There was not just National Guard Quelling riots. Take a look at a few picture of the BLM Demonstrations and compare to January 6th. Damage, minimal. Tresspassing, none. Politicians inciting riots, none. There was also unmarked goon squads.
The real cause of these riots are Trumps lies. lies that get repeated by Guliani and his law team in court and shot down 60 times. But the lies continued. Repeated on mainstream media and right wing fringe media. Repeated on Social Media. Repeated by Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley before and after the riots. Repeated by almost every right winger until the base believed it. I will give an ounce of credit to Mitch to saying they were lies before the riots. Now many lives are destroyed by these lies.
All summer long the left complained that the national guard was out in DC quelling the riots and the righties were cheering that decision to deploy.
Now. the left is complaining there were not enough national guard members on duty and the righties are complaining that they were deployed in the first place.
I'm running with the defund the police crowd and just send in a few counselors in a time of a crisis.
Two days before Congress was set to formalize President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was growing increasingly worried about the size of the pro-Trump crowds expected to stream into Washington in protest.
To be on the safe side, Sund asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup.
But, Sund said Sunday, they turned him down.
The New York Police Department’s intelligence unit sent a packet of information to police agencies nationwide, according to law enforcement officials. A separate report was sent directly to Capitol Police.
Capitol Police had refused assistance from the National Guard three days ahead of the protest and from the FBI as rioters reached the Capitol last week, The Associated Press reported in the aftermath.
This is the real image of this country: keep downplaying the real threat.
In terms of politics, both parties are to blame. Number one, republican lawmakers (anti-government party) joined this ambush of capitol and trying to destroy the democracy (since it isn't/wasn't written in the U.S. Constitution) with white supremacists. Number two, democrat lawmakers have been exercising democracy but failed to protect it.
If Biden tries to grow or expand the econonmy (after he sworns in), he has to give up the climate change issue since these two issues counteracts each other. If he tries to fix the racism, he has to fix the education system as a whole (especially on U.S. History). How? make sure that K-12 education requires to complete the course of native americans and other Americans from Canada in North America to Chile in South America, because they are all Americans.
And you know what has been happening? as republicans made their mess (mark) before they left/leave office, democrats had to clean them up (which it takes a lot of time and time cannot be replaced). This has been republican's political strategy to call democrats "radical left" or blaming them about the deficit (debts) after cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires. And recently, they (republicans) showed that they don't take any responsibility (just like Trump) for misleading the country. They love and follow the money and it is really hard to pass up. Go figure.
The ones that are not getting enough blame are the Republican Enablers. Which is all of them except for Romny. My ultra right wing Repblican Congressman, Ken Buck, (plus 6 others) has come out strongly against impeachment. But makes no mention of his crimes or how to control him for the next 207 hours. Roy Blount (R-MO) said that "He touched the hot stove and will not do it again" So when more people die because of him what are you going to do Roy Blount? Mitch will not impeach. These are examples of treasonous enablers. Not to mention Canadian Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley who should also be impeached.
Well, the Dems will just have to work that much harder at changing perceptions and managing expectations then. After all, politics is a war for minds. If they can't learn to fight effectively on all fronts at the same time, which is what Republicans do, then they stand a good chance of losing the Senate in 2022, possibly the House, and the presidency in 2024. The public will perceive them as weak and feckless -- "Loser-crats!" And the public would be right.
What sense does it make to impeach Trump in the House as an urgent imperative (which it is) and then just sit on it for three or four months, especially when everyone is hot to go right now, even a lot of Republicans? What does that say to future generations and future politicians about how to manage priorities? Besides, delaying a trial plays into the hands of the coldly calculating Republicans in the Senate (the usual suspects) who desperately do not want to go on the record with their votes.
If a truncated timeframe for impeachment is such a huge worry, then hell, Pelosi may as well forget about it altogether and spend the House's precious days in session to work on pandemic relief exclusively. But then, why not solve the time dilemma by simply scheduling longer workdays and workweeks to pass both bills as quickly as possible, since both issues are each vitally important in their own lanes? Ditto for the Senate. How many ordinary workaday Americans have to suffer through long hours at tough jobs juggling chainsaws to make ends meet?!
Attempting some long and complicated triple bank shot over short-term political considerations won't escape the scrutiny of anyone paying attention, which is just about everyone at this point in time. Why drag it out? It's the keyword KISS: keep it simple stupid. Trump is a dangerous, out-of-control tyrant -- impeach him in the House; put him on trial in the Senate; move on.
"...But I still believe wholeheartedly (or at least hope) that Congress can do both --impeach as well as focus on the people's other business. It shouldn't be a question of either-or..."
Yes, but the one thing that Repubs are good at is advancing their perception of things - even (or especially) ones that are disingenuous. What people "deserve" and the "popularity" of it have rarely determined correct political action - especially in this country. More than likely, we will have a House impeachment, but I really doubt that the Senate will follow suit - meaning that even though Dems will have control starting on Jan. 20 (or as late as the 22nd based on what Raffensperger does) and they go on their merry way attending to the people's business right away along with impeachment, the Repubs (and the media) will always emphasize the Impeachment process using as many different adjectives as you can imagine - all the while governmental business having to do with practically anything else of importance (even the pandemic) will be media sidelined as practically an afterthought.
Since any possible attempt at Senate impeachment is aimed solely at making sure that Trump gets none of the governmental perks and makes it impossible for him to ever run for office again, the idea of slapping a highly unlikely (so, a possibly wasted effort) Senate impeach at the very beginning of your term plays perfectly into the hands of the people that you despise. Plus, all it will do is give Dems and Progressives the warm fuzzy feeling of immediate gratification (if there's a win) when all you will really immediately achieve is a blocking of the, normally, in-the-future advantages of serving in the government.
Unfortunately, for the majority of Americans, Republican craftiness over the past 40+ years has brought us to this point where the Dems are finally realizing that this is not just a bad dream but a self-awakened reality - one that won't be simply willed away by "correct" political reasoning alone.
Haha, that too. Maybe, 12:02. The bastard is NOT above the law!
Rostasi lays out a well-reasoned argument, and it's probably correct. But I still believe wholeheartedly (or at least hope) that Congress can do both --impeach as well as focus on the people's other business. It shouldn't be a question of either-or. They can walk and chew gum at the same time.
As soon as they take over the Senate, Schumer can set the rules and make short work of the impeachment trial, just like McConnell did last year. They don't need to call endless witnesses, since Trump the Seditionist incited violent insurrection in front of the whole world to witness. Win or lose, get everything and everybody on the Congressional Record, and then get on with passing critical legislation, approving cabinet nominees and federal judges, etc. We're likely only talking days, not some long-drawn-out process.
Republicans will always criticize and lie no matter what or when. If the House and Senate Democratic leadership hasn't learned that obvious lesson by now, then it has learned nothing. They shouldn't worry about what the Dark Side might say or how they might vote. Screw 'em; ReTrumplicans lost their moral high ground (if indeed they ever had it) a long, long time ago, and it will be a cold day in hell before they earn it back, if ever.
The Dems should worry more about doing what's right for posterity and, for once, put politics and paranoia aside. Trump deserves to be impeached (Oh, does he!), and he deserves to be put on trial in both the Senate and through the regular court system -- the sooner the better.
Recent polling shows that the majority of people want him impeached if he doesn't quit or isn't removed immediately by invoking the 25th Amendment (which ain't gonna happen), so impeachment and a Senate trial happen to be good politics too, especially at this key moment in history when it's fresh on everybody's minds. It might not be viable after a 100-day delay, after squandering the initiative.
They should also get rid of the filibuster, or at least try. Joe Manchin, of course, is the spoiler, so that probably won't work.
Yeah, that sounds all great and wonderful if we were dealing with "normal" Republicans, but we're dealing with people like the Turtle and Ted Coup who will use any excuse to drag stuff out in order to make it look like the Dems aren't doing their job of helping the people in times of extreme need. "Look at the Dems! They're more interested in revenge than the American people, blah, blah..."
I completely understand the sentiment of "If you can confirm a Supreme nom in eight days, then you can certainly impeach in 10", but unfortunately, Dems have to strategize their way around compulsively belligerent Repubs. If that means immediate, almost certain, impeachment in the House now and using those in-between "Sword of Damocles" days to also show that they are an actual working-people party, then it may actually be a huge advantage. (Yes, I understand that impeachment would be considered something that's done for the people, but there's nothing like legislation that directly affects them).
IMO, that's a terrible idea! But it's the typical ineffective strategy of weak-kneed Democratic leadership that doesn't know how to play hardball. Delay, delay, delay until it becomes a moot point and hope people don't notice. (Hint: They will!)
The Democrats will own the Senate shortly after the inauguration whenever Georgia finalizes the ratification of Ossoff and Warnock. Meanwhile, they need to show worried citizens exactly which representatives of the people are totally failing in their duty to protect America from a madman and a terrorist.
Besides, as Laurence Tribe pointed out, a Senate trial can be completed very quickly in a matter of just a few days and would hardly interfere with Biden's 100-day agenda, even if it was held right after January 20.
In the end, they'll probably never get two-thirds of the Senate to convict anyway regardless of who's in charge. Nevertheless, they should just do their goddamn jobs regardless of political considerations. If a president commits an impeachable offense -- and Trump absolutely did "bigly" -- then impeach the sonofabitch, get it over to the Senate, and let the chips fall where they may.
Already, before the "game" has even begun, mealymouthed Dems are diluting their power and defeating themselves. But even worse, they're sending a horrible message to the future.
A further thought; Ironic, but, we spend 750 billion a year to export Coups around the globe simply to enhance the profits of our multi-national corps.
Moscow Mitch has been pumping out the lie, picked up by nearly every news outlet, that the Senate cannot return early from recess unless every senator agrees. Even if only one Senator objects then they can't reconvene for the impeachment trial before January 19th.
On the Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on Friday, 1-8-2021, Laurence Tribe said, "That is ludicrous. If he wanted to, he could do it. You don't have to have unanimous consent." He also said, "If the Senate were halfway responsible, it could hold a trial in a very short time."
Professor Laurence Tribe is a constitutional expert, wrote a recent book about impeachment, and won 35 cases before the Supreme Court. Loser Mitch McConnell is a lying fckng piece of worthless shit with Trump the Traitor's tiny dick still stuck firmly up his ass. So who ya gonna believe?
At least we can be thankful that our masks cloak the stench of republican supporters as we perform our necessary daily activities, but it looks like time to lock them up.
We have been so busy with the capitol being ransacked that we have almost forgotten Trumps hour long phone call recording to the GA Secretary of State (which is an impeachable offense). There were 2 others.
My neighbor that has had the Trump sign aimed at my driveway has even taken it down. Trump is losing all support.
I hate to add other "turds" to the proverbial punch bowl, but the only thing Trump and his criminal family care about is money. Jared's already funneled the save-the-election fund into AMMC. It's a good bet it is off-shore already. And, 617 million dollars will set them all up for life. Maybe that's why they were dancing and smiling backstage before they went out there and fomented the insurrection.
If anyone is going to prosecute, I hope they do it soon, at least before they find a place that doesn't extradite. Oops, many of those places are on Trump's shit-hole list. There are friendlies in Saudi Arabia, but since the Trumps think they are royal, there might not be room for them there.
This evil insurrection is just getting going. It is coming to a capitol near you. They were already in Salem on Dec. 21st. This is a quote from TMZ about what happened there: "Republican State Representative Mike Nearman was caught on surveillance video -- which was just released -- opening a side door to the Oregon State Capitol ... and then letting a sea of Trumpers in by allowing the door to slowly close behind, and never looking back."
Мы собрали ради вас самые популярные сайты, которые востребованны многими пользлвателями интрнета! Следите ради здоровьем, правильное продовольствие, заботливость после своим телом и внешностью. Ну и конечно самое главное это досуг, без которого мы не смогли желание разгораться и колебаться дальше, новости кино индустрии и моды, а беспричинно же многое другое вы можете встречать для топовых порталах нашей подборки. Мы разительно будем рады буде вы нас поддержите и перейдете! пакет в роддом заявка на кредит каталог авто сад дача огород летний маникюр поделки с детьми красивые картинки цветов стильная одежда для женщин что посмотреть с детьми фильмы приключения топ sibvaleo com вход для партнеров комод купить минск
Мы собрали ради вас самые популярные сайты, которые востребованны многими пользлвателями интрнета! Следите ради здоровьем, правильное продовольствие, заботливость после своим телом и внешностью. Ну и конечно самое главное это досуг, без которого мы не смогли желание разгораться и колебаться дальше, новости кино индустрии и моды, а беспричинно же многое другое вы можете встречать для топовых порталах нашей подборки. Мы разительно будем рады буде вы нас поддержите и перейдете! пакет в роддом заявка на кредит каталог авто сад дача огород летний маникюр поделки с детьми красивые картинки цветов стильная одежда для женщин что посмотреть с детьми фильмы приключения топ sibvaleo com вход для партнеров комод купить минск
Senators and Congressmen that refused to wear masks during lock down should be banned from the Capitol Building. A NJ Congresswoman has now tested positive.
Could Washington DC police arrest Don Jr, Rudy Guliani and others that helped to incite the riot?
Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was texting location information about where Nancy Pelosi was. She is a Qanon follower.
Мы собрали ради вас самые популярные сайты, которые востребованны многими пользлвателями интрнета! Следите ради здоровьем, правильное продовольствие, заботливость следовать своим телом и внешностью. Начинать и очевидно самое главное это бездействие, без которого мы не смогли желание развиваться и колебаться дальше, новости кино индустрии и моды, а беспричинно же многое другое вы можете найти на топовых порталах нашей подборки. Мы очень будем рады буде вы нас поддержите и перейдете! признаки приближающихся родов взять кредит в сбербанке авто майл каталог оформление дачного дома маникюр френч поделки из шишек самые красивые розы стильная одежда для женщин 50 лет фото что посмотреть из сериалов лучшие молодежные комедии правильное питание на неделю стеллаж купить минск
Мы собрали ради вас самые популярные сайты, которые востребованны многими пользлвателями интрнета! Следите ради здоровьем, правильное продовольствие, заботливость следовать своим телом и внешностью. Начинать и очевидно самое главное это бездействие, без которого мы не смогли желание развиваться и колебаться дальше, новости кино индустрии и моды, а беспричинно же многое другое вы можете найти на топовых порталах нашей подборки. Мы очень будем рады буде вы нас поддержите и перейдете! признаки приближающихся родов взять кредит в сбербанке авто майл каталог оформление дачного дома маникюр френч поделки из шишек самые красивые розы стильная одежда для женщин 50 лет фото что посмотреть из сериалов лучшие молодежные комедии правильное питание на неделю стеллаж купить минск
There was not just National Guard Quelling riots. Take a look at a few picture of the BLM Demonstrations and compare to January 6th. Damage, minimal. Tresspassing, none. Politicians inciting riots, none. There was also unmarked goon squads.
The real cause of these riots are Trumps lies. lies that get repeated by Guliani and his law team in court and shot down 60 times. But the lies continued. Repeated on mainstream media and right wing fringe media. Repeated on Social Media. Repeated by Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley before and after the riots. Repeated by almost every right winger until the base believed it. I will give an ounce of credit to Mitch to saying they were lies before the riots. Now many lives are destroyed by these lies.
All summer long the left complained that the national guard was out in DC quelling the riots and the righties were cheering that decision to deploy.
Now. the left is complaining there were not enough national guard members on duty and the righties are complaining that they were deployed in the first place.
I'm running with the defund the police crowd and just send in a few counselors in a time of a crisis.
Let popo have their donuts and coffee in peace.
Now we know what has happened behind close doors:
Two days before Congress was set to formalize President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was growing increasingly worried about the size of the pro-Trump crowds expected to stream into Washington in protest.
To be on the safe side, Sund asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup.
But, Sund said Sunday, they turned him down.
The New York Police Department’s intelligence unit sent a packet of information to police agencies nationwide, according to law enforcement officials. A separate report was sent directly to Capitol Police.
Capitol Police had refused assistance from the National Guard three days ahead of the protest and from the FBI as rioters reached the Capitol last week, The Associated Press reported in the aftermath.
The day prior to the riots, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) told Justice Department and Pentagon officials that D.C. police would not request assistance from federal authorities.
This is the real image of this country: keep downplaying the real threat.
In terms of politics, both parties are to blame. Number one, republican lawmakers (anti-government party) joined this ambush of capitol and trying to destroy the democracy (since it isn't/wasn't written in the U.S. Constitution) with white supremacists. Number two, democrat lawmakers have been exercising democracy but failed to protect it.
If Biden tries to grow or expand the econonmy (after he sworns in), he has to give up the climate change issue since these two issues counteracts each other. If he tries to fix the racism, he has to fix the education system as a whole (especially on U.S. History). How? make sure that K-12 education requires to complete the course of native americans and other Americans from Canada in North America to Chile in South America, because they are all Americans.
And you know what has been happening? as republicans made their mess (mark) before they left/leave office, democrats had to clean them up (which it takes a lot of time and time cannot be replaced). This has been republican's political strategy to call democrats "radical left" or blaming them about the deficit (debts) after cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires. And recently, they (republicans) showed that they don't take any responsibility (just like Trump) for misleading the country. They love and follow the money and it is really hard to pass up. Go figure.
The ones that are not getting enough blame are the Republican Enablers. Which is all of them except for Romny. My ultra right wing Repblican Congressman, Ken Buck, (plus 6 others) has come out strongly against impeachment. But makes no mention of his crimes or how to control him for the next 207 hours. Roy Blount (R-MO) said that "He touched the hot stove and will not do it again" So when more people die because of him what are you going to do Roy Blount? Mitch will not impeach. These are examples of treasonous enablers. Not to mention Canadian Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley who should also be impeached.
Well, the Dems will just have to work that much harder at changing perceptions and managing expectations then. After all, politics is a war for minds. If they can't learn to fight effectively on all fronts at the same time, which is what Republicans do, then they stand a good chance of losing the Senate in 2022, possibly the House, and the presidency in 2024. The public will perceive them as weak and feckless -- "Loser-crats!" And the public would be right.
What sense does it make to impeach Trump in the House as an urgent imperative (which it is) and then just sit on it for three or four months, especially when everyone is hot to go right now, even a lot of Republicans? What does that say to future generations and future politicians about how to manage priorities? Besides, delaying a trial plays into the hands of the coldly calculating Republicans in the Senate (the usual suspects) who desperately do not want to go on the record with their votes.
If a truncated timeframe for impeachment is such a huge worry, then hell, Pelosi may as well forget about it altogether and spend the House's precious days in session to work on pandemic relief exclusively. But then, why not solve the time dilemma by simply scheduling longer workdays and workweeks to pass both bills as quickly as possible, since both issues are each vitally important in their own lanes? Ditto for the Senate. How many ordinary workaday Americans have to suffer through long hours at tough jobs juggling chainsaws to make ends meet?!
Attempting some long and complicated triple bank shot over short-term political considerations won't escape the scrutiny of anyone paying attention, which is just about everyone at this point in time. Why drag it out? It's the keyword KISS: keep it simple stupid. Trump is a dangerous, out-of-control tyrant -- impeach him in the House; put him on trial in the Senate; move on.
"...But I still believe wholeheartedly (or at least hope) that Congress can do both --impeach as well as focus on the people's other business. It shouldn't be a question of either-or..."
Yes, but the one thing that Repubs are good at is advancing their perception of things - even (or especially) ones that are disingenuous. What people "deserve" and the "popularity" of it have rarely determined correct political action - especially in this country. More than likely, we will have a House impeachment, but I really doubt that the Senate will follow suit - meaning that even though Dems will have control starting on Jan. 20 (or as late as the 22nd based on what Raffensperger does) and they go on their merry way attending to the people's business right away along with impeachment, the Repubs (and the media) will always emphasize the Impeachment process using as many different adjectives as you can imagine - all the while governmental business having to do with practically anything else of importance (even the pandemic) will be media sidelined as practically an afterthought.
Since any possible attempt at Senate impeachment is aimed solely at making sure that Trump gets none of the governmental perks and makes it impossible for him to ever run for office again, the idea of slapping a highly unlikely (so, a possibly wasted effort) Senate impeach at the very beginning of your term plays perfectly into the hands of the people that you despise. Plus, all it will do is give Dems and Progressives the warm fuzzy feeling of immediate gratification (if there's a win) when all you will really immediately achieve is a blocking of the, normally, in-the-future advantages of serving in the government.
Unfortunately, for the majority of Americans, Republican craftiness over the past 40+ years has brought us to this point where the Dems are finally realizing that this is not just a bad dream but a self-awakened reality - one that won't be simply willed away by "correct" political reasoning alone.
Haha, that too. Maybe, 12:02. The bastard is NOT above the law!
Rostasi lays out a well-reasoned argument, and it's probably correct. But I still believe wholeheartedly (or at least hope) that Congress can do both --impeach as well as focus on the people's other business. It shouldn't be a question of either-or. They can walk and chew gum at the same time.
As soon as they take over the Senate, Schumer can set the rules and make short work of the impeachment trial, just like McConnell did last year. They don't need to call endless witnesses, since Trump the Seditionist incited violent insurrection in front of the whole world to witness. Win or lose, get everything and everybody on the Congressional Record, and then get on with passing critical legislation, approving cabinet nominees and federal judges, etc. We're likely only talking days, not some long-drawn-out process.
Republicans will always criticize and lie no matter what or when. If the House and Senate Democratic leadership hasn't learned that obvious lesson by now, then it has learned nothing. They shouldn't worry about what the Dark Side might say or how they might vote. Screw 'em; ReTrumplicans lost their moral high ground (if indeed they ever had it) a long, long time ago, and it will be a cold day in hell before they earn it back, if ever.
The Dems should worry more about doing what's right for posterity and, for once, put politics and paranoia aside. Trump deserves to be impeached (Oh, does he!), and he deserves to be put on trial in both the Senate and through the regular court system -- the sooner the better.
Recent polling shows that the majority of people want him impeached if he doesn't quit or isn't removed immediately by invoking the 25th Amendment (which ain't gonna happen), so impeachment and a Senate trial happen to be good politics too, especially at this key moment in history when it's fresh on everybody's minds. It might not be viable after a 100-day delay, after squandering the initiative.
They should also get rid of the filibuster, or at least try. Joe Manchin, of course, is the spoiler, so that probably won't work.
Thank you for these always interesting articles. I love to read you...
Val, from
Yeah, that sounds all great and wonderful if we were dealing with "normal" Republicans, but we're dealing with people like the Turtle and Ted Coup who will use any excuse to drag stuff out in order to make it look like the Dems aren't doing their job of helping the people in times of extreme need. "Look at the Dems! They're more interested in revenge than the American people, blah, blah..."
I completely understand the sentiment of "If you can confirm a Supreme nom in eight days, then you can certainly impeach in 10", but unfortunately, Dems have to strategize their way around compulsively belligerent Repubs. If that means immediate, almost certain, impeachment in the House now and using those in-between "Sword of Damocles" days to also show that they are an actual working-people party, then it may actually be a huge advantage. (Yes, I understand that impeachment would be considered something that's done for the people, but there's nothing like legislation that directly affects them).
He very well might be (tho maybe not right at 12:01) as well.
I would rather see him arrested on January 20th at 12:01 PM and go through the regular court system.
Companies are cutting donations to Republican losers.
Right wing media.
IMO, that's a terrible idea! But it's the typical ineffective strategy of weak-kneed Democratic leadership that doesn't know how to play hardball. Delay, delay, delay until it becomes a moot point and hope people don't notice. (Hint: They will!)
The Democrats will own the Senate shortly after the inauguration whenever Georgia finalizes the ratification of Ossoff and Warnock. Meanwhile, they need to show worried citizens exactly which representatives of the people are totally failing in their duty to protect America from a madman and a terrorist.
Besides, as Laurence Tribe pointed out, a Senate trial can be completed very quickly in a matter of just a few days and would hardly interfere with Biden's 100-day agenda, even if it was held right after January 20.
In the end, they'll probably never get two-thirds of the Senate to convict anyway regardless of who's in charge. Nevertheless, they should just do their goddamn jobs regardless of political considerations. If a president commits an impeachable offense -- and Trump absolutely did "bigly" -- then impeach the sonofabitch, get it over to the Senate, and let the chips fall where they may.
Already, before the "game" has even begun, mealymouthed Dems are diluting their power and defeating themselves. But even worse, they're sending a horrible message to the future.
A further thought; Ironic, but, we spend 750 billion a year to export Coups around the globe simply to enhance the profits of our multi-national corps.
"What goes around, comes around."
Let Biden and Harris change that reality....
Clyburn is saying that the House could impeach,
then let Biden do his job for a hundred days
and then take it to the Senate.
Moscow Mitch has been pumping out the lie, picked up by nearly every news outlet, that the Senate cannot return early from recess unless every senator agrees. Even if only one Senator objects then they can't reconvene for the impeachment trial before January 19th.
On the Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on Friday, 1-8-2021, Laurence Tribe said, "That is ludicrous. If he wanted to, he could do it. You don't have to have unanimous consent." He also said, "If the Senate were halfway responsible, it could hold a trial in a very short time."
Professor Laurence Tribe is a constitutional expert, wrote a recent book about impeachment, and won 35 cases before the Supreme Court. Loser Mitch McConnell is a lying fckng piece of worthless shit with Trump the Traitor's tiny dick still stuck firmly up his ass. So who ya gonna believe?
Одним из самых удобных маршрутов поставки Китайских товаров на Российский рынок, является Дальний Восток! Ведь не секрет что основной импорт Китайского товара осуществляется через морские порты Владивостока и порт Восточный вблизи города Находки. При выборе логистической компании на Дальнем Востоке, поставщики крупнейших рынков России приобретают ряд преимуществ, основным из которых является скорость доставки товаров и низкая стоимость.
Одним из самых удобных маршрутов поставки Китайских товаров на Российский рынок, является Дальний Восток! Ведь не секрет что основной импорт Китайского товара осуществляется через морские порты Владивостока и порт Восточный вблизи города Находки. При выборе логистической компании на Дальнем Востоке, поставщики крупнейших рынков России приобретают ряд преимуществ, основным из которых является скорость доставки товаров и низкая стоимость.
At least we can be thankful that our masks cloak the stench of republican supporters as we perform our necessary daily activities, but it looks like time to lock them up.
This is why Moscow Mitch will not impeach.
We have been so busy with the capitol being ransacked that we have almost forgotten Trumps hour long phone call recording to the GA Secretary of State (which is an impeachable offense). There were 2 others.
My neighbor that has had the Trump sign aimed at my driveway has even taken it down. Trump is losing all support.
Trump Speak.
I hate to add other "turds" to the proverbial punch bowl, but the only thing Trump and his criminal family care about is money. Jared's already funneled the save-the-election fund into AMMC. It's a good bet it is off-shore already. And, 617 million dollars will set them all up for life. Maybe that's why they were dancing and smiling backstage before they went out there and fomented the insurrection.
If anyone is going to prosecute, I hope they do it soon, at least before they find a place that doesn't extradite. Oops, many of those places are on Trump's shit-hole list. There are friendlies in Saudi Arabia, but since the Trumps think they are royal, there might not be room for them there.
This evil insurrection is just getting going. It is coming to a capitol near you. They were already in Salem on Dec. 21st. This is a quote from TMZ about what happened there: "Republican State Representative Mike Nearman was caught on surveillance video -- which was just released -- opening a side door to the Oregon State Capitol ... and then letting a sea of Trumpers in by allowing the door to slowly close behind, and never looking back."