
  • Friday 16 April '21 show notes

    • Will Trump End Up In Prison? Accountability for criminal Republican presidents can't happen soon enough...
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Anything Goes Friday...What's On Your Mind? Thom takes your calls...
  • Thursday 15 April '21 show notes

    • Jan 6th: We Don't Need No Stinkin' Commission - Crimes, from treason to murder, were committed that day, and crime-fighters need to locate and prosecute the traitorous, treasonous scum
    • Inflation: When Does Everything Become Unaffordable? - Dr. Richard Wolff, Economist / Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System (now also available as an e-book)
    • Science revolution: The Cataclysmic Crisis America's Rivers Face - Tom Kiernan, President - American Rivers
    • The latest on the Chauvin trial - Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator
    • What Are Non-Authoritarian Republicans Going to Do? - David Jolly, Attorney, former Republican & former Congressman Florida's 13th District / Currently Chairman - Serve America Movement (SAM)
  • Wednesday 14 April '21 show notes

    • Is Genocide For Political Purposes Treason? This bizarre conspiracy theory threatens democracy itself...can it be stopped?
    • Is the GOP the Party of Authoritarianism - Patrick Hedger, Vice President of Policy - Taxpayers Protection Alliance (Prior to joining TPA, Patrick was a Research Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Center for Technology and Innovation and also served as Director of Policy at FreedomWorks)
    • Should the J & J shot have been temporarily pulled out of circulation?
    • Have you had your Covid shot yet?
  • Tuesday 13 April '21 show notes

    • Like the Nazis & Fascists, the Republican Party Must Be Purged - It must not be allowed, like the Confederacy was, to live on with its own "lost cause" BS mythology
    • How Could a 26 Year Veteran of the Police Mistake a Gun for a Taser?
    • What Will the Anti-Vaxxers Cost America?
    • Chauvin Defense Blames Dead Victim - Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator
  • Monday 12 April '21 show notes

    • Oligarchs Con White Bois - Republicans and "white nationalists" are playing with fire in their efforts to end democracy
    • The Republican Plot to Stop Herd Immunity & Flip America Into Authoritarianism - The GOP and Trumpsters are willing to sicken more Americans to regain political power
    • Japan to release treated Fukushima water into sea: reports - Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist - Beyond Nuclear

  • Friday 09 April '21 show notes

    • How Will the White Supremacy Brand of Today's Republican Party End? Fear of the "Great Replacement" is now the major driving force in the GOP...
    • The latest on the Chauvin trial - Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator
    • Anything Goes Friday...What's On Your Mind? Thom Takes Your Calls...
  • Thursday 08 April '21 show notes

    • Debate! What's not to Love About a Corporate Tax Rate That Encourages Investments & Higher Wages? - Charles Sauer, Libertarian / Economist & President - The Market Institute / author of Profit Motive: What Drives the Things We Do
    • Joe Manchin: Want American Businesses to Invest in West Virginia? Raise their corporate income tax rate!
    • The Economics of "De-Growth" - Dr. Richard Wolff, Economist / Co-founder, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System (now also available as an e-book)
    • Science Revolution: Can Our Food Systems Be Fixed? - Journalist Grace "Gracy" Olmstead, author of Uprooted: Recovering the Legacy of the Places We've Left Behind
    • How Do We Keep Our Food Supply Safe... Thom Takes Your Calls...
  • Wednesday 07 April '21 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Radical Republicans Reach Out From the Grave: Congress Must Expel Some Members and Punish States. The 14th Amendment gives us tools that haven't been used in over a century...
    • The latest on the Chauvin trial - Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator
    • Science Revolution: Is There a New Economic Model For Both a Profitable AND Sustainable Future? - Ron Gonen, Founder & CEO - Closed Loop Partners / Author of the new book, The Waste-Free World: How the Circular
  • Tuesday 06 April '21 show notes

    • Can Depraved Evangelical Christianity Reform Itself or Should It Just Go Away? Republicans & Trump have thrown Evangelical Christianity into a full blown crisis..
    • Screw the Republicans -- Democrats can now pass the infrastructure bill on their own...
    • Was Derek Chauvin Trained In How to Safely Respond To People Having a Crisis? - Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator
    • Science Revolution: Much of the West is in a decades Long "megadrought"...what happens next? - Dr. Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Meteorology & Director, Earth System Science Center-Penn State University / Member-National Academy of Sciences / author of several books including including his latest just out, The New Climate War / (previously, The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy) / Recipient of the Tyler Prize
  • Monday 05 April '21 show notes

    • GOP "Cancel Culture" Has its Guns Blazing Against Democracy - Their target is anything that isn't white, male or associated with a gun...
    • The latest on the Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd - Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • The Cyber Weapons Arms Race... - Nicole Perlroth, CyberSecurity Report-The NY Times / Author of the new book, "This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends"

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