Monday 14 June '21 show notes

  • Democrats Must Use the Most Powerful Word In Politics
  • Mark Karlin ( tells his former highschool classmate, A.G. Merrick Garland, "Defending the indefensible is not your job."
  • Today's Moral March on Manchin - Pam Garrison, Spokesperson - West Virginia chapter of the Poor People's Campaign
  • "Economic Freedom" be the Billionaire's New Phrase to Repace "Capitalism"?
  • Civilized To Death - Christopher "Chris" Ryan PhD, Author of 5 books, including his latest: Civilized to Death: The Price of Progress
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Democrats Must Use the Most Powerful Word In Politics
Thom plus logo They must play hardball; the future of our republic is at risk. When your opponents are deeply corrupt, using the word corruption isn't just a strategy, it's an imperative.

There is one word Republicans fear more than any other, for good reason. That word is corruption, and they fear it because it has brought down multiple rightwing politicians and governments. When dealing with a corrupt political party, It's the most powerful word in politics.


Thom's blog
Will "Economic Freedom" be the Billionaire's New Phrase to Replace "Capitalism"?
Thom plus logo Frank Luntz is advising his rich patrons to continue to kneecap the middle class with a slick new sloganeering strategy. Have Americans finally figured out the the "long con" of the Reagan Revolution?

Frank Luntz, who made millions messaging for the wealthy and powerful, has an idea.

His most recent survey found that across American society there is widespread skepticism about capitalism and outrage at the tendency of deregulated capitalism to produce mind-boggling wealth and terrible poverty.


Monday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Hour One: Democrats Must Use the Most Powerful Word In Politics
Article: "Cracking the Code" by Thom Hartmann.
Article: " Corruption and the Arab Spring" by Stuart Levey.
Article: "This Is Still Happening: Elaine Chao" by Jeremy Stahl.
Article: "Comedian Wins Ukrainian Presidency In Landslide" by Matthew S. Schwartz.
Article: "Nixon Criticized By 49% In Survey" by New York Times.
Mark Karlin ( tells his former highschool classmate, A.G. Merrick Garland, "Defending the indefensible is not your job."
Article: "A Sitting President's Amenability To Indictment And Criminal Prosecution" by U.S. Department of Justice (OLC), 2000.
Article: "Gun violence in 6 states this weekend brings US mass shootings to 272 so far this year" by Chris Boyette, Jay Croft and Hollie Silverman.
Article: "Biden's Justice Department follows Trump's lead in E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit" by Marlene Lenthang, Aaron Katersky, Alexander Mallin.
Article: "Tommy Douglas" (father of Canadian Healthcare) by Wikipedia.

Hour Two: Today's Moral March on Manchin
- Pam Garrison, Spokesperson - West Virginia chapter of the Poor People's Campaign @UniteThePoor
Article: "The hard work of being poor" by Pamela Garrison.
Article: "West Virginia" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Ronald Reagan: The Union Buster" by Kris LaGrange on Mar 05, 2018.
Article: "McConnell's Legislative Graveyard" by Nancy LeTourneau.
Article: "Viktor Orbán" (Hungary) by Wikipedia.
"Economic Freedom" be the Billionaire's New Phrase to Repace "Capitalism"?

Hour Three: Civilized To Death
- Christopher "Chris" Ryan PhD, Author of 5 books, including his latest: Civilized to Death: The Price of Progress , @ThatChrisRyan
Book: "Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes, 1651. "And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short."
Book: "The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger" by Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett.
Article: "Why Inequality Matters" by My Fair London in association with The Equality Trust.
Article: "San Diego Zoo" by Wikipedia.
Book: Humankind by Peter Farb.
Book: “Humankind: A Hopeful History“ by Rutger Bregman.
Article: "Potlatch" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Gerrymandering" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Fairness Doctrine" by Wikipedia.
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
I'll be talking with Professor Elizabeth Hinton Historian / Associate Professor of History & African American Studies at Yale University and Professor of Law at Yale Law School, Author of the new book, America On Fire / previously, From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime
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How America Creates a Network of EV chargers (w/ Rep. Andy Levin)
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Are Algorithms Running Our Democracy Into The Ground?
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Does America Have a Chance At Democracy?
Why the Delta Variant Should Worry Republicans

Does America Have a Chance At Democracy?
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GOP Caller Blames Democrats Instead Of Rich For Racism
GOP Caller Blames Democrats Instead Of Rich For Racism

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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