
  • What Else Are We missing? Impeachment Should Include All of Trump's Crimes

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump has threatened the fate and future of human civilization by joining with fossil fuel industry billionaires in denying climate change.
    -- He has threatened world peace by upending our alliances with other democratic nations and aligning himself with dictators, murderers and autocrats.
  • Friday 6 December '19 show notes

    • Anything Goes Friday...Thom Takes Your Calls...
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Science Revolution: How Do We Stop Blowing Our Carbon Budget? - Professor Rob Jackson, Chair, Global Carbon Project & Professor-Earth System Science at Stanford University's School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

  • Thursday 5 December '19 show notes

    • Impeachment Should Include ALL of Trump's Crimes...
    • Is It Possible There's a Dimension to Capitalism, if Properly Regulated, To Protect Small Entrepreneurial Businesses That Marx Overlooked? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown / Understanding Marxism
    • Wild Seed Collectors Channel Indiana Jones To Save the Future of Our Food Supply - Beri Bonglim, Global Crop Diversity
  • Wednesday 4 December '19 show notes

    • Live Coverage of the House Trump Impeachment Hearings w/Thom's Take and Your Calls...

  • Tuesday 3 December '19 show notes

    • Is Economic Disaster About to Hit - Are You Prepared?
    • How Do We Stop the Next Generation From Dying Young?
    • Why Are Democrats Letting Lobbyists Write Anti-Medicare Propaganda? PLUS, the Iowa Campaign to Make Joni Ernst Accountable - Alex Lawson, Executive Director - Social Security Works
    • What Is The Fifth Risk?
  • Part 1 - Is Economic Disaster About to Hit & Are You Prepared?

    Thom plus logo Right now the United States and the world are facing four massive trends that, in combination, we haven't faced since the 1920s. We are seeing the rise of a new and brutal form of governance with extraordinary industrial capacity and power in China, much as Nazi Germany rose in Europe.
  • Why Have No Republicans Turned on Trump?

    Thom plus logo There is a very simple reason why some Republicans voted for the impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon, but none have so far broken ranks against Trump.

    That reason is a corrupted U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Monday 2 December '19 show notes

    • Charles Sauer, The Market Institute vs. Thom Re: Are Democrats Going Communist on Prescription Drugs? Where Do the Commons Begin and End? - Charles Sauer, Libertarian / Economist & President - The Market Institute / author of Profit Motive: What Drives the Things We Do
    • How and Why Do People "Break Up" With Their Parties?
    • What She Witnessed On the Ground in Bolivia Post Coup - Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK/Global Exchange
    • Can You Deny We Are Now Standing in an Extinction Event & DisInformation is the Cause?
  • Wednesday 27 November '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is Peak Reaganomics Killing Off Young Americans?
    • Greg Palast Teams Up with Stacey Abrams to Restore Voting Rights... - Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
    • What Are Nature's Rights? - Mari Margil, Director, International Center for the Rights of Nature ...a program of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF)

  • Is Peak Reaganomics Killing Off Young Americans?

    Thom plus logo Young Americans are dying in record numbers because we are reaching peak "Reagan Revolution." Ronald Reagan altered the American political and economic system in 1981, destroying worker rights and changing our tax code to radically increase the political and economic power of the very rich.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

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