August 2013
- What will Candy Crowley bring to the debate tonight?
- Gov. Ted Strickland, Former Governor of Ohio (2007 to 2011) / National Campaign Co-Chair-Obama 2012: Debate preview
- Curtis Sliwa, CEO/Founder of The Guardian Angels & AM970 Radio Host: What makes a winner in tonight's debate?
- What do you want to hear in tonight's debate?
- Joe Miklosi, Colorado State Rep running for Congress (D-CO, 6th District): Taking Our Country Back: Running for Congress against incumbent Republican Mike Coffman
- David Keating, Center for Competitive Politics / Club for Growth: CEO's are forcing people to vote Republican...
- David Friend, CEO-Carbonite: Why they brought call center jobs back to America
- Are our schools being sold off to foreign corporations?
- Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL): Tomorrow night's debate (talking points pending from the campaign)
- America is still for sale to the highest bidder
- Sr. Carren Herring, Ohio Nuns on the Bus: Campaigning for the 99%...we all matter not just the wealthiest 1%
- In for Thom today, Nicole Sandler, host of the Nicole Sandler Show on Radio or Not.
- Last night's vice presidential debate and Anything Goes Friday
- Joshua Holland, AlterNet / Author-"The 15 Biggest Lies About the Economy": How about that debate last night?
- Mark Taylor-Canfield, Occupy Seattle: Global protests against austerity
- Cecile Richards, Obama2012, Planned Parenthood Federation of America: Talking back to the GOP war on women
- Maysoon Zayid, Countdown with Keith Olbermann on Current TV: Some humor for the weekend
- In for Thom today, Nicole Sandler, host of the Nicole Sandler Show on Radio or Not.
- John Nichols, The Nation Magazine: "Debate question for Paul Ryan...which of Mitt's many sides are you on?"
- Joel Silberman, Democracy Partners: Debate preview & advice
- Ross Tuttle and Erin Schneider, documentary filmmakers ("The Hunted and the Hated: An Inside Look at the NYPD's Stop-and-Frisk Policy"): NYC Stop & Frisk
- Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) (campaign: Super PAC spending field day...up to $21.1 million in OH
- Ari Berman, The Nation
- In for Thom today, please welcome back Nicole Sandler, host of the Nicole Sandler Show on Radio or Not.
- Nancy Northup, Center for Reproductive Rights: What's at stake for women's health rights
- Rob Boston, Americans United for Separation of Church & State: Pastors give big bird to IRS...should they lose their tax exemption?
- Greg Kaufmann, The Nation Magazine: Poverty in America...why has everyone stuck there head in the sand on this issue?
- Rev. Bill Keller, Live online ministry: Vote for Jesus on November 6th?
- Elliot Richardson, Small Business Advocacy Council: Efforting to bring a consumer owned health insurance cooperative to Illinois
- Adam Freedman, Conservative Legal Commentator / Author-The Naked Constitution: Supreme Court at risk of becoming too...liberal?
- Melanie Roussell, National Press Secretary-Democratic National Committee: New Obama for America ad re: Big Bird, state of the campaign, debate preview
- The bankster difference...Greece vs. Iceland
- Happy Indigenous People's Day...the truth about Columbus Day
- Debi Kemple, Community member, Freeport, IL (aka Bainport): Arrested today at Sensata blockade
- Dr Arthur Caplan, Division of Medical Ethics, Department of Population Health at NYU Langone Medical Center / Author: Why does the church have the right to tell you how and when to die?
- Why Bhutan did the opposite of Privatization
- Doug Wilson, Obama campaign’s National Security Advisory Committee / Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs until April 2012: Romney foreign affairs speech
- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
- Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chair-Democratic National Committee / U.S. Congresswoman (D-FL, 20th district): Debate reax & jobs numbers
- Anthony Flaccavento, Family farmer / candidate for U.S. Congress (D-VA, 9th District) against Incumbent Republican H. Morgan Griffith (elected in 2010): "Taking Our Country Back"
- Eric Schneiderman, New York Attorney General (D): A.G. Schneiderman Sues JPMorgan
- Anything Goes about last night's debate...
- Jerry Tetalman: "Taking Our Country Back": Running against Republican incumbent Darrell Issa
- Geeky Science Rocks - what does earth "sound" like to outer space?
- Beau Biden, Attorney General-Delaware (campaign: The debate and what's next
- Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) (campaign: Debate, jobs & more right wing $$ in politics
- What questions would you like to see asked/answered in tonight's debate?
- Ben LaBolt, National Campaign Press Secretary-Barack Obama 2012: Debate preview
- Has the GOP/right wing media jumped the shark with the Obama video?
- How media coverage influences the presidential debate for viewers