Thom's blog
Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare

Everybody has the right to education. It's a basic right. Everybody has the right to housing. It's a basic right. Everyone has the right to food. It's a basic right.
Donald Trump's Budget Will Cut Trillions From Social Safety Net To Give Tax Breaks To Morbidly Rich

This is fascinating because the Trumpistas, the Republicans, just released a budget which is going to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps. It's going to cut everything. It's just right across the board, it's three trillion dollars in cuts over a ten-year period. Three hundred billion dollars a year.
How the GOP Used a Two Santa Clauses Tactic to Con America for Nearly 40 Years

This scam has been killing wages and enriching billionaires for decades.
"The only thing wrong with the U.S. economy is the failure of the Republican Party to play Santa Claus."
-Jude Wanniski, March 6, 1976
Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis

Meagan Day writing over at Jacobin magazine is quoting from a new study that was published in Psychological Bulletin written by Thomas Curran
Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines

W.J. Hennigan wrote a fairly lengthy piece in Time magazine on the first of February. He writes:
GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings

The rich get richer, and the poor will never be able to retire.
The #GOPTaxScam was the straw that broke the markets’ back. Here’s why and how.
First, America is hugely in debt (known as “overleveraged” in econ wonkspeak).
The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump

The corruption of small D democracy, the corruption of human rights, the corruption of civil rights, the destruction, actually, of civil and human rights, the destruction of the public sphere, the the deconstruction of government - or as Steve Bannon famously said, the deconstruction of the administrative state, in other words taking apart government.
Did Trump Just Announce His 9/11 'Unification' Strategy?

There are two bright-red warning lights flashing right now on the dashboard of what's left of American democracy. While Donald Trump is hyper-aware of both of them, the media and most of our politicians are ignoring them.
They are War and Crash.
Is Trump trying to purge the government of disloyal elements?

In his State of the Union speech this week Donald Trump asked Congress to give him the power to purge cabinet agencies. He said:
Did Trump Violate The Hatch Act By Asking Supporters To Donate During The State Of The Union?

I got this email a couple of days ago from Trump headquarters after I got off the air, it was 4:10 p.m. Pacific time: "Fred," (because I'm registered as Fred Flintstone with the Trump campaign)...