Monday 12 April '21 show notes

  • Oligarchs Con White Bois - Republicans and "white nationalists" are playing with fire in their efforts to end democracy
  • The Republican Plot to Stop Herd Immunity & Flip America Into Authoritarianism - The GOP and Trumpsters are willing to sicken more Americans to regain political power
  • Japan to release treated Fukushima water into sea: reports - Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist - Beyond Nuclear

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Oligarchs Con White Bois
Thom plus logo Republicans and "white nationalists" are playing with fire in their efforts to end democracy

It's no coincidence that Trump supporters, including those who attacked our republic on January 6 at the US capital, love to wave and display the Confederate flag. Somehow, they think, their whiteness will protect them from the consequences of ending democracy in America.

They're wrong. The Confederacy was an ethno-nationalist police state, run by a small number of plantation-owning oligarch families like Robert E. Lee's, and being white was no protection from the Confederacy's brutality.


Thom's blog
The Republican Plot to Stop Herd Immunity & Flip America Into Authoritarianism
Thom plus logo The GOP and Trumpsters are willing to sicken more Americans to regain political power

Well, it's all out in the open now. Donald Trump and his homicidal cronies actively worked to damage America's public health infrastructure, so 500,000 Americans ended up dying unnecessarily. All to push America deeper into authoritarianism.


Monday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Hour One: Oligarchs Con White Bois - Republicans and "white nationalists" are playing with fire in their efforts to end democracy
Article: "Oligarchs Con White Bois" by Thom Hartmann.
Article: "Chief: Officer meant to use Taser, not firearm, on Daunte Wright" by Liz Navratil and Andy Mannix.
Article: "Cotton gin" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Boogaloo movement" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Proud Boys" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Emmett Till", 1955 by Wikipedia
Article: "White Lives Matter rally ends with large counterprotest, 12 arrests in Huntington Beach" by Hayley Smith, Ruben Vives, Priscella Vega, Hannah Fry, Matt Szabo.
Article: "2nd Amendment". A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Hour Two: The Republican Plot to Stop Herd Immunity & Flip America Into Authoritarianism - The GOP and Trumpsters are willing to sicken more Americans to regain political power
Article: "GOP pushes conspiracy" by Danny Westneat.
Article: "Trump's racism kills 1 in 1,000 Americans" by Thom Hartmann.
Article: "How the Republican Party became a death cult" by Jennifer Rubin.
Article: "Herd immunity" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Psychological projection" by Wikipedia.
Book: One Hundred Years of Lynchings by Ralph Ginzburg.
Movie: " (film)".
Book: Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin.
Article: "White Man's Burden (film)" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Poor People's Campaign" (Poor People's March on Washington) by Wikipedia.
Article: "Greenwood, Mississippi" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Leflore County, Mississippi" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Leflore County Massacre" by Mississippi Civil Rights Project.
Article: "Medgar Evers" by Wikipedia.
Book: Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.
Bill: "H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021" by Rep. Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD-3].
Bill: "S.4263 - John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act" by Sen. Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT].
Documentary: Where to Invade Next - Michael Moore.

Hour Three: Japan to release treated Fukushima water into sea: reports
- Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist - Beyond Nuclear Twitter Twitter
Article: "Bioaccumulation" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Caesium 137" by
Article: "Strontium-90" by
Article: "Iodine" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Tritium" by Wikipedia.
Article: "International Court of Justice" (World Court, the Hague) by Wikipedia.
Article: "How Facebook Became a Tool of the Far-Right" by Stuart A. Thompson and Charlie Warzel.
Article: "George Washington and the First Mass Military Inoculation" by Amy Lynn Filsinger, Raymond Dwek.
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator, will be here to talk about the George Floyd murder/Chauvin trial
Plus, Meagan Hatcher-Mays, Lawyer & Director of Democracy Policy - Indivisible will be here to talk about DC Statehood
And, the best of the rest of the news along with your calls right here on...
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And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator begins with you...
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Fukushima Nuclear Fish Coming to Your Plate, Happy? (w/ Kevin Kamps)
Fukushima Nuclear Fish Coming to Your Plate, Happy? (w/ Kevin Kamps)

Republican's Toxic Tie To Racism Blows Up
Republican's Toxic Tie To Racism Blows Up

Why Are Seniors Leaving Medicare Advantage?
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Why Did Floyd's Autopsy Leave Out Asphyxiation? (w/Debbie Hines)

Conspiracy Says White People Are Being Replaced
Conspiracy Says White People Are Being Replaced

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