Tuesday 19 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Tad DeHaven of the Cato Institute.
- Huffington Post Investigative Fund Reporter Ben Protess
- Surya Yalamanchili, candidate for Congress, D-OH 2nd district, has a unique campaign strategy.
- Topics:
- Univision has accepted $80,000 to air GOP ad that tells Latinos not to vote!!
Monday 18 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Dennis Van Roekel, President of the National Education Association.
- journalist T.R. Reid, author of the newly revised edition of "The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper and Fairer Health Care".
- Sally Pipes, President/CEO of the Pacific Research Institute and author of the new book "The Truth About Obamacare".
Friday 15 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Carl Wolfson of the KPOJ morning show and Adam Klugman guest host.
- Guests:
- Dr. Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff, Directors, Project Censored and co-authors of the new book "Censored 2011".
Thursday 14 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT)
- Terrence McNally, a journalist who writes regularly for Alternet, host of the Free Forum on KPFK 90.7fm, Los Angeles.
- Charles D. "Cully" Stimson, Senior Legal Fellow-Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation.
Wednesday 13 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Dan Gainor, Vice President and T. Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow at the Business and Media Institute.
- Professor Ian McGregor, Associate Professor York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Greg Stebben, Editor - Men's Health magazine.
Tuesday 12 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Don Watkins of the Ayn Rand Institute.
- Zaid Jilani, Reporter/Blogger - Think Progress.org.
- Australian Science Journalist Julian Cribb.
- Topics:
- News you need to know: How extreme will the GOP get?
- Ayn Rand conservatism at work...should the "private" fire department be sued for allowing pets to die?
Monday 11 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Today is Columbus Day.
- Guests:
- OR State Rep Jefferson Smith, founder of the Oregon Bus Project for hands on democracy
- Conservative author Dinesh D'Souza, new President of The King's College in New York City; former White House policy analyst (Reagan Administration)
- Angel Kennedy, R.N. & Donna Smith, members of the Nurse's Union.
Friday 8 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT)
- Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi.
- Environmentalist Bill McKibben.
- Topics:
- "Brunch With Bernie".
- "Tea & Crackers: How corporate interests and Republican insiders built the Tea Party monster"
- 10/10/10 global work party.
Thursday 7 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- The first day that the show was broadcast from its new DC home.
- Guests:
- David Sirota, Journalist, author-most recent book "The Uprising" and host of the morning show on AM760 Colorado's Progressive Talk.
Wednesday 6 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Heather Higgins, President/CEO - Independent Women's Voice; formerly, editorial writer at the Wall Street Journal where her articles still appear.
- James Halsam, Director, Lead Organizer Vermont Workers' Center.
- Dan Gainor, Vice President and T. Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow at the Business and Media Institute.
Tuesday 5 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Quote: "For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments." -- James Brady.
- Guests:
- Dr. John Lott, economist, author of several books including the updated, re-released "More Guns, Less Crime".
- Tyler Norris, Chairman, University of Texas chapter of Young Conservatives of Texas.
Monday 4 October '10 show notes

By SueN
- Thom's new D.C. studio was not ready, so Nicole Sandler, host of "Radio or not", guest hosted.
- Guests:
- Thom Hartmann.
- Journalist David Swanson, author of "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency"
- Nicole Belle of Crooks and Liars.
- Reporter Andy Kroll of Mother Jones Magazine.
Thursday 30 September '10 show notes

By SueN
Thursday 30 September '10 show notes
- Guests:
- Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT)
- Irish Journalist Eamonn Fingleton, author of "In the Jaws of the Dragon", calling from Moscow.
- Beth Glenn, Director of Education with the NAACP.
Wednesday 29 September '10 show notes

By SueN
- Guests:
- Congressman Peter DeFazio
- Darcy Burner, Executive Director, Progressive Congress dot org.
- Zaid Jilani, Reporter/Blogger at the Center for American Progress.
- Dan Gainor, Vice President and T. Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow at the Business and Media Institute.
Tuesday 28 September '10 show notes

By SueN
- Show live from DC.
- Guests:
- Robert Rooks, the NAACP's Director of Criminal Justice.
- Wade Henderson, President of LCCR (Leadership Conference of Civil and Human Rights)
- Irish Journalist Stephen MacDonogh, his new book on the President's Irish roots.