
  • Tuesday 15 June '21 show notes

    • How Trump Made Being a Psychopath Fashionable
    • How Republicans Will Push the Poor Into Deeper Poverty...
    • The Sad Story of the Southern Slaveholders That Conservatives Want 8th Graders to Know...
    • America On Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion Since the 1960' - Professor Elizabeth Hinton Historian / Associate Professor of History & African American Studies at Yale University and Professor of Law at Yale Law School, Author of the new book, America On Fire / previously, From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime
  • Monday 14 June '21 show notes

    • Democrats Must Use the Most Powerful Word In Politics
    • Mark Karlin ( tells his former highschool classmate, A.G. Merrick Garland, "Defending the indefensible is not your job."
    • Today's Moral March on Manchin - Pam Garrison, Spokesperson - West Virginia chapter of the Poor People's Campaign
    • "Economic Freedom" be the Billionaire's New Phrase to Repace "Capitalism"?
    • Civilized To Death - Christopher "Chris" Ryan PhD, Author of 5 books, including his latest: Civilized to Death: The Price of Progress
  • Friday 11 June '21 show notes

    • Trump, Who Corrupted the Highest Office in America, Must Be Prosecuted
    • Anything Goes...
    • Right Wing Claiming Free Daycare Makes Women "Handmaidens For Capitalism"though maybe his family blackmailed him
  • Thursday 10 June '21 show notes

    • Why Fox News Claims "They" Are Taking Away “White Culture”
    • Where Is the DOJ as QAnon Backs a New Paramilitary Group?
    • Trump's Cult is Consolidating...
    • Why All the Hysteria About Inflation? Is It Justified? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System (now also available as an e-book)
    • Why Joe Manchin Will Never Become a Republican?
  • Wednesday 09 June '21 show notes

    • The Right Wing Is Surfing On Trump's Bullying and Getting Away With It...
    • Hiding the Union Busters - Julia Rock, Journalist - The Daily Poster
    • Fix SSI and fire the Trump appointees who are sabotaging Social Security! - Alex Lawson, Executive Director - Social Security Works / Strengthen Social Security
  • Tuesday 08 June '21 show notes

    • Should America Outlaw Homelessness?
    • What's It Going to Take to Make the Rich Pay Their Fair Share?
    • While the Senate Refuses to Investigate Jan. 6th In a Meaningful Way - the FBI Finds That Right Wing Violence Has Been Heavily Planned By the White Supremacists...
    • QAnon-Supporting Candidates Are On the Rise - Angelo Carusone, President/CEO - Media Matters For America
    • Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Camapigns to Defeat Trump - Edward Isaac Dovere, Political journalist - The Atlantic & Author - Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaigns to Defeat Trump
  • Monday 07 June '21 show notes

    • Can America Function As A Multi-Racial, Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Religious Democracy?
    • Wendell Potter, Center for Health and Democracy / Tarbell / author, Deadly Spin & Nation on the Take: How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It
    • The Poor, Tortured, Praying Republicans!
    • The Division of Light and Power - Dennis Kucinich, Former U.S. Congressman (D-OH), Public Servant & author, The Division of Light and Power
    • Peru's Polarized Election - Medea Benjamin, Activist/Co-Founder, CODEPINK/Global Exchange / Author, latest Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection - live from Peru
  • Friday 04 June '21 show notes

    • Can We Stop Psychopath-Driven Inequality From Making Society More Sick?
    • When 90% Are in Debt to the 1% - You Know You Have a Psychopath-Driven Economy...
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Is Dr. Fauci the New Hillary? Thom Explains...
    • Is Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Another Roseann Barr?
  • Thursday 03 June '21 show notes

    • Grand Dragon of Today’s Ku Klux Kaucus? Donald Trump
    • If Democrats Can't Use Reconciliation or Reform the Filibuster - Is It Too Late For Democracy?
    • Would Trump's Declaring Martial Law Plan Have Worked?
    • The Texas Winter Storm Was Far Worse and Killed Many More - Peter Aldhous, Science Reporter - BuzzFeed News
  • Wednesday 02 June '21 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Could Qanon Reign Mean the "End Times" for Democracy?
    • Tulsa Was Just One of Many Race Massacres & Now the GOP is Blocking the teaching of Racism
    • Seattle ban on facial recognition technology use - Jeanne Kohl-Welles, King County Councilmember & primary sponsor of the ban
    • Is It Too Late For Democracy?

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