Tuesday 13 April '21 show notes

  • Like the Nazis & Fascists, the Republican Party Must Be Purged - It must not be allowed, like the Confederacy was, to live on with its own "lost cause" BS mythology
  • How Could a 26 Year Veteran of the Police Mistake a Gun for a Taser?
  • What Will the Anti-Vaxxers Cost America?
  • Chauvin Defense Blames Dead Victim - Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator
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Like the Nazis & Fascists, the Republican Party Must Be Purged
Thom plus logo It must not be allowed, like the Confederacy was, to live on with its own "lost cause" BS mythology

President Joe Biden has largely given up on trying to negotiate anything with Republicans. There's a good reason for this: the GOP is no longer a legitimate political party.

One of the most comprehensive and well respected surveys of political parties worldwide is called the Global Party Survey and came out of work done at Harvard in the US and Sydney University in Australia. The researchers note: "Drawing on survey data gathered from 1,861 party and election experts, the study uses 21 core items to estimate key ideological values, issue positions, and populist rhetoric for 1,127 parties in 170 countries."

What they found was that the Democratic Party in the US is fairly solidly within the norms for political parties in fully developed countries around the world. It resembles normal and legitimate parties in Canada and most of Western Europe.

The Republican party, however, both behaves and is ideologically most similar to Hungary's Fidesz party, Turkey's AKP party and Poland's PiS party.

Read more at HartmannReport.com.

Tuesday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Hour One: Like the Nazis & Fascists, the Republican Party Must Be Purged - It must not be allowed, like the Confederacy was, to live on with its own "lost cause" BS mythology
Article: "The Kochs put a price on 2016: $889 million" by Kenneth P. Vogel.
Article: "Poland and Hungary Must Not Be Ignored" by Mike Abramowitz, Arch Puddington.
Article: "Hungary's Judges Warn of Threats to Judicial Independence" by Benjamin Novak and Patrick Kingsley.
Article: "How the Koch network rivals the GOP" by Kenneth P. Vogel.
Article: "The Roma people's Hungarian hell" by Barbora Černušáková.
Article: "Austria-Hungary" by Wikipedia.
How Could a 26 Year Veteran of the Police Mistake a Gun for a Taser?
Tweet: "We interrupt our interruption of the police killing trial with another police killing to bring you this breaking news of another high school shooting" by Alex Blagg.
Article: "How Could an Officer Mistake a Gun for a Taser?" by Shawn Hubler and Jeremy White.
Article: "Shooting of Oscar Grant" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Situation awareness" by Wikipedia.
Article: "David Jolly" by Wikipedia.

Hour Two: What Will the Anti-Vaxxers Cost America?
Tweet: "Not sure he was saying to ban it, just for people to be vocal in saying that trump's republican party isn't legitimate....and it isn't. Less than a quarter of Americans identify as republican." by 54resistance.
Tweet: "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" by Donald J. Trump.
Article: "Trump Wins CPAC Straw Poll, but Only 68 Percent Want Him to Run Again" by Elaina Plott and Shane Goldmacher.
Law: "George Floyd Justice in Policing Act" by Karen Bass (D–CA).
Article: "Dopers in uniform" by John Hoberman.
Chauvin Defense Blames Dead Victim
- Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator Twitter
Article: "Derek Chauvin's defense is in fact a damning indictment" ("excited delirium") by Radley Balko.

Hour Three: Is DC Statehood Likely?
- Meagan Hatcher-Mays, Lawyer & Director of Democracy Policy - Indivisible Twitter Twitter
Bill: "H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021" by Rep. Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD-3].
Article: "Filibuster" by history.com.
Article: "Senior aide to Feinstein suggests she supports gutting filibuster" by Daniella Diaz and Nicky Robertson.
Article: "Joe Lieberman" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Jim Jeffords" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Kyrsten Sinema" by Open Secrets.
Bill: "S.4263 - John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act" by Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT].
Article: "Shooting of Michael Brown" by Wikipedia.
Article: "The Hidden History of American Oligarchy" by Thom Hartmann.
Article: "Ferguson's Fortune 500 Company" by Walter Johnson.
Article: "Qualified immunity" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Myers–Briggs Type Indicator" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Mudsill theory" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Stanford prison experiment" by Wikipedia.
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