Thom's blog
Time to overtake other countries again
Before the Reagan presidency, it was possible for any American student with academic competence to attend college and graduate without debt. Such a scenario is unthinkable today. Instead, public higher education has become a big business and is often totally corporate, costs are through the roof, and if you’re not from a very wealthy family, odds are you’ll graduate college with a debt that can take decades to repay. As a result, the United States is slipping in virtually every measurement of innovation, income, and competitiveness.
The experiment of Reaganomics and Reagan’s anti-intellectualism worldview are demonstrably disordered and dead; we must put them behind us and build anew our country on the solid, Jeffersonian foundation of good and free education for all. Combine that with breaking up the media monopolies in this country and fostering competition and its attendant innovation through intelligent regulation of the “natural monopolies” in our nation, and we would have a more informed citizenry with better and faster access to real news and information – including information about our body politic.
Highlights Of The Upcoming Week ... October 11 - 15, 2010
Hour One: Why does America celebrate a day honoring a cruel, torturing slave master? The real story of Christopher Columbus.
Plus, how to make change and have fun at the same time! OR State Rep Jefferson Smith, founder of the Oregon Bus Project for hands on democracy, will be here.
Hour Two: "The Roots of Obama's Rage" Thom confronts conservative author Dinesh D'Souza about his controversial new book.
Hour Three: What you need to know about Sharon Angle and why she's the "Wrong Angle" for America Thom talks with members of the Nurse's Union.
Hour Two: Ayn Rand conservatism at work...should the "private" fire department be sued for allowing pets to die? The folks from the Ayn Rand Institute weigh in.
Hour Three: "The Coming Famine"...are we on the verge of a global food crisis? Thom speaks with Australian Science Journalist Julian Cribb about his new book and the reality of global food shortages.
Hour Two: What does radical Islam have in common with radical right wing tea partiers? Thom has a rumble with conservative Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute.
Hour Three: Everything You Know is Wrong...about Facebook?! Thom talks with Peter Moore, Editor of Men's Health Magazine, about the "dark side of Facebook".
Geeky Science Rocks - What can humans learn about treating illnesses from...butterflies?!
Hour Three: "Legalizing Marijuana...Why Citizens Should Just Say No" Thom debates a top legal scholar from the conservative Heritage Foundation.
"Brunch With Bernie". Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions.
"If you're looking for something that connects the dots between the BP oil disaster, the harm it's done to the Gulf of Mexico and the people paying the price, this book is it. In a clear and compelling voice, it explains the worst environmental catastrophe of our time, then shows the way forward to protect this national treasure, safeguard our future and break our destructive addiction to oil."
The Daily Stack 
Quote: "The time is always right to do what is right." -- Martin Luther King Jr.
"Brunch With Bernie". Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions.
Hour Two: "Tea & Crackers: How corporate interests and Republican insiders built the Tea Party monster" Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi joins Thom.
Hour Three: 10/10/10 global work party environmentalist Bill McKibben on this weekend's 10/10/10 Global Work Party.
Site: Dr. Rick Staggenborg, running against Oregon Senator Ron Wyden on the Pacific Green Party ticket.
Watch & Listen to Thom
Robert Reich - Wasn't the real death panel the 40 year Republican Strategy for the Middle Class?
Thom and Louise Hartmann founded the New England Salem Children's Village in New Hampshire in 1979. With states delaying payment for the children they entrust to the village, they need help with cash flow urgently. Please help if you can.
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