Recent comments

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 4 days ago

    I suggest replacing the flibuster rule with the following: find the 50% value of the sum total number of voters who elected all the current U.S. senators, replace the 60 senators filibuster rule with any group of senators who represents that calculated 50% (or more) value.

  • Thom in Stadtsteinach   4 years 4 days ago

    transen bayern – best platform for lonley guys and girls

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 4 days ago

    Republicans seem to offer no solutions on Trump. They say that he cannot be impeached because he is no longer President. So, can he be arrested as a citizen and Tried in a normal court of law? Or do you just let a criminal go because his crime was too close to the end of his Presidentlal Administration?

    Pence is in hiding, staying at friends homes. Couch surfing. He has no home and fears the threats on his life by Trumpsters. He has Secret Service protection for 6 months. Palm Beach is reviewing the agreement with Trump that nobody can stay more than 7 days at the Social Club Mar a Lago. So he may be homeless soon. He just hit 7 days. He owns several other homes.

    The Republican Party Coup attempt cover up is alive and well. With witnesses under oath in a Senate Trial more and more connections will be made to the insurrection and members of the Republican Party. At least 2 Senators.

  • Merciless Republican Traitors Beg for Mercy While Many Still At-Large   4 years 4 days ago

    With witnesses under oath in a Senate Trial more and more connections will be made to the insurrection and members of the Republican Party. At least 2 Senataors.

  • Merciless Republican Traitors Beg for Mercy While Many Still At-Large   4 years 4 days ago

    Thank you for your encouragement Deepspace. I thoought your comments were spot on as well.

    It seems that being a true Country loving, Patriot is somehow being miss-construed, with being an insurrectionist?

    What is more dangerous to the country? -

    A seditious, treasonous president Trump, or a college admissions scam defendant, who was denied his appeal to serve rest of sentence at home! Not right - and not as dangerous!

    What is wrong with the idea of “let the punishment fit the crime"?? While the Republicans in congress, side step responsibility, to avoid the conviction AGAIN of a President, and his followers, who pose the greatest danger to our democracy since the inception of this country!!!

    Is there no reasonable justice for us, who are law abiding, country loving voters? We do not even have the freedom to elect who we chose without being attack as "haters" or wose?

    Trump never won the vote by the majority. He won the Electoral College vote. This method allows the rule by a minority. It even makes the majority vote, inconsequential.

    I have had my miss-giving about the EC, from the time I took a Political Science Course in high school. My father had to smooth my "ruffled feathers" as I strongly felt it was unfair! That was a few decades ago!!!

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 4 days ago

    Good morning America!

    What are we offended by today?

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 4 days ago

    Ah, the Senate rules! The filibuster is a gift they gave themselves.

    Have you ever considered just how powerful these 100 people make themselves by upholding this self-serving rule? Dress it up with rhetoric about protecting the minority all you want, in truth what it does is put each of them on par with the President. That is where veto power is supposed to be according to the Constitution.

    McConnell backed off for now; he thinks the rule change won't happen on his watch with the Dem holdouts. But slow and steady hard work wins the race, because in 2022 we may have a crack at a senate seat in WI and one in PA. It could happen! Who is the turtle now?

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 4 days ago

    In response to @Speesta, Step 1: get rid of filibuster, Step 2: pass fair voting through HR1 (or similar), so current Republican party platform will never win another federal election (pres, senate or house), Step 3: Republican party (and Dems) reform to become competitive by having a policy platform more responsive to the people rather than just for billionaires, Step 4: much less acrimonious debate and less need for the filibuster. I know. Just dreamin'.

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 4 days ago

    @George King. A major point of contention: The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was primarily a Republican hit job from the get-go. Yeah, Clinton was dumb enough to finally sign it into law, and the rest of the Democratic lemmings were dumb enough to follow Republican sellouts over the cliff.

    But that's what happens when our "fearless leaders" listen to pure right-wing bullshit and compromise their principles. It's just one more lost battle in the age-old war between good and evil.

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 4 days ago

    It's a right-wing talking point that somehow minority rule is an American principle enshrined in the Constitution.

    It is not. Quite the opposite. The Constitution is certainly meant to protect the rights of the minority, within reason, but not give it some magical superpower over the majority to block legitimate legislation just because losers of elections don't like it. That would be anti-democratic.

    That's why we hold elections -- which have consequences -- to determine which party gets to set policy and pass legislation. Tough luck, Charlie, if you lost the election. Do better next time to convince voters of your virtues.

    Tanstaafl evidently did not absorb, at all, the key lesson today, that in a healthy and simple-common-sense democracy -- everywhere but the good ol' USA, USA, USA!-- it's supposed to be fifty plus one, not fifty plus ten. To paraphrase: The reason is "to prevent the tyranny of the [simpleminded minority]."

    Nothing like flipping the problem upside down and backasswards. Alas, decades of false propaganda take a toll.

  • Framing is the key to waking up Americans to the real forces behind GOP policies   4 years 4 days ago


    Don't even need to squint.


  • Merciless Republican Traitors Beg for Mercy While Many Still At-Large   4 years 5 days ago

    Right... the Republicans would never spend time prosecuting somebody no longer in office... right? The Republican led Benghazi hearings went on over 2 years after Hillary Clinton was no longer the Secretary of State and concluded she did no wrong doing. There were 7 Republican house investigations that concluded the same as the 2012 investigation concluded: "The unclassified version of an independent 2012 report, headed by Thomas R. Pickering, a former diplomat, concluded that “there simply was not enough time, given the speed of the attacks, for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference.”

    On the other hand, how about the attack on the US CAPITOL by the lovely Republican Trump loving party??? And Trump enjoying the show while watching it live in the White House. And some Republcan congressional members contacting the insurrectionists in order to inform them as to where members of the Democratic party were located so they could target assassinations? Doesn't that require at least the same level of rigor as the Benghazi investigations? Of course, to a Republican, it does not. Hypocrisy does not deserve respect or any acknowledgement. Those who stormed the Capitol deserve prison as the president who helped organize it. In most countries, they would have been executed for treason. Republithugs are nothing more than sociopaths and psychopaths with the added value of being traitors. Something to be proud of.

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago

    Какой матрас мы можем назвать "Подходящий" и как выполнить его оценку? Начнём с того, что у хорошего матраца должны быть отлично отображены Ортопедические и анатомические свойства. При условии, что матрац поддерживает скелет человека в прямом положении когда он отдыхает, у матраса ярко проявляются Ортопедические свойства. Когда матрас приспосабливается к отдыхающему, повторяя его конфигурацию, у него хорошо выражены анатомические свойства. Ортопедический матрас полезен для предотвращения искривления спинного скелета или его исправления. Также он просто необходим новорожденным малышам и школьникам, у которых хребет в процессе формирования. Формирование ортопедических свойств матраца достигается путём укладывания койры кокоса в пружинных образцах и специальной пены в беспружинных. Анатомические характеристики матраса появляются при использовании независимых, высокоэластичной пены или латекса. Анатомический матрац позволяет расслабиться всем мышцам человека. Купив такой матрац, у большинства людей пропадают судороги во время сна, нормализуется дыхание. В конечном итоге мы спим гораздо меньше а отдыхаем активнее. Увидеть ещё информацию про модели ортопедических матрацев лучшего производителя нашей страны и получить базовые знания их подбора можно на странице: Ортопедические матрасы кривой рог купить Здорового Вам отдыха вместе с ортопедическим матрасом от компании Комфорт из Кривого Рога! .Возможно, Вам ещё могут понравиться другие странички ресурса:

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago

    Какой матрас мы можем назвать "Подходящий" и как выполнить его оценку? Начнём с того, что у хорошего матраца должны быть отлично отображены Ортопедические и анатомические свойства. При условии, что матрац поддерживает скелет человека в прямом положении когда он отдыхает, у матраса ярко проявляются Ортопедические свойства. Когда матрас приспосабливается к отдыхающему, повторяя его конфигурацию, у него хорошо выражены анатомические свойства. Ортопедический матрас полезен для предотвращения искривления спинного скелета или его исправления. Также он просто необходим новорожденным малышам и школьникам, у которых хребет в процессе формирования. Формирование ортопедических свойств матраца достигается путём укладывания койры кокоса в пружинных образцах и специальной пены в беспружинных. Анатомические характеристики матраса появляются при использовании независимых, высокоэластичной пены или латекса. Анатомический матрац позволяет расслабиться всем мышцам человека. Купив такой матрац, у большинства людей пропадают судороги во время сна, нормализуется дыхание. В конечном итоге мы спим гораздо меньше а отдыхаем активнее. Увидеть ещё информацию про модели ортопедических матрацев лучшего производителя нашей страны и получить базовые знания их подбора можно на странице: Ортопедические матрасы кривой рог купить Здорового Вам отдыха вместе с ортопедическим матрасом от компании Комфорт из Кривого Рога! .Возможно, Вам ещё могут понравиться другие странички ресурса:

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago

    @tanstaafl: What? There's all kinds of wrong with that post.

  • Framing is the key to waking up Americans to the real forces behind GOP policies   4 years 5 days ago

    I agree with Thom on this, but it can't be the long "rambling" sentences stated here.
    It's imperative that it be something that you can see on a bumper sticker without squinting.

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago

    in 64 and 65 voter rights and civil rights bills passed with the philibuster in existence.

    It exists to prevent the tyranny of the simple majority.

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago

    Manchin may be smart but the voters in West Virginia must not be.

    Health Care #48

    Education #44

    Economy %50

    Infrastructure #50

    Look at the rest. Supporting the party that only supports the 1% has certainly not helped them.

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago

    Joe Manchin, likes being a US Senator. He's up for re-election in 2024. He's the only Democrat from West Virginia going to Washington. Plus the Governor an AG in West Virginia are Republican in fact, all executive positions in Weat Virginia are Republican. Republicans control the state Senate 23-11, and the house of delegates by 77-23. Manchin is popular in West Virginia, and will probably be re-elected if he doesn't do any thing stupid like vote to end the filibuster or to pack the Supreme Court. Joe Manchin isn't stupid.

  • Merciless Republican Traitors Beg for Mercy While Many Still At-Large   4 years 5 days ago

    Ha! 1776! Three Percenters, fightin' the Brits! (from a bat-guano crazy point of view).


  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago
  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago
  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago

    Serious question, have the Democrats been able to use the filibuster with success in the recent 20 or so years? If so, then why now would Thom want to get rid of this available option to stop GOP proposals in the future?

  • Merciless Republican Traitors Beg for Mercy While Many Still At-Large   4 years 5 days ago

    I just hope the violent aspects of Trumpism don't spread over here. Bad enough that we have Boris Johnson making many of the mistakes (from a progressive point of view).

  • The Filibuster Was Grounded in Slavery and Now Threatens All Life on Earth   4 years 5 days ago

    The real problem being described here is a current one and its called the "iron law of Oliarghcy", the Clinton / Democrats struck the first blows killing the Glass Seagal Act with the Supreme Court then enabeling unlimited amounts of bribery money to seal the deal. Using slavery is a cheap trick which is quite common now days. Some of our ancestors came to the new world (North America) as indentured slaves by the moneied class and their skin color was white as well as black. You may have some concerns here but the presentation and argument undermines credability and does not present a legit reason to undermine law and order.

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