Our government is "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world..." (MLK)
What's the difference between a baby dying in a bomb raid conducted by our military or dying in a gas attack conducted by our enemy's military? Is the image of a baby's brains splattered on the crumpled walls of her home, her mother's skin draped on a nearby tree, somehow less shocking than the blue faces of a mother and child lying in the street? Is it because our corporate media disseminates and elevates one gruesome image over another, so easily twisting our desensitized sentiments?
We forgot the lesson of Viet Nam and the escalation of gratuitous warfare. Hate begets more hate and violence begets more violence. Ever since the First Gulf War and even more aggressively after 9/11, again and again, America has proven the timeless truth of that fundamental wisdom.
Radical Christian terrorists who support brutality in response to brutality are no better than radical Islamic terrorists who do the same; for, they do not believe -- cannot see -- the universal morality behind the teachings of their own religion's namesake. They are hypocrites of the worst kind!
The most evil of all, however, are those who use religion and patriotism to profit on blood-money and to gain political power by dealing in death. Look no further than the fascists in the "offense" industry, the criminal enterprises on Wall Street, the lackeys in Congress, the fool in the White House, and the if-it-bleeds-it-ledes, infotainment "news" media.
..."Where have all the young men gone? Gone for soldiers every one When will they ever learn?"...
..."Where have all the soldiers gone? Gone to graveyards every one When will they ever learn?"...
REAL HOAX on climate change is Idea we can do anything about it>
Max Planck Institute of Solar System Research in Germany have found Earth's AST or Avg Surface Temp used to track solar output, up & down until 1980 when solar output spiked (Heat Waves across the planet that year) but when sun went into a cooling phase Earth's temp continued to rise> Scientific evidence implies a TIPPING POINT was met in 1980 where Earth's PERMAFROST melted that year to release TRILLIONS of tons of Methane and CO2 that is now UNSTOPPABLE> R U gonna' Re-Freeze the Arctic Tundra? NO> DUH Bio-Mass of Artic Tundra and Siberian Tundra combined is beyond what humans can do so who's LYING now? Its those who think we can stop global warming, they ALL have another THINK commin'> NO ONE denies global warming, but don't think U can stop it unless everyone gets real & does what POPE says> STOP BREEDING> that'll do wonders for ALL of man's problems> need to do a search for intelligent life on Earth> ain't none
"Oh I forgot, it's Obama's fault Assad used sarin gas on women and children....Jesus Christ!"
I'm not sure about that ... a century or so ago, I heard they gave the vote to " the black man" ((with stiff stipulations, of course)) but not to women - possibly, as a blow to womens' sufferage. Now, because here in America, we (at least) believe in fair play ... as all good things take time, I think this time, they'll hand it over to the ladies ...
Hey Diane and Coulter: Seriously? After the asinine attempt by your own party to repeal the conservative Romneycare plan, you two are still cocky???? LMAO
I stand by what I posted election night...look it up....you foxmerized fools have no place to hide now, not even behind the pussy grabber in chief.
Oh I forgot, it's Obama's fault Assad used sarin gas on women and children....Jesus Christ!
Following a Trump departure then a true Republican would be in the oval office. Hmmm, President Mike Pence and Vice President Paul Ryan. Now let's see who would make an acceptable conservative to serve as Speaker of the House, perhaps Trey Gowdy? Nice ring to it don't you think.
With leftie/socialist mental health issues on the edge right now, I can't imagine how the likes of Mr. Ed would cope with the above mentioned scenario.
There is always Canada, oh that's right, they have an immigration policy that makes sense.
Best to calm down and you will find a non Republican like President Trump is your better option.
pleasant post, stay aware of this fascinating work. It truly regards realize that this point is being secured likewise on this site so cheers for setting aside time to examine this! Hero Instinct
Much obliged for this incredible post, i discover it exceptionally fascinating and extremely well thoroughly considered and set up together. I anticipate perusing your work later on. Hero Instinct
I know your mastery on this. I must say we ought to have an online dialog on this. Composing just remarks will close the discourse straight away! Furthermore, will limit the advantages from this data. Hero Instinct
Do we have any insight about why Pence behaves this way? Is it something about his religion? Is his wife that jealous? Is he "avoiding the appearance of evil"? I was included in a family Christmas reunion of very religious people. My almost son-in-law didn't clue me in abut no makeup, no jewelry, only neutral colors and no low necks or slacks! I wore my best new jeans, red clogs, red top, nice makeup, pretty earrings. I was a legal secretary, not some cheap Jezebel! When I sat down beside a little cowboy, he grabbed his coffee mug and pie and ran! . . . Forward half a lifetime, my church had a visiting speaker last week. I got some coffee and sat beside a charming Jesuit priest for some most nourishing good talk. I'm not wafting pheromones, can't afford French perfume. . . . People need to communicate. I think Pence might fear being trapped and the coverage doctored to look bad.
Somebody Sometimes with visits your online journal routinely and prescribed it as far as I can tell to peruse also. The method for composing is brilliant furthermore the substance is first rate. A debt of gratitude is in order for that knowledge you give the perusers! Hero Instinct
Our government is "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world..." (MLK)
What's the difference between a baby dying in a bomb raid conducted by our military or dying in a gas attack conducted by our enemy's military? Is the image of a baby's brains splattered on the crumpled walls of her home, her mother's skin draped on a nearby tree, somehow less shocking than the blue faces of a mother and child lying in the street? Is it because our corporate media disseminates and elevates one gruesome image over another, so easily twisting our desensitized sentiments?
We forgot the lesson of Viet Nam and the escalation of gratuitous warfare. Hate begets more hate and violence begets more violence. Ever since the First Gulf War and even more aggressively after 9/11, again and again, America has proven the timeless truth of that fundamental wisdom.
Radical Christian terrorists who support brutality in response to brutality are no better than radical Islamic terrorists who do the same; for, they do not believe -- cannot see -- the universal morality behind the teachings of their own religion's namesake. They are hypocrites of the worst kind!
The most evil of all, however, are those who use religion and patriotism to profit on blood-money and to gain political power by dealing in death. Look no further than the fascists in the "offense" industry, the criminal enterprises on Wall Street, the lackeys in Congress, the fool in the White House, and the if-it-bleeds-it-ledes, infotainment "news" media.
..."Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers every one
When will they ever learn?"...
..."Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards every one
When will they ever learn?"...
--Pete Seeger
REAL HOAX on climate change is Idea we can do anything about it>
Max Planck Institute of Solar System Research in Germany have found Earth's AST or Avg Surface Temp used to track solar output, up & down until 1980 when solar output spiked (Heat Waves across the planet that year) but when sun went into a cooling phase Earth's temp continued to rise> Scientific evidence implies a TIPPING POINT was met in 1980 where Earth's PERMAFROST melted that year to release TRILLIONS of tons of Methane and CO2 that is now UNSTOPPABLE> R U gonna' Re-Freeze the Arctic Tundra? NO> DUH Bio-Mass of Artic Tundra and Siberian Tundra combined is beyond what humans can do so who's LYING now? Its those who think we can stop global warming, they ALL have another THINK commin'> NO ONE denies global warming, but don't think U can stop it unless everyone gets real & does what POPE says> STOP BREEDING> that'll do wonders for ALL of man's problems> need to do a search for intelligent life on Earth> ain't none
Done deal. One down, two more to go. Thanks Harry and crazy uncle Joe.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
The NEWS gives me the BLUES - {a rhyme}
My spirits have slagged
and my energy’s flagged
by tending too much to the news
that gummint’s been dragged
into body-bags bagged
by Rightists who simply refuse
to make the Rich pay their dues
and heal the economy’s bruise
and accept the scientists’ views
and on reg’lar folks loosen the screws,
Such yahoos give me the blues,
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
NEWS-SYNOPSIS - {a rhyme}
√ Missiles are fired in a mood of rebuke.
√ The Senate’s nature is changed via nuke.
√ Old Rightists’ sex-quests are making us puke.
√ Trumpismo features too many a kook.
... and, I have to ask ..., where,
when, who, why, and how in the world
did fair play in America become fore play?
(2950-10K - #16))
I'm not sure about that ... a century or so ago, I heard they gave the vote to " the black man" ((with stiff stipulations, of course)) but not to women - possibly, as a blow to womens' sufferage. Now, because here in America, we (at least) believe in fair play ... as all good things take time, I think this time, they'll hand it over to the ladies ...
Hillary ...?
How could you do this to us?!
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
LONG LONG NIGHT - {a rhyme}
Much trouble’s in store
for our governance system.
Things to deplore;
too many to list ‘em,
and where would we start? -
- How CAN we take heart?
Change X but we’ve still got Y;
not much improvement thereby.
No net improvement in sight;
we’re in for a long long night.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}
THE SCALE OF JUSTICE - {a limerick and an image}
Nominee Gorsuch dissembles,
pretending that he resembles
an honorable judge
who doesn’t fudge.
The Scale of Justice trembles.
… Image:
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #4787ff}
span.s1 {text-decoration: underline}
WE’LL NOT MISS YOU - {1.20 limericks and an image}
Donald, we’ll not miss you
when the House then the Senate issue
their warrants to impeach
and then of conviction
for so many a breach
in your presidency’s dereliction.
… Image:
Trump responds to the charges:
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}
There once was a man from Kentucket
who led the Senate to muck it
to help the rich
get richer under Mitch.
He carried their greed in his bucket.
Senate Decorum? - He’d shuck it.
(Tim Blanchard - #26)
Maybe it takes too long to hang dry? Fast lane, you know.
Hey Diane and Coulter: Seriously? After the asinine attempt by your own party to repeal the conservative Romneycare plan, you two are still cocky???? LMAO
I stand by what I posted election night...look it up....you foxmerized fools have no place to hide now, not even behind the pussy grabber in chief.
Oh I forgot, it's Obama's fault Assad used sarin gas on women and children....Jesus Christ!
Freaking pathetic!
Truth is hard; lies are easy.
Be very careful what you wish for bunky,
Following a Trump departure then a true Republican would be in the oval office. Hmmm, President Mike Pence and Vice President Paul Ryan. Now let's see who would make an acceptable conservative to serve as Speaker of the House, perhaps Trey Gowdy? Nice ring to it don't you think.
With leftie/socialist mental health issues on the edge right now, I can't imagine how the likes of Mr. Ed would cope with the above mentioned scenario.
There is always Canada, oh that's right, they have an immigration policy that makes sense.
Best to calm down and you will find a non Republican like President Trump is your better option.
Stopgap - the message can be stated in any and many forms and still ignored
Yet! Where is the leader?
Without the gang will not follow
Dianereynolds - huh... what makes you think Trumpty Dumpty will last that long?
The bet is impeachement or some other arrangement
pleasant post, stay aware of this fascinating work. It truly regards realize that this point is being secured likewise on this site so cheers for setting aside time to examine this! Hero Instinct
Much obliged for this incredible post, i discover it exceptionally fascinating and extremely well thoroughly considered and set up together. I anticipate perusing your work later on. Hero Instinct
I know your mastery on this. I must say we ought to have an online dialog on this. Composing just remarks will close the discourse straight away! Furthermore, will limit the advantages from this data. Hero Instinct
Do we have any insight about why Pence behaves this way? Is it something about his religion? Is his wife that jealous? Is he "avoiding the appearance of evil"? I was included in a family Christmas reunion of very religious people. My almost son-in-law didn't clue me in abut no makeup, no jewelry, only neutral colors and no low necks or slacks! I wore my best new jeans, red clogs, red top, nice makeup, pretty earrings. I was a legal secretary, not some cheap Jezebel! When I sat down beside a little cowboy, he grabbed his coffee mug and pie and ran! . . . Forward half a lifetime, my church had a visiting speaker last week. I got some coffee and sat beside a charming Jesuit priest for some most nourishing good talk. I'm not wafting pheromones, can't afford French perfume. . . . People need to communicate. I think Pence might fear being trapped and the coverage doctored to look bad.
Awesome article with astounding idea!Thank you for such an important article. I truly acknowledge for this awesome data.. Hero Instinct
Appreciating the time and exertion you put into your web journal and definite data you offer!.. Hero Instinct
Your site is truly cool and this is an extraordinary moving article. Hero Instinct
Somebody Sometimes with visits your online journal routinely and prescribed it as far as I can tell to peruse also. The method for composing is brilliant furthermore the substance is first rate. A debt of gratitude is in order for that knowledge you give the perusers! Hero Instinct