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  • The Real Boston Tea Party was Against the Wal-Mart of the 1770s   7 years 46 weeks ago

    It is an extraordinary site.. The Design looks great.. Continue working like that!. Hero Instinct

  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    Case in point.

  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    God people, once again Santa Claus has arrived. Thank you, Thank you.

    You bitch about other issues not being covered and all I ask is you Hartmanheads, or pick your leftie/socialist bobblehead of the day, and tell me they start off their program with anything but negative Trump 99% of the time.

    How about decrease in Democrat voters, I mean immigration, increased consumer confidence, or the Stock market bump which should have helped wipe away a lot of the unfunded union pension money?

    Cheer up, only 7-3/4 years to go.

  • Are Mike Pence's Dining Habits Weird or Sexist?   7 years 46 weeks ago

    It may all come out in the wash, but why does everyone in this country have to go through the spin cycle first?

  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    Why don't you pull your head out of Trump's ass and see?

  • How Capitalism Gave Birth to Trump...   7 years 46 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    The MARCH of the TRUMPets - {a rhyme}

    TRUMPets blare

    their glorious fanfare.

    Drums sound baTRUMP!! baTRUMP!!

    A parade beyond compare.

    All are thankfully aware

    of the TRUMP!! Donald TRUMP!! Donald TRUMP!!

    Don’t despair.

    Instead, declare

    that he marches us over our Slump,

    so America’s Great Ag’in,

    forEver to Win!! to Win!!


  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    Is there a full moon?:)

  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    I'm not sure that it's not that the media is unwilling to cover the "most pressing issues;" as it is that a large segment of the American people are unwilling to listen to the most pressing issues. In fact, its in their DNA to prefer faith over reality.

    FOX et al. even back to Nixon, and P.T Barnum for that matter, realized long ago that there were unfilled masses that yearned to have their biased, ideological and often racist notions validated via the corporate media. Of course by pandering to them, there was not only great political advantage to be gained, there were vast sums of money to be reaped and power to be had by supplying the "truthiness" they so craved.

    After all, you're more likely to get fired from FOX for telling the truth, than for lying. In fact, FOX viewers require that FOX reporters tell them what they want to hear, the facts be damned. This has spilled over to much of the rest of the Mainstream Media and now they have no choice but to report what the pitchfork, torch wielding mobs demand, or be the victim of a full-scale revolt by their faithful as demonstrated by the "Freedom Caucus."

    For many years via the "Fairness Doctrine", the corporate media realized that it was in their long term best interest and the best interest of the nation to present the facts in spite of any short term consequences. However, eventually they succumbed to unbridled greed and lust for power. Hence, FOX News and the current state of affairs with the mainstream media.

  • How Capitalism Gave Birth to Trump...   7 years 46 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    DUMP HUMPTY TRUMPTY, - yet STILL … - {a rhyme}

    When off his wall the Trumpty has fallen,

    they’ll STILL be intact, - the yuugely appallin’

    Tea Party types and Alt-Righter folks

    and Plutocrat perps like the brothers the Kochs.

    Dump the Humpty Trumpty hoax

    and STILL on these Others our nation chokes.


  • How Capitalism Gave Birth to Trump...   7 years 46 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    CHANGE of ADDRESS - {a rhyme}

    Let’s move the Trumpites to our resort in Cuba; -

    - Guantanamo’s got some security money.

    Ah. Suntans and Scuba; -

    - life there’s a honey.

    Plus a yacht upon which to float about.

    And of course a fence to keep terrorists out.

    … {And there we’d be rid

    of the precocious kid

    with the orange-colored lid.}


  • How Capitalism Gave Birth to Trump...   7 years 46 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    KNEELING then REELING - {a limerick} {extra points that all five lines rhyme}

    The consequences aren’t appealing

    when with-The-Donald you’re dealing.

    At first you’re kneeling,

    but soon you’re reeling

    then squealing, - then over you’re keeling.


  • How Capitalism Gave Birth to Trump...   7 years 46 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    BUT BERNIE THEY SPURNED - {a limerick}

    The Right was right to pillory

    the penchant for WallStreet of Hillary, -

    - but Bernie they spurned

    and to Donald they turned,

    to vote in a way quite {silly} sillery.


  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    Spot on! If we don't have fair and transparent elections without massive interference from foreign governments, corporate lobbyists, monopoly media, Republican state legislatures, and even our own justice department and intelligence services, then we don't have a democracy.

    A fascist state is not some vague, future possibility of political theory for casual intellectual debate; it is a here-and-now reality, right up in our faces. Anyone who denies the obvious and doesn't fight back is a damn fool who doesn't deserve democracy.

  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    First of all, calling Trump "our president" is akin to having Stockholm Syndrome. Crooked Donny is nothing more than a Putin installed usurper which means Pence is illegit too.

    Forget Comey and his extreme anti-democracy right-wing agenda....what pisses me off is the CIA has been sitting on the treason evidence since summer. I mentioned right after the electoral vote that the plan must be to wait well into the year before Trump gets dumped and Pence installed. I don't give a crap about precedent, a re-election should be demanded by all concerned citizens. This was an attack by a hostile foreign act of war.

    If we don't revolt the Fascists/Kochs will then finally have their Teabagger man in the White House, and the useful orange idiot may very well end up in jail...oh well. None of this needed to happen. We all knew the election was more illegit than the two Bush elections combined. One thing is for sure, Putin has already won, he has fffed our country up but good....with an assist from Comey.

    We let these Teapublican election frauds happen and then get frustrated about the Fascist propaganda machine not reporting real about economic, environmental and social justice/truth. Well if it had been President Gore, Kerry, and Clinton or Sanders... we wouldn't be in this mess.....despite all the god damn Fox News, Brietbart lies. Our founders finally fought back. I suspect they'd be tar and feathering Fox News reporters if here now...that along with burning effigies of Putin.

  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    Free press is a very important element of democracy as envisioned by the founding fathers

    That is as true today as it ever was

    A very astute and amazing perception of its time

    It appears that there is movement to prevent free press by those with immense riches

    'Twas ever thus

    Keep the peasants ignorant

    History tells us that civil war or revolution can be an outcome that will change domination

  • Are Mike Pence's Dining Habits Weird or Sexist?   7 years 46 weeks ago

    Ou812 at surmising; amateur at inferring.

  • Are Mike Pence's Dining Habits Weird or Sexist?   7 years 46 weeks ago

    (Tim Blanchard - #18)


    Because, Tim ... we're playing football here.


  • Are Mike Pence's Dining Habits Weird or Sexist?   7 years 46 weeks ago

    (Dianereynolds - #15)
    "Some would call it respect for his spouse, others would say being in a prominent position his decision could prevent any possible blackmail situations ..."

    More than likely. All things considered, he looks happy with his wife. Even so, I do have a sense of pretense with Pence. I don't know the facts ... it's possible, whoever does has him walking on thin ice ... he would not be the only one.

    That's politics.

    Several of these players look like people who have forsaken true feeling for tradition - trading conscience for convention. That would require strict observance of rules and regulations that keep the sin-full soul on a path of redemption and salvation from sure hell that awaits those who diverge:

    "The Left Doesn’t Believe in Evil, the Right Does

    Christians, like the vice president and second lady, believe man is inherently evil, that he is conceived and born as an enemy of God, and that his evil will only grow unless it is restrained by some outside force.

    That would include threats of punishment from the government or, even better, God granting him a new nature that loves God and his commandments and therefore battles against the desires of the old flesh.

    Many liberal secularists, on the other hand, believe that man is inherently good, and that those who work evil simply need to have their corrupted moral settings restored to default. Man doesn’t need restraints to be righteous. He simply needs to remember what he is.

    ... and then, we have the freelance entrepreneurial crowd whose first concern is to find all sorts of imaginative ways to make money ... gain power ... opportunity ... influence ... (hey, someone has to pay the bills ... and you will, or you could get warehoused into the "big box" industries.)


    Pence may be one of many people who wants to be stronger than his weaknesses, and believes this is the way. It does raise an eyebrow that he finds it necessary to offer a public explanation about personal behavior concerning him and his wife - like he wants to make an impression ...? Whose business is it, anyway?

    Maybe he's just trying to be a good example.

    What I find senseless, and economically unsound is the gossipy sensationalization that, really, is nothing new. It is distracting, wasteful and expensive ... and, it just occurred to me it creates an effective camouflage for covert factional activities.

    Oh well, I trust it all will come out in the wash.

  • Are Mike Pence's Dining Habits Weird or Sexist?   7 years 46 weeks ago

    (Dianereynolds - #15)
    "If you wish we can drag a dozen or more women into the Clinton method of training women "Bill's way"."

    Is it time for these girls to celebrate, too?

    I wonder whose 'method of training women' this represents ... anything stand out to you ...? ... anyone? ... fishes?


  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    The mainstream media is owned and operated by the 1%. You hear what they want you to hear. You do not hear what they do not want you to hear. Seek alternate sources for news.

    On a side note Bill O'Reilly is losing his sponors.

    Bill O'Reilly of Fox News is the Bill Cosby of the mainstream media.

  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    Thom's full article at AlterNet is a comprehensive breakdown of the myriad threats to our democracy distilled into the core issue: restricted access to objective reality and simple truth -- a long-term, near total corruption of the First Amendment by big-money interests.

    Muting the press sounds the death knell for a free and open society and is, by far, the most consequential action authoritarians can take to fast-track their fascistic agendas. An ignorant and confused populace is much more pliable and compliant.

  • America's TV Media Crisis Goes Far Beyond Covering Trump: We Simply Aren't Hearing About the Most Pressing Issues of Our Time   7 years 46 weeks ago

    As insightful as Tom's views are on many topics, why the press acts as it does is not one of them.

    The press is a business and will cover those topics it chooses, and in a manner it chooses, to maximize its profits.

    Instead of whining about the US press, direct readers to alternative news sources.


  • Are Mike Pence's Dining Habits Weird or Sexist?   7 years 46 weeks ago

    The are fireworks over the Montana sky:)). Is it a Holiday, or did Deepspace's head explode again.

  • Are Mike Pence's Dining Habits Weird or Sexist?   7 years 46 weeks ago

    Ah! Another Christmas morning. Thank you.

  • Are Mike Pence's Dining Habits Weird or Sexist?   7 years 46 weeks ago

    Mike Pense is a goddamn liar! Let's just say it in plain English. That's why people in Indiana hate him and why Trump loves him.

    This empty suit with a crucifix tattooed on his hypocritical butt is nothing but a two-faced, unprincipled bootlicker of the wealthy elite, who hides extremist, super-corporatist, right-wing ideology and an incredibly shallow mind behind false religious morality and a smarmy public persona.

    His true nature was on vivid display as a bigoted talk-show host to the right of Sean Hannity in sheer, opinionated ignorance, churning out non-stop hate and lies -- in other words, just another pissant Republican.

    When Trump the Liar is finally, inevitably impeached, Pense is his perfect successor, exactly what their base deserves. Too bad for the rest of humanity.

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