Thom's blog
Can We Stop Psychopath-Driven Inequality From Making Society More Sick?
 Why we will all be better off if we can reform our political and business cultures to be less psychopath-friendly and more humanity-friendly. Inequality is literally killing us, both individually and as a society, and its two main drivers are monopolistic business behavior, and greedy CEOs and politicians. Both are a result of psychopaths taking over politics and business. Decades ago, when I was doing international relief work, I visited a school for Aboriginal children way up northeast near Cairns, Australia in a little town called Lockhart River. One of the teachers there, a white guy who'd grown up in Sydney and was my guide around the place, told me the story of an “amazing, life-changing” revelation he had the first week he was teaching at the school. Read more at -Thom
Friday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Can We Stop Psychopath-Driven Inequality From Making Society More Sick?
When 90% Are in Debt to the 1% - You Know You Have a Psychopath-Driven Economy...
Article: " ACT UP" by Wikipedia.
Tweet: " Before we took office, the economy added back 60,000 jobs per month. It's now adding back 500,000 jobs per month. In fact, we've created 1.5 million jobs—more jobs than have ever been created in the first three months of any president in our nation's history." by Joe Biden.
Hour Three: Is Dr. Fauci the New Hillary? Thom Explains...
Is Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Another Roseann Barr?
Article: " Moors" by Wikipedia.
Article: " Semitic" by Free Dictionary.
Quote: " All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - George Orwell.
Coming up Monday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Watch & Listen to Thom
Is Biden's Best Opportunity Right Now? (w/ Ro Khanna)
How a Psychopath-Driven Economy Has Taken Over
If Trump Declared Martial Law Would He Still Be President?
TX Winter Storm Killed More Than Reported (w/ Peter Aldhous)
Did the GOP's Brutal Plot To Crush Democracy Win?
Grand Dragon of Today's Ku Klux Kaucus? Donald Trump.