August 2013

  • Tuesday 18 September '12 show notes

    • GOP...misery for all but the top 1%
    • Jim Graves, Native Minnesotan & Hotelier running for Congress (D-MN, District 6: "Taking Our Country Back" - Running for Congress against Michelle Bachmann
    • Peter Ferrara, Policy Director-Carleson Center for Public Policy / Attorney & Author "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb": Why trickle down economics only creates a nation of peons?
    • Why Romney doesn't want to be president of all Americans...
  • Monday 17 September '12 show notes

    • How the Rich Screwed the Middle Class....
    • John Nichols, The Nation Magazine: WI judge rules FOR collective bargaining
    • Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum: How NYC's soda ban could save lives
    • Mark Taylor-Canfield, Occupy Seattle: First anniversary of the Occupy Movement
    • J.A. Myerson, OWS participant / Freelance Journalist & Contributor-Truthout: OWS 1 Year Later - The Game is rigged
  • Friday 14 September '12 show notes

    • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
    • Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA, 9th District): campaign, foreign policy
    • Anything Goes on Townhall Friday
  • Thursday 13 September '12 show notes

    • Egypt...the revolution and the aftermath
    • Stacy Davis Gates, Chicago Teachers Union Local 1: Chicago Teachers Union rally Saturday
    • Progressive transformation happens in inches
    • Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD, 4th District): Obama has stopped the free fall
    • Tommy Christopher, Why did the media prefer Romney spin vs truth?
    • Rev. D. Alexander Bullock, Rainbow PUSH Coalition: Democracy under fire in Michigan (Gov. Snyder's band of emg. mgr's is at it again)
    • Geeky Science rocks! Why Gut Microbes Matter
  • Wednesday 12 September '12 show notes

    • At the end of the day, this isn't about Islam
    • Stacy Davis Gates, Chicago Teachers Union Local 1: 30% is a bunch of BS
    • Rich Miniter, "Leading from Behind": Egypt/ did we get here
    • The insanity of privatizing the commons...
  • Tuesday 11 September '12 show notes

    • Romney has figured out a new way to lie
    • Kurt Eichenwald, Vanity Fair, Author, “500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars”: How the Bush Administration blew it on 9/11
    • Becky Bond, CREDO Action, CREDO SuperPAC: overturning Citizens United & defeating Tea Party extremists
    • Trent Lange, California Clean Money Campaign, AB 1648-California DISCLOSE Act: Get BIG $ out of our elections...
    • Latest on Chicago Teacher's Strike - Day 2
    • Sean Patrick Riordan, Attorney for 9/11 first responders group "Feal Good Foundation": Latest on first responders lega
  • Monday 10 September '12 show notes

    • Is the choice free stuff or freedom?
    • Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum: If the war on women is just a "distraction"...then why does the GOP keep using it?
    • Phil Kerpen, American Commitment / Author, "Democracy Denied": Debate - Tax credits for wind energy
    • Will Obama accept the challenge on medical marijuana?
  • Friday 7 September '12 show notes

    • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
    • Elizabeth Warren, Candidate for U.S. Senate (D-MA) / American bankruptcy law expert & Harvard Law School professor: DNC & her speech
    • Anything Goes on Townhall Friday
  • Thursday 6 September '12 show notes

    • US Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL): student loans & rising tuition
    • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI): Clean energy key to global competitiveness
    • Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education: Education, President's student loan plan...
    • Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR): Jobs bill, farm bill...convention overview
    • Lee Saunders, President-AFSCME: Romney-Ryan BAD for working families
    • Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH): Living wage for working people
    • Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY): General overview of convention, last night's speeches, President to
  • Wednesday 5 September '12 show notes

    • Last night's DNC speeches
    • Graeme Zielinski, Democratic Party of Wisconsin: Paul Ryan
    • Governor Don Siegelman, Former Governor of Alabama: latest...back to prison
    • Governor Dan Malloy, Governor of Connecticut (D): Live from DNC Radio Row
    • Senator Paul Strauss, Attorney, Superdelegate (2008): full representation for DC.
    • Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL): Are we better off today?
    • Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Former Governor of Kansas: Obamacare, Medicare...Romney-Ryan lies
    • Liz Schuler, Secretary Treasurer, AFL CIO: Romney-Ryan bad for wor

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