"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
9. Foster a Sense of Helplessness Among the Opposition.
Whether it’s done with selective and brutal enforcement of the law, subtly shutting down access to the media, or outright infiltration, destroying the opposition is a critical key to seizing and holding authoritarian power in any nation.
When I was a teenager, Richard Nixon was behind efforts to shut down the anti-war and Civil Rights movements. His attacks on Martin Luther King Jr. are well known, and I still clearly remember the guy who always showed up at Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) meetings yelling that it was time to “kill the pigs” and “burn down the ROTC building!” We later learned he was a police informant, although most of us suspected it at the time.
But the infiltration word of its effectiveness—along with the murder of JFK, MLK, RFK, and members of nonviolent dissident groups like the Panthers—did its dirty work.
Numerous people, at first enthused by the nonviolence and human rights advocated by Students for a Democratic Society and the ’60s Civil Rights movements, drifted away from political activism and, in the 1970s and ’80s, fell into sex, drugs, rock-and-roll, and religious cults. And, as Reaganomics began to strip the middle class of the economic independence they enjoyed pre-Reagan, people bonded more and more to the corporate world and left politics behind.
Today, with government agencies able to turn a cell phone into a remote spy device, even people planning simple protests (from the RNC in 2004 to inaugural protests in 2017) often find themselves in jail cells or court before they take any direct actions whatsoever. Trump’s regime ramped up the charges against the 2017 inaugural protesters to the point where hundreds were facing over a decade in federal prison, further terrorizing any potential future protesters.
Fear, and a sense of powerlessness or resignation, are two of an authoritarian regime’s most powerful weapons.
Rick Loll - you advocate for free food, housing, water, clothing, utilities, etc., and you call someone else a troll? There is no free stuff. Even Obama and the communists figured that out. Why can't you?
Before you let the mob in heading north, pick a story...any story.
No wonder the dems were told not to talk about it anymore. Life where there is no law coming to join you in the USA. Who wants to take down the police & Ice ...the dems!
I have read many comments, particuarly on the various versions of the Hartmann forums, about how progressives/democrats/liberals are the party of science. You know...the party of Neil Tyson and Bill Nye. We've all heard this many times...climate change is a fact because the science says so. Evolution is a fact because the science says so. You can't deny the science.
Then how come transgenders can deny science, and have progressives support them? How can the same people who scream about climate change deniers turn around and deny the science as to gender? There are only two genders. Science and mother nature figured that out already for us humans. If you have a penis, you are a male. If you don't then you're a female. Pretty simple and very effective for all of millenia.
So why do progessives hate science and mother nature?
"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
8. Ignore Competence and Incompetence; Only Loyalty Matters—and Is Richly Rewarded.
Mainstream Republicans on TV seem baffled as to why Trump would want clearly incompetent people like Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, and Wilbur Ross in Cabinet positions where they run major governmental agencies.
Similarly, average Americans can’t figure out why Ryan Zinke (Interior) is intent on selling off our national parks to mining and drilling companies; why Scott Pruitt (EPA) is hell-bent on destroying the quality of our air and water; and why Mick Mulvaney (OMB and CFPB) wants to hand banking and general corporate regulation over to the lobbyists for the banks and payday lenders.
While some of this, particularly the last three mentioned, is really all about shifting power in America away from government protections of consumers/workers and toward giving such power to the billionaire/corporate class, the key to the whole thing is loyalty.
When Trump introduced a raised-arm loyalty oath at his campaign rallies in 2016, even Glenn Beck said on ABC, “We all look at Adolf Hitler in 1940. We should look at Adolf Hitler in 1929. Donald Trump is a dangerous man with the things that he has been saying.”
Trump’s obsessive need for loyalty—the result of a lifetime of insecurity and unethical/illegal business practices—are spreading through government institutions like the EPA and DOD the way a fungus spreads through a bag of apples on a warm day. The autocrat-in-chief is being, daily, imitated by his appointed minions, to the point that there are constant leaks about the “kiss-up-kick-down” psychopathological behavior of everybody from the White House doctor to Ryan Zinke and the flag he requires be raised over the roof of his building when he’s in his office.
In the process, the public good has been forgotten—or pushed aside as Trump and his fellow hogs monopolize the trough.
Another dimension of this is, while punishing your enemies, to support your friends. Trump and his administration have showered literally trillions of taxpayer dollars on their billionaire and corporate friends, from the GOP tax scam to their widespread destruction of protective regulations, to selling off public lands for pennies on the dollar.
Looting the public trust—and rewarding your friends with the money—was well documented by Fritz Thyssen’s chilling book I Paid Hitler. It’s a visible and important key to success for autocrats from Turkey to Russia to China. And Trump has brought it to the White House in a big way.
Nothing happens unless you vote -- even in a democracy as sick as ours. Unfortunately, one must begin with how the world is, not how it's wished to be.
Nevertheless, as spiritual beings, humans must also recognize their inner potential to create "a more perfect union." A society in decline very much needs visionaries like you to remind us of that potential, as much as it needs cold-eyed pragmatists to point out the hard realities of our selfish, petty, greedy, violent nature, which is quite literally destroying the very civilization and environment upon which we all depend.
Bending our elected representatives -- who are not our "leaders" -- to our will is of utmost importance. When we -- as a people -- don't fight back at the ballot box and only argue futilely among ourselves, then the billionaire class inevitably will slip into the vacuum and destroy what little is left of our People's government. History is quite clear about that inevitability.
Rather than less people voting, this democracyneeds more people taking responsibility for the course of our government and constitution.
Thom, My fundamental question that nobody is letting us hear, why should I vote or contribute to a system I hate, namely the US Constitution and government, no matter who wins? I want the 7C Constitution, because it's 100 times better, and gives me what I want, real rights, instead of the near useless issues any party gives. I'm not trolling, but you've lost us because you have no real system that works for the people. The US Givernment to the rich is a F***ed up dead system. Do you know what makes the parties the same? Because both love punishment, torture, and capitalism, and hate Guild Socialism. We need to make everything free and based on love. Free food, housing, water, clothes, utilities, medical, etc. It's all in 7C. That person in comment #1 sounds like a Russian troll, because nobody from America can think in the upside down twisted logic like that, just to anger progressives, who never get angry. We love all people.
Republicans outpacing Democrats in early voting in key states, NBC News finds
Posted on October 22, 2018
Republican-affiliated voters have outpaced Democratic-affiliated voters in early voting in seven closely watched states, according to data provided by TargetSmart and independently analyzed by the NBC News Data Analytics Lab.
Only in Nevada have Democratic-affiliated voters exceeded Republican-affiliated voters so far in early voting, according to the data.
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Notes: AlterNet is a liberal activist news service and a project of the non-profit Independent Media Institute that Launched in 1998. AlterNet has very strong left wing bias through report choices and strongly worded headlines such as: The F Word: The Craven Right Wing Is Now Smearing Teenage School Shooting Survivors. Some articles are sourced to other mixed factual sources and may need to be fact checked. AlterNet is listed on the Fort Liberty hoax website list. We wouldn’t go so far as to call this a hoax website, but some articles are certainly questionable. Overall, we rate Alternet far left biased and mixed for factual reporting. (5/13/2016) Updated (3/1/2018)
"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
7. Co-opt and Make Institutions of Military and Police Power into Loyal Sycophants.
Without the police and the military on their side, a tyrant’s days in office are inevitably numbered.
That’s why one of the hallmark behaviors of authoritarian leadership and its media supporters is to praise and empower, to the point of fetishizing, the police and the military. They then amplify this with elaborate displays of symbolic patriotism like singing the national song and hyper-displaying the flag.
From attacking NFL players for protesting police violence against unarmed Black people to telling a crowd of police officers to not be professional or respectful when arresting people, to chest-thumping about our military as “the most powerful ever,” Trump doesn't even try to be subtle about his threats. The next step, if he follows the well-worn authoritarian path, is to put on Saddam Hussein-style military parades.
Meanwhile, the process that Ronald Reagan began, and Newt Gingrich sped up with his 1033 program, of redirecting billions of dollars of military funds, hardware and training to police departments, begins the process of turning ordinary police agencies into praetorian guards to solidify the power of the now-captured state.
Exempting police unions from crackdowns on other government employee union activities, like Scott Walker did in Wisconsin, hastens the process by ensuring the loyalty of the one legally armed, duty-sworn agency of government.
شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الأردن ضمن الخدمات المنزلية والشحن الدولى البرى التى تقدمها شركة عباد الرحمن خدمة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن وبمعنى ادق نقل عفش من السعودية الى جميع مدن ومحافظات الاردن شركة نقل أثاث من السعودية الى الاردن لأننا فقط لدينا الخبرة والمقدرة لتنفيذ كل يدور برأسك بداية من تفكيرك فى نقل اثاث منزلك او مكتبك من السعودية الى الاردن انتهاءا بتركيبه فى المكان الذى ستتوجه اليه مع الفك والتركيب والتغليف والضمان شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن سواء كان نقل الاثاث من داخل جدة الى الاردن او من جميع مدن ومحافظات السعودية الى جميع مدن ومحافظات الاردن افضل شركة نقل اثاث من السعودية الى الاردن | شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن والتخليص الجمركى وكل ما يتعلق بالاوراق المطلوبة لــــــ نقل العفش من السعودية الى الاردن يمكنك الاتصال الان والاستفادة من العروض والخصومات التى تقدمها شركة عباد الرحمن على نقل الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردنعلى مدار العام
ارخص شركات نقل العفش بجدة 0535220955ان ارخص شركات نقل العفش فى جدة هى شركة عباد الرحمن لنقل العفش داخل جدة وخارجها وهذا ما نقدمه نحن لعميلنا من خدمات نقل العفش 1 - نقدم
"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
6. Elevate One Religion That You Can Control (and Reward) While Trashing Others.
After World War II, one of the most interesting and conspicuous of the suicides in Germany was that of the Reich’s Bishop, Ludwig Müller. Elevated to the head of the German evangelical movement by Hitler himself, Müller became the most wealthy and powerful member of Germany’s clergy during the Reich. At first skeptical of the Fuhrer, he later told his colleagues that the “great goods” that Hitler would bring the church far outweighed his failings as either a person or a leader.
Müller was neither the first nor the last religious leader to both exploit and be exploited by an authoritarian regime.
Authoritarian leaders almost always use members of minority religions as scapegoats. What’s less well realized is that they almost always (the one modern exception was communism) favor one particular religious group, and use the wealth and power of the state to shower favors on that group so long as that group helps keep them in power.
Along those lines, in 1988 the campaign of George H.W. Bush against Michael Dukakis brought onboard an outspoken fundamentalist evangelical Christian to lead their “religious outreach” efforts. Ex-alcoholic, saved-by-Jesus credentialed “black sheep of the family” George W. Bush worked hard through that campaign to bring religious leaders who were skeptical of the religious enthusiasm of George Senior into that 1988 campaign.
Bush Jr.’s efforts were largely successful and were repeated and amped up during his own presidency, as Jerry Falwell and his ilk became regular fixtures in the White House. In bright contrast to Republicans from Warren Harding to Dwight Eisenhower, that established the foundation for a clear quid pro quo relationship between white evangelical leaders and Republicans.
Now the religious right wants their payback.
Taking a cue from ALEC—that right-wing, billionaire-funded group that brings together state lawmakers and lobbyists to write “model” legislation on behalf of corporate interests in exchange for their funding GOP politicians—the new group is called Project Blitz. They’re working explicitly and publicly to change the legal landscape of America with regard to religion.
As Katherine Stewart wrote for the New York Times, “The idea behind Project Blitz is to overwhelm state legislatures with bills based on centrally manufactured legislation.” She quotes “Christian nationalist” David Barton as saying, “It’s kind of like whack-a-mole for the other side; it’ll drive ’em crazy that they’ll have to divide their resources out in opposing this.”
Americans United for Separation of Church and State has, so far, identified more than 70 pieces of state legislation derived from Project Blitz, with more to come. In Oklahoma, Stewart writes, it’s a bill that allows discrimination in adoptions; in Minnesota, it’s legislation unconstitutionally letting publicly paid-for schools to post “In God We Trust” in their classrooms.
Contrary to Barton’s revisionist history, this was not how the Founders saw things.
In the summer of 1786, Thomas Jefferson was the U.S. government’s official envoy, essentially an ambassador, to France. While there, he was horrified by the way the Catholic Church dictated terms to both people and government.
On August 13th, he wrote a long letter to his old friend, teacher, and mentor George Wythe, then a judge in Virginia. Jefferson started out by commenting on how his (he first demanded it, then wrote parts of it) First Amendment to the Constitution had been well received by the Parisian intelligentsia:
“Our act for freedom of religion is extremely applauded. The ambassadors and ministers of the several nations of Europe, resident at this Court, have asked of me copies of it, to send to their sovereigns, and it is inserted at full length in several books now in the press; among others, in the new Encyclopedie. I think it will produce considerable good even in these countries, where ignorance, superstition, poverty, and oppression of body and mind, in every form, are so firmly settled on the mass of the people, that their redemption from them can never be hoped. …
“If anybody thinks that kings, nobles, or priests are good conservators of the public happiness, send him here. It is the best school in the universe to cure him of that folly. He will see here, with his own eyes, that these descriptions of men are an abandoned confederacy against the happiness of the mass of the people.”
Noting that the people of France had been “loaded with misery” by “nobles and priests, and by them alone,” Jefferson ended his letter with a call for Wythe to join him in his crusade against religion burrowing into the newly formed government of the United States by using the power of Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution to build a free public school system:
“Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish and improve the law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know, that the people alone can protect us against these evils, and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose, is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles, who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance. But it needs but half an eye to see, when among them, that the foundation is laid in their dispositions for the establishment of a despotism.”
The religious right has made a metaphorical “deal with the devil” in Trump and the GOP that would have horrified the Founders of this nation, but is found in the storyline of nearly every authoritarian government in history. And now these so-called “Christians” want to leverage that power into ever-greater control over our minds and ever-greater access to our bank accounts.
Those gas spouts are a pain in the ass! I take them off and use a funnel.
What a pig picking on that woman. read he wasn't so brave when a couple of actual men showed up...:)
My son lived in Rock, TX for a couple years, he was a union carpenter in Ca. and couldn't get a job on any construction crew there (TX) because he didn't speak spanish.
So if we let the caravan in how many do you think will be in the next caravan? 50 thousand?? A hundred thousand.
Many years ago I met 3 skinheads living in S.F. and my question to you and Thom is, does that mean S.F. is a Nazi, Fascist City or does it mean all of Ca. is fascist or the USA??
A rather nice turn of events. The angry leftie/socialist that thought it was a good idea to verbally attack the widow of a police officer that lost his life on 911, not only publicly made an ass of himself but HE WAS FIRED FROM HIS JOB. what sweet justice.
"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
5. Scapegoat Minority Groups to Rile Up a Mob Mentality.
Sadly, one of the psychological legacies we share with other predatory mammals is the ability to instinctually form “packs” and drop into pack-like behavior, particularly against those who are weak or wounded. Although we have an intellect that should protect us from such behavior, the instincts wired into our DNA will always beat our thought processes, at least over the short term.
Fascists and authoritarians use this core mammalian instinct, paraphrasing Sinclair Lewis, to “rouse up the rubes.”
While this was a common feature of American politics in the century following the Declaration of Independence when it was directed by white politicians and police authorities against Native Americans and slaves, and popped up in the 1880s against Chinese immigrants, the modern Trump Party has resurrected it to use against immigrant children, women, religious and racial minorities, and the LGBTQ community.
Not to mention provoking violence against “libtards” like Heather Heyer, whom Trump’s “very fine people” murdered last year in Charlottesville, Virginia. (I don’t want to include links in this article to neo-Nazi sites, but just google “libtard heather heyer” without the quotes; you’ll be shocked.)
"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
4. Vilify Protesters, Minorities, and Political “Enemies” to the Point of Provoking Violence.
This administration and the GOP they’ve captured have become the party “of dreadful fear and hate” that President Dwight Eisenhower warned against. We see it in institutionalized police violence against African Americans and immigrants; excessive arrests and punishments of people protesting Trump’s inauguration and speeches; new laws punishing journalists for reporting on factory farm and corporate environmental abuses; and violence-tinged rhetoric against “Mexican rapists,” using MS-13 as a rhetorical proxy for Hispanics, and saying Black NFL players hate/disrespect our flag and country, among other things.
And by accusing the other side of what they, themselves are doing, these new authoritarians deflect attention from their own very intentional strategy. Just google the words “Trump attacks liberals” without the quotation marks to see page after page of over-the-top snowflake-like examples of conservative media and politicians complaining that liberals are “unfairly attacking” Trump and the GOP.
What does everyone think of a Robert Reich or Thom Hartmann 2020 ??
Think about it,
- tv/ radio personalities sell well nowdays, politically.
That's easy:
Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)
Ro Khanna (D-CA)
Robert Reich
THOM HARTMANN. (spice up your character a bit, people love controversy & charisma)
all good viable contenders against Trump.
"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
9. Foster a Sense of Helplessness Among the Opposition.
Whether it’s done with selective and brutal enforcement of the law, subtly shutting down access to the media, or outright infiltration, destroying the opposition is a critical key to seizing and holding authoritarian power in any nation.
When I was a teenager, Richard Nixon was behind efforts to shut down the anti-war and Civil Rights movements. His attacks on Martin Luther King Jr. are well known, and I still clearly remember the guy who always showed up at Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) meetings yelling that it was time to “kill the pigs” and “burn down the ROTC building!” We later learned he was a police informant, although most of us suspected it at the time.
But the infiltration word of its effectiveness—along with the murder of JFK, MLK, RFK, and members of nonviolent dissident groups like the Panthers—did its dirty work.
Numerous people, at first enthused by the nonviolence and human rights advocated by Students for a Democratic Society and the ’60s Civil Rights movements, drifted away from political activism and, in the 1970s and ’80s, fell into sex, drugs, rock-and-roll, and religious cults. And, as Reaganomics began to strip the middle class of the economic independence they enjoyed pre-Reagan, people bonded more and more to the corporate world and left politics behind.
Today, with government agencies able to turn a cell phone into a remote spy device, even people planning simple protests (from the RNC in 2004 to inaugural protests in 2017) often find themselves in jail cells or court before they take any direct actions whatsoever. Trump’s regime ramped up the charges against the 2017 inaugural protesters to the point where hundreds were facing over a decade in federal prison, further terrorizing any potential future protesters.
Fear, and a sense of powerlessness or resignation, are two of an authoritarian regime’s most powerful weapons.
Read more:
Rick Loll - you advocate for free food, housing, water, clothing, utilities, etc., and you call someone else a troll? There is no free stuff. Even Obama and the communists figured that out. Why can't you?
Before you let the mob in heading north, pick a story...any story.
No wonder the dems were told not to talk about it anymore. Life where there is no law coming to join you in the USA. Who wants to take down the police & Ice ...the dems!
I have read many comments, particuarly on the various versions of the Hartmann forums, about how progressives/democrats/liberals are the party of science. You know...the party of Neil Tyson and Bill Nye. We've all heard this many times...climate change is a fact because the science says so. Evolution is a fact because the science says so. You can't deny the science.
Then how come transgenders can deny science, and have progressives support them? How can the same people who scream about climate change deniers turn around and deny the science as to gender? There are only two genders. Science and mother nature figured that out already for us humans. If you have a penis, you are a male. If you don't then you're a female. Pretty simple and very effective for all of millenia.
So why do progessives hate science and mother nature?
"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
8. Ignore Competence and Incompetence; Only Loyalty Matters—and Is Richly Rewarded.
Mainstream Republicans on TV seem baffled as to why Trump would want clearly incompetent people like Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, and Wilbur Ross in Cabinet positions where they run major governmental agencies.
Similarly, average Americans can’t figure out why Ryan Zinke (Interior) is intent on selling off our national parks to mining and drilling companies; why Scott Pruitt (EPA) is hell-bent on destroying the quality of our air and water; and why Mick Mulvaney (OMB and CFPB) wants to hand banking and general corporate regulation over to the lobbyists for the banks and payday lenders.
While some of this, particularly the last three mentioned, is really all about shifting power in America away from government protections of consumers/workers and toward giving such power to the billionaire/corporate class, the key to the whole thing is loyalty.
When Trump introduced a raised-arm loyalty oath at his campaign rallies in 2016, even Glenn Beck said on ABC, “We all look at Adolf Hitler in 1940. We should look at Adolf Hitler in 1929. Donald Trump is a dangerous man with the things that he has been saying.”
Trump’s obsessive need for loyalty—the result of a lifetime of insecurity and unethical/illegal business practices—are spreading through government institutions like the EPA and DOD the way a fungus spreads through a bag of apples on a warm day. The autocrat-in-chief is being, daily, imitated by his appointed minions, to the point that there are constant leaks about the “kiss-up-kick-down” psychopathological behavior of everybody from the White House doctor to Ryan Zinke and the flag he requires be raised over the roof of his building when he’s in his office.
In the process, the public good has been forgotten—or pushed aside as Trump and his fellow hogs monopolize the trough.
Another dimension of this is, while punishing your enemies, to support your friends. Trump and his administration have showered literally trillions of taxpayer dollars on their billionaire and corporate friends, from the GOP tax scam to their widespread destruction of protective regulations, to selling off public lands for pennies on the dollar.
Looting the public trust—and rewarding your friends with the money—was well documented by Fritz Thyssen’s chilling book I Paid Hitler. It’s a visible and important key to success for autocrats from Turkey to Russia to China. And Trump has brought it to the White House in a big way.
Read more:
Rick Loll,
Nothing happens unless you vote -- even in a democracy as sick as ours. Unfortunately, one must begin with how the world is, not how it's wished to be.
Nevertheless, as spiritual beings, humans must also recognize their inner potential to create "a more perfect union." A society in decline very much needs visionaries like you to remind us of that potential, as much as it needs cold-eyed pragmatists to point out the hard realities of our selfish, petty, greedy, violent nature, which is quite literally destroying the very civilization and environment upon which we all depend.
Bending our elected representatives -- who are not our "leaders" -- to our will is of utmost importance. When we -- as a people -- don't fight back at the ballot box and only argue futilely among ourselves, then the billionaire class inevitably will slip into the vacuum and destroy what little is left of our People's government. History is quite clear about that inevitability.
Rather than less people voting, this democracy needs more people taking responsibility for the course of our government and constitution.
Beware of Fool’s Gold: Democratic California’s Cautionary TaleBy Edward Ring| October 23rd, 2018
Thom, My fundamental question that nobody is letting us hear, why should I vote or contribute to a system I hate, namely the US Constitution and government, no matter who wins? I want the 7C Constitution, because it's 100 times better, and gives me what I want, real rights, instead of the near useless issues any party gives.
I'm not trolling, but you've lost us because you have no real system that works for the people. The US Givernment to the rich is a F***ed up dead system.
Do you know what makes the parties the same? Because both love punishment, torture, and capitalism, and hate Guild Socialism. We need to make everything free and based on love. Free food, housing, water, clothes, utilities, medical, etc. It's all in 7C. That person in comment #1 sounds like a Russian troll, because nobody from America can think in the upside down twisted logic like that, just to anger progressives, who never get angry. We love all people.
Good morning....Turkeys fed!
Republicans outpacing Democrats in early voting in key states, NBC News finds
Posted on October 22, 2018
Republican-affiliated voters have outpaced Democratic-affiliated voters in early voting in seven closely watched states, according to data provided by TargetSmart and independently analyzed by the NBC News Data Analytics Lab.
Only in Nevada have Democratic-affiliated voters exceeded Republican-affiliated voters so far in early voting, according to the data.
Full Story @ NBC News
The Origins of Progressive Agony
all's well!
Enjoy the Day!
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Notes: AlterNet is a liberal activist news service and a project of the non-profit Independent Media Institute that Launched in 1998. AlterNet has very strong left wing bias through report choices and strongly worded headlines such as: The F Word: The Craven Right Wing Is Now Smearing Teenage School Shooting Survivors. Some articles are sourced to other mixed factual sources and may need to be fact checked. AlterNet is listed on the Fort Liberty hoax website list. We wouldn’t go so far as to call this a hoax website, but some articles are certainly questionable. Overall, we rate Alternet far left biased and mixed for factual reporting. (5/13/2016) Updated (3/1/2018)
And you complain about my sources???
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"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
7. Co-opt and Make Institutions of Military and Police Power into Loyal Sycophants.
Without the police and the military on their side, a tyrant’s days in office are inevitably numbered.
That’s why one of the hallmark behaviors of authoritarian leadership and its media supporters is to praise and empower, to the point of fetishizing, the police and the military. They then amplify this with elaborate displays of symbolic patriotism like singing the national song and hyper-displaying the flag.
From attacking NFL players for protesting police violence against unarmed Black people to telling a crowd of police officers to not be professional or respectful when arresting people, to chest-thumping about our military as “the most powerful ever,” Trump doesn't even try to be subtle about his threats. The next step, if he follows the well-worn authoritarian path, is to put on Saddam Hussein-style military parades.
Meanwhile, the process that Ronald Reagan began, and Newt Gingrich sped up with his 1033 program, of redirecting billions of dollars of military funds, hardware and training to police departments, begins the process of turning ordinary police agencies into praetorian guards to solidify the power of the now-captured state.
Exempting police unions from crackdowns on other government employee union activities, like Scott Walker did in Wisconsin, hastens the process by ensuring the loyalty of the one legally armed, duty-sworn agency of government.
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شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الأردن ضمن الخدمات المنزلية والشحن الدولى البرى التى تقدمها شركة عباد الرحمن خدمة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن وبمعنى ادق نقل عفش من السعودية الى جميع مدن ومحافظات الاردن شركة نقل أثاث من السعودية الى الاردن لأننا فقط لدينا الخبرة والمقدرة لتنفيذ كل يدور برأسك بداية من تفكيرك فى نقل اثاث منزلك او مكتبك من السعودية الى الاردن انتهاءا بتركيبه فى المكان الذى ستتوجه اليه مع الفك والتركيب والتغليف والضمان شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن سواء كان نقل الاثاث من داخل جدة الى الاردن او من جميع مدن ومحافظات السعودية الى جميع مدن ومحافظات الاردن افضل شركة نقل اثاث من السعودية الى الاردن | شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن والتخليص الجمركى وكل ما يتعلق بالاوراق المطلوبة لــــــ نقل العفش من السعودية الى الاردن يمكنك الاتصال الان والاستفادة من العروض والخصومات التى تقدمها شركة عباد الرحمن على نقل الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردنعلى مدار العام
نقل عفش ارخص نقل عفش جدة افضل اسرع ارخص شركات نقل العفش بجدة احياء مدينة جدة بجدة شركة نقل اثاث ارخص شركة نقل عفش بجدة تخزين اثاث جدة خارج داخل شركات فى جدة ارخص شركات نقل العفش ارخص شركات نقل العفش فى جدة ارخص شركة نقل عفش افضل شركات نقل العفش بجدة شركة نقل عفش بجدة اثاث اسعار شركات نقل العفش بجدة افضل شركة نقل عفش افضل شركة نقل عفش بجدة تخزين داخل جدة شركة نقل عفش احياء اسعار افضل شركات نقل العفش تركيب حى دليل دليل شركات نقل العفش بجدة سجاد سعر شركات نقل العفش شركة نقل عفش رخيصة عفش فك فك وتركيب مجالس مفروشات موكيت نقل نقل عفش الدمام نقل عفش الرياض نقل عفش المدينة المنورة نقل عفش مكة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن ونش ابادة حشرات ارخص شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة اسعار الشحن الى مصر اسعار الشحن من السعودية الى مصر اسعار شركات نقل العفش افضل شركة نقل عفش فى جدة الامارات البحرين العزيزية الكندرة النسيم بتبوكبدون رائحة بدون مواد سامة تسريبات المياه وتسليك البالعوات تسليك مجارى تغليف تغليف اثاث تغليف عفش تكلفة تنزيل تنظيف تنظيف الخزانات تنظيف المسابح تنظيف منازل تنظيف ونقل العفش جلى البلاط خارج جدة خدمات خدمات التنظيف خزانات داخلى ديانا نقل عفش دينا رخيصرخيصة رش المبيدات رش مبيدات رفع سعر رخيص شحن عفش من جدة الى مصر شحن من جدة الى مصر شراءالعفش شركات نقل الاثاث من السعودية للاردن شركة رش مبيدات شركة نقل اثاث الى دبى شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى الامارات شركة نقل اثاث من جدة الى دبى شركة نقل عفش جدة شركة نقل عفش من السعودية للاردن شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن شقق ضمان عازل بجدة عزل الاسطح عمالة غرف تفتيش فليبينية فى تبوك قطر كشف التسريبات والتسليك كم لبنان مسابح مساجد مع الضمان مكافحة الحشرات مكافحة حشرات مكة من جدة للاردن نظافة نقل اثاث بجدة نقل اثاث من السعودية الى الاردن نقل العفش فى الدمام نقل عفش 300 ريال نقل عفش الخبر نقل عفش الطائف نقل عفش جدة ومكة نقل عفش خميس مشيط نقل عفش مع الضمان نقل عفش من الرياض الى دبى نقل عفش من السعودية الى الاردن نقل عفش من السعودية الى الامارات
نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن – شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن – شحن الاثاث من جدة الى الاردن – شركات نقل العفش من جدة للاردن – شحن اثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – اجراءات نقل الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – الاوراق المطلوبة لنقل العفش من السعودية الى الاردن – شحن من جده للاردن – اسعار شحن الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن –نقل عفش من جدة الى للاردن – افضل شركات نقل الاثاث الى الاردن – نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن – شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن – شحن الاثاث من جدة الى الاردن – شركات نقل العفش من جدة للاردن – شحن اثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – اجراءات نقل الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – الاوراق المطلوبة لنقل العفش من السعودية الى الاردن – شحن من جده للاردن – اسعار شحن الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن –نقل عفش من جدة الى للاردن – افضل شركات نقل الاثاث الى الاردن – نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن – شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن – شحن الاثاث من جدة الى الاردن – شركات نقل العفش من جدة للاردن – شحن اثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – اجراءات نقل الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – الاوراق المطلوبة لنقل العفش من السعودية الى الاردن – شحن من جده للاردن – اسعار شحن الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن –نقل عفش من جدة الى للاردن – افضل شركات نقل الاثاث الى الاردن – نقل عفش جدة – افضل شركات نقل العفش بجدة – اسعار شركات نقل العفش بجدة –دليل شركات نقل العفش بجدة – ارخص شركات نقل العفش بجدة – نقل عفش جدة ومكة – نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن – شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن – شحن الاثاث من جدة الى الاردن– شركات نقل العفش من جدة للاردن –شحن اثاث من السعودية الى الاردن –اجراءات نقل الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – الاوراق المطلوبة لنقل العفش من السعودية الى الاردن – شحن من جده للاردن – اسعار شحن الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – نقل عفش من جدة الى للاردن – افضل شركات نقل الاثاث الى الاردن – نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن –شركة نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن =شحن الاثاث من جدة الى الاردن – شركات نقل العفش من جدة للاردن – شحن اثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – اجراءات نقل الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن – الاوراق المطلوبة لنقل العفش من السعودية الى الاردن – شحن من جده للاردن – اسعار شحن الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن –نقل عفش من جدة الى للاردن – افضل شركات نقل الاثاث الى الاردن
نقل عفش الرياض – شركة نقل عفش بالرياض – افضل شركات نقل العفش بالرياض – اسعار شركات نقل العفش بالرياض – نقل عفش فى الرياض رخيص –ارخص شركات نقل الاثاث فى الرياض –شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض – نقل عفش الرياض – شركة نقل عفش بالرياض –افضل شركات نقل العفش بالرياض –اسعار شركات نقل العفش بالرياض – نقل عفش فى الرياض رخيص – ارخص شركات نقل الاثاث فى الرياض – شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض
نقل عفش, نقل عفش من السعودية الى الاردن, نقل عفش من جدة الى الاردن, الاوراق المطلوبة لنقل العفش من السعودية الى الاردن, اجراءات نقل الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن, اسعار شحن الاثاث من السعودية الى الاردن, شحن من جده للاردن,
"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
6. Elevate One Religion That You Can Control (and Reward) While Trashing Others.
After World War II, one of the most interesting and conspicuous of the suicides in Germany was that of the Reich’s Bishop, Ludwig Müller. Elevated to the head of the German evangelical movement by Hitler himself, Müller became the most wealthy and powerful member of Germany’s clergy during the Reich. At first skeptical of the Fuhrer, he later told his colleagues that the “great goods” that Hitler would bring the church far outweighed his failings as either a person or a leader.
Müller was neither the first nor the last religious leader to both exploit and be exploited by an authoritarian regime.
Authoritarian leaders almost always use members of minority religions as scapegoats. What’s less well realized is that they almost always (the one modern exception was communism) favor one particular religious group, and use the wealth and power of the state to shower favors on that group so long as that group helps keep them in power.
Along those lines, in 1988 the campaign of George H.W. Bush against Michael Dukakis brought onboard an outspoken fundamentalist evangelical Christian to lead their “religious outreach” efforts. Ex-alcoholic, saved-by-Jesus credentialed “black sheep of the family” George W. Bush worked hard through that campaign to bring religious leaders who were skeptical of the religious enthusiasm of George Senior into that 1988 campaign.
Bush Jr.’s efforts were largely successful and were repeated and amped up during his own presidency, as Jerry Falwell and his ilk became regular fixtures in the White House. In bright contrast to Republicans from Warren Harding to Dwight Eisenhower, that established the foundation for a clear quid pro quo relationship between white evangelical leaders and Republicans.
Now the religious right wants their payback.
Taking a cue from ALEC—that right-wing, billionaire-funded group that brings together state lawmakers and lobbyists to write “model” legislation on behalf of corporate interests in exchange for their funding GOP politicians—the new group is called Project Blitz. They’re working explicitly and publicly to change the legal landscape of America with regard to religion.
As Katherine Stewart wrote for the New York Times, “The idea behind Project Blitz is to overwhelm state legislatures with bills based on centrally manufactured legislation.” She quotes “Christian nationalist” David Barton as saying, “It’s kind of like whack-a-mole for the other side; it’ll drive ’em crazy that they’ll have to divide their resources out in opposing this.”
Americans United for Separation of Church and State has, so far, identified more than 70 pieces of state legislation derived from Project Blitz, with more to come. In Oklahoma, Stewart writes, it’s a bill that allows discrimination in adoptions; in Minnesota, it’s legislation unconstitutionally letting publicly paid-for schools to post “In God We Trust” in their classrooms.
Contrary to Barton’s revisionist history, this was not how the Founders saw things.
In the summer of 1786, Thomas Jefferson was the U.S. government’s official envoy, essentially an ambassador, to France. While there, he was horrified by the way the Catholic Church dictated terms to both people and government.
On August 13th, he wrote a long letter to his old friend, teacher, and mentor George Wythe, then a judge in Virginia. Jefferson started out by commenting on how his (he first demanded it, then wrote parts of it) First Amendment to the Constitution had been well received by the Parisian intelligentsia:
“Our act for freedom of religion is extremely applauded. The ambassadors and ministers of the several nations of Europe, resident at this Court, have asked of me copies of it, to send to their sovereigns, and it is inserted at full length in several books now in the press; among others, in the new Encyclopedie. I think it will produce considerable good even in these countries, where ignorance, superstition, poverty, and oppression of body and mind, in every form, are so firmly settled on the mass of the people, that their redemption from them can never be hoped. …
“If anybody thinks that kings, nobles, or priests are good conservators of the public happiness, send him here. It is the best school in the universe to cure him of that folly. He will see here, with his own eyes, that these descriptions of men are an abandoned confederacy against the happiness of the mass of the people.”
Noting that the people of France had been “loaded with misery” by “nobles and priests, and by them alone,” Jefferson ended his letter with a call for Wythe to join him in his crusade against religion burrowing into the newly formed government of the United States by using the power of Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution to build a free public school system:
“Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish and improve the law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know, that the people alone can protect us against these evils, and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose, is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles, who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance. But it needs but half an eye to see, when among them, that the foundation is laid in their dispositions for the establishment of a despotism.”
The religious right has made a metaphorical “deal with the devil” in Trump and the GOP that would have horrified the Founders of this nation, but is found in the storyline of nearly every authoritarian government in history. And now these so-called “Christians” want to leverage that power into ever-greater control over our minds and ever-greater access to our bank accounts.
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Gooood evening,
Those gas spouts are a pain in the ass! I take them off and use a funnel.
What a pig picking on that woman. read he wasn't so brave when a couple of actual men showed up...:)
My son lived in Rock, TX for a couple years, he was a union carpenter in Ca. and couldn't get a job on any construction crew there (TX) because he didn't speak spanish.
So if we let the caravan in how many do you think will be in the next caravan? 50 thousand?? A hundred thousand.
I will say though, so far, the mob headed north is better behaved than the mob on the left.
Naw....not working hard , it seems to be keeping DS busy though, looks like he/she et al. needed a nap somewhere aound #5. :)
Enjoy the sunset...and the rest of the evening.
Many years ago I met 3 skinheads living in S.F. and my question to you and Thom is, does that mean S.F. is a Nazi, Fascist City or does it mean all of Ca. is fascist or the USA??
For your breakfast viewing enjoyment,
Your classic leftie/socialist who lost his/her/alphabet's mob.
Feed those turkeys.
A rather nice turn of events. The angry leftie/socialist that thought it was a good idea to verbally attack the widow of a police officer that lost his life on 911, not only publicly made an ass of himself but HE WAS FIRED FROM HIS JOB. what sweet justice.
Hopefully this useless waste of skin can be taught the words, "would you like fries with your burger"
"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
5. Scapegoat Minority Groups to Rile Up a Mob Mentality.
Sadly, one of the psychological legacies we share with other predatory mammals is the ability to instinctually form “packs” and drop into pack-like behavior, particularly against those who are weak or wounded. Although we have an intellect that should protect us from such behavior, the instincts wired into our DNA will always beat our thought processes, at least over the short term.
Fascists and authoritarians use this core mammalian instinct, paraphrasing Sinclair Lewis, to “rouse up the rubes.”
While this was a common feature of American politics in the century following the Declaration of Independence when it was directed by white politicians and police authorities against Native Americans and slaves, and popped up in the 1880s against Chinese immigrants, the modern Trump Party has resurrected it to use against immigrant children, women, religious and racial minorities, and the LGBTQ community.
Not to mention provoking violence against “libtards” like Heather Heyer, whom Trump’s “very fine people” murdered last year in Charlottesville, Virginia. (I don’t want to include links in this article to neo-Nazi sites, but just google “libtard heather heyer” without the quotes; you’ll be shocked.)
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"9 Ways Trump's Authoritarianism Taking Hold" by Thom Hartmann
4. Vilify Protesters, Minorities, and Political “Enemies” to the Point of Provoking Violence.
This administration and the GOP they’ve captured have become the party “of dreadful fear and hate” that President Dwight Eisenhower warned against. We see it in institutionalized police violence against African Americans and immigrants; excessive arrests and punishments of people protesting Trump’s inauguration and speeches; new laws punishing journalists for reporting on factory farm and corporate environmental abuses; and violence-tinged rhetoric against “Mexican rapists,” using MS-13 as a rhetorical proxy for Hispanics, and saying Black NFL players hate/disrespect our flag and country, among other things.
And by accusing the other side of what they, themselves are doing, these new authoritarians deflect attention from their own very intentional strategy. Just google the words “Trump attacks liberals” without the quotation marks to see page after page of over-the-top snowflake-like examples of conservative media and politicians complaining that liberals are “unfairly attacking” Trump and the GOP.
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