.
The Problem of the Establishment
One thing that both parties have in common in this primary season is the fact that there's a sharp divide between "We, the People" populism, and the rich and powerful Washington establishment.
On the Republican side, Donald Trump is leading the race by running on a populist platform based on the fact that he's not beholden to the billionaires or lobbyists, and that he's never been part of the political establishment.
Corporate-Managed Trade Deals Screw America
The New Hampshire primary is now just one day away, and differences between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton couldn’t be clearer, especially when it comes to so-called free trade.
While Secretary Clinton’s views on corporate-managed trade have changed a lot over the years, Bernie’s haven’t.
If You Want to Win, Go Progressive
The big question right now is whether to call Hillary Clinton a progressive, or a "moderate."
And then there's the question of who is more electable in a general election: an unabashedly progressive democrat, like Bernie Sanders; or a "centrist" democrat, like Hillary Clinton.
Why This H-1B Visa Thing is Bulls**t
There’s trouble in the Magic Kingdom, and it all has to do with one of the least-talked about but arguably most important parts of our broken immigration system.
Americans Are Running Away From the Corporate Media
Win or lose - Monday night was a great night for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.
Bernie pointed out in his speech Monday night that the people of Iowa sent a profound message to the rest of the country by turning out in droves to support Bernie's vision for a "political revolution."