By SueN
- Guests:
- Congressman Peter DeFazio
- Darcy Burner, Executive Director, Progressive Congress dot org.
- Zaid Jilani, Reporter/Blogger at the Center for American Progress.
- Dan Gainor, Vice President and T. Boone Pickens Free Market Fellow at the Business and Media Institute.
- Robert Ringer, author of three #1 bestsellers and a columnist for WorldNetDaily
- Hilary Shelton, NAACP Director of Washington Bureau/SVP of Policy and Advocacy.
- Topics:
- Corporate money pours in, in attempt to buy seat for DeFazio opponent...
- (One Nation) Fixing the Senate filibuster abuse
- More corporate $ malfeasance...
- TP'ers want to take the country back...but from who???
- "Restoring the American Dream: The Defining Voice in the Movement for Liberty"
- One Nation.
- Bumper Music:
- Dirty Cash (Money Talks), Adventures of Stevie V (video).
- The V.O.T.E. Song (Voice Of The Educated), Gina Rene and Mr.Focus.
- The Twilight Zone, Marius Constant.
- Fix You, The Offspring.
- Who Do You Love? George Thorogood and the Destroyers.
- Breakdown, Daughtry.
- Fireflies, Owl City.
- Working On A Dream, Bruce Springsteen (video).
- Grand Canyon, Dmitriy Lukyanov (you need to search for it) (with additional sounds by Jacob).
- Democracy, Leonard Cohen.
- Quote: "Here is my final point. About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography and smoking and everything else. What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, say, think, who I bed, what I take into my body - as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet?" -- Bill Hicks.