Thursday 03 June '21 show notes

  • Grand Dragon of Today’s Ku Klux Kaucus? Donald Trump
  • If Democrats Can't Use Reconciliation or Reform the Filibuster - Is It Too Late For Democracy?
  • Would Trump's Declaring Martial Law Plan Have Worked?
  • The Texas Winter Storm Was Far Worse and Killed Many More - Peter Aldhous, Science Reporter - BuzzFeed News
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Grand Dragon of Today’s Ku Klux Kaucus? Donald Trump
Thom plus logo The Democratic Party is in denial. Democrats need to start dealing with Republicans the way they would deal with the Klan.

Trump dumped his blog because he has nothing to say that anyone wants to hear beyond one single message.

He’s not thinking deep thoughts about the economy, or the state of the nation’s infrastructure, or offering insights into the Middle East. There’s literally no philosophy Trump holds — other than one single idea — that truly matters to the vast majority of the Republicans who support him.

He’s not Richard Nixon, who could be actually thoughtful on foreign policy. He’s not Ronald Reagan, who completely bought into the idea of supply side economics. He’s not George W. Bush, who had a story to tell us about why it was so important to attack the second-most oil-rich country in the world and hand their natural resources over to Dick Cheney’s company.

The only thing Trump has to offer his followers is open and blatant racism, and that is the core and foundational base of his support.


Thursday's Daily Stack Daily Stack
Hour One: Grand Dragon of Today’s Ku Klux Kaucus? Donald Trump
Article: “The Psychic Toll of Night Rides“ by Kidada E. Williams.
Article: “Manafort Out, Someone Worse Is In“ by Martin Longman.
Article: “America still struggles to resolve the challenges of race and justice“ by Chris Jackson, Mallory Newall.
Article: "Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.", April 4, 1968 by Wikipedia.
If Democrats Can't Use Reconciliation or Reform the Filibuster - Is It Too Late For Democracy?
Tweet: "Time to start pulling committee assignments from Democratic senators who won’t vote to end or radically modify the filibuster.
Enough of the carrot. Time for the stick
" by Thom Hartmann.
Article: "What is ALEC" by ALEC Exposed.
Article: "Joe Manchin" by Wikipedia.
Article: "West Virginia ALEC Politicians" by sourcewatch.
Article: "Jim Jeffords" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Rules Keeper Is Dismissed By Senate, Official Says" by David E. Rosenbaum.
Article: "John C. Calhoun" by Wikipedia.
Tweet: "Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August (no that isn't how it works but simply sharing the information)." by Maggie Haberman.

Hour Two: Would Trump's Declaring Martial Law Plan Have Worked?
Case: "District of Columbia v. Heller", 2008 (2nd Amendment).
Article: "Josef Mengele" by Wikipedia.
Article: "70% of adults in 12 states have received at least 1 COVID vaccine dose: CDC" by Ivan Pereira and Arielle Mitropoulos.
Article: "Jim Jones" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Coalition to Protect American Workers" by Sourcewatch.
Law: "Constitution of the United States" Article 1 section 5. "...Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member...
Law: "Constitution of the United States" Article 1 section 3. "...The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided....
Article: "Speech on the Dred Scott Decision" by Abraham Lincoln.
Article: "Andrew Jackson" (Old Hickory).
Quote: "John Marshall has made his decision: now let him enforce it!" -- Andrew Jackson.
Article: "Merrick Garland" by Wikipedia.

Hour Three: The Texas Winter Storm Was Far Worse and Killed Many More
- Peter Aldhous, Science Reporter - BuzzFeed News @paldhous @BuzzFeed
Article: "The Texas Winter Storm And Power Outages Killed Hundreds More People Than The State Says" by Peter Aldhous, Stephanie M. Lee, Zahra Hirji.
Article: "COVID-19 Data Misrepresented by Florida Governor" by Sabin Center for Climate Change Law.
Article: "Biden lowers price tag and proposes no immediate changes to GOP tax law in effort to strike bipartisan deal" by Manu Raju, Maegan Vazquez, Phil Mattingly and Kaitlan Collins.
Tweet: "It's a mistake for Joe Biden and the Dems to wait until July or August to try to get the For the People Act through the Senate.
I've been in too many Democratic administrations to know that momentum is lost during the summer when the country stops paying attention.
Act now.
" by Robert Reich.
Article: "March for Our Lives" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Keystone Pipeline" (KXL) by Wikipedia.
Article: "OPEC+ sticks to plan to ease supply cuts through July" by Alex Lawler, Ahmad Ghaddar.
Article: "Kyrsten Sinema" by Open Secrets.
Article: "Kyrsten Sinema" by Wikipedia.
Article: "Filibuster" by Wikipedia.
Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
It's Anything Goes Friday!
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ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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