Radio show transcripts
Thom discusses GOP political terrorism with Dan Gainor, 12 August 2009
Aug. 28, 2009 6:16 amBy SueNThom Hartmann: Our quote for day from Dennis Kucinich: “Peace is a civil right which makes other human rights possible. Peace is a precondition for our existence. Peace permits our continued existence.” Peace is not what is being whipped up by the right today and frankly by the corporate media.
Transcript: Why should anybody be allowed to engage in for profit health insurance?" Thom asks Michael Tanner, 27 August 2009
Aug. 27, 2009 4:41 pmBy SueNThom Hartmann: But to the healthcare debate. There is a new, a new group over on Facebook. Let me just set this up by sharing this with you. It’s called ‘One million strong against our socialist fire departments.’ The topic: ‘For far too long fire departments across the United States have been socialist organizations resulting in taxes on the American people. Fact: Most Americans never use the socialized services of the fire department.
Transcript: Thom asks Frank Schaeffer, why are Conservatives rampaging at town hall meetings? 10 August 2009
Aug. 26, 2009 4:10 pmBy SueNThom Hartmann: Greetings my friends, patriots, lovers of democracy, truth and justice, believers in peace, freedom and the American way. Thom Hartmann here with you.
Transcript: Carl and Christine discuss the health insurance industry with HMO defector Wendell Potter, 05 August 2009
Aug. 26, 2009 5:25 amBy SueNCarl Wolfson and Christine Alexander from the KPOJ morning show guest hosted for Thom who was on the road.
Thom discusses population control with Marc Morano, 11 August 2009
Aug. 24, 2009 5:19 amBy SueNThom Hartmann: Here’s where we stand. When King John signed the Magna Carta at Runnymede in 1215 in England, there were 500 million humans on Earth. We had filled every continent, every continental space on this planet except Antarctica, and the world was not lightly populated. By 1800 we hit our first one billion, one thousand million, one billion people. All of human history, one billion people, in 1800. 2nd billion took only 130 years, 1930. 3rd billion took only 30 years, 1960. 4th billion took only 14 years, 1974. 5th billion took only 13 years, 1987.
Thom and Troy Schneider discuss how to bring back the news in the United States, 06 August 2009
Aug. 23, 2009 11:18 amBy SueNThom Hartmann: And John Cornyn, Republican paranoia has reached a new high. This is tragic. The Texas Senator, the White House has said, has pointed out that there are a lot of lies out there. I’ve been promoting this website for a week, I want to promote it again. Please, 'please' is part of the url, be sure to include the word 'please', is a great website that takes apart some of the Republican lies, basically, that are being circulated in email.
Transcript: Thom asks if people are making money off the racists in the Birther Movement, 28 July 2009
Aug. 23, 2009 8:56 amBy SueNOkay, lets take this to the largest picture. I see two things going on here. Let’s assume for a moment that the people who are promoting the Birther Movement, the ones who are out there aggressively sending the emails like the one I received, saying you know, sign our petition, we need to get a million names on this petition by August 4th, by President Obama’s birthday, so that we can force him into court, etc. etc. etc. Let’s assume for a moment that they’re actually not racists. That the members of Congress are actually not racist.
Transcript: Thom talks about the economy, TARP and Chinese tariffs, 28 July 2009
Aug. 23, 2009 8:16 amBy SueNAnd the U.S. economy, this is absolutely incredible. I want to share with you, first of all, let’s just broadly talk about what’s happening with the economy in the United States. Elizabeth Warren is the person who is in charge of overseeing the TARP program. And you know, given that job by Congress when they put the thing together. And here she is with her report. This is from about three days ago, three or four days ago [it was uploaded 14 July 2009]. Her report to the nation.
Transcript: Dennis Kucinich tells Thom about his single payer option and the Fed paying banks not to loan money, 29 July 2009
Aug. 23, 2009 3:42 amBy SueNThom Hartmann:
Thom Hartmann here with you, and one of the great warriors for our country, for our people, for we the people, is Dennis Kucinich. He’s on the line with us. His website of course, and Congressman Kucinich, welcome to the show.
Dennis Kucinich: Thom, it’s always good to be with you, thank you.
Transcript: Thom Hartmann discusses the American Red Cross and unions with Christine Holschlag, 04 August 2009
Aug. 21, 2009 1:54 amBy SueNThom Hartmann: So we get mail, I have this very, very thoughtful email that leads, I think is a perfect segue to our next guest. It’s an email from, well I’m not going to name her actually. She didn’t ask me not to, but uh, this is about harassment she is experiencing at work. She says,