Thom's blog
What's the Trump administration doing in the face of the rise of armed hatred in the United States?

In addition to the hard Nazi right celebrating Donald Trump's election, we've got this kid who murdered all these students in Parkland wearing a Make America Great Again hat and putting his swastikas in his books.
Far Right Feels Welcome in America After Trump Removes White Supremacists From List Of Extremists

So what's the Trump administration doing in the face of the rise of armed hatred in the United States? Weaponized hatred in the United States, whether it's Russian bots or whether it's Republican bots or whether it's Japanese bots - apparently they've participated in some of these swarms. What is the Trump administration doing?
Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?

When young people or anybody goes to speak to their Republican members of the House or Senate, they generally don't get through. These guys aren't holding town hall meetings any more at all. Tomthunkit tweeted this...
Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs

The war against young people is continuing.
Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy

The ugly face of Republican authoritarianism.
Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence

Two simple changes to U.S. law, both things based in other laws that we already know and like, could solve most of America's gun violence problem:
1. Treat all semi-automatic weapons in a similar way under the same laws as fully-automatic weapons.
2. Regulate gun ownership and usage the same way we regulate car ownership and usage.
Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control

The meme that I was hearing over and over after the Florida shooting, and I was yelling at the TV, the meme that they kept promoting that was making me so crazy was, "oh, if you see something, say something - we should have been able to see this coming." As if to say that only in the United States do we have people who have mental illness problems. This is just total crap.
Thom Hartmann: We Live in a Country That Has a Totally Corrupted Political System

As the school shooting in Parkland, Florida has shown, what was considered insanely corrupt political behavior 40 years ago is now normal. And you can thank right-wingers on the Supreme Court.
Are ALEC and the Politicians They Fund Complicit in Niklas Cruz's Florida School Shooting?

Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again

This should be the metric by which we determine what is public and what is private - public being government-run, we all own it collectively, and private being privately owned, it's owned by capitalists, essentially.