Sue's daily stacks

  • Tuesday 16 July '19 show notes

    • How Has the Right Wing Takeover of the GOP and the Media Changed America?
    • Exposing the Conservative Baseless Argument Against $15 Per Hour.... - Charles Sauer, Libertarian / Economist & President - The Market Institute / author of Profit Motive: What Drives the Things We Do
    • What Is the Impact of Trump Sweeping Americans into his Concentration Camps?
    • Ice is Turning Kids Over to Rapists???
  • Monday 15 July '19 show notes

    • What do we do about Republicans who are silent as Trump tweets like David Duke? Has the Republican base and Fox News moved so far to the right that this a winning strategy for Trump?
    • Is America no longer "the great melting pot"?
    • Social Media Has Created the "Hive Mind" & Let It Loose Into America
    • The Squad was right about the immigration bill that Pelosi pushed.
  • Friday 12 July '19 show notes

    • Show LIVE from Netroots Nation in Philadelphia (w/Free Speech TV)
    • How Do We Beat Trump? - Adam Green, Progressive Change Campaign Committee
    • How Do We Build An Economy That Works For Everyone?
  • Thursday 11 July '19 show notes

    • Show LIVE from Netroots Nation in Philadelphia (w/Free Speech TV)
    • The Census and Immigration Raids... Could This Be Trump's Strategy to Win in 2020?
    • How Surveillance Affects the Muslim Community More Often... - Zahra Billoo, Civil Rights Attorney & Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations San Francisco Bay Area
    • Is it Possible that the Fed Has Figured out How to Correct the Boom and Bust Cycles of Capitalism Like in Australia and Japan? - Economist Dr.
  • Wednesday 10 July '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is America the First Developed Country to Begin Moving Backwards?
    • The Movement to Get Guns Under Control - David Swanson, Journalist/Activist/Campaign Director-Roots Action / Author-War Is A Lie
    • How To Ban Facial Recognition Surveillance? - Evan Greer, Deputy Director-Fight for the Future

  • Tuesday 9 July '19 show notes

    • Are you hearing the media re-write history and eulogize Perot as the guy "who opposed government debt" instead of the guy "who opposed NAFTA and other 'free trade' agreements"?
    • The Movement to Get Guns Under Control
    • The Climate Crisis Coming - Temperature and Seal level Rise - Dr.
  • Monday 8 July '19 show notes

    • Sex Trafficker of Underage Girls' Jeffrey Epstein - Will He Implicate Trump?
    • America Concentration Camps & Voter Suppression - What Will it Take for Trump Supporter To See the Light?
    • Why is the IRS Commissioner in Charge of Releasing Trump's Tax Returns Making a Profit from Trump Property
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • The Floating Chernobyl Exposed - Paul Gunter, director of the Reactor Oversight Project Beyond Nuclear
  • Wednesday 3 July '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • How Close is Iran to a Nuclear Bomb, really? - Jamal Abdi, President - National Iranian American Council (NIAC)
    • How Should the Dems Deal With the Fact that Trump's Base Loves His Cruelty On the Border?
    • Is It Appropriate for American Business' To Use Pre-Civil War Icons Symbols to Sell Product?
    • What's Up With Medicare? Are There Big Changes Effective January 1, 2020? - Alex Lawson, Executive Director - Social Security Works
  • Tuesday 2 July '19 show notes

    • Time for a Nation Service Program
    • Is the Economy Weak and Getting Worse? - Professor Steve Keen, Economist/Author, new book "Taking the Con out of ECONomics"
    • Vile Border Control Facebook Posts - It's More about Trump then the Border Control....
    • Everyone Says the Economy Is Great - How is it Affecting You?
    • Should Patents be Abolished on Drugs to Support the Public Good. You can't Patent Coffee - but the coffee business makes a profit!
  • Monday 1 July '19 show notes

    • When the Economy Crashes Will America Move to the Hard Right or Left?
    • FDRism vs. Reaganism. What Are the Chances this Election Will Turn U to FDRism vs. More Reaganism?
    • Which candidate Are You Supporting Now? and why? How will that person being president effect the future direction of America?
    • Has the Refugee Crisis Met the Definition of a "Mass Atrocity"?
    • Carter: "He lost the election and was put into office because the Russians interfered." How do we respond to an illegitimate president?

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Monday, Jan. 4, 2021

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