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  • Tyrants often turn on their own people: it's time to remove Trump from office   4 years 3 weeks ago

    It seems there is no one outraged sufficiently to do the necessary immediately... which is shameful because he will be the cause of more trouble... his mentally unstable condition will impel him

    How he still ocupies the WH right now is amazing

    Why is everyone pussyfooting with this traitorous man who has instigated insurrection?????

    Backbone and testicular fortitude are required to rid society of trump and his cult

    There will be an cataclysmic outcome without actionc

  • Tyrants often turn on their own people: it's time to remove Trump from office   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Wrote to my radical right wing Congressman, Ken Buck, to Impeach Trump now.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

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  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

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  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    I have been saying for years on this site that the right wing media is brainwashing the weak minded Republicans that should be Democrats. They are not wealthy enough to be Republicans. The Republicans Party only supports the 1% and that is all that they care about. This is a classic case, unfortunately she lost her life for Donald Trump.

    Yesterday and today, Trump followers are driving around my small town in Colorado with the big pickups and large Trump flags on the back. It is not over by any means.

    Post #10, thing will return to normal in a Democratic Administration. They have to clean up the mess every time.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Sorry, but when people spread false information, I call them out.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Being a member of other forms both political and non-political in nature, I have a pretty good idea as to how they are normally run.

    Over the last three or more weeks I believe this is only my fourth or fifth post on this board and I am being attacked by what appears to be a forum bully. Going back in this forum's history, his or her past attacks on others support my beliefs.

    Internet forum bullies usually attack those that for some reason they fear. Customary forum rules normally discourage posters from correcting other poster's grammar, editing their posts, and most importantly, forbidding personal attacks as that all help prevent the petty bickering that clutters up the flow of a well run forum. In this case that has yet to happen so I must conclude that Deepspace falls into one of three categories.

    He or she is the moderator, thinks they are the moderator or have intimidated the moderator into allowing bad behavior on their part.

    Whichever it might be, I will choose to ignore offending comments and let those posters continue to make fools of themselves.

    Enough said on this topic and to the rest of you here, let us all move on and strive for a year full of big wins.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Thom, et al.

    On January 1, 2021, I became 77 years old. For most of my early life, I had but a passing interest in politics. That dramatically changed with the murder of President John Kennedy on November 22, 1963! A few weeks later, I saw Life Magazine’s detailed color pictures of the Zapruder film showing the President’s head and brains being blown BACKWARD after being shot in the face, and NOT indicating that he was shot from behind – as later declared fact by the Dulles dominated Warren Commission Report. Thus began my personal search to find out who, why, and how my government was intentionally lying to all of us then, and forward to this very day.

    Initially, since there was no Internet for the first three decades, my search was slow and labor intensive. However, with the advent of the Internet, my searches became much more productive. I attempted to find answers relating to politicians, other governments, the CIA, the Mafia, bankers, etc., and was about to give up on finding a satisfying answer until, about a dozen years ago, I found and read an article titled, Beware The Psychopath, My Son.

    After reading that article, I came to the forehead slapping realization that for all of those years I was expecting to find my answers among groups of people and all the while it was the commonality of the mental composition – of specific powerful men WITHIN those groups! It was the key which almost instantly answered so many more questions than I had ever even begun to consider. It answered political questions, Climate Crisis questions, economic questions, legal questions, historical questions, sociological questions, racial questions, religion questions, media questions, sexism, rationalizations for wars and so much more!

    I have spent the last decade confirming and expanding on my “discoveries” and last year I began what has become a three webpage explanation for all to read, absorb and then hopefully help usher through Congress a very specific bill into US Federal law. So now, I would sincerely appreciate any feedback, criticism, questions, support and/or – at least pass this short introduction along to someone who may find it of interest.


    Note: The above mentioned article, upon which all of my studies are based, is the critical first link on the first webpage listed below. That link begins with, “Research studies have shown …”.


    Terry Sneller aka, Tarry Faster

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Many times, the overuse of certain words is a subconscious tell (and a plea for help).

    For example, stupidly minimizing Trump's stupid attempted coup and his stupid followers' treasonous and stupid insurrection by comparing stupid apples to stupid oranges is, well, just plain stupid (and, stupidly, more than "a bit hypocritical").

    While appreciated, the stupid problem with cuz's "faux" brand of positive thinking and commentary, as expressed in previous posts, is that all the self-righteous cajoling is largely not rooted in facts or reality.

    In character, the entire post #10 drips with the stupid disinformation and propaganda disseminated by the stupid people trapped in the stupid right-wing bubble of stupid fake news. I'm not calling cuz stupid; but if the stupid shoe fits, wear it.

    Ignorance is not necessarily stupidity, but willful ignorance certainly is.

  • Trump's indifference and racism kills 1 in 1,000 Americans   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Our youngest son lives in Melbourne, they had a normal large family christmas after a sevre 100day lockdown,they have got on top of the virus, the u,k, isso bad because our P.M."BABY TRUMP" Never closed the boders, late with lockdown which was never enforced,

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    One option people and state leaders have is to take legal action against white supremacist groups. Here is one from Los Angeles Times:

    Beulah Mae Donald; Sued Klan, Won - Los Angeles Times (

    And here is from

    The 1981 Lynching that Bankrupted an Alabama KKK - HISTORY

    After the win, it bankrupted the Alabama KKK.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

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  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

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  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Being too stupid to wear masks will cost many of them long jail sentences and high lawyer fees. They all ready have a lot of names and are seeking more. Trump really burned them. Felons will lose their gun rights.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Less than 1 in 10 of the seditionists were wearing masks
    Didn’t see any people of color
    Capital police didn’t fight back although their lives were probably "in danger"
    Few arrested (didn’t see), little gas used, no LEO (Law Enforcemant Officers) violence

    Need more questions about those who mixed the “Kool aid” and all who have swallowed it.
    If reasonable people don’t hold ALL those accountable for sedition, insurrection and collusion (including LEOs) this will continue and worsen.

    The law and order crowd only respects strong enforcement, otherwise they will be easily lead by those seeking political, social and economic power i.e. fascists!

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Facebook has banned him Through the end of his Administration. Should be forever. He will never stop.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Look at the pictures of the BLM protest, with the armed, and in Milatary gear - on of these Trooper garding the Lincoln monument??? Also, the pics of them attacking the BLM protesters, so Trump can have his "movie" monment with the upside down Bible????

    Where was the protection on the 6th? The Trumper republicans in Congress who ran for thier lives, should get a clue that Trump did not care if THEY lived or died.

    I seen the "police" hold out their hands, and push them away. It looked too orchestrated, if not choreographed!

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago


    take every form of communication away from Trump, for the sake of our National Security.

    Republicans -Too stupid to serve, too dumb to run

    lock them ALL up!!!

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    This is what the world thinks of us. From Bloomberg. The Korea Times has some of the best pictures. This is forever Trumps legacy. He forgot to circle the date. I like the Washington Post Headline. Twitter deleted 3 Trump Twits and closed his account for 12 hours. They need to put him in his Crib and keep him there. The good part is Ossoff and Warnock won and the Democratic Party can start cleaning up the mess that the Republican Party has left. 302 more hours for Trump to do more damage on his scorched earth path of destruction. A few weeks ago I joked that he might burn the White House down. Now I am believing it. Republican politicians that participated in this should be impeached also. What an Honor! The Rats are jumping ship. But it will be on thier Resume forever. I hope that arrests continue.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Lot's of discussion over the stupidity of a bunch of Trump supporters acting like Antifa and BLM demonstrators yesterday.

    Were they stupid and way out of line? Hell yes, and they put a stain on themselves and their leaders but I find it a bit hypocritical for anyone on the left to condemn their actions with such faux outrage. Especially you Thom who lives in a city that has been under siege by the left for the better part of two years.

    Stupid people do stupid things but let's get it all in perspective. Let us all hope a couple of weeks down the line, life can and will return to some semblance of normal.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    As empires fall, sadly these things happen. Storming the capitol in D.C. or state capitols has now become the norm. Take Michigan as an example.

    Consider the parallels of these events to the August 1987 coup attempt against Gorbachev and the 1993 coup atttempt in Russia with the partial destruction of the parliament building by the Russian army. If you think these things can't happen in the U.S., think again.

    Congress has to realize that the country is in a full blown existential crisis and the parallels of similar late empire periods elsewhere should be frightening rather than ignored. We are at risk, as McConnell stated, of a "death spiral of democracy." Rather than engaging in partisan blaming as McConnell did in later parts of his speech, we need to see real responses to a decades-long running crisis of decline.

    Disintegration of empires can happen very quickly with abrupt consequences for its population. Wrapping all potential ideas in the U.S. constitution as though it is a religious text with sacred duties, will not stop the decline. We need real and concrete actions by elected leaders to address the challenges this nation faces.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    Of course the lying piece of shit, Donald Trump used these stupid bigot, shitheaad saps to do his dirty work when he incited them to insurrection promising them that he would walk down to the Capitol Building with them. But of course this despicable pile of cowardly, treasonous shit ran back and hid out in the Whitehouse while the shithead garbage that he inflamed with his endless stream of stupid lies, so consumed in their insane bigotry, marched down to the Capitol Building and proved once and all what treasonous Neo-confederate slime they really are.

    The picture of the guy carrying the Confederate flag inside the Capitol Building says it all about who these people really all. This is their idea of revenge for America electing a black president.

    Any lowlife shithead scumbag can pick up an American flag and wrap themselves in it and pretend that they are some kind of patriot. But they are nothing more than stupid clowns being exploited by the most despicable pile of shit that ever stunk up any political office, let alone the presidency.

    Hopefully, these traitors can be identified through their cell phone GPS, rounded up and held accountable.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    At this time, 3:41 am EST, Thursday, January 7, 2021, the good news is Donald John Trump and Michael Richard Pence are officially the losers of the 2020 general election.

    The even better news is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and Kamala Devi Harris are our new President and Vice President of the United States of America, beginning at 12:01 pm, Wednesday, January 20, 2021.

    Now put Trump the Crazy in a straightjacket and drag his dumb ass off to the loony bin so he doesn't try to blow up the world in the next 14 days.

  • The ultimate example of how the Republican Party has lost its way   4 years 3 weeks ago

    What we saw at the Capitol was the personification of Trump's legacy. It will be in all the history books along with those god-awful pictures. Sadly those idiots will think they are famous in a good way.

    Can't say I was surprised, since they already kicked in the door and pepper sprayed the police at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon recently. Oh and don't forget the kidnappers in Michigan. Remember the "Trump train" complete with pepper-spray and paint balls earlier?

    Colbert just asked why the chicken-shit objectors in Congress didn't stick around and hang with their peeps as they marauded. Good point. Where was Senator Hawley? Hiding in the basement, no doubt.

    Jack Dorsey finally told Donald to shutup....for 12 hours. It's a start.

    Republicans don't do nuance and that's why they don't get the what leads to disaster, but they learn when it lands on their doorstep. How sad this lesson was.

    On a brighter note, we have to tip our hat and send good vibes to Stacey Abrams, her team, and all those activists and donors. President-elect Biden too. He was calm, but firm today. I like his style more and more. He said he has no fear concerning the inauguration or his person.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   4 years 3 weeks ago

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