Wow, doorknobs, how impressive. What a great job Trump has done! Just goes to show you that when you have had 20 million cases and 350000 deaths you learn how to deal with it a little better. But then for the most expensive medical care in the world should 86 countries be below us? Here is another to look at. What do you suppose this is all costing us? I am just amazed at the ability to defend the USA's record on Covid-19. Give me some more good stats! You made my day! I will sleep better tonight. And Cuz sees postive results from all of this. Sunshine and lolliepops ahead. You 2 should buy Trump the 11800 votes that he needs to GA.
Thom, why do you spend so much time trying to divide America by race?
Rather than concentrate on the deaths, switch your focus to a more positive note and that is the survival rate for this terrible virus which is astoundingly high.
Despite the naysayers, we now have a number of promising vaccines.
We are entering a new year, America needs to hear some positives. How about doing your part to make America a bit more cheerful by spreading hope for a great future for this country and the entire world?
We have great healthcare in America for those that can afford it. Covid was destined to spread like wildfire because we have a large population that cannot afford that great healthcare. In Australia and New Zealand all have sick leave. They do not drag themselves into work when they are sick because they cannot afford to miss work. All have medical insurance at reasonable prices. When you are making $15 an hour how can you afford $1000 per month for medical insurance with a $5000 deductible? We have a homeless population where it has spread, they do not. We have a Senate of Millionaires and Billionaires that think $600 in aid is excessive. Greg Norman (wealthy retired golfer that is friends with Trump) gets Covid. Talks about how terrible it is and then gets the for only the wealthy and connected antibody cocktail. Same one as Guiliani got. Then you add the fact that Trump has made it a Bipartisan virus. A virus that you are not a man if you wear a mask. Then makes super spreader events the rage among his followers. As always the Republicans have left a huge mess for the Democrats to clean up.
By the time the Christmas holiday COVID surge begins to overwhelm the already overwhelmed hospitals and medical staff in late January and early February, the true U.S. death toll from the Trump Virus is likely to be closing in on half a million or more.
How can this man who thinks he's above the law not be held accountable for crimes against humanity? Biden's Attorney General better think long and hard about putting all political calculations aside and standing up for "truth, justice, and the American way."
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, it's a Sunday miracle! Hear ye, hear ye -- for once in his miserable life, the Liar in Chief made a statement, albeit ignorantly, that was absolutely correct. Quasimodo, ring the bell!
It is a gross exaggeration to say 350,000 Americans died from the "China Virus."
The truth is 350,000 Americans died from the Trump Virus.
Recommend Al Franken's latest Podcast. He does a weekly Podcast. He interviews Democratic Party Lawyer about the cases against Joe Biden's victory and the 73% of Republicans that think the election was stolen.
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Fox has now become the bad network to the Republicans because it is not right wing loony enough. Here is one that a neighbor (the one that still has a Trump/Pence sign pointed at my driveway) recommended that I read. They eat this stuff up and it is brainwashing them with misinformation. With Social Media (Watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix) and Streaming on the internet, you have 24/7 misinformation/dis-information/mal-information as deepspace calls it. Above is an article on Wikipedia on Right wing media. There is no such article on Left Wing media. Why? Because it does not have the 1% support. It does not have the radio stations. It does not have the loony tunes evangelicals. It does not have the outer space Qanon.
Meanwhile, with 19 days left, Trump is beating the Iran war drums and the media is helping him.
Whenever you hear some Trumper-Republican saying they “saw a video” as evidence to prop up one of their dumbass points. Just reply. Yeah! I saw a video of a giant gorilla climbing the Empire State Building and snatching planes out of the sky…I saw a video of a giant sea monster devouring Tokyo…I saw a video of space aliens invading the planet…and so on…
That's an amazing compilation! Indisputable facts in the public record -- a nice year-end cap on Media Matters' extensive research.
Couple the Fux News' brainwash bubble with the rest of the misinformation/disinformation/mal-information in the right-wing parallel universe and alternate reality, and it's no wonder why working-class Republicans continually vote against their own best interests and those of their families. The biggest schism in American politics is between truth and fiction, both of which inform one's viewpoint, accurately or inaccurately.
Trump's thought virus (reworded): "[ I'm ] going to disappear one day; it's like a miracle, [ I ] will disappear."
Thank god that day is only 19 days away when the washed-up crybaby man-child with no power will finally get dumped on the garbage heap of history. Trump's whiny, toothless tweets will be nothing but lost little snowflakes in the blizzard of wingnuttery as the world passes him by. No one but a rapidly shrinking cadre of dead-enders will give a shit about whatever vomit he spews.
Hopefully, not soon enough, big corporate media will find another shiny object and move on too. They won't be attracting the big advertising bucks by flogging a dead horse. The fading twilight of the Trump saga might linger a while longer on the Page Six gossip column in the New York Post, but even Rupert Murdoch is getting bored with Donald's whole schtick.
Note to MSM: Let me know when Trump et al. land in prison; otherwise, don't bother me with their pathetic lives.
America is divided by the fools in the Republican Party who follow the biggest fool of all.
Here's a partial list of Trump's solidly on-the-record criminal derelictions of duty. The Donald -- the corrupt and bankrupted businessman, the irreligious and immoral sexist pussy-grabber, the impeached one-term wonder who lost the popular vote twice by the millions -- has:
Attacked peaceful protesters and Black Lives Matter marchers with "guvmut" shock troops; incited far-right violence by his fascist followers; sought to throw out the votes of mostly black people in the big cities of the swing states; ripped little brown babies from their mothers' arms; locked little brown kids in cages; thrown out the records needed to reunite hundreds of the traumatized families with their kidnapped children; banned whole countries with different religions just to appease his bigoted base of white-nationalists and fake Christians; arbitrarily violated and broken international treaties; betrayed erstwhile allies on the battlefield; pardoned the worst of war criminals; emboldened dictators across the globe by excusing their atrocities and fawning all over them like an emotionally damaged child seeking approval from an authoritarian daddy figure; totally lost a major cyber war to his butt-buddy Putin, as Russia -- and god knows who else -- burrows into our computer systems and secrets; deliberately violated the Constitution "bigly" on nearly a daily basis; installed Wall Street swamp-goons in key regulatory agencies; stupidly ignored science on all fronts; eagerly spread wild conspiracy theories from the lunatic fringe of wingers; arrogantly failed to follow the advice of medical experts; allowed a deadly pandemic to run wild and kill 350,000 fellow citizens; caused a major recession/depression as a consequence of his own negligent and immature decisions; cheated every chance he got in two general elections; repeatedly lied over 25,000 times to the American people throughout his four years in office; shamelessly fleeced his gullible base for recurring donations, never mind the fine print; forced taxpayers to subsidize his 300-plus golf junkets and overpriced hotels, all the while cheating habitually to the nth degree on his underpaid taxes and overleveraged businesses.
And now, on January 6, as predictable as a hangover, America's greatest loser of all time actually expects the hapless Mike Pence and the Republican traitors in Congress to overturn the Will of the People in a desperate, delusional, anti-democratic last bid to keep "the boss" in power despite the odds. Well, that's the tripe he peddles to the mega MAGA fools on his money-for-nothing mailing list anyway.
This new year will be tough going for shell-shocked Americans reeling from all the physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. But at least the Trump crime family and death cult will no longer be running their self-dealing, horribly harmful scams from the White House after January 20.
To the 81.3 million from all races and ethnicities who voted the right way, thank you.
And to the 74.2 million losers, don't be fooled again the next time you vote. Or else, shame on you! Instead, fight against the widespread racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, religious bigotry, and fascism that has been tormenting your party for decades and decades. Stand up for truly representative democracy and a brighter future for all our children regardless of their "race, color, gender, or sexual orientation." Don't be fools and hypocrites.
Wow, doorknobs, how impressive. What a great job Trump has done! Just goes to show you that when you have had 20 million cases and 350000 deaths you learn how to deal with it a little better. But then for the most expensive medical care in the world should 86 countries be below us? Here is another to look at. What do you suppose this is all costing us? I am just amazed at the ability to defend the USA's record on Covid-19. Give me some more good stats! You made my day! I will sleep better tonight. And Cuz sees postive results from all of this. Sunshine and lolliepops ahead. You 2 should buy Trump the 11800 votes that he needs to GA.
Thom, why do you spend so much time trying to divide America by race?
Rather than concentrate on the deaths, switch your focus to a more positive note and that is the survival rate for this terrible virus which is astoundingly high.
Despite the naysayers, we now have a number of promising vaccines.
We are entering a new year, America needs to hear some positives. How about doing your part to make America a bit more cheerful by spreading hope for a great future for this country and the entire world?
We have great healthcare in America for those that can afford it. Covid was destined to spread like wildfire because we have a large population that cannot afford that great healthcare. In Australia and New Zealand all have sick leave. They do not drag themselves into work when they are sick because they cannot afford to miss work. All have medical insurance at reasonable prices. When you are making $15 an hour how can you afford $1000 per month for medical insurance with a $5000 deductible? We have a homeless population where it has spread, they do not. We have a Senate of Millionaires and Billionaires that think $600 in aid is excessive. Greg Norman (wealthy retired golfer that is friends with Trump) gets Covid. Talks about how terrible it is and then gets the for only the wealthy and connected antibody cocktail. Same one as Guiliani got. Then you add the fact that Trump has made it a Bipartisan virus. A virus that you are not a man if you wear a mask. Then makes super spreader events the rage among his followers. As always the Republicans have left a huge mess for the Democrats to clean up.
With 16 days left they should send Trump out as a twice impeached President. Stops any more pardons.
By the time the Christmas holiday COVID surge begins to overwhelm the already overwhelmed hospitals and medical staff in late January and early February, the true U.S. death toll from the Trump Virus is likely to be closing in on half a million or more.
How can this man who thinks he's above the law not be held accountable for crimes against humanity? Biden's Attorney General better think long and hard about putting all political calculations aside and standing up for "truth, justice, and the American way."
I am hearing that it is under counted.
This morning on his golden throne dropping a deuce, the fake president tweeted out, "The number of cases and deaths of the China Virus is far exaggerated in the United States..."
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, it's a Sunday miracle! Hear ye, hear ye -- for once in his miserable life, the Liar in Chief made a statement, albeit ignorantly, that was absolutely correct. Quasimodo, ring the bell!
It is a gross exaggeration to say 350,000 Americans died from the "China Virus."
The truth is 350,000 Americans died from the Trump Virus.
The Republican Party, The Party of deceit and lies. 16 days. Todays news:
Recommend Al Franken's latest Podcast. He does a weekly Podcast. He interviews Democratic Party Lawyer about the cases against Joe Biden's victory and the 73% of Republicans that think the election was stolen.
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Fox has now become the bad network to the Republicans because it is not right wing loony enough. Here is one that a neighbor (the one that still has a Trump/Pence sign pointed at my driveway) recommended that I read. They eat this stuff up and it is brainwashing them with misinformation. With Social Media (Watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix) and Streaming on the internet, you have 24/7 misinformation/dis-information/mal-information as deepspace calls it. Above is an article on Wikipedia on Right wing media. There is no such article on Left Wing media. Why? Because it does not have the 1% support. It does not have the radio stations. It does not have the loony tunes evangelicals. It does not have the outer space Qanon.
Meanwhile, with 19 days left, Trump is beating the Iran war drums and the media is helping him.
Typical Trump supporter.
Good for a laugh!
This article is old but is so true.
The Republican Party, The Party of Fascism, Oligarchy and Autocracy.
Whenever you hear some Trumper-Republican saying they “saw a video” as evidence to prop up one of their dumbass points. Just reply. Yeah! I saw a video of a giant gorilla climbing the Empire State Building and snatching planes out of the sky…I saw a video of a giant sea monster devouring Tokyo…I saw a video of space aliens invading the planet…and so on…
“I Saw A Video” my ass.
That's an amazing compilation! Indisputable facts in the public record -- a nice year-end cap on Media Matters' extensive research.
Couple the Fux News' brainwash bubble with the rest of the misinformation/disinformation/mal-information in the right-wing parallel universe and alternate reality, and it's no wonder why working-class Republicans continually vote against their own best interests and those of their families. The biggest schism in American politics is between truth and fiction, both of which inform one's viewpoint, accurately or inaccurately.
Trump's thought virus (reworded): "[ I'm ] going to disappear one day; it's like a miracle, [ I ] will disappear."
Thank god that day is only 19 days away when the washed-up crybaby man-child with no power will finally get dumped on the garbage heap of history. Trump's whiny, toothless tweets will be nothing but lost little snowflakes in the blizzard of wingnuttery as the world passes him by. No one but a rapidly shrinking cadre of dead-enders will give a shit about whatever vomit he spews.
Hopefully, not soon enough, big corporate media will find another shiny object and move on too. They won't be attracting the big advertising bucks by flogging a dead horse. The fading twilight of the Trump saga might linger a while longer on the Page Six gossip column in the New York Post, but even Rupert Murdoch is getting bored with Donald's whole schtick.
Note to MSM: Let me know when Trump et al. land in prison; otherwise, don't bother me with their pathetic lives.
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A year in review of the mis information that Fox News feeds its viewers. It brainwashes the weak minded followers.
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America is divided by the fools in the Republican Party who follow the biggest fool of all.
Here's a partial list of Trump's solidly on-the-record criminal derelictions of duty. The Donald -- the corrupt and bankrupted businessman, the irreligious and immoral sexist pussy-grabber, the impeached one-term wonder who lost the popular vote twice by the millions -- has:
Attacked peaceful protesters and Black Lives Matter marchers with "guvmut" shock troops; incited far-right violence by his fascist followers; sought to throw out the votes of mostly black people in the big cities of the swing states; ripped little brown babies from their mothers' arms; locked little brown kids in cages; thrown out the records needed to reunite hundreds of the traumatized families with their kidnapped children; banned whole countries with different religions just to appease his bigoted base of white-nationalists and fake Christians; arbitrarily violated and broken international treaties; betrayed erstwhile allies on the battlefield; pardoned the worst of war criminals; emboldened dictators across the globe by excusing their atrocities and fawning all over them like an emotionally damaged child seeking approval from an authoritarian daddy figure; totally lost a major cyber war to his butt-buddy Putin, as Russia -- and god knows who else -- burrows into our computer systems and secrets; deliberately violated the Constitution "bigly" on nearly a daily basis; installed Wall Street swamp-goons in key regulatory agencies; stupidly ignored science on all fronts; eagerly spread wild conspiracy theories from the lunatic fringe of wingers; arrogantly failed to follow the advice of medical experts; allowed a deadly pandemic to run wild and kill 350,000 fellow citizens; caused a major recession/depression as a consequence of his own negligent and immature decisions; cheated every chance he got in two general elections; repeatedly lied over 25,000 times to the American people throughout his four years in office; shamelessly fleeced his gullible base for recurring donations, never mind the fine print; forced taxpayers to subsidize his 300-plus golf junkets and overpriced hotels, all the while cheating habitually to the nth degree on his underpaid taxes and overleveraged businesses.
And now, on January 6, as predictable as a hangover, America's greatest loser of all time actually expects the hapless Mike Pence and the Republican traitors in Congress to overturn the Will of the People in a desperate, delusional, anti-democratic last bid to keep "the boss" in power despite the odds. Well, that's the tripe he peddles to the mega MAGA fools on his money-for-nothing mailing list anyway.
This new year will be tough going for shell-shocked Americans reeling from all the physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. But at least the Trump crime family and death cult will no longer be running their self-dealing, horribly harmful scams from the White House after January 20.
To the 81.3 million from all races and ethnicities who voted the right way, thank you.
And to the 74.2 million losers, don't be fooled again the next time you vote. Or else, shame on you! Instead, fight against the widespread racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, religious bigotry, and fascism that has been tormenting your party for decades and decades. Stand up for truly representative democracy and a brighter future for all our children regardless of their "race, color, gender, or sexual orientation." Don't be fools and hypocrites.
"This is the way."
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