Thom's blog
Thom Hartmann: Time to Overthrow Our Rulers

Is it time to bring a monarchy to the United States? Or is it time to end one?
How America Ended Up With Donald Trump

The thing that you are not going to hear so much about in the corporate media is how we got to here. How is it that we have this man as our president?
America was Birthed in Opposition to Corporate Monopoly

The sales pitch that David Koch was running on in 1980 on the Libertarian ticket was that government is bad, corporations are good. You can trust corporations.
But the reality is that the government that we have, which perhaps millions of Americans have literally fought and died to create and protect - George Washington had three horses shot out from underneath him trying to create this government - should be of, by, and for we the people, to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln.
Should Progressives Fight for a Federal Jobs Guarantee or Universal Basic Income?

How the GOP Tax Cut Will Also Shrink Your Paycheck

The morbidly rich billionaires who own the Republican Party know that when working/middle-class people get a tax cut, it means that over time working-class wages will go down - which is why they're more than happy to give us all a temporary tax cut.
Who Is Watching You?

Anytime you turn or do anything - someone may be watching & is trying to make a buck off you. I see this as a beginning. Will your ISP soon be watching you? Or are they already? At what point do we say we want the damn internet back and some privacy too? Read More...
Someone May Be Watching You...

Anytime you turn or do anything - someone may be watching & is trying to make a buck off you. I see this as a beginning. Will your ISP soon be watching you? Or are they already? At what point do we say we want the damn internet back and some privacy too? Read More...
The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong

I want to get into some of the issues that we understand and misunderstand about taxes, money, wealth, and how the very, very morbidly rich in the United States have seized not only virtually complete economic power in this country but also virtually complete political power.
Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?

The countries of the world that have the most stable economies and that suffer from the smallest boom and bust cycles are the countries with the highest tax rates on the very, very wealthy. The reason for that is that the government is functioning essentially as a stabilizer, so capitalist economies, there's just a fundamental truth about them.