We are a Pure Authentic kratom Distributor who has been serving the kratom community in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world since 2013. We started this company with one thing in mind, you, the customer. We are one of the most customer centric kratom distributor since the beginning. Are you looking for Authentic Kratom? We are located in California United States. Our warehouse is located in the San Fernando Valley. Our local areas includes Los Angeles, Orange county, Woodland Hills, Canoga Park, Simi Valley, Ventura County, Glendale, Burbank, and many more local cities in Southern California. Authentic Kratom is an online-based business. https://www.authentickratom.com
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It's highly possible if not likely that the State of New York will throw Trump in the jug within two years or so. (A hope and a prayer.) That would be reasonably quick for the wheels of justice to grind his pathetic legal defenses into fine dust, but it would give way too much navel-staring time for his party of losers to regroup meanwhile and to grow even wilder conspiracy theories, fertilizing the barren minds of the white-supremacist/fake-Christian/QAnon cult of fringe nutballs, so lost in demented religiosity and unpatriotic nationalism that they can't keep straight all their truly bonkers stories bouncing around inside their empty skulls.
I mean, when evil, satan-worshipping, liberal, DemocRAT pedophiles are feasting on babies and drinking blood, toasting to their great success -- that Trump's COVID elixir made him feel "twenty years younger" and is made from aborted fetuses -- isn't that pretty clear evidence that the Dear Leader with the funny hairdo (no, not Kim Jong-un) is secretly operating on the side of the sinister forces running the whole worldwide pedophile ring thing? Oh yeah, and then black and brown hordes are gonna break into white suburban homes, rape the horses, and ride off on the women.
So now, how does this whole complicated, indecipherable mess fit together exactly, or do Republican soothsayers need some more quiet time in the rubber room to ponder the deeper questions and formulate a coherent answer? Most importantly, does the First Amendment allow Trump to tweet and retweet a constant stream of slobbering delirium from his mental ward in the state penitentiary? After all, Michael Cohen, that dirty rat who turned state's evidence, got to spill his guts while sitting in jail, revealing "The Boss's" inner secret of "success," which is mainly to lie, cheat, and steal whenever possible, from playing golf to running a business (into the ground) to playacting as president.
Jaysus! Who cares what Trump thinks? Go ah-way! Always seeking the media spotlight, his angry, screeching flying monkeys love to bare their teeth and fling their feces and make complete fools of themselves. But when the King Shthead is finally dragged off to the gallows, the bored audience addicted to yellow journalism and the theatre of the absurd (America in a nutshell) will have moved on to the next salacious fixation hogging the shallow headlines of big-corporate America's self-serving propaganda empire. How much $ad space$ can they squeeze in with whatever the latest buzz is about the fables and foibles of the rich and famous?
Mercifully, the Trump saga will soon fizzle out as just another disgraced footnote lost to history. Who even remembers the Jonestown massacre that much anymore (a suitable metaphor for Trump's inner circle) other than as a painful lesson never to listen to a malignant narcissist? Nobody wants to remember. Oh sorry, the coming quarter-million negligent homicides are probably a little tough to ignore perhaps -- even for Republicans -- but don't worry, soon enough the non-stop lie machine will normalize everything to a tasteless mash through sheer repetition, and the public will get numbed out with mental and emotional fatigue.
As a rapidly approaching dystopian future bears down on our dumb asses, one would think that the focus of worldwide attention would be solely preoccupied with the startlingly increase in the severity of massive floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornados, fires, famines, diseases, collapsing biospheres, crumbling infrastructures, and forever wars for the planet's dwindling resources -- untold misery and death rising to the next level of fascism that thrives on widespread chaos.
This hellscape is brought to us with splashy chyrons and commercials galore by a tiny but powerful quasi-political faction made up of the usual suspects: diabolical murderers and self-dealing thieves who have always existed at the pinnacle of power and always will, powerful players working behind the scenes (lately right out in the open) pulling the strings of politicians with cash and coercion, disregarding science and the sanctity of life by raping the planet and humanity in the mad pursuit for obscene profits and unchecked power. The ruthless bloodlust of wanton greed is a stronger instinct than survival itself. And it crushes the soul of anyone who succumbs.
So, how fcked-up is that? The loonies and goonies can sharpen their teeth all they want as they gnaw away on their senseless conspiracy theories. But in the blizzard of misinformation, they've missed the greatest conspiracy of all, the one that happens to be true, the one that for the lame, lazy, and crazy will make eminent sense only at the end when it's too late -- the inevitability of cause and effect.
#4 is correct, it is about people, working people, the ones that don't count. Black lives, or any others, that work for a living, don't matter in today's U$A. No matter who wins the election, don't expect real change. The only changes will come from Madison ave, where reality is manufactured through commercials. More black faces on TV, but no real changes on pay stubs and better paying jobs, where it's really needed. Or, something just as important, Medicare for all. Today's U$A is all about managed perception, where most people can't discern the difference between reality and entertainment and theater.
#4 is correct, it is about people, working people, the ones that don't count. Black lives, or any others, that work for a living, don't matter in today's U$A. No matter who wins the election, don't expect real change. The only changes will come from Madison ave, where reality is manufactured through commercials. More black faces on TV, but no real changes on pay stubs and better paying jobs, where it's really needed. Or, something just as important, Medicare for all. Today's U$A is all about managed perception, where most people can't discern the difference between reality and entertainment and theater.
TRUMP: “Just the other day they came out with a statement that 85% of the people that wear masks catch it so ... that’s what I heard and that’s what I saw.” — town-hall event in Miami.
TRUMP, on his rallies: “What I do is outside is a big thing. And if you look at those, people, they really are wearing masks. I’ll tell you, I looked last night in Iowa — there were many, many people wearing masks. But then you see CDC comes out with a statement that 85% of the people wearing masks catch it.” — Fox Business interview.
TRUMP, looking out over his crowd: “Look at all the masks. You know, they keep saying, ‘nobody wears a mask, wear the mask.’ Although then they come out with things today. Did you see CDC? That 85% of the people wearing a mask catch it, OK?” — remarks at rally during the day in Greenville, North Carolina.
I watched a very articulate Biden Town Hall that was very good. Because NBC did a last minute change and added Trump at a conflicting time I thought that I would record the Trump Town Hall and watch it after Biden. I was saved by NBC, evidently they did not change the codes or whatever and it did not record. But Biden had excellent answers to unprepared questions and Trump spread Qanon conspiracy theories.
November 26th, what will we be grateful for? More than the turkey will require a good thawing. Despite the animus and no doubt a contentious election result, I am guessing families and friends will be meeting on-line, outdoors, and or with those they already live with. The non-believers will congregate, and some of them will pay the price. Let the thanking and giving begin....it will have a whole new meaning in 2020.
I saw Bitch McConnell get beat by a woman, a Lieutenant Colonel who fights like Marine not a girl. Lt. Col McGrath flew 85 combat missions. She is formidable, and if she doesn't get elected, I think the new or old President should put her to work.
The Republican Death Cult are implementing the "herd immunity plan" for a disease for which no one has proven to have effective, durable immunity. Estimates range from 2,000,000 to over 10,000,000 American deaths would result IF immunity could be established. Nevermind that even with real herd immunity, many people will continue to die from Covid19. This is TOTALLY TWISTSED INSANITY, and everyone actively pushing this strategy should be sent to prison for intentional manslaughter.
This just in from the White Nut House: "While applying this strategy for Covid19, let's include other diseases like Ebola, SARS, MERS, etc., infect us all, and let the country become "immune" to everything all at once!" thankfully, only I made this up!!!
BTW, did anyone see Mitch "Pack Man" McConnell grinning and actually laughing like a psychotic moron in his debate with Democratic challenger Amy McGrath when she was discussing Covid19? He too needs to go to prison.
We would not hesitate to spend trillions on a war. We did so in Iraq and Afghanistan. Covid-19 should be declared as a war. If Biden wins (hate to say if, but expect the worse) he will have the biggest mess to repair in history.
Hey. Great article. Thank you very much. If you are a student, then my information will interest you. I am a student myself and I order works on this site https://custom-writing.co.uk/write-my-essay and am very pleased with their work.
Herd immunity will not just cause millions of deaths. It will cause Trillions in medical bills. Bankruptcies due to medical bills. Possibly bankruptcies to hospitals due to unpaid bills. A worn out medical staff in the country, from working overtime. States such as Texas have no Medicaid Coverage for the poor. Wisconsin currently setting up field hospitals to handle its explosion in cases. Plus the Senate has no Covid Relief package.
I would like to know how the Republicans claim there is no Climate Change. My Homeowners insurance is going up 25% this year because of "drastically more wild fires and hail storms". Amy Coney Barret claims there is no climate change. In the Recent debate Pence said there are no more hurricanes than there were 100 years ago. Do they not look at their home insurance? What will happen to rates in CA?
Интересный пост _________________ вулкан игровые автоматы онлайн клуб вулкан казино играть на деньги отзывы [url=https://pinup.topgameslist.xyz/]pin up bet app store[/url], игровые автоматы на реальные деньги с выводом с минимальным депозитом.
Интересный пост _________________ вулкан игровые автоматы онлайн клуб вулкан казино играть на деньги отзывы [url=https://pinup.topgameslist.xyz/]pin up bet app store[/url], игровые автоматы на реальные деньги с выводом с минимальным депозитом.
What could go wrong with a scandelous news report against Biden (emails linked to Ukraine) that is linked to Steve Bannon and Rudy Gulliani. Only thing that is missing is a Roger Stone connection and good chance that will be found soon. Of course Fox News would report on this with an interview with Steve Bannon, who is out on several million dollars in bail on a fraud case and is involved in numerous other scandel stories on multible subjects. A Fox News "Reliable Source". I actually looked up the address of the Mac Shop on Google Earth and street viewed it. YOu cannot find the actual shop (a sign) at the address but it is conveniently located next to an Asian Spa in a seedy neighborhood. Fox is all over this. Tucker is making it into a big scandel. American journalism. And I am sure that the Foxettes are eating it up.
It's not about percentages. It's about people, people with broken bodies. It's about families with broken hearts. And, this all emanates from a greedy bastard with a broken mind brought to power by a minority not interested in the truth.
Let's keep educating the youth about politics and the fact we are all worthy of decent health care. They know bullies suck. We need alliances. The Millennials and Gen Z are going to be a huge voting block.
It is up to the majority to realign the stars and fortunes of America. No pressure!
High-ballers versus low-ballers, calculating a horrific future in Donaldworld no matter how it's figured. The truth is, depending on the input, you can make almost any model support a range of numbers within certain possible and reasonable criteria, mainly the "Herd immunity threshold" and the "Fatality rate" (go here).
But chasing after herd immunity will cost millions of lives regardless of how they're measured. That's a stubborn fact deep into genocidal territory however it may be sliced and diced.
Sometimes when you just step away from the cold hard numbers, the totality of it all sinks in. That's the cold hard reality beyond the numbers slapping you upside the head bone: the simple realization that none of these ever-upwardly spirally numbers -- human beings snuffed out for no good reason -- would have been remotely possible in the first place had it not been for one number in particular: the number one goddamn fool on the planet, Donald John Trump!
It's the simplest calculations that stick in the head: One genocidal egomaniac clinging to power versus hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of dead ... "statistics." One fool and his tiny ship of fools versus 100 million-plus Democratic voters -- if they walk the talk.
We are a Pure Authentic kratom Distributor who has been serving the kratom community in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world since 2013. We started this company with one thing in mind, you, the customer. We are one of the most customer centric kratom distributor since the beginning. Are you looking for Authentic Kratom? We are located in California United States. Our warehouse is located in the San Fernando Valley. Our local areas includes Los Angeles, Orange county, Woodland Hills, Canoga Park, Simi Valley, Ventura County, Glendale, Burbank, and many more local cities in Southern California. Authentic Kratom is an online-based business. https://www.authentickratom.com
Hi, here on the forum guys advised a cool Dating site, be sure to register - you will not REGRET it [url=https://bit.ly/3lZrYtZ]https://bit.ly/3lZrYtZ[/url]
Hi, here on the forum guys advised a cool Dating site, be sure to register - you will not REGRET it [url=https://bit.ly/3lZrYtZ]https://bit.ly/3lZrYtZ[/url]
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It's highly possible if not likely that the State of New York will throw Trump in the jug within two years or so. (A hope and a prayer.) That would be reasonably quick for the wheels of justice to grind his pathetic legal defenses into fine dust, but it would give way too much navel-staring time for his party of losers to regroup meanwhile and to grow even wilder conspiracy theories, fertilizing the barren minds of the white-supremacist/fake-Christian/QAnon cult of fringe nutballs, so lost in demented religiosity and unpatriotic nationalism that they can't keep straight all their truly bonkers stories bouncing around inside their empty skulls.
I mean, when evil, satan-worshipping, liberal, DemocRAT pedophiles are feasting on babies and drinking blood, toasting to their great success -- that Trump's COVID elixir made him feel "twenty years younger" and is made from aborted fetuses -- isn't that pretty clear evidence that the Dear Leader with the funny hairdo (no, not Kim Jong-un) is secretly operating on the side of the sinister forces running the whole worldwide pedophile ring thing? Oh yeah, and then black and brown hordes are gonna break into white suburban homes, rape the horses, and ride off on the women.
So now, how does this whole complicated, indecipherable mess fit together exactly, or do Republican soothsayers need some more quiet time in the rubber room to ponder the deeper questions and formulate a coherent answer? Most importantly, does the First Amendment allow Trump to tweet and retweet a constant stream of slobbering delirium from his mental ward in the state penitentiary? After all, Michael Cohen, that dirty rat who turned state's evidence, got to spill his guts while sitting in jail, revealing "The Boss's" inner secret of "success," which is mainly to lie, cheat, and steal whenever possible, from playing golf to running a business (into the ground) to playacting as president.
Jaysus! Who cares what Trump thinks? Go ah-way! Always seeking the media spotlight, his angry, screeching flying monkeys love to bare their teeth and fling their feces and make complete fools of themselves. But when the King Shthead is finally dragged off to the gallows, the bored audience addicted to yellow journalism and the theatre of the absurd (America in a nutshell) will have moved on to the next salacious fixation hogging the shallow headlines of big-corporate America's self-serving propaganda empire. How much $ad space$ can they squeeze in with whatever the latest buzz is about the fables and foibles of the rich and famous?
Mercifully, the Trump saga will soon fizzle out as just another disgraced footnote lost to history. Who even remembers the Jonestown massacre that much anymore (a suitable metaphor for Trump's inner circle) other than as a painful lesson never to listen to a malignant narcissist? Nobody wants to remember. Oh sorry, the coming quarter-million negligent homicides are probably a little tough to ignore perhaps -- even for Republicans -- but don't worry, soon enough the non-stop lie machine will normalize everything to a tasteless mash through sheer repetition, and the public will get numbed out with mental and emotional fatigue.
As a rapidly approaching dystopian future bears down on our dumb asses, one would think that the focus of worldwide attention would be solely preoccupied with the startlingly increase in the severity of massive floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornados, fires, famines, diseases, collapsing biospheres, crumbling infrastructures, and forever wars for the planet's dwindling resources -- untold misery and death rising to the next level of fascism that thrives on widespread chaos.
This hellscape is brought to us with splashy chyrons and commercials galore by a tiny but powerful quasi-political faction made up of the usual suspects: diabolical murderers and self-dealing thieves who have always existed at the pinnacle of power and always will, powerful players working behind the scenes (lately right out in the open) pulling the strings of politicians with cash and coercion, disregarding science and the sanctity of life by raping the planet and humanity in the mad pursuit for obscene profits and unchecked power. The ruthless bloodlust of wanton greed is a stronger instinct than survival itself. And it crushes the soul of anyone who succumbs.
So, how fcked-up is that? The loonies and goonies can sharpen their teeth all they want as they gnaw away on their senseless conspiracy theories. But in the blizzard of misinformation, they've missed the greatest conspiracy of all, the one that happens to be true, the one that for the lame, lazy, and crazy will make eminent sense only at the end when it's too late -- the inevitability of cause and effect.
#4 is correct, it is about people, working people, the ones that don't count. Black lives, or any others, that work for a living, don't matter in today's U$A. No matter who wins the election, don't expect real change. The only changes will come from Madison ave, where reality is manufactured through commercials. More black faces on TV, but no real changes on pay stubs and better paying jobs, where it's really needed. Or, something just as important, Medicare for all. Today's U$A is all about managed perception, where most people can't discern the difference between reality and entertainment and theater.
#4 is correct, it is about people, working people, the ones that don't count. Black lives, or any others, that work for a living, don't matter in today's U$A. No matter who wins the election, don't expect real change. The only changes will come from Madison ave, where reality is manufactured through commercials. More black faces on TV, but no real changes on pay stubs and better paying jobs, where it's really needed. Or, something just as important, Medicare for all. Today's U$A is all about managed perception, where most people can't discern the difference between reality and entertainment and theater.
Let's get him out of office and get him in the jug
More venting:
I think that this is a way for me to vent:
TRUMP: “Just the other day they came out with a statement that 85% of the people that wear masks catch it so ... that’s what I heard and that’s what I saw.” — town-hall event in Miami.
TRUMP, on his rallies: “What I do is outside is a big thing. And if you look at those, people, they really are wearing masks. I’ll tell you, I looked last night in Iowa — there were many, many people wearing masks. But then you see CDC comes out with a statement that 85% of the people wearing masks catch it.” — Fox Business interview.
TRUMP, looking out over his crowd: “Look at all the masks. You know, they keep saying, ‘nobody wears a mask, wear the mask.’ Although then they come out with things today. Did you see CDC? That 85% of the people wearing a mask catch it, OK?” — remarks at rally during the day in Greenville, North Carolina.
Trump is now spreading Qanon theories that Biden covered up the fake killing of Bin Laden. Watch Savanna Guthrie's response in the attachment. As the Green Beret that did it said, he has access to the CIA files for DNA etc. No matter how the election turns out, we will still have one hell of a lot of stupid crazy people in this country.
I watched a very articulate Biden Town Hall that was very good. Because NBC did a last minute change and added Trump at a conflicting time I thought that I would record the Trump Town Hall and watch it after Biden. I was saved by NBC, evidently they did not change the codes or whatever and it did not record. But Biden had excellent answers to unprepared questions and Trump spread Qanon conspiracy theories.
November 26th, what will we be grateful for? More than the turkey will require a good thawing. Despite the animus and no doubt a contentious election result, I am guessing families and friends will be meeting on-line, outdoors, and or with those they already live with. The non-believers will congregate, and some of them will pay the price. Let the thanking and giving begin....it will have a whole new meaning in 2020.
I saw Bitch McConnell get beat by a woman, a Lieutenant Colonel who fights like Marine not a girl. Lt. Col McGrath flew 85 combat missions. She is formidable, and if she doesn't get elected, I think the new or old President should put her to work.
G O P:
The Republican Death Cult are implementing the "herd immunity plan" for a disease for which no one has proven to have effective, durable immunity. Estimates range from 2,000,000 to over 10,000,000 American deaths would result IF immunity could be established. Nevermind that even with real herd immunity, many people will continue to die from Covid19. This is TOTALLY TWISTSED INSANITY, and everyone actively pushing this strategy should be sent to prison for intentional manslaughter.
This just in from the White Nut House: "While applying this strategy for Covid19, let's include other diseases like Ebola, SARS, MERS, etc., infect us all, and let the country become "immune" to everything all at once!" thankfully, only I made this up!!!
BTW, did anyone see Mitch "Pack Man" McConnell grinning and actually laughing like a psychotic moron in his debate with Democratic challenger Amy McGrath when she was discussing Covid19? He too needs to go to prison.
We would not hesitate to spend trillions on a war. We did so in Iraq and Afghanistan. Covid-19 should be declared as a war. If Biden wins (hate to say if, but expect the worse) he will have the biggest mess to repair in history.
Hey. Great article. Thank you very much. If you are a student, then my information will interest you. I am a student myself and I order works on this site https://custom-writing.co.uk/write-my-essay and am very pleased with their work.
Herd immunity will not just cause millions of deaths. It will cause Trillions in medical bills. Bankruptcies due to medical bills. Possibly bankruptcies to hospitals due to unpaid bills. A worn out medical staff in the country, from working overtime. States such as Texas have no Medicaid Coverage for the poor. Wisconsin currently setting up field hospitals to handle its explosion in cases. Plus the Senate has no Covid Relief package.
google .....Heather Cox Richardson....she has a good reply to this..
More on the New York Post article on Biden emails. Facebook removes news about it and gets hammered.
I would like to know how the Republicans claim there is no Climate Change. My Homeowners insurance is going up 25% this year because of "drastically more wild fires and hail storms". Amy Coney Barret claims there is no climate change. In the Recent debate Pence said there are no more hurricanes than there were 100 years ago. Do they not look at their home insurance? What will happen to rates in CA?
Интересный пост _________________ вулкан игровые автоматы онлайн клуб вулкан казино играть на деньги отзывы [url=https://pinup.topgameslist.xyz/]pin up bet app store[/url], игровые автоматы на реальные деньги с выводом с минимальным депозитом.
Интересный пост _________________ вулкан игровые автоматы онлайн клуб вулкан казино играть на деньги отзывы [url=https://pinup.topgameslist.xyz/]pin up bet app store[/url], игровые автоматы на реальные деньги с выводом с минимальным депозитом.
What could go wrong with a scandelous news report against Biden (emails linked to Ukraine) that is linked to Steve Bannon and Rudy Gulliani. Only thing that is missing is a Roger Stone connection and good chance that will be found soon. Of course Fox News would report on this with an interview with Steve Bannon, who is out on several million dollars in bail on a fraud case and is involved in numerous other scandel stories on multible subjects. A Fox News "Reliable Source". I actually looked up the address of the Mac Shop on Google Earth and street viewed it. YOu cannot find the actual shop (a sign) at the address but it is conveniently located next to an Asian Spa in a seedy neighborhood. Fox is all over this. Tucker is making it into a big scandel. American journalism. And I am sure that the Foxettes are eating it up.
It's not about percentages. It's about people, people with broken bodies. It's about families with broken hearts. And, this all emanates from a greedy bastard with a broken mind brought to power by a minority not interested in the truth.
Let's keep educating the youth about politics and the fact we are all worthy of decent health care. They know bullies suck. We need alliances. The Millennials and Gen Z are going to be a huge voting block.
It is up to the majority to realign the stars and fortunes of America. No pressure!
High-ballers versus low-ballers, calculating a horrific future in Donaldworld no matter how it's figured. The truth is, depending on the input, you can make almost any model support a range of numbers within certain possible and reasonable criteria, mainly the "Herd immunity threshold" and the "Fatality rate" (go here).
But chasing after herd immunity will cost millions of lives regardless of how they're measured. That's a stubborn fact deep into genocidal territory however it may be sliced and diced.
Sometimes when you just step away from the cold hard numbers, the totality of it all sinks in. That's the cold hard reality beyond the numbers slapping you upside the head bone: the simple realization that none of these ever-upwardly spirally numbers -- human beings snuffed out for no good reason -- would have been remotely possible in the first place had it not been for one number in particular: the number one goddamn fool on the planet, Donald John Trump!
It's the simplest calculations that stick in the head: One genocidal egomaniac clinging to power versus hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of dead ... "statistics." One fool and his tiny ship of fools versus 100 million-plus Democratic voters -- if they walk the talk.