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  • "GameStop" & Donald Trump Are the Same - Both Hijacked a Rigged Game   4 years 1 day ago

    Кто то может помочь ?? Не могу создать первое сообщение. Спасибо.

  • "GameStop" & Donald Trump Are the Same - Both Hijacked a Rigged Game   4 years 1 day ago

    A country that doesn't protect children and the most vulnerable has become immoral and hedonistic. Unfortunately, we have so lost our way that we need to teach morality and empathy, without that the human experimnent will fail.

  • "GameStop" & Donald Trump Are the Same - Both Hijacked a Rigged Game   4 years 1 day ago

    A country that doesn't protect children and the most vulnerable has become immoral and hedonistic. Unfortunately, we have so lost our way that we need to teach morality and empathy, without that the human experimnent will fail.

  • "GameStop" & Donald Trump Are the Same - Both Hijacked a Rigged Game   4 years 1 day ago

    Can't answer an existing topic, what should I do ?? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Need your help. Thank you.

  • "GameStop" & Donald Trump Are the Same - Both Hijacked a Rigged Game   4 years 1 day ago

    Can't answer an existing topic, what should I do ?? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Need your help. Thank you.

  • "GameStop" & Donald Trump Are the Same - Both Hijacked a Rigged Game   4 years 2 days ago

    The GOP:

    One train wreck on top of another..

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 2 days ago

    How does ruling by executive order = democracy?

    It doesn't - anymore than playing music = mood.

    Nobody is saying that it does. This was an idea created in your own mind.

  • We're at the Threshold of a Fascist Authoritarian Takeover & January 6th Was Our Kristallnacht   4 years 2 days ago

    @cuz: The problem I have with you (and others can chime in) is that you nearly always go off on a tangent while somehow thinking that you're cleverly responding to Hartmann's blog article. Instead of responding with even anything close to a well-thought-out inquiry or statement, you seem to have this bag of word and phrase tricks that you bring out that has people scratching their heads about what you're going on about. It's as if you were accosting the cook in a kitchen about how he wouldn't know how to make a good eggplant parmigiana to save his life - all the while standing in a Thai restaurant. "Disagree" vs "agree" often doesn't even play a part because there's such a disconnect that it just looks like ranting mumbo-jumbo that's been inside your head all day ready to jump out on "paper." It gets tiring awfully quickly.

  • "GameStop" & Donald Trump Are the Same - Both Hijacked a Rigged Game   4 years 2 days ago

    Домашний блог, перейдя на который вы узнаете о том, что такое Резонансный трансформатор 50гц для отопления дома. Подробнее здесь

  • "GameStop" & Donald Trump Are the Same - Both Hijacked a Rigged Game   4 years 2 days ago

    Домашний блог, перейдя на который вы узнаете о том, что такое Резонансный трансформатор 50гц для отопления дома. Подробнее здесь

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 2 days ago

    Now there's a pair to draw to.

    Your push-poll, leading question was dispatched in the first two paragraphs; the rest was gravy without you in mind. Don't be so self-centered.

    But thanks for counting. Now, can you read, or is that a bridge too far?

  • This Election Proves the Need for a Right to Vote   4 years 2 days ago

    I think it's a good idea, I'll think about it in my spare time, which I have a lot right now thanks to the essay writing site I haven't seen a better site at the moment, I recommend you to try it too.

  • We're at the Threshold of a Fascist Authoritarian Takeover & January 6th Was Our Kristallnacht   4 years 2 days ago

    (hee haw, fact, back atcha)

    Same, same, over and over: relevancy; red herring; strawman; ad hominem; misreading; false accusation; hypocrisy; projection, i.e., accusing others of your own behavior and attitude. Like I said, dreary.

    "Your personality type appears on every forum or blog regardless of its subject matter." So true, but the look-in-the-mirror word you left out is "troll," as in dime-a-dozen, right-wing troglodytes roaming the internet who can dish it out (owning the libs) but can't take it (snowflake victimhood).

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 2 days ago

    Easy answer, it doesn't.

    I am sure he is a well meaning man but I believe he has little knowledge of what he is actually signing or the consequences of his actions. Undoubtedly these executive orders were written by special interest groups. ex. the Keystone pipeline and Warren Buffett's railroad.

    I was worried about Hillary's capability, Joe Biden scares the crap out of me.

    We truly have a puppet regime in the WH that will be totally be run by lobbyists. It should be a fun ride.

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 2 days ago

    Deepspace took 751 words to not answer the question (thom must pay him/word). :))

    Does anyone have an answer?

    How does ruling by executive order = democracy?

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 2 days ago

    Do you mean an adult Biden undoing the cruel, self-serving, and just plain stupid decrees of the dethroned boy-king, Trump the Orange Baboon, who couldn't battle his way out of a wet paper bag to make a deal with Congress or, like George Bush the Whelp, who thinks the Constitution is "just a goddamn piece of paper" that doesn't apply to him?

    We are, by theory anyway, a constitutionally limited, representative, democratic republic. Executive orders are in the rules, just like pardons, the filibuster save-slavery loophole, inherently unfair representation in the Senate, House district gerrymandering, legal bribery on steroids in the form of PACs, the arcane Electoral College slave-era way of counting votes, a District of Columbia without statehood -- all those autocratic throwbacks Republicans love more than beer, guns, and God. So what's this "democracy" crap of which you speak?

    In too many cases, even the basic concept of an "elected government by the people" has been co-opted and gradually reimagined as freewheeling capitalism at any cost, the worst of insidious fascism. "Dam the rivers, damn the people."

    The harsh realities of hard-ass capitalism fall upon the unwashed masses. You know, "It's all part of God's plan or something, just the way it is, kid. Quit whining; you'll be rewarded in the hereafter."

    But easy-peasy socialism for the rich in the here and now? "Oh, ahem, well, the math is hard, not to change the subject, but..."

    So, one of the weirdest of the many ironies is that the main Armaggedon type of war to fight on the right, their loudest battle cry of all, seems to be against the utter horror of "oh-my-god... SOCIALISM !!! Grab yer guns and hide the old ladies and babies; it's those goddamn Satan-worshippin', baby-eatin' DemocRATS comin' atcha, this time with masks and needles full of tracking devices, mind-control drugs, or somethin' evil as hell, not sure what !!!"

    Socialism in its many forms and connotations is an amorphous term that can mean almost anything, good or bad, mostly depending on whom it primarily favors or how it's perceived ideologically. A well-worn, flakey-paint park bench in Mudville USA is socialism but so is a gigantic, lucrative, sometimes no-bid government contract to drill for oil on public lands or to build up an arsenal of ridiculous proportions to kill everyone and everything on Earth several times over for no good reason -- a monumental example of bad socialism to comfort the comfortable and persecute the persecuted -- an idiotic and immoral waste of taxpayers' blood, sweat, and tears.

    It's socialism at the top, generating billionaire fatcats -- today's incarnation of medieval monarchies -- at record rates. And naturally, these gilded heirs of fabulous treasures living the good life really, really hate paying their rightful taxes, consequently shifting the burden for maintaining civilized society onto the backs of the already overburdened citizen/consumer worker-drones at the bottom, raking horseshit out of the stables, living paycheck to paycheck, only one or two unforeseen life events away from financial ruin ...a pandemic perhaps.

    In its purest sense, though, the very notion of government itself is socialism, by definition, by necessity. Humans, like ants, must cooperate with each other in some fashion, hopefully constructively, when they are living together for survival, developing cultural identity.

    I mean, even the "modern ape" back in the day realized the obvious, took some time off between hunting, gathering, farming, caving, or whatever, and figured out how to get everybody to cooperate on those bigger projects that make for a better life and a safer village for all to enjoy. It's the harder stuff that the fewer and more uncooperative little monkeys just can't do by themselves, the stuff that "takes a village," just like that "radical far-left cackling shrew" Hillary said. (Do they mean, "radical" as in NOT storming the castle with pitchforks, torches, nooses, zip-ties, dressed in comical, ready-for-battle get-ups, like in the Gangs of New York?)

    Oh yeah? Well, gather round the fire all you wide-eyed boys and girls in red furs and MAGA headdresses from Lie Lie Land; here's a real whopper to scare you stupid: "Ya see, way back then, right at the very beginning was when the "other" tribe from Blueland invaded the homeland and clubbed us over the head with all that damn guvmut soshulshitism -- stealin' our free-dumb and lip-erty" and makin' us pay our fair share of clamshells, for chrissake! All those goddamn goat-worshippin', baby-eatin', DemocRATic ape-men and their shrieking banshees are comin' to getcha !!!"

    Evolution at a standstill.

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 2 days ago

    How does ruling by executive order = democracy?

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 2 days ago

    Please tell me? I can't write to the topic. Yours faithfully.

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 2 days ago

    Please tell me? I can't write to the topic. Yours faithfully.

  • We're at the Threshold of a Fascist Authoritarian Takeover & January 6th Was Our Kristallnacht   4 years 2 days ago

    Admitting you are not the moderator is the first step.

    Now try and convince me you are not the individual who complains to the moderator and try to get posters that do not agree with you removed.

    A few of your personality type appears on every forum or blog regardless of its subject matter People usually refer to them as wannabee moderators. This format does not have a specific ignore option but as we said in days of old "when your phone doesn't ring, you will know it's me"

    As a WM once wrote,

    • "(fact) Free speech works both ways: the statement or question, and then the response, like it or not."
  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 2 days ago

    Stopping the Republican agenda and proving the worth of our government is something we will never be able to shelve. So stay calm and carry-on.

    Whenever I hear conspiracy theories about an evil cabal getting rid of a good portion of humanity, I mention the cabal is currently not doing a very good job. It's 7.8 billion and counting. Sheer numbers and computing power are on our side. The poor are coming together like never before. Want proof? Look at Georgia and the 81,282,502 Biden/Harris votes.

    Are we up against many folks who do not realize they are voting against their own interests? You bet we are, and we have to plug away teaching those willing to listen. What gives me hope about this Administration's success is a simple thing President Biden said; it was that there are enough of us to get this done.

    President Obama from jump had a high-minded approach about there are no Red/Blue States. Perhaps President Biden's new message of unity is a little more practical. And, being real about all we need is "enough of us" makes me feel he is not going to waste his time on the hard-liners.

    This piss-poor-coup these fools tried may not be a one-of. So be it. Every congressional member was well aware of Representative Gabby Giffords's experience on her home turf. Her husband Senator Mark Kelly was in the Senate that day. He Tweeted: "In America, we have fair elections and peaceful transfers of power; democracy prevails over chaos; and those who commit violent acts are held accountable. That won’t change today. This unpatriotic attempt to overturn our election — and silence the voices of Arizonans — will fail,".

    Back to the practical side of that unity, President Biden's ability to bring out the best in the FBI and police across the nation is essential. Restoring the concept that respect must work both ways is do-able but not easy. You begin by setting the example. Have you seen the way they treat reporters now? That was a good place to start. We need the authorities and the media to expose and control these domestic terrorists. Once convicted, we will have plenty of empty prison cells, since some will become available as we try different solutions for the mentally ill and drug usuers.

  • We're at the Threshold of a Fascist Authoritarian Takeover & January 6th Was Our Kristallnacht   4 years 2 days ago

    Fallacies and responses, the breakdown (reordered by subject matter) of a strawman argument:

    • (strawman) I am not "the moderator" -- just another "riled up" horse with an internet connection. };--))
    • (red herring, strawman, paranoia?) As for your sex, me lady (?), I said it didn't matter and was only responding objectively to a personal pronoun from a previous post. Jeez.
    • (red herring, strawman, part-to-whole) The Democrats never stopped "recognizing genders." What does that even mean beyond simple pronoun salutation or reference? And how is it connected to Biden and Harris winning the election, pray tell? (just wrong on so many levels)
    • (relevancy, red herring, whole-to-part) What DC cancel agenda are you talking about specifically and, if true, how does it apply here?
    • (red herring, strawman, projection?) "It's my way or you will be cancelled." How exactly are you being "cancelled?" By the same logic, does your response "cancel" me? (honest questions)
    • (red herring, strawman) Of course "both sides" should be heard and respected, just as plain facts should be heard and respected, even if they happen to be on the "other side."
    • (accepted opinion) Logical fallacies and straight-up lies, although heard, should not be respected by anyone.
    • (ad hominem, projection?, wrong conclusion?, consciousness of guilt?, hypocritical?) Those who knowingly spread "lies and half-truths" are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves. (accepted opinion)
    • (fact) Free speech works both ways: the statement or question, and then the response, like it or not.
    • (Supposition) When you explicitly address your posts to "Thom," you are really addressing the wider audience. No?

    Don't worry, be happy. (((🎵 Robin Williams in happier times 🎵)))

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 3 days ago

    A good education is crucial and, unfortunately, it may take at least a couple of generations to get to the point when intelligence will reside in the minds of the common folk, rather than having the lazy, couch-potato mindsets we have these days. There's always been a reason to actively dumb-down the population and we're seeing a lot of the results of that now. Anyone here remember "Civics" class?

  • If "Good Government" Doesn't Make American Lives Better Soon, the Coup of 2024 is Inevitable   4 years 3 days ago

    I am sad. We are losing the battle. I kept thinking we as humans would keep getting more intelligent. But recent historical discoveries show we have not evolved.

    All you have to do for success is to appeal to the basis human emotions. This fits right in with the crowd that stormed the capital of the USA. If only they flung their poo. No they smeared it on the rugs, woodwork and everything they could think of. Not that they could think of much.

    Again I am sad. Some will look at our human condition and try for better. Some will see it as an opportunity to advance themselves. Think about your great, great grandchildren and how they are going to be doing. It is not just about us now.

  • We're at the Threshold of a Fascist Authoritarian Takeover & January 6th Was Our Kristallnacht   4 years 3 days ago

    It appears I have once again riled up the moderator. One trait of a rational person is allowing both sides to be heard and respected. It appears this particular moderator has the same agenda as so many in DC. It's my way or you will be cancelled.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

    As for my sex, I thought democrats stoped recognizing genders on Nov.6, 2020.

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