Thom's blog
Americans are falling way behind the rest of the developed world in internet connectivity
The nation of South Korea is expected to have internet speeds 200-times what we have here in the United States by the end of the year. And here’s the kicker: They’ll pay only $27 a month for it. According to a new report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – the United States is falling way behind other developed nations when it comes to internet speeds and connectivity. Currently, more than 94% of South Koreans have access to high speed internet. In that United States, only 70% of us do – with roughly 100 million Americans unable to access high-speed internet.
So what’s the secret in South Korea? Government regulation that prevents oligopolies from rising up in the internet market and charging whatever they want. It’s time we start enforcing the Sherman Anti-trust Act in America again – break up the giant internet cartel – and bring more competition into the market to lower prices. Internet is the basis of the new economy – and thus it should be fundamental right for all Americans to have access to it.
(Do you have access to high speed internet? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 9pm... Tea Party & the John Birch Society...one & the same? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: Tea Party & the John Birch Society...one & the same?- James Hoffa, International Brotherhood of Teamsters ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Need to Know: Why is the DNC supporting school vouchers?- Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Screwed: America's future is the middle class- Congressman Steve Israel, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Screwed: Citizen's United- Congresswoman Donna Edwards (D-MD, 4th District) ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Lone Liberal Rumble:- Marc Harrold, Libertarian Commentator / Attorney / Author ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg) - Horace Cooper, conservative writer/legal commentator ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Rebuild the middle class...rebuild America- Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Daily Take: World's richest woman says Africans will work for $2 a day
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
latest...back to prison- Governor Don Siegelman, Former Governor of Alabama ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Live from DNC Radio Row- Governor Dan Malloy, Governor of Connecticut (D) ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Hour Two: full representation for DC- Senator Paul Strauss, Attorney & Shadow Senator-Seat 2 (D-District of Columbia) / Superdelegate (2008).
Are we better off today?- Congressman Alan Grayson, Former U.S. Congressman (D-FL, 8th District) running to regain his seat ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Obamacare, Medicare...Romney-Ryan lies- Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Former Governor of Kansas ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Romney-Ryan bad for working people- Liz Schuler, Secretary Treasurer, AFL CIO ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Hour Three: interview with Michelle Obama- Joe Madison, Host-The Joe Madison Show ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
What to expect from the President's speech tomorrow night- David Bender, Progressive strategist / Broadcaster ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program...your media support group for "we the people"...TAG, YOU'RE IT!!!!!!!!! (OCCUPY SOMETHING!!!!!)
Tuesday's Daily Stack ![Daily Stack](https://ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/12.jpg?a=1102702656827)
Hour One: State of Labor, importance of unions in election- James Hoffa, International Brotherhood of Teamsters ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Are we better off than four years ago?
Hour Two: Why message matters- Corey Ealons, Former communications advisor to President Obama / Member-VOX Global team/ Progressive Strategist & commentator ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
His dad's legacy...Sargent Shriver, founder, US Peace Corps & former VP candidate w/ George McGovern 40 years ago- Mark Shriver, Save the Children ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Bible: Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"
Live from DNC Radio- U.S. Congressman Chris Murphy (D-CT, 5th District) & U.S. Senate Candidate from CT (running against Linda McMahon) ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
It's the final day of the Democratic National Convention. We'll have all the news from the convention floor plus Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Senator Sherrod Brown and many more guests.
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program...your media support group for "we the people"...TAG, YOU'RE IT!!!!!!!!! (OCCUPY SOMETHING!!!!!)
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Are Cons Reinventing Labor Day into Billionaire's Day?
Christine Pelosi - Are We Better off?
The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Metagnostically Ugly
Crazy Alert! Charity Breast Touching?
Your Take/My Take - Lynn, South Africa, asks Thom - What if the GOP wins?
DNC...will Anyone Mention War?
How Many Times Will We Hear The Medicare Lie from the GOP?
Is America better off than 30 yrs ago when the Reaganomics experiment started?
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 9/4/12: Better Off Than We Were 30 Years Ago?
Thom looks at what 30 years of Reaganomics has done to our country. Also discussed: The continued Medicare lie from the right, the setback in Afghanistan and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom looks at the Republicans 30 year war on labor unions and what it has meant for the middle class.
Thom Hartmann on the News - September 4, 2012
Caller - My Ohio License was blocked by New Jersey!
The War against Voter Suppression ID Laws
Republican lies about unions
Are we better off than four years ago?
A Romney Lying Robocall