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  • Trump Makes the Case for Medicare for All   4 years 15 weeks ago

    I don't think it would be anywhere near 6.4 million dead Americans.

    The current case fatality rate for the United States may be 2.7%, but that's not the statistic to use. Instead, it's is the infection fatality rate, which the CDC estimates to be 0.65 percent, which is the better statistic to use for this calucation.

    So that's more like 238 million times 0.65%, which is 1.5 million deaths. Still way too high to justify anything, but a heck of a lot less than Tom Hartmann is (erronously) claiming.

  • Trump Makes the Case for Medicare for All   4 years 15 weeks ago

    Paraphrasing Joseph Stalin, or whichever diabolical psychopath first made this remark popular: "A single death is a tragedy; 6.4 million deaths is a statistic." We do know for damn sure, though, which "stable genius" first uttered, "[COVID-19] It'll just disappear, like magic." One for the history books.

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago


  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago


  • Is America Now Officially a "Sh*thole" Country?   4 years 15 weeks ago

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  • Trump & The Republicans Say they Are "Prolife" But Really Are A Death Cult   4 years 15 weeks ago

    The analogy does make sense.

    Don Trump would have his followers drink, or "inject" like you would disinfectant, naturally, the latest Trump-branded elixir, some roid-rage concoction ("free of charge" -WTF?) derived from harvesting the life-force of innocent babies (after sacrificing them to Satan and drinking their blood, of course) to make the evil virus magically disappear, for which Donny Pussgut was the test monkey. (How will QAnon spin that one, enquiring minds want to know?)

    But the biggest bucket of piss Don Trump followers drink is: Achieve that elusive "herd mentality" (immunity) by basically ignoring the virus and doing nothing of consequence, allowing the little bugger to do its thing and run wild through the population. All nice and natural, the DemocRAT tree-hugging hippies will love that.

    Six million more lives sacrificed for nothing on the altar of an egomaniacal demagogue? Doing nothing is a cheaper alternative. And Don Trump is a lazy, stupid, little man, which makes it all make sense.

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago


  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    A big thank you to Sue N, for the transcript and links. Nice to know just how SCREWED, we, the American people, really are.

    U$A, number 1 in corruption...

  • Trump & The Republicans Say they Are "Prolife" But Really Are A Death Cult   4 years 15 weeks ago

    Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice sait. Special thanks to the project manager Alex_Mimo_Liza for the responsible and professional solution of the tasks.

  • Trump & The Republicans Say they Are "Prolife" But Really Are A Death Cult   4 years 15 weeks ago

    Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice topic. Nice sait. Special thanks to the project manager Alex_Mimo_Liza for the responsible and professional solution of the tasks.

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    SueN's transcript is well worth reading.

  • Trump & The Republicans Say they Are "Prolife" But Really Are A Death Cult   4 years 15 weeks ago

    Jim Jones had followers drink grape-flavored Flavor Aid not Cool Aid. It was a cheaper alternative.

    The analogy probably makes sense for what we are seeing.

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    Special thanks to the project manager Alex_Mimo_Liza for the responsible and professional solution of the tasks.

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    I did a transcript with links of Sheldon Whitehouse yesterday.

  • Trump & The Republicans Say they Are "Prolife" But Really Are A Death Cult   4 years 15 weeks ago

    When the virus first broke out in China I knew it would be bad here. Millions uninsured, Millions insured with high deductibles, millions with no paid sick leave, millions of homeless etc. add up to a super spreader. Then you have the American mentality that could not pay attention to what other countries were doing to combat the virus. Plus, the super macho American that will not wear a mask. It is insane to see these rally's where people still cannot figure it out why we are number 1 with this virus. They are the ones that are killing the economy.

  • What Will It Take To Get Trump To Change His Deadly Position On The Coronavirus?   4 years 15 weeks ago

    Our country's position on the coronavirus is truly appalling. Many people die every day and government action is minimal. I think it's time to move the entire economy to a remote system. I mean all offices, schools and colleges. Moreover, the system is well established, eg, ghostwriting college essay buying has been around for a long time. Times have changed. It's time to embrace it.

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    Hats-off to deepspace and his list. Want to know where the money might be found for some of it? The military budget. In fact the military could provide some assistance with the clean environment, and maybe a few others.

    I saw the debate Legend spoke about. Lt Col McGrath kicked McConnell's butt. He just kept bragging about that $17.5 billion he delivered in pork. I can assure you any young voters listening would not think that it was right for him to use his extra power to paper their state. They get the concept of ethics and fairness. His abuse of power may even backfire in Kentucky.

    He claimed Pres Obama killed coal. Renewables and automation are killing coal jobs. Fair enough because coal has killed countless people and other species, and it is way past time we fight back.

  • Trump & The Republicans Say they Are "Prolife" But Really Are A Death Cult   4 years 15 weeks ago

    It's like a really bad idea for an episode of Star Trek that would just not happen in any conceivable reality, even from the minds of the best fictional writers.

    It isn't that "we live in interesting times" as the saying goes; it's more like we've been sucked through a passing wormhole into an alternate universe with backassward physics, where a ...well, where a fake-billionaire reality TV star with daddy issues, a demented clown responsible for uncountable deaths and unimaginable suffering, who every morning cakes on makeup everywhere but on white puffy eyebags framing creepy crazy eyes that know the inner truth, peeking out from under a swirling golden hairdo, almost an effeminate look that belies a B-rated tough-guy persona -- basically, a washed-up old man with deep-seated psychopathies -- I kid you not, is the president, as in POTUS! Seriously.

    Naw... way too weird. There's gotta be a glitch in the Holodeck. Computer, end program!

  • Trump & The Republicans Say they Are "Prolife" But Really Are A Death Cult   4 years 15 weeks ago

    What could be scarier than having a true sociopath for President? One that serves during a national emergency! His cult followers were told by experts about his "condition". They were warned about what his decisions would mean concerning the pandemic . This outcome was probably inevitable and sadly it's ongoing. Those of us who believe in science dreaded it anyway. I know I most certainly did not want Mr. Green and his family to suffer or Herman Cain and others to die.

    ABC just had a spot tonight where they showed the President's rally. A woman attending said Trump was there to show the virus was not that bad. The next shot was of a covid patient on oxygen in hospital. He was disparaging Trump and telling how awful the illness was.

    People often like scary or disaster movies, well now they get to actually live one. Some are into dangerous activities; they are probably at a party every chance they get. This virus keeps mutating, we need to do the same. One last thought: D-A-R-W-I-N

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    That's true. If unleashed from Republican restraints, the Post Office could be wildly profitable, even though it was not originally intended to operate as a for-profit corporation in the Constitution, which is a subtle change of narrative first introduced by the privatize-everything crowd.

    If it didn't have to finance pensions 75 years or so into the future (ridiculous), if it could offer a public banking service for people without private accounts in the big banks, if it could sell more postal service-related products and merchandise, if it could compete fairly online ...if, if, if... then it could certainly earn spectacular profits to roll back into its infrastructure to make it even more efficient.

    And the best thing is that no privatized investment tycoons would be skimming the profits. With plenty of income to operate efficiently, it would also have the financial leeway to be more amendable as an agency that provides a service, i.e., Postal "Service." For the cost of a single stamp, an old man on a remote mountaintop will get a birthday card from his faraway granddaughter in record time with dedicated resources -- not at all cost-effective but the right thing to do (sniff).

    An invaluable investment by American taxpayers for over two hundred years, why would anybody in their right mind want to dismantle and destroy such a successful and beloved American institution? Oh yeah ...Republicans! Alas, the good times are not to be had; because of the wingers' dastardly schemes, the USPS is now in dire straights and desperately needs taxpayer help to stay afloat.

    It didn't have to be this way. The sad fact of the matter is that the reprobate RepubliCONs desperately do not want the Post Office to succeed at all because it is in direct competition with their donors who represent private shipping and banking interests.

    And perhaps more important to the destroyers of all that is right and good, is that the Post Office harbors one of the biggest public-sector unions left standing (full of veterans, btw), which Corporate America absolutely hates and is bent on eradicating altogether or at least de-toothing and de-nutting, which it has already done by and large to the private-sector unions.

    This is amazing: WATCH: Sheldon Whitehouse masterfully exposes right-wing conspiracy to rig the courts.

    Supporting evidence: Trump destroyed the legitimacy of the judiciary by trying to entrench far-right minority rule.

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    Even Trumps Right Wing media (in his mind) is abandoning him. Recommends the Bongino Report?

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    Moscow Mitch in a debate with Amy McGrath says that he brought in $17.5 billion to Kentucky that would not be there if he was not majority leader in the Senate. I have been to Kentucky and the obvious question is where did it go? The next question is why is that Kentucky's money? It is Blue states supporting the Welfare Red states.

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago
  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    I think the only change that I would make is "Let the Post Office be Profitable". Now if I could figure out why anybody would vote Republican other than the 1% that want it all. Fox News and the right wing media.

  • It's Time To Unpack The Court   4 years 15 weeks ago

    I think the Suprme Court should be balanced. Five Democrats and five Repiblicans, chosen by the same. When a Democrat steps down, that same party will chose a replacement, reguardless of who is president. Always, five and five. Or six and six. Whatever.

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