Thom's blog
GOP "Cancel Culture" has its Guns Blazing Against Democracy
 Their target is anything that isn't white, male or associated with a gun. So let me get this straight. Republicans tried to cancel democracy in Georgia, and got called out on it. So now they're trying to cancel Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines. All of this, according to Fox News, has something to do with "left-wing cancel culture." Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
How Matt Gaetz Sex Scandals Lead Back to Reagan's Long Con
 It's killing Americans & paralyzing our politics. There's a clear nexus between Matt Gaetz (and, apparently, a few other Republican politicians) spending his $174,000 a year on sex…and Ron DeSantis blowing up businesses in his state. And that nexus isn't just Florida. Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
The Distressing Truth of Why Big Tech Is Lobbying for Regulation, Not Against It
 Just like Monsanto, they're "locking down" their markets & Americans are falling for it In a daily rant a few weeks ago I mentioned how I've been running a contest for 15+ years on my radio program for anybody who can identify one single piece of legislation proposed by a majority of Republicans, passed through Congress by a majority of Republicans, and signed by a Republican president that's principal goal and outcome was to help the American middle-class rather than rich people or giant corporations. Nobody had ever won before. But last week a listener called and said he had it: it was the bill that "regulated" telemarketers. Turns out, my contest still stands. Here's why, and how Big Tech is not getting in on the game. Read more at -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: GOP "Cancel Culture" Has its Guns Blazing Against Democracy - Their target is anything that isn't white, male or associated with a gun...
The latest on the Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd- Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator ![Twitter]()
Hour Two: Progressive Town Hall- Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District) ![Twitter]()
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Cost Of Living Rises Faster Than Adjustments
GOP Scheme Could Backfire
Prosecution's Make Case Against Chauvin Clear (w/ Debbie Hines)
Are Voters Fighting Back Against Republicans?