I got this email a couple of days ago from Trump headquarters after I got off the air, it was 4:10 p.m. Pacific time: "Fred," (because I'm registered as Fred Flintstone with the Trump campaign)...
"Fred, you still have time to get your name displayed during the president's State of the Union address. All he asks is that you make a contribution to show your dedication to our movement.
Tonight's speech isn't about the president, it's about bringing the silent majority back into the national spotlight. Tonight is for you.
Please make a contribution to have your name displayed during the president's first State of the Union.
The president is eternally grateful for the sacrifices you've made to keep our movement alive and strong.
Now he wants the world to see the names of every American citizen who has fought the good fight to save our country.
Now step into the spotlight as president Trump honors the the forgotten American citizens.
Please make a contribution now to have your name displayed during the president's State of the Union address tonight.
Trump headquarters."
Turns out it was Paul Ryan who authorized this. The Speaker of the House controls the feed of the State of the Union and Paul Ryan authorized the Trump campaign to raise money off federal activity.
Public Citizen has now filed a complaint. They are asking the House of Representatives ethics committee and the Office of Congressional Ethics (the OCE) to investigate whether speaker Paul Ryan violated House Rules by letting the Trump campaign do this.
It's against the rules. It's quite simple.
And frankly I believe that the selling of the presidency is a violation of the Hatch Act.