Thom's blog
Trump Is Using the Same Logic on COVID 19 That He Used for Pesticides
 First, Trump started approving pesticides that the entire scientific community agrees are destructive to the nervous systems of young children and can cause cancer. Then he dialed back on pollution rules from fossil fuel processors in ways that will increase cancer and lung disease. In both cases he was able to ignore science in changing the rules because the Republicans are saying that any science that uses public health data where the names of every single person included in a study have not been published should not be used. So when 10,000 peoples' health outcomes who are exposed to pesticides show clearly that it causes brain damage, Trump won't allow that data to be used because those peoples' names have not been published. It's a bizarre and anti-scientific logic, but it has prevented a lot of good public health science from being used for decision making. Now it appears the Trump administration wants to use the same logic with coronavirus, which is terrifying. Their anti-science policies, first used to protect the pesticide and fossil fuel industries, are now endangering our entire nation as we face of viral public health emergency. How do we know? Because last night Trump told Hannity that people infected with COVID 19 should go to work and that the death rate is less then 1% even though our Scientists says it's much higher. -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Trump is Using the Same Logic on COVID-19 That He Used for Pesticides
Tweet: " Republicans in MI wasted $30 mil trying to kick 100,000+ Michigan poor off Medicaid during a pandemic" by Herman Munster.
Tweet: " I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work. This is just more Fake News and disinformation put out by the Democrats, in particular MSDNC. Comcast covers the CoronaVirus situation horribly, only looking to do harm to the incredible & successful effort being made!" by Donald J. Trump.
Is Trump Trying to Kill Off Fox News Viewers By Lying to Them About Going to Work?
Tweet: " an incredible news dump by EPA this evening. After delays, EPA just moved forward its most controversial proposal of the Trump administration, limiting science and medical data that can be used by the agency. Still far from a final rule but inching closer..." by Rebecca Leber.
Hour Two: Bernie & the Primaries...- Larry Cohen, Board Chair - Our Revolution / Board chair - Democracy Initiative / Past President - Communication Workers of America (CWA) 
Tweet: " The spike in voter turn out in the midterms came almost entirely from moderate suburbs, a trend that continued in the primaries. These voters prioritize a return to civility, normalcy. They don't see the US as fundamentally corrupt, why would they want an activist president." by Lee Fang.
Science Revolution: Trump's Racist Environmental Rollbacks- John Noël, Greenpeace USA Senior Climate Campaigner 
Article: " What is NEPA?" (National Environmental Policy Act) by Protect NEPA.
Law: " G.I. Bill" (Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944) by Wikipedia.
Quote: " You sowed the wind, the country will reap the whirlwind." to Democratic senators - Brett Kavanaugh.
Quote: " You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You will not know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." - Senator Chuck Schumer to Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh.
Quote: " calculated and orchestrated political hit, fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups." - Brett Kavanaugh.
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