I was discussing the impeachment trial with a friend today who said that she just wants it over and to move on. I replied that I would have been happy to see Trump indicted for treason and/or murder. I would be quite satisfied with both of those.
I was discussing the impeachment trial with a friend today who said that she just wants it over and to move on. I replied that I would have been happy to see Trump indicted for treason and/or murder. I would be quite satisfied with both of those.
Remove senior citizen Rick from the Senate Bad Boys, and you have white men 40 to 50 years old. What was the dominant demographic of the mob that despoiled the capitol and killed people? Some younger, but a lot of middle-aged angry, emotionally stunted white guys. We need a good forensic psychologist. They could also give us insight into what Republicans did to Clinton and why that weasle couldn't admit he wasn't perfect.
All that said, this verdict is about doing the right thing. That takes integrity and an emotional IQ higher than a 14 year old with oppositional defiant disorder.
I am confidant we will get to a better future without these assholes. This era has given and is giving birth to millions of activists that know how to say no to something without carrying pikes, bear spray, and firearms.
As for a repeat performance....all those insurgents might find out the cops at the capitols are going to be ready for them. They will be up to date on their gun qualifications at the range and not so restrained about shooting.
This is a tragic and horrifying reality that any elected American official is willing to sell out the future of democracy. The GOP holdouts are well educated professionals, and no reasonable person could deny Trump's complicity in the insurrection. Is it possible that the problem runs a lot deeper than we realize? In one news clip, Trump "reminds" his constituents that "he helped them get (re)elected" as if somehow they owe him. What exactly did he do to get them re-elected? What exactly do they owe him? Is there some horrific blackmail evidence in Trump's bag of tricks that could lead rational human beings to compromise the future of humanity for one more term in office? Is there a rational explanation for any of this?
I'm curious how many will be watching the defense rebuttal?
Rep. Raskin & company were brilliant. What could the defense be; how do you defend the indefensible? This impeachment really should have been over in an hour. Truly, "but for" Trump, none of this would have happened on the 6th of January. Case closed.
Personally, I won't be able to watch the defense team. Albeit, they probably don't have much to go more than a couple of hours, unless Castor rambles on again about nothing, but it will be the usual smoke and mirrors. i.e. Trump didn't know this would happen (OK, so when it happened, why didn't he call it off with a single tweet?), he has first amendment rights (sorry, doesn't apply to the President), and other non-sequiturs.
In the last televised impeachment, I couldn't cope with the stream of lies from the defense, felt my blood pressure rising, and was unable to watch. Anyone else feeling like this?
HA! HA! HA! Those old so called “Main Stream” Republicans, in their short term logic, have effectively gerrymandered themselves out of the Party. This is the byproduct of the old Republican “Southern Strategy” of pandering to conservative white supremacist voters. Eventually, districts all over the country were gerrymandered to embrace more and more extreme white conservatives to secure primary and congressional victories.
The ultimate effect was that old school conservatives are now no longer extreme enough for the Frankenstein monsters that they gave life to. Now their very survival requires them to bow down and kiss the ring of the traitorous bigot Religious Right's messiah, Donald Trump, or be primaried out of office, or run for their life as the Capital Building is being overrun by rabidly crazy nazi fascist neo-confederate Trumpers. Even Reagan couldn’t survive in todays Trump party…think Pence running for his life.
Congratulations GOP, the means have overwhelmed the ends.
Of all the high crimes and misdemeanors of the last four years, the Democrats should have impeached and then prosecuted Trump and his cronies to the fullest extent of the law for criminally negligent atrocities against humanity as soon as it became apparent that he purposely "played down" the severity of the SARS-CoV-2 contagion.
He was well briefed well ahead of time. But for crass political purposes, Trump's astounding dereliction of duty -- one for the history books -- will have led to the unnecessary deaths of nearly a million Americans, and to millions more suffering lifelong afflictions, before the virus is finally contained.
He should have been impeached and convicted for blackmailing the Ukrainian president instead of helping him fight off Russian aggression. He should have been impeached and convicted for kidnapping children at the border and throwing them in cold cages like animals. He should have been impeached and convicted for the slaughter of the Kurds and the loss of their homeland (again) when he betrayed them on the battlefield. He should have been impeached and convicted for threatening to nuke North Korea, for nearly triggering a war with Iran, for unilaterally breaking international treaties, for sucking up to Putin while he hacked our systems, for illegally interfering with our elections, for ...so many things.
But for the staggering death toll of the COVID-19 pandemic -- yeah, that surely deserves a full accounting beyond any meager justice meted out on this physical plane of existence. Although for once, it would be so nice to see a U.S. president sitting behind bars paying for his monstrous crimes, as would any mere mortal. If nothing else, honoring our Constitution and a fair and equitable justice system is the most salient message we can send to other nations and to the future. Otherwise, what good are we?
Far right has a whole new meaning today. Even Putin could not dream of such a great outcome to bring down the USA.
I shudder to think of my country under these anti democratic people running our country. I had been thinking of leaving, if that happens I will not be able to sneek out. They will be locking up "Traitors to Trump". A very scary thought.
Shut him down if you can. Resist with reason if you can. Let Democracy live for as long as you live at least. I will try.
Well in fairness Clinton did lie to a grand jury, but given his "crime" he came off more sleazy and stupid than anything else. And we know that Trump is just garbage on many levels. I had a sad laugh today hearing about his followers who thought he would cover for them when they invaded the Capitol. Some were so surprised that he abandoned them, as though they (and Pence) shouldn't have realized that this is a man who betrayed everyone who ever trusted him. Anyway, there will be no "Profiles in Courage" for the senators who won't convict this scum, and history won't be kind to them.
Perhaps we can use the old Groucho Marx line, "I wouldn't join a club that would have me as a member." And so maybe a few of these senators will realize that grubbing for votes from people one should be ashamed of having as their supporters just isn't worth it. But I doubt it.
#16. You are making valid and important points. And to be clear, ninety-nine-point-ninety-nine percent of Democrats are not communists nor do they play ones on TV. };--))
Bickering over ideologies is futile. Rejecting them altogether is much more productive, especially when group-think leads to perpetual war for profit and irreversible climate destruction/extinction, which it does. Shared ideologies not rooted in facts and science, that hurt rather than help humanity, should be summarily rejected by each and every member of the Homo sapien species ...in a perfect world.
In the real world, curse the gods, some humanoid flying monkeys are so far to the right that even Attila the Hun looks like a radical leftist do-gooder. And they can't even see Jesus way down there at the other end of the table let alone ask him what he would do.
With the climate-destruction tipping point fast approaching, we have one party immobilized with fear and stupidity, stitched together with wing-nut fringe conspiracy theories-cum-mainstream nutball politics, bursting at the seams with the indignity of losing white privilege, as always, but now with a wave of juiced-up anger and hatred for anything and anybody with even a whiff of that, oh-the-horror, "far-left" party.
Right, be afraid, very afraid, of the party that actually knows how to legislate and to make the economy prosper by primarily helping American workers and their families as opposed to primarily helping Wall Street tycoons and their bank accounts. Whatever you do, do not trust the "other" one that is not the "far-far-far-right" party of anti-democracy and autocratic plutocracy. Add a dash of guns-n-god for flavor, drink the Kool-Aid, and enjoy.
#14. Disappointing indeed. And tiring ...I understand, I wait, I hope, I suspect, I complain obsessively, yet I keep coming back for more...
Republicans don't want to hold Trump responsible for his criminality because that would mean holding themselves responsible for enabling a liar, a cheat, and a traitor. Rather than face themselves, OF COOOURSE, they want to change the subject.
So can't we all just pretend the last 4 years never happened? Let's just go back to normal again -- like pretending Democrats are evil socialists so that Republicans can climb back in the saddle, clinging to phony patriotism and false religion, on their final march to fascism. Onward, Christian soldier!
Seventy million plus North Americans are set for a forceful push to remove anyone who they consider communists from any say in this countries policy making. Incited by talk show hosts from the anti-communist corner, each one of these sub-intelligent insurrectionists "over-the-air bad mouths" have incited the vulnerable citizens to violence by spreading lies. The president clearly shows all the attributes of a would be dictator, rising himself to power, with money and wrong thinking of the extremes political right.
The right wing is composed of those Christians who Jesus condemned doing his lifetime. Those right wingers seek money, power and to hold on to power by red-baiting all those interested in equal opportunity which in their minds might take away the superior position they maintain in our country through economic monopoly of the earth's resources.
I am a Christian, but a Christian in the sense that I learned right and wrong from those like Moses and Christ. I do not believe in the myths of any stories, in the Bible or in other books. I do not like, like many other's, to be led down the wrong path of social and political power through divide and conquer or as the invaders of our seat of democracy did the other day. I hope for a return to normalcy and a return to a learned and shared experience of the pursuit of happiness for all.
Those very same communists which the right uses to defame the liberals thinking people are the one's that saved our solders lives by giving over 20 million lives during WWII, How do you like the current, non-communist, state of affairs in Russia. The communists' were the right people in thought and action, in those historical times. The current practices in Russia have left the Satellite Countries in that area of the world in worse shape than under communism.
It is my firm hope that all the world realizes that bickering over ideologies is futile and will lead to the extinction of the world's people by either Nuclear Winter or permanent winter after climate change has both warm us up to the edge of extinction or then, as nature attempts to recover by freezing us out of our habitat. And, hope, all people feel safe under which ever government they choose is in power at the time.
Cuz, there is a very simple solution. Go somewhere else. Most of us like Thom's show and listen to it because of that. I do not listen to Rush Limbaugh because I do not like it. I do not write to Rush every day trying to tell him how to do his show. Move on.
Sue, is it an obsession or just being tired of hearing orange man bad every day for the last 4-3/4 years?
I understand some of Thoms rants but my God all three hours nearly every day with little if anything promoting the new regime in DC. Thom is a very smart man and he has the power to do good, instead, all we get is Trump, Trump, and more Trump.
I keep waiting and hoping but I suspect this will continue throughout the Biden administration. Very disappointing to say the least.
I just find it so hard to believe at the onset of this 3rd day of Impeachment proceedings that it's being touted as "the Democrats will complete their case". At no point has there or will their be acknowledgement on a Republican level that this was a planned insurection or of the higher level 4 years of gross behavioral and competency issues with the ex-president. The obvious reason being that the Republicans are, and always have been behind the Trump "MOVEMENT". As we hear Republican senators profess their continued support against any Democratic action over the next 4 years, you realize the depth of Trump's call for loyalty in his insurection was not isolated to January 6th, and continues to infect areas that pose a clear and present danger to national security and require further attention. As such, most of these issues could likely be dealt with through the Partiot Act as a mounting assult against the country, which it obviously is. Are they really ready to distroy a country over an aliance to one man?
Where is admin? It is important. Thank.
Where is admin? It is important. Thank.
I was discussing the impeachment trial with a friend today who said that she just wants it over and to move on. I replied that I would have been happy to see Trump indicted for treason and/or murder. I would be quite satisfied with both of those.
I was discussing the impeachment trial with a friend today who said that she just wants it over and to move on. I replied that I would have been happy to see Trump indicted for treason and/or murder. I would be quite satisfied with both of those.
Remove senior citizen Rick from the Senate Bad Boys, and you have white men 40 to 50 years old. What was the dominant demographic of the mob that despoiled the capitol and killed people? Some younger, but a lot of middle-aged angry, emotionally stunted white guys. We need a good forensic psychologist. They could also give us insight into what Republicans did to Clinton and why that weasle couldn't admit he wasn't perfect.
All that said, this verdict is about doing the right thing. That takes integrity and an emotional IQ higher than a 14 year old with oppositional defiant disorder.
I am confidant we will get to a better future without these assholes. This era has given and is giving birth to millions of activists that know how to say no to something without carrying pikes, bear spray, and firearms.
As for a repeat performance....all those insurgents might find out the cops at the capitols are going to be ready for them. They will be up to date on their gun qualifications at the range and not so restrained about shooting.
I was in Okinawa earlier this week and caught Thom's podcast of AFN.
He read an essay about a "guy" who incited, aided and abetted an "event"
Basically, it sounded like he was talking about Donny but he was actually talking about Bin Laden.
I'm wondering if the text is available somewhere? I did a cursory search on the Website but can't find it.
Does anyone know where I can find it?
This is a tragic and horrifying reality that any elected American official is willing to sell out the future of democracy. The GOP holdouts are well educated professionals, and no reasonable person could deny Trump's complicity in the insurrection. Is it possible that the problem runs a lot deeper than we realize? In one news clip, Trump "reminds" his constituents that "he helped them get (re)elected" as if somehow they owe him. What exactly did he do to get them re-elected? What exactly do they owe him? Is there some horrific blackmail evidence in Trump's bag of tricks that could lead rational human beings to compromise the future of humanity for one more term in office? Is there a rational explanation for any of this?
Lies are their only "defense."
I'm curious how many will be watching the defense rebuttal?
Rep. Raskin & company were brilliant. What could the defense be; how do you defend the indefensible? This impeachment really should have been over in an hour. Truly, "but for" Trump, none of this would have happened on the 6th of January. Case closed.
Personally, I won't be able to watch the defense team. Albeit, they probably don't have much to go more than a couple of hours, unless Castor rambles on again about nothing, but it will be the usual smoke and mirrors. i.e. Trump didn't know this would happen (OK, so when it happened, why didn't he call it off with a single tweet?), he has first amendment rights (sorry, doesn't apply to the President), and other non-sequiturs.
In the last televised impeachment, I couldn't cope with the stream of lies from the defense, felt my blood pressure rising, and was unable to watch. Anyone else feeling like this?
HA! HA! HA! Those old so called “Main Stream” Republicans, in their short term logic, have effectively gerrymandered themselves out of the Party. This is the byproduct of the old Republican “Southern Strategy” of pandering to conservative white supremacist voters. Eventually, districts all over the country were gerrymandered to embrace more and more extreme white conservatives to secure primary and congressional victories.
The ultimate effect was that old school conservatives are now no longer extreme enough for the Frankenstein monsters that they gave life to. Now their very survival requires them to bow down and kiss the ring of the traitorous bigot Religious Right's messiah, Donald Trump, or be primaried out of office, or run for their life as the Capital Building is being overrun by rabidly crazy nazi fascist neo-confederate Trumpers. Even Reagan couldn’t survive in todays Trump party…think Pence running for his life.
Congratulations GOP, the means have overwhelmed the ends.
Of all the high crimes and misdemeanors of the last four years, the Democrats should have impeached and then prosecuted Trump and his cronies to the fullest extent of the law for criminally negligent atrocities against humanity as soon as it became apparent that he purposely "played down" the severity of the SARS-CoV-2 contagion.
He was well briefed well ahead of time. But for crass political purposes, Trump's astounding dereliction of duty -- one for the history books -- will have led to the unnecessary deaths of nearly a million Americans, and to millions more suffering lifelong afflictions, before the virus is finally contained.
He should have been impeached and convicted for blackmailing the Ukrainian president instead of helping him fight off Russian aggression. He should have been impeached and convicted for kidnapping children at the border and throwing them in cold cages like animals. He should have been impeached and convicted for the slaughter of the Kurds and the loss of their homeland (again) when he betrayed them on the battlefield. He should have been impeached and convicted for threatening to nuke North Korea, for nearly triggering a war with Iran, for unilaterally breaking international treaties, for sucking up to Putin while he hacked our systems, for illegally interfering with our elections, for ...so many things.
But for the staggering death toll of the COVID-19 pandemic -- yeah, that surely deserves a full accounting beyond any meager justice meted out on this physical plane of existence. Although for once, it would be so nice to see a U.S. president sitting behind bars paying for his monstrous crimes, as would any mere mortal. If nothing else, honoring our Constitution and a fair and equitable justice system is the most salient message we can send to other nations and to the future. Otherwise, what good are we?
Art. I, § 3, cl. 6: "And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present."
Today, 12 members reported absent. Two-thirds of 88 = 58.
Can the VP cast a tie-breaker vote?
Far right has a whole new meaning today. Even Putin could not dream of such a great outcome to bring down the USA.
I shudder to think of my country under these anti democratic people running our country. I had been thinking of leaving, if that happens I will not be able to sneek out. They will be locking up "Traitors to Trump". A very scary thought.
Shut him down if you can. Resist with reason if you can. Let Democracy live for as long as you live at least. I will try.
Well in fairness Clinton did lie to a grand jury, but given his "crime" he came off more sleazy and stupid than anything else. And we know that Trump is just garbage on many levels. I had a sad laugh today hearing about his followers who thought he would cover for them when they invaded the Capitol. Some were so surprised that he abandoned them, as though they (and Pence) shouldn't have realized that this is a man who betrayed everyone who ever trusted him. Anyway, there will be no "Profiles in Courage" for the senators who won't convict this scum, and history won't be kind to them.
Perhaps we can use the old Groucho Marx line, "I wouldn't join a club that would have me as a member." And so maybe a few of these senators will realize that grubbing for votes from people one should be ashamed of having as their supporters just isn't worth it. But I doubt it.
#16. You are making valid and important points. And to be clear, ninety-nine-point-ninety-nine percent of Democrats are not communists nor do they play ones on TV. };--))
Bickering over ideologies is futile. Rejecting them altogether is much more productive, especially when group-think leads to perpetual war for profit and irreversible climate destruction/extinction, which it does. Shared ideologies not rooted in facts and science, that hurt rather than help humanity, should be summarily rejected by each and every member of the Homo sapien species ...in a perfect world.
In the real world, curse the gods, some humanoid flying monkeys are so far to the right that even Attila the Hun looks like a radical leftist do-gooder. And they can't even see Jesus way down there at the other end of the table let alone ask him what he would do.
With the climate-destruction tipping point fast approaching, we have one party immobilized with fear and stupidity, stitched together with wing-nut fringe conspiracy theories-cum-mainstream nutball politics, bursting at the seams with the indignity of losing white privilege, as always, but now with a wave of juiced-up anger and hatred for anything and anybody with even a whiff of that, oh-the-horror, "far-left" party.
Right, be afraid, very afraid, of the party that actually knows how to legislate and to make the economy prosper by primarily helping American workers and their families as opposed to primarily helping Wall Street tycoons and their bank accounts. Whatever you do, do not trust the "other" one that is not the "far-far-far-right" party of anti-democracy and autocratic plutocracy. Add a dash of guns-n-god for flavor, drink the Kool-Aid, and enjoy.
Republican Employment Form
(Circle the choice:)
1 Are you capable of acting like an Eighth Grader when you hear the truth?
2 Are you capable of screaming out lies?
3 Does it bother your conscience to be getting Big money grants from Million or Billionaires ?
4 Are you capable of changing your mind when it's convenient for your party?
5 Do you have no conscience when it comes to helping the poor ?
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; background: transparent }
#10. The irony is almost embarrassing if not so hilarious. Who needs to bother with homework when you can just throw out worthless opinions?
#14. Disappointing indeed. And tiring ...I understand, I wait, I hope, I suspect, I complain obsessively, yet I keep coming back for more...
Republicans don't want to hold Trump responsible for his criminality because that would mean holding themselves responsible for enabling a liar, a cheat, and a traitor. Rather than face themselves, OF COOOURSE, they want to change the subject.
So can't we all just pretend the last 4 years never happened? Let's just go back to normal again -- like pretending Democrats are evil socialists so that Republicans can climb back in the saddle, clinging to phony patriotism and false religion, on their final march to fascism. Onward, Christian soldier!
Seventy million plus North Americans are set for a forceful push to remove anyone who they consider communists from any say in this countries policy making. Incited by talk show hosts from the anti-communist corner, each one of these sub-intelligent insurrectionists "over-the-air bad mouths" have incited the vulnerable citizens to violence by spreading lies. The president clearly shows all the attributes of a would be dictator, rising himself to power, with money and wrong thinking of the extremes political right.
The right wing is composed of those Christians who Jesus condemned doing his lifetime. Those right wingers seek money, power and to hold on to power by red-baiting all those interested in equal opportunity which in their minds might take away the superior position they maintain in our country through economic monopoly of the earth's resources.
I am a Christian, but a Christian in the sense that I learned right and wrong from those like Moses and Christ. I do not believe in the myths of any stories, in the Bible or in other books. I do not like, like many other's, to be led down the wrong path of social and political power through divide and conquer or as the invaders of our seat of democracy did the other day. I hope for a return to normalcy and a return to a learned and shared experience of the pursuit of happiness for all.
Those very same communists which the right uses to defame the liberals thinking people are the one's that saved our solders lives by giving over 20 million lives during WWII, How do you like the current, non-communist, state of affairs in Russia. The communists' were the right people in thought and action, in those historical times. The current practices in Russia have left the Satellite Countries in that area of the world in worse shape than under communism.
It is my firm hope that all the world realizes that bickering over ideologies is futile and will lead to the extinction of the world's people by either Nuclear Winter or permanent winter after climate change has both warm us up to the edge of extinction or then, as nature attempts to recover by freezing us out of our habitat. And, hope, all people feel safe under which ever government they choose is in power at the time.
Cuz, there is a very simple solution. Go somewhere else. Most of us like Thom's show and listen to it because of that. I do not listen to Rush Limbaugh because I do not like it. I do not write to Rush every day trying to tell him how to do his show. Move on.
Sue, is it an obsession or just being tired of hearing orange man bad every day for the last 4-3/4 years?
I understand some of Thoms rants but my God all three hours nearly every day with little if anything promoting the new regime in DC. Thom is a very smart man and he has the power to do good, instead, all we get is Trump, Trump, and more Trump.
I keep waiting and hoping but I suspect this will continue throughout the Biden administration. Very disappointing to say the least.
I just find it so hard to believe at the onset of this 3rd day of Impeachment proceedings that it's being touted as "the Democrats will complete their case". At no point has there or will their be acknowledgement on a Republican level that this was a planned insurection or of the higher level 4 years of gross behavioral and competency issues with the ex-president. The obvious reason being that the Republicans are, and always have been behind the Trump "MOVEMENT". As we hear Republican senators profess their continued support against any Democratic action over the next 4 years, you realize the depth of Trump's call for loyalty in his insurection was not isolated to January 6th, and continues to infect areas that pose a clear and present danger to national security and require further attention. As such, most of these issues could likely be dealt with through the Partiot Act as a mounting assult against the country, which it obviously is. Are they really ready to distroy a country over an aliance to one man?
Cuz, you seem to be obsessed yourself.
Biden is focusing on what can be done in the next 100 days.
But for American deomocracy to have a chance of surviving, Trump has to be made accountable for what he did so that his successors are not emboldened.
Thank you for an excellent essay. You've put into words what I fell, but don't have the ability to express. I hope you become a regular contributor.
nohomeworkink-6 Needs to do more homework, Not worth a reply.
Cuz, Let it go!
Red States want to de-educate the population.
So tell me, how did you afford to travel to one of the most expensive cities in the world in January?