August 2013
- Mimi Marziani, Democracy Program-Brennan Center for Justice: PA Voter ID
- Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL, 19th District): Florida Congressman Demands Bipartisan Investigation Of GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal
- Frances Causey, Co-Director/Producer-HEIST: Heist opening nationwide!
- Dr Andrew Bostom, Associate Professor of Medicine at Brown University Medical School, "Sharia versus Freedom": Sharia law in America
- Tom Gaulrapp, Sensata employee of 33 years / blockade participant: Standoff w/Bain happening at the Sensata plant right now
- Staples is an
- Meet the press...where's the beef?
- Cheri Bustos, former journalist / running for Congress (D-IL, 17th district): "Taking Our Country Back": in a tight race against Tea Party Republican Congressman Bobby Schilling
- Greg Palast, BBC News & The Guardian / Author, "Billionaires & Ballot Bandits": Will the "Billionaires & Ballot Bandits" win?
- Horace Cooper, Conservative commentator / Attorney & National Center for Public Policy Research: Supreme Agenda...Affirmative Action Could be Dead Within a Month
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Singer/Songwriter James Taylor: Election day is 5 weeks away
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday
- Why isn't Anderson Cooper an enemy of the state also?
- Does Romney want to harvest the middle class for profits?
- Nick Gillespie, Reason Magazine & The GOP's "big lie" about our social safety net
- Brad Friedman, Brad Blog: Palm Beach, FL...focus of GOP voter fraud scandal?
- Ben LaBolt, National Campaign Press Secretary-Barack Obama 2012: Campaign news of the day, early voting begins in Iowa & first debate next week (will Romney lie during the debates?)
- Geeky Science rocks!
- How can you plan a revolution when Big Brother is watching?
- Stephanie Schriock, Emily's List: Candidates who need our help most
- Why does Drudge always have different polling than anyone else?
- Kristin Cabral: "Taking Our Country Back": Running against 16 term incumbent, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA, 10th District)
- Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH): China trade, taxes, update on Citizens United in Ohio, negative ads
- GOP Ralph Reed anti-Obamacare push poll
- October Surprises in politics - what will be 2012's October Surprise?
- Dave Zirin, Sports Editor-The Nation Magazine: NFL scab referees and the return of TV bloopers
- Romney & Obama's big ideas...billionaires vs. the middle class
- Wayne Powell, retired army colonel, small business owner & community lawyer: "Taking Our Country Back": Running for Congress (D-VA, 7th district) against House Majority Leader & Tea Partier, Eric Cantor
- Judson Phillips, / Founder, Tea Party Nation: Voter the GOP wins elections
- Romney and the princely class...
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Senator Max Cleland (Obama campaign), former U.S. Senator (D-GA): Obama supports vets & families / anniversary of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
- Anything Goes on Townhall Friday.
- Is America moving back to the left?
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): Social Security and budget deficits
- Brian Austin, Detective-Madison, WI Police Dept., Madison Professional Police Officers Association (MPPOA): Occupy Police...rank & file stand up for free speech
- Yvette Sanchez Fuentes, Office of Head Start: How Headstart helps kids, how President has supported Headstart, education
- Geeky Science rocks! : "Why Mental Pictures Can Sway Your Moral Judgment"
- Have we all overlooked Romney's real motivation for winning?
- Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day...
- Mark Williams, Conservative Commentator & Author / Former Chair-Tea Party Express: Romneyhood...steal from the poor & give to the rich
- Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH): Citizens United, trade & jobs