I'm guessing cuz might be a she, not that it matters.
One of the most common (I would say dreary) go-to tactics of the typical trolls who periodically grace us with their presence on this blog, and nearly everywhere else it seems, is to conjure up strawman logical fallacies (under the rubric of irrelevancies and red herrings), which are self-made fantasies much easier to argue against (ergo "strawman') than, say, to honestly discuss the more difficult merits of Thom's actual, well-researched positions.
Usually, people do this unconsciously, almost second nature, which is a sad commentary on the ubiquity of falsehoods flooding social media and mainstream news nowadays -- "Farcebook," Fux "News," the swampnet, hate radio, and hate podcasts in particular.
Note to future alien archeologists digging through the ruins on planet Earth: The average Homo sapien brain was just not evolved enough to handle the internet and the explosion of knowledge -- like giving loaded guns to monkeys.
It needs to be called what it was, the Republican Party Insurrection. Trump was the cause, but this was a well organized and financed insurrection. We have seen the pictures of Josh Holly with the raised fist. They knew where they were going in the Capitol. They flew from all parts of the USA to the scheduled event. Hopefully they have evidence of it during the trial.
When the so called Democratic "Squad" was elected they were the rage of the Right Wing Media. Constantly misquoted, threatened and mocked. All 4 are very well educated and intelligent. All 4 were re-elected with large numbers. Where does the Republican Party get its mini squad? Marjorie Taylor Greene, read the article and especially watch the video. Wiki says it all.Plus this.Then you have, Laura Boebert. A High School dropout who passed her GED 1 month prior to running for office. Famous for running a restaurant where the waitresses pack heat. Her main issue while a candidate was that her opponent was a Socialist because she had a PHD in Sociology. She has arrest records and is a Qanon follower. During the insurrection she Tweeted Pelosi's location twice along with "1776".
Thom, you continue to pump out fear porn and although may be good for your show ratings, it is horrible for the health of our country.
Trying to become the Alex Jones of the left is not the way to bring people together.
Is your true goal is that of our president, or hang on to ratings which is extremely dufficult in an era when literally everything is controled by your own party.
The Congressional Republicans expressed no real terror about the Capitol marauders. Perhaps because they knew damn well they were not the targets. Pence was the only one they were gunning for. A few from the right were properly disgusted by the time they were interviewed, but scared, no way! In fact during the time they were under siege, they were so disrespectful they participated in the terror by not masking in close quarters with their colleagues. You know Trump was delighting in the mayhem, or he would have tried to stop it. It's probable many from his Congressional following were having trouble containing their glee as well.
The Republicans have actively participated in the lying; they truly "get off" on it just like Trump does. They think it is a way of messing with the opposition when in truth it kills their credibility at the same time. Trump declares victory, then leaves the room to let others fight about it. All these tactics are right out of Roy Cohn's playbook.
What happened this time is all the lies and propaganda were just supposed to be sparring with the opponents while attempting to dominate in the ring. The ignorant little fighters didn't get the memo about jabs and lunges, and they went for the knockout. They turned it into literal bloodsport. Now the inept assholes in Trump's camp, who were complicit in every way, think they can just move-on.
If a person has a moral American bone in their body, they know in their heart the right thing to do. Holding Trump accountable is the only option. Win or lose the trial, we will do this and whatever we can to make sure those involved are fully exposed. I want him to pay and burn in hell, but if he doesn't, I won't whine or think what the Dems did was fruitless. Doing the right thing has its own merit.
Good Americans need to remember we are not alone in this world. Democracies are our allies, and curiously Germany is one of the best. Our friends have just been waiting for us to take out the TRASH!
Haha. Well, sobering up the next morning after being in a party like that, I would wear sackcloth and ashes and crawl through muddy streets begging voters' forgiveness for being a sniveling coward with no sense of right and wrong. And then, for the rest of my days in this mortal realm, I would vote a straight Democratic ticket, so help me God. Amen.
I can see through my patio screen enclosure that this issue has been taking the internet by storm. I was shocked how the government heads are trying to break the unity of each nation just like that.
People seem baffled about how the Congressional Republicans, and various State Republican parties, etc. could now be doing everything they can to protect and support Donald Trump. Very likely he will not be convicted by the Senate. Very likely he will face no repercussions for having planned and incited the January 6 Insurrection. Very likely he will get away with all of his other crimes. My assessment is that Trump is a Mob Boss who has managed to shakedown the establishment Republicans by saying that if they don't protect him, he will take his millions of followers and create the Patriot Party. They know if he does that will mean the end of the Republican Party because despite their oligarch's unfathomable wealth, without the millions of delusional followers they couldn't elect a dogcatcher. So they're going along with the extortion to save their Party.
Thom's comments are on point and a real wake up call. We are looking over a precipice of historical proportions.
The comparison to Germany of the 1930s has validity but there is a key difference. Germany was not a mega country or empire. Most of its territories in Eastern Europe were taken away after WWI.
A more concerning parallel might be the path of the then world's then-largest country, the USSR. The Brezhnev stagnation of poor economic performance, high military expenditures (estimated between 12 and 20% of GDP), and corruption in government led to a situation of no return.
Estonia ended up being the pin that pricked the balloon of the USSR. When there is fragility, even small seemingly insignificant outliers can set off cascading events. Could it happen here?
"Thom, you are now sounding like a" genius compared to the typical logic of right-wing trolls -- dishonest assessments full of shit: incorrect premises missing salient points of articles; irrelevant side points to distract; wildly exaggerated, untrue, and insulting accusations; false conclusions; red herrings; strawmen -- baskets of deplorable logical fallacies all tightly packed into pithy posts. Impressive.
If Fux News-programmed mouth-breathers would do just a modicum of proper research outside the bubble before regurgitating redigested rat turds, someday over the rainbow, they might even add a wee, wee bit of relevancy to their, ah, "arguments." (Yeah I know, a real stretch.)
Anyone familiar with Thom's writings would of course know that he has been exposing the evils of the misnamed "free" market, particularly vis-à-vis China and the offshoring of manufacturing jobs and how it hurts the people of our economy, nearly his entire career, as has Bernie Sanders, who has been on Thom's radio program numerous times.
Now, what's the point?
Something about reading comprehension? In fact, keeping manufacturing in America is an original tenet of progressive, liberal, Democratic policy, which used to be mainstream, for just-about-ever. The Republican Party and Wall Street rich bastards are the traitors screwing Americans out of good jobs -- always have, always will.
Something about projection? "[Trump] snatches this buy American concept from [Democrats] and the [right] acts like they have never heard it said before." Yup, that's right, kids; being the lying and thieving loser that he is, Trump stole the popular, liberal, Democratic concept in 2015 -- a mere talking point for his campaign -- to fool his base (easy to do) into believing (jeezusfckngchrist!) that he was on the side of American workers all along, just one of the guys, locker-room talk and all (face palm).
And naturally, he fckd it all up, as expected, and our consumers, workers, farmers, families, citizens -- everybody -- all suffered, as expected.
Agreed: an "...entire post beyond comical unless of [cus]..."
You know that January 6th, was not the end of trouble. This guy not only breaks every law; now he keeps on spitting in the face of law.
When someone continually acts as to get rid of tranquility, peace, law, and democracy: They should be labeled as a THREAT to the country's stability and existence. And punished by stripped citizenship and deported. Him and ANYONE else who inflames hatred.. If you can't keep it to yourself - Bye!!
Thom, you are now sounding like a Trump campaign ad.
What theme was President Trump pushing over his entire four years in office? Biden snatches this buy American concept from Trump and the left acts like they have never heard it said before.
You are just now starting to understand China is not our friend?
Your entire post beyond comical unless of curse you are beginning to get a grasp of reality or have joined the ranks of the Trumpinistas.
Anyway, thanks for an honest assessment of what is needed but with Biden in office don't hold your breath.
I'm guessing cuz might be a she, not that it matters.
One of the most common (I would say dreary) go-to tactics of the typical trolls who periodically grace us with their presence on this blog, and nearly everywhere else it seems, is to conjure up strawman logical fallacies (under the rubric of irrelevancies and red herrings), which are self-made fantasies much easier to argue against (ergo "strawman') than, say, to honestly discuss the more difficult merits of Thom's actual, well-researched positions.
Usually, people do this unconsciously, almost second nature, which is a sad commentary on the ubiquity of falsehoods flooding social media and mainstream news nowadays -- "Farcebook," Fux "News," the swampnet, hate radio, and hate podcasts in particular.
Note to future alien archeologists digging through the ruins on planet Earth: The average Homo sapien brain was just not evolved enough to handle the internet and the explosion of knowledge -- like giving loaded guns to monkeys.
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"Cuz" thinks Thom is reading his B.S.
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Can I contact admin?? It is about advertisement on your website. Regards.
Can I contact admin?? It is about advertisement on your website. Regards.
It needs to be called what it was, the Republican Party Insurrection. Trump was the cause, but this was a well organized and financed insurrection. We have seen the pictures of Josh Holly with the raised fist. They knew where they were going in the Capitol. They flew from all parts of the USA to the scheduled event. Hopefully they have evidence of it during the trial.
When the so called Democratic "Squad" was elected they were the rage of the Right Wing Media. Constantly misquoted, threatened and mocked. All 4 are very well educated and intelligent. All 4 were re-elected with large numbers. Where does the Republican Party get its mini squad? Marjorie Taylor Greene, read the article and especially watch the video. Wiki says it all. Plus this.Then you have, Laura Boebert. A High School dropout who passed her GED 1 month prior to running for office. Famous for running a restaurant where the waitresses pack heat. Her main issue while a candidate was that her opponent was a Socialist because she had a PHD in Sociology. She has arrest records and is a Qanon follower. During the insurrection she Tweeted Pelosi's location twice along with "1776".
The Republican Party is splitting in two.
Thom, you continue to pump out fear porn and although may be good for your show ratings, it is horrible for the health of our country.
Trying to become the Alex Jones of the left is not the way to bring people together.
Is your true goal is that of our president, or hang on to ratings which is extremely dufficult in an era when literally everything is controled by your own party.
The Congressional Republicans expressed no real terror about the Capitol marauders. Perhaps because they knew damn well they were not the targets. Pence was the only one they were gunning for. A few from the right were properly disgusted by the time they were interviewed, but scared, no way! In fact during the time they were under siege, they were so disrespectful they participated in the terror by not masking in close quarters with their colleagues. You know Trump was delighting in the mayhem, or he would have tried to stop it. It's probable many from his Congressional following were having trouble containing their glee as well.
The Republicans have actively participated in the lying; they truly "get off" on it just like Trump does. They think it is a way of messing with the opposition when in truth it kills their credibility at the same time. Trump declares victory, then leaves the room to let others fight about it. All these tactics are right out of Roy Cohn's playbook.
What happened this time is all the lies and propaganda were just supposed to be sparring with the opponents while attempting to dominate in the ring. The ignorant little fighters didn't get the memo about jabs and lunges, and they went for the knockout. They turned it into literal bloodsport. Now the inept assholes in Trump's camp, who were complicit in every way, think they can just move-on.
If a person has a moral American bone in their body, they know in their heart the right thing to do. Holding Trump accountable is the only option. Win or lose the trial, we will do this and whatever we can to make sure those involved are fully exposed. I want him to pay and burn in hell, but if he doesn't, I won't whine or think what the Dems did was fruitless. Doing the right thing has its own merit.
Good Americans need to remember we are not alone in this world. Democracies are our allies, and curiously Germany is one of the best. Our friends have just been waiting for us to take out the TRASH!
To help me through standard deviation calculator exactly
Haha. Well, sobering up the next morning after being in a party like that, I would wear sackcloth and ashes and crawl through muddy streets begging voters' forgiveness for being a sniveling coward with no sense of right and wrong. And then, for the rest of my days in this mortal realm, I would vote a straight Democratic ticket, so help me God. Amen.
Very likely you're right. Just hope not.
I can see through my patio screen enclosure that this issue has been taking the internet by storm. I was shocked how the government heads are trying to break the unity of each nation just like that.
People seem baffled about how the Congressional Republicans, and various State Republican parties, etc. could now be doing everything they can to protect and support Donald Trump. Very likely he will not be convicted by the Senate. Very likely he will face no repercussions for having planned and incited the January 6 Insurrection. Very likely he will get away with all of his other crimes. My assessment is that Trump is a Mob Boss who has managed to shakedown the establishment Republicans by saying that if they don't protect him, he will take his millions of followers and create the Patriot Party. They know if he does that will mean the end of the Republican Party because despite their oligarch's unfathomable wealth, without the millions of delusional followers they couldn't elect a dogcatcher. So they're going along with the extortion to save their Party.
What would you do?
@djgilbert. Thanks for that particular comparison. A good read on a scary subject.
Here's a list of DJT's [products made overseas;
@ cuz @#2; Maybe Biden actually means what he says, unlike the guy you're always "leg humping".
DJT, to this day, never followed his own ads advice, to buy American, nor did his family members.
He could have started with his own swag, but, he didn't. Nor did his daughter..
Thom's comments are on point and a real wake up call. We are looking over a precipice of historical proportions.
The comparison to Germany of the 1930s has validity but there is a key difference. Germany was not a mega country or empire. Most of its territories in Eastern Europe were taken away after WWI.
A more concerning parallel might be the path of the then world's then-largest country, the USSR. The Brezhnev stagnation of poor economic performance, high military expenditures (estimated between 12 and 20% of GDP), and corruption in government led to a situation of no return.
Estonia ended up being the pin that pricked the balloon of the USSR. When there is fragility, even small seemingly insignificant outliers can set off cascading events. Could it happen here?
We must all be concerned!
Mmm... maybe there's no need to wish him good health to face justice:
Trump impeachment after leaving office is nothing – in 9th-century Rome they put a pope’s corpse on trial. ⚖
Good enough. Keep stuffing junk food in your pie hole, great big fat granddaddy.
"Thom, you are now sounding like a" genius compared to the typical logic of right-wing trolls -- dishonest assessments full of shit: incorrect premises missing salient points of articles; irrelevant side points to distract; wildly exaggerated, untrue, and insulting accusations; false conclusions; red herrings; strawmen -- baskets of deplorable logical fallacies all tightly packed into pithy posts. Impressive.
If Fux News-programmed mouth-breathers would do just a modicum of proper research outside the bubble before regurgitating redigested rat turds, someday over the rainbow, they might even add a wee, wee bit of relevancy to their, ah, "arguments." (Yeah I know, a real stretch.)
Anyone familiar with Thom's writings would of course know that he has been exposing the evils of the misnamed "free" market, particularly vis-à-vis China and the offshoring of manufacturing jobs and how it hurts the people of our economy, nearly his entire career, as has Bernie Sanders, who has been on Thom's radio program numerous times.
Now, what's the point?
Something about reading comprehension? In fact, keeping manufacturing in America is an original tenet of progressive, liberal, Democratic policy, which used to be mainstream, for just-about-ever. The Republican Party and Wall Street rich bastards are the traitors screwing Americans out of good jobs -- always have, always will.
Something about projection? "[Trump] snatches this buy American concept from [Democrats] and the [right] acts like they have never heard it said before." Yup, that's right, kids; being the lying and thieving loser that he is, Trump stole the popular, liberal, Democratic concept in 2015 -- a mere talking point for his campaign -- to fool his base (easy to do) into believing (jeezusfckngchrist!) that he was on the side of American workers all along, just one of the guys, locker-room talk and all (face palm).
And naturally, he fckd it all up, as expected, and our consumers, workers, farmers, families, citizens -- everybody -- all suffered, as expected.
Agreed: an "...entire post beyond comical unless of [cus]..."
You know that January 6th, was not the end of trouble. This guy not only breaks every law; now he keeps on spitting in the face of law.
When someone continually acts as to get rid of tranquility, peace, law, and democracy: They should be labeled as a THREAT to the country's stability and existence. And punished by stripped citizenship and deported. Him and ANYONE else who inflames hatred.. If you can't keep it to yourself - Bye!!
Please read the article before commenting.
Does anyone remember this?
Guards Seize Senator, Haul Him Into Debate Feet First : Packwood’s OK but GOP Is Outraged
Thom, you are now sounding like a Trump campaign ad.
What theme was President Trump pushing over his entire four years in office? Biden snatches this buy American concept from Trump and the left acts like they have never heard it said before.
You are just now starting to understand China is not our friend?
Your entire post beyond comical unless of curse you are beginning to get a grasp of reality or have joined the ranks of the Trumpinistas.
Anyway, thanks for an honest assessment of what is needed but with Biden in office don't hold your breath.
President Biden to Sign Executive Order Strengthening Buy American Provisions, Ensuring Future of America is Made in America by All of America’s Workers.