So, in Republican cavernous skulls anyway, Warren should never attempt to defend herself against outrages racist attacks, which has not-so-strangely become the big media sensation rather than the malignant racism itself -- the overt racism of a fake president, who directly lied to the American people (again) by claiming he never offered a million bucks to a charity for her DNA test. Proven for the umpteenth time, the toilet tweeter in the West Wing is a goddamn irreligious racist and congenital liar.
As a fake leader of the free world, he is but a pimple on the butt of humanity.
Think about it; in the first place, why is this manufactured outrage against Warren (a relatively low-concern distraction from more weighty issues of the day) even a story on which to waste precious time and energy? Stop the presses! A woman was told throughout her life by her parents and grandparents (before the internet and DNA testing) that she had distant Cherokee heritage. Never did she claim tribal citizenship, nor did she ever claim minority status for career advancement. Nice chunk of red meat for the "walkers" though.
Meanwhile back to big picture issues that concern most other thinking/feeling human beings, voter suppression is in full swing with only weeks before elections:
Attacks on citizens' healthcare are on the rise (again) to pay for 1.5 trillion in unnecessary and utterly foolish tax giveaways to the richest of the richest bastards on the planet, while the rest of us peons get peanuts, which will now be taken out of our hides -- literally:
And, as day turns to night, everything else that helps the bottom ninety percent survive in an increasingly corporate/fascist state is being methodically targeted for the Republican "chopping block" -- should the people be foolish enough to keep them in power.
Lie-a-watha of the Slap-a-hoe tribe owes heap big apology to the American people, and much wampum for the Harvard tuition she stole.
Liberal Democrats on Twitter have launched an all-out smear campaign against the Cherokee Nation because of its decision earlier this week to criticize Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren for apparently exploiting the Native American community for personal and political gain.
This is the Great ShakeOut. You are participating in the largest earthquake safety drill in U.S. history. Practice now so you can protect yourself during a real earthquake.
This is an earthquake drill. Right now, DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON. (Unless you are driving!)
DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees. This position protects you from being knocked down and also allows you to stay low and crawl to shelter if nearby.
COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand
· If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter
· If no shelter is nearby, crawl next to an interior wall (away from windows)
· Stay on your knees; bend over to protect vital organs
HOLD ON until shaking stops
· Under shelter: hold on to it with one hand; be ready to move with your shelter if it shifts
· No shelter: hold on to your head and neck with both arms and hands.
Now look around. What objects might fall or be thrown at you during an earthquake, that you should secure in place now?
Finally, strong earthquakes may generate a tsunami or seiche. If you're near the beach during an earthquake, DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON, then walk quickly to high ground when the shaking stops.
You are suffering from the Hillary Derangement Syndrome, whereby wild accusations are not backed up by any credible sourcing whatsoever. (e.g., Charles Ortel is an old right-wing propagandist and fake whistleblower from way back, who sells a lot of thin gruel and word salads without much protein, and who comically exemplifies the adage "figures lie, and liars figure." Bill Still comes from the same swamp. And Investment Watch Blog (and you evidently) so loves to spread that raw manure squishing twixt the toes ...mmm, mmm good to the last turd.
Never mind the "pallets of cash to Iran or uranium to Russia" -- completely debunked nonsense -- let's get to the core of your knee-jerk, forever-deflecting delusion every time the reality of Trump in the White House -- the real news -- slaps ya upside da head bone.
Your reply to the very real Trump-family crimes (#14 link) are false equivalence and red herring arguments meant to blur the issue with a cloud of disparate arguments, diverting attention from the original subject matter toward the comfort zone of a conditioned mind clinging to misconceptions.
Translation: November's coming and nobody cares about Hillary. Nobody except of course right-wing fools. Enjoy November 7 morning changing your diapers.
I don't go on twitter either or FB. I miss a lot of photos of family in Georgia but it's just not worth it. I wait for hard copies that FB can't delete. Still amused by the plate face people though. Almost everything on twitter is in my news feeds anyway.
Ca. voter registrations are so screwed up....I'm sending my ballot in anyway and still hoping we make some progress. We only have mail in ballots where I am. When I checked online you can regiester same day online, not to mention DMV....give me a break! Plus we only have Di Fi and De Leon otherwise known as worse & worser running for Senator. Neither bothered themselves to even put out a statment let alone have a debate.
Sure hope The Carolinas and Florida can get a system up to vote after the trama they just went through!
Just saw the O Rourke funny.
Perfect solution for the caravan!! He still has an ace in his pocket, he can stop remittances sent from families here as well.
After the wall we need to stop the tunnels, and then the boats.
The more you describe your area the better I like the sound of it. You sound like you have everything under control and I like the fact there are people around to help you if needed. Communities that work together are what made America great in the first place. Note the recent hurricanes that hit TX here primarily taken care of by fellow Texans. "I'm from the government and I am here to help you" does not wortk here.
BTW, our students with a carry permit are legal to carry a gun and that tends to encourage proper behavior while on campus.
Where I am sitting right now there is a lily white Irishman named Robert Francis O’Rourke who is running for Senator using the nickname “beto” supposedly given to him by a maid when he was a little boy. He is doing his best to make Hispanic voters think he himself is a Hispanic. His campaign literature, ads, and billboards have been altered to portray him with dark skin.
Robert Francis O’Rourke’s socialist views don’t sit well with Texas values and even though a national record setting $45 million, (the vast majority of which is money from outside Texas), has been dumped into his war chest, and in spite of the fact he will be defeated by a large margin, his fellow progressive democrats have asked if he would help with their campaigns by sharing some of his excessive cash, our good little socialist “Beto” told all of them to go pound sand. “That money is mine, you get your own” Very reminiscent of Bernie Sanders while trying to decide which of his three homes he wants to spend the weekend. So much for the socialist philosophy.
It’s a hoot to watch but after last night’s debate with Cruz, all that donated money looks like it is being flushed down the shitter.
Perhaps “beto” and that bucktoothed socialist from NYC can skateboard off into the sunset together.
Nope...not coming here. The locals would dis-assemble the one lane wooden bridge and put it back up as needed. Locals are likely to stop people and ask them if they're lost and escort them out. This was always the case here, a tradition so to speak. It is an area where, when loggers lost there jobs they started growing MMJ and not about to get ripped off.
Many are ranchers locked and loaded for the packs of dogs that raid their cattle or sheep or to put down a sick animal.
When a fire breaks out, a tree blocks the road, an auto accident.... these guys are out there fast, many are volenteers as EMTs, Fire fighters et al. Kind of makes you appreciate men! Some women can do the job but not many.
I guess you could find an idiot or three in town!
What about your area?
The whole Blasey episode is nuts, I think there will be a backlash from anyone with a brain.
Interesting article. I think it was Thom that used to snark at Vice President Pence for not going to dinner with another woman unless his wife was present.
In retrospect, the Pence philosophy is dead on. The man is a genius.
Does any of the leftie/socialist violence in Portland leak anywhere near you? I know you are in the woods but it is the left coast after all.
Where I spend most of my time, that black mask crowd would show up once and those pissant cowards would disappear into the bed of a pickup truck and never be seen again.
Years ago on this forum I stated my number one reason for voting for Trump was his pledge to select conservative judges.
Last weekend was his finest hour in that department. The genius of Mitch McConnell showed again when he forced the democrat senators to stop their blockades and if they wanted to go home and campaign, they would have to pass through 15 more of Trumps judge picks. Of course these self serving pricks chose to abandon their principals and bend over for Mitch.
The result, and to add savor to this wonderful story, it is from the NYT,
"After just 18 months, Trump has “flipped” two circuits — the Sixth and Seventh — from prog to more properly conservative. Two more — the Eighth and the 11th — are on the verge of tipping. Even circuits that are decidedly liberal are undergoing significant changes. “It’ll be really important for the Second and the Ninth Circuits to have between two and four really good, high-octane intellectual conservative jurists,” explains a person close to the judicial-nominations process, “because dissents provide a signaling function to the U.S. Supreme Court, and those are very important circuits.”
The article you have shared here very good. This is really interesting information for me. Thanks for sharing! If you just get started to Hotmail, click Hotmail login to create new account.
I would like to believe in this but humans right now are not who they should act like a few years ago. They don't "band for the common good". They act according to their needs only which makes me really sad.
About your link....I guess when you graduate from college you go straight back to kindergarden....hmmmm.
Well she's baaaackkk!
Vintage Arrogance
Yet one day later, Clinton was at it again. Speaking in Belfast, Northern Ireland, she chose a scolding tone for Brexit supporters instead of evincing the least bit of appreciation for why the populist referendum succeeded in the U.K.
“I make no excuse for being against Brexit from the start,” Clinton snootily proclaimed. “I thought it was a bad idea before the referendum and I think it is an even worse idea now. It may well go down as one of greatest and most unnecessary self-inflicted wounds in modern history.”
But she wasn’t done there. Going full globalist, Clinton applauded the European Union for invoking punitive measures against Hungary for its refusal to allow dangerous foreign “refugees” into its sovereign nation. Branding Hungary as a nation that fails “to respect human rights, and the rule of law,” she declared that “similar stories are unfolding in Poland and too many other places, including in my own country.” She then issued a call “to turn back this rising tide of authoritarianism, sectarianism and divisiveness.”
The address is quintessential Hillary. She effortlessly besmirches the will of the majority of voters in the UK and her own country in one pontificating speech. This is what she says about the United States when she is abroad.
So, in Republican cavernous skulls anyway, Warren should never attempt to defend herself against outrages racist attacks, which has not-so-strangely become the big media sensation rather than the malignant racism itself -- the overt racism of a fake president, who directly lied to the American people (again) by claiming he never offered a million bucks to a charity for her DNA test. Proven for the umpteenth time, the toilet tweeter in the West Wing is a goddamn irreligious racist and congenital liar.
As a fake leader of the free world, he is but a pimple on the butt of humanity.
Think about it; in the first place, why is this manufactured outrage against Warren (a relatively low-concern distraction from more weighty issues of the day) even a story on which to waste precious time and energy? Stop the presses! A woman was told throughout her life by her parents and grandparents (before the internet and DNA testing) that she had distant Cherokee heritage. Never did she claim tribal citizenship, nor did she ever claim minority status for career advancement. Nice chunk of red meat for the "walkers" though.
Meanwhile back to big picture issues that concern most other thinking/feeling human beings, voter suppression is in full swing with only weeks before elections:
Attacks on citizens' healthcare are on the rise (again) to pay for 1.5 trillion in unnecessary and utterly foolish tax giveaways to the richest of the richest bastards on the planet, while the rest of us peons get peanuts, which will now be taken out of our hides -- literally:
And, as day turns to night, everything else that helps the bottom ninety percent survive in an increasingly corporate/fascist state is being methodically targeted for the Republican "chopping block" -- should the people be foolish enough to keep them in power.
(After all, we are posting on Thom's website):
tick, tick, tick ...
Hi DianeR,
Turkeys fed....including Quail.
Beautiful morning
Lie-a-watha of the Slap-a-hoe tribe owes heap big apology to the American people, and much wampum for the Harvard tuition she stole.
Liberal Democrats on Twitter have launched an all-out smear campaign against the Cherokee Nation because of its decision earlier this week to criticize Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren for apparently exploiting the Native American community for personal and political gain.
and just for fun
These Foot Puppets Are Hilarious!
got to head into town!
Some help for you on Nov. 7th.
This is the Great ShakeOut. You are participating in the largest earthquake safety drill in U.S. history. Practice now so you can protect yourself during a real earthquake.
This is an earthquake drill. Right now, DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON. (Unless you are driving!)
DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees. This position protects you from being knocked down and also allows you to stay low and crawl to shelter if nearby.
COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand
· If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter
· If no shelter is nearby, crawl next to an interior wall (away from windows)
· Stay on your knees; bend over to protect vital organs
HOLD ON until shaking stops
· Under shelter: hold on to it with one hand; be ready to move with your shelter if it shifts
· No shelter: hold on to your head and neck with both arms and hands.
Now look around. What objects might fall or be thrown at you during an earthquake, that you should secure in place now?
Finally, strong earthquakes may generate a tsunami or seiche. If you're near the beach during an earthquake, DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON, then walk quickly to high ground when the shaking stops.
You are now prepared for Nov. 7th!
This drill is over.
You are suffering from the Hillary Derangement Syndrome, whereby wild accusations are not backed up by any credible sourcing whatsoever. (e.g., Charles Ortel is an old right-wing propagandist and fake whistleblower from way back, who sells a lot of thin gruel and word salads without much protein, and who comically exemplifies the adage "figures lie, and liars figure." Bill Still comes from the same swamp. And Investment Watch Blog (and you evidently) so loves to spread that raw manure squishing twixt the toes ...mmm, mmm good to the last turd.
Never mind the "pallets of cash to Iran or uranium to Russia" -- completely debunked nonsense -- let's get to the core of your knee-jerk, forever-deflecting delusion every time the reality of Trump in the White House -- the real news -- slaps ya upside da head bone.
Sooo... The Clinton Foundation:
*Politically motivated witch hunts that have turned up zilch (just like every other credible investigation into Hillary Clinton):
Compared to the... The Trump Foundation:
*Actual crimes:
Your reply to the very real Trump-family crimes (#14 link) are false equivalence and red herring arguments meant to blur the issue with a cloud of disparate arguments, diverting attention from the original subject matter toward the comfort zone of a conditioned mind clinging to misconceptions.
Translation: November's coming and nobody cares about Hillary. Nobody except of course right-wing fools. Enjoy November 7 morning changing your diapers.
Thanks your bảng giá vé máy bay :
I don't go on twitter either or FB. I miss a lot of photos of family in Georgia but it's just not worth it. I wait for hard copies that FB can't delete. Still amused by the plate face people though. Almost everything on twitter is in my news feeds anyway.
Ca. voter registrations are so screwed up....I'm sending my ballot in anyway and still hoping we make some progress. We only have mail in ballots where I am. When I checked online you can regiester same day online, not to mention DMV....give me a break! Plus we only have Di Fi and De Leon otherwise known as worse & worser running for Senator. Neither bothered themselves to even put out a statment let alone have a debate.
Sure hope The Carolinas and Florida can get a system up to vote after the trama they just went through!
Just saw the O Rourke funny.
Perfect solution for the caravan!! He still has an ace in his pocket, he can stop remittances sent from families here as well.
After the wall we need to stop the tunnels, and then the boats.
Have a great evening.
Hey HotCoffee
I stay off twitter and never have seen the usefulness unless you are POTUS and tweet just to drive your enemies up the wall.
As for Honduras, I agree with Trump. Cut all aid to countries that participate in this crap. Electrify the wall
On another note, what malcontent leftie/socialist mobs say never happens.
Look at all the women and children!
Remember this?
Hillary Clinton: ‘If that f-ing bastard Trump wins, we all hang from nooses’November 30, 2017 by IWB
Tick Tick Tick! It wasn't Trunp sending pallets of cash to Iran or uranium to Russia.
you might enjoy this too..
Concentrating on Clinton Foundation Facts
The Trump crime family:
Good afternoon DianneR,
Speaking of Chaos have you seen this? Got to get the chores done!Enjoy the day!!
The more you describe your area the better I like the sound of it. You sound like you have everything under control and I like the fact there are people around to help you if needed. Communities that work together are what made America great in the first place. Note the recent hurricanes that hit TX here primarily taken care of by fellow Texans. "I'm from the government and I am here to help you" does not wortk here.
BTW, our students with a carry permit are legal to carry a gun and that tends to encourage proper behavior while on campus.
Where I am sitting right now there is a lily white Irishman named Robert Francis O’Rourke who is running for Senator using the nickname “beto” supposedly given to him by a maid when he was a little boy. He is doing his best to make Hispanic voters think he himself is a Hispanic. His campaign literature, ads, and billboards have been altered to portray him with dark skin.
Robert Francis O’Rourke’s socialist views don’t sit well with Texas values and even though a national record setting $45 million, (the vast majority of which is money from outside Texas), has been dumped into his war chest, and in spite of the fact he will be defeated by a large margin, his fellow progressive democrats have asked if he would help with their campaigns by sharing some of his excessive cash, our good little socialist “Beto” told all of them to go pound sand. “That money is mine, you get your own” Very reminiscent of Bernie Sanders while trying to decide which of his three homes he wants to spend the weekend. So much for the socialist philosophy.
It’s a hoot to watch but after last night’s debate with Cruz, all that donated money looks like it is being flushed down the shitter.
Perhaps “beto” and that bucktoothed socialist from NYC can skateboard off into the sunset together.
“Chaos is order yet undeciphered”
its doesnt change that much its just hided inside cause now there are strict laws
prayer need honesty
Nope...not coming here. The locals would dis-assemble the one lane wooden bridge and put it back up as needed. Locals are likely to stop people and ask them if they're lost and escort them out. This was always the case here, a tradition so to speak. It is an area where, when loggers lost there jobs they started growing MMJ and not about to get ripped off.
Many are ranchers locked and loaded for the packs of dogs that raid their cattle or sheep or to put down a sick animal.
When a fire breaks out, a tree blocks the road, an auto accident.... these guys are out there fast, many are volenteers as EMTs, Fire fighters et al. Kind of makes you appreciate men! Some women can do the job but not many.
I guess you could find an idiot or three in town!
What about your area?
The whole Blasey episode is nuts, I think there will be a backlash from anyone with a brain.
Way too much going on in the world right now. Check out some carpet cleaning tips at: Carpet Cleaning Of Chula Vista
Great thoughts
Interesting article. I think it was Thom that used to snark at Vice President Pence for not going to dinner with another woman unless his wife was present.
In retrospect, the Pence philosophy is dead on. The man is a genius.
Does any of the leftie/socialist violence in Portland leak anywhere near you? I know you are in the woods but it is the left coast after all.
Where I spend most of my time, that black mask crowd would show up once and those pissant cowards would disappear into the bed of a pickup truck and never be seen again.
Fatten those turkeys.
Well I haven't listened to Paul Revere for a long time. Perfect!
You might like this...backlash time. This is not a site I've been to before but this article is spot on.
The consequences of #METOO
He is such an icon of goodness. I wish to meet him in heaven.
One more thing HotCoffee,
A little Elizabeth Warren music for your pleasure
Morning HotCoffee,
Years ago on this forum I stated my number one reason for voting for Trump was his pledge to select conservative judges.
Last weekend was his finest hour in that department. The genius of Mitch McConnell showed again when he forced the democrat senators to stop their blockades and if they wanted to go home and campaign, they would have to pass through 15 more of Trumps judge picks. Of course these self serving pricks chose to abandon their principals and bend over for Mitch.
The result, and to add savor to this wonderful story, it is from the NYT,
"After just 18 months, Trump has “flipped” two circuits — the Sixth and Seventh — from prog to more properly conservative. Two more — the Eighth and the 11th — are on the verge of tipping. Even circuits that are decidedly liberal are undergoing significant changes. “It’ll be really important for the Second and the Ninth Circuits to have between two and four really good, high-octane intellectual conservative jurists,” explains a person close to the judicial-nominations process, “because dissents provide a signaling function to the U.S. Supreme Court, and those are very important circuits.”
The article you have shared here very good. This is really interesting information for me. Thanks for sharing! If you just get started to Hotmail, click Hotmail login to create new account.
I would like to believe in this but humans right now are not who they should act like a few years ago. They don't "band for the common good". They act according to their needs only which makes me really sad.
-concrete contractors columbia sc
Great post, thanks for sharing!
About your link....I guess when you graduate from college you go straight back to kindergarden....hmmmm.
Well she's baaaackkk!
Vintage Arrogance
Yet one day later, Clinton was at it again. Speaking in Belfast, Northern Ireland, she chose a scolding tone for Brexit supporters instead of evincing the least bit of appreciation for why the populist referendum succeeded in the U.K.
“I make no excuse for being against Brexit from the start,” Clinton snootily proclaimed. “I thought it was a bad idea before the referendum and I think it is an even worse idea now. It may well go down as one of greatest and most unnecessary self-inflicted wounds in modern history.”
But she wasn’t done there. Going full globalist, Clinton applauded the European Union for invoking punitive measures against Hungary for its refusal to allow dangerous foreign “refugees” into its sovereign nation. Branding Hungary as a nation that fails “to respect human rights, and the rule of law,” she declared that “similar stories are unfolding in Poland and too many other places, including in my own country.” She then issued a call “to turn back this rising tide of authoritarianism, sectarianism and divisiveness.”
The address is quintessential Hillary. She effortlessly besmirches the will of the majority of voters in the UK and her own country in one pontificating speech. This is what she says about the United States when she is abroad.
The Clinton Kiss of Death