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  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    During a State Emergency the Senators are the main Federal Contacts for the Governor. They coordinate with The President, FEMA and other branch's to get aid and supplies. Where was Ted Cruz during this State Emergency?

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Bet Perry has power or maybe he is in Mexico? Where does Perry think the FEMA money comes from???? Texas has gotten A LOT of FEMA money over the years. Maybe Perry believes in the "Good Fairy?".

    The Billionaires get so much in tax cuts, as Thom reported, some of them get a refund. Looks like the rest of us are the ones who pay the bills. Why isn't the Big Oil Billionaires, donating big $ for aid to Texas. Guess they don't really give a D, about Texas!!!

    Cruz blamed his daughter for going on the vacation. WOW, he deserves the Dad of the year. Well we know who is the adult in that family - his daughter!!!!

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Cheney, made a forturne with his Halliburton, as a single supplier of most everything for the Iraq war. My friend used to supply food items (wholesale business) to some of the suppliers for the Military. Chaney distroyed these suppliers, they all went out of business. Many lost their jobs, becasue of this. Sometimes actions have a far reaching effect, than most realize. Starbucks could not even give FREE coffee to the Military.

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    The combat can commence thru education. Unfortunately, it will take another generation - one that is schooled properly with facts rather than revisionism - before we see anything like quotidian analysis or just pure common sense.

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    (will have to credit "AMBER", I am sure she would even have more to say "what" about)Abbott Blames New Green Deal??? what? Ted Cruz - Texas too cold - gone to Cancun? what?Governor Abbott ask for FEMA aid - Socialism? WHAT

    Abbott - reactive not proactive - not the first snow storm and cold snap in Texas. WHAT?

    Where there is a Republican, there is a disaster. Ask Texans

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Citizens United - banned. I emailed, texted to everyone I knew, that this should not be approved. Yet almost everyone who was a 'Known" Republican sent back that they approved of the measure, because it would help them "beat" the Democrats. It seems that they have beaten themselves. Many live in the states that have the highest COVID rates, poor health care, low wages, some on welfare, (all are white - just saying), and some in Texas. I have had some emails saying how bad it is there today.

  • Democrats Must Unpack the Courts Now   3 years 49 weeks ago

    The Supreme Court should be expanded and restructured. Judges could be selected for cases from a "pool". That "pool" should better reflect the diversity of our country.

    I sure won't wait for that to happen. It would be nice, and much more contiguous, and reflective than the fighting for "political control", again and again. Law should not be politicized.

    The lower courts should better reflect the diversity of our country, as well.

  • Did Trump Think His Mob Had Taken Pence Hostage?   3 years 49 weeks ago

    I wish someone could get their hands on some video, that would show the Monster Trump, gleeful over people getting attacked, killed, and received injuries, that they will never recover from, and a suicide. I cannot understand why anyone would want this monster as President. I know we have a handful of those who can remember Hitler, who are still alive. A man who left them horrified. Trump is our Hitler. He cannot ever, ever hold a position of power; otherwise we will be "there".

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    What can you say? 73,000,000 listened to 33,000 Trump lies in 4 years and still voted for him. The most gullible group of people in history. Trump is still saying that the Election was stolen. Just to reaffirm the idiots.

    Rick Perry says Texans will be glad to endure a few days without electricity to keep the Feds out of Texas. I wonder if the ones that died agree with that?

    TX Republicans are having to eat their words, blaming electrical outages on Renewables.

  • Democrats Should Add Three States Now: Turnabout, as the old saying goes, is fair play   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Has there ever been a study on the fairness of using the first two
    numbers of Zip Codes as representative of 100 Senators (00xxx - 99xxx)?

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Another brilliant post, Thom. Day after day. You blow us away, on the show, and with your insights, historical relevent insights and calls to action.

    By now, we mostly among this community know, all too well, the level of lies that Republicans are capable of. We know that the raunchiest broadcast media the wealthy right wing ever created regularly spreads it widely to an eager crowd, ready to nod their heads, about radicals and so on, and ignore all factual basis for our society's crises.

    I see and understand, just as Thom says, we have a choice now of democracy or fascism. Millions more will die, and be led to their demise, many of them never understanding how they truly came to be in their own peril.

    My point is, I think, this. We have to find a way to get more people to break away from this alternate truth reality. Too many of them, are perhaps permanently removed and unreachable. But I have to believe there are more who can return to a more normal factual based way of seeing the world. The question is, truly, how?

    How do we effectively combat the well funded sinister architects who are so successfully and quickly now executing this takeover of our country?

    Those architects I should insist we admit, do NOT respect us. They play a game using tactics so unfair, and uncivil, we can hardly bring ourselves to strategize how to defeat them.

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    The lies won't stop as long as the money flows and people go along with them rather than demand change. Consider such things as things as drug testing, which was started by Carter, and airport body scanners where Obama was aparently paid off in campaign contributions for letting stimulus money be used by an Indian company to produce these in Malaysia. It's bad enough that such things exist, it's beyond horror that Americans line up and accept such abuse. But most do like sheep while singing about being "brave" and "free."

    Given how beaten down and really uncomplaining most people are about big government and big corporations, it's no surprise that many will believe big lies. This is especially true if they are devious enough to make them feel like beneficiaries. Cheney's invasion of Iraq made as much sense as if after Pearl Harbor FDR had declared war on Peru. But by appealing to the lowest common denominator of anger and fear he and Bush sold a ridiculous argument for war. In a nutshell that too was the genius of Trump, and why folks flock to mad ideas like Qanon. This won't change until they do.

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Quite the coincidence that Rush just passed away. Propably responsible for promoting more of the damn lies then anyone.

  • The Real Reason the GOP Supports a Lying, Corrupt, Narcissistic, Failed Real Estate Hustler and Reality TV Star   3 years 49 weeks ago

    It is easier to project problems on others than to take responsibility for our own actions.

  • Democrats Should Add Three States Now: Turnabout, as the old saying goes, is fair play   3 years 49 weeks ago

    It takes 22 states to add up to the population of California. They get 44 Senators California gets 2. Either split Calfornia up or merge lower populated states. CA is 39 million. WY, MT, SD, ND combined would only be 3,321,000. You could add NE with 2 million and still be smaller than Colorado. Small states have way too much power in the senate and thus electoral college.

  • Our Fossil Fuel Addiction is leading to "Bomb Cyclones" & Famines   3 years 49 weeks ago

    DrRichard #2. That's a great summary of the most critical points: the long-term pattern; the high financial cost of messing with Mother Nature; the increasing rate of methane release; the feedback loop; the tipping point.

    Too much methane bubbling into the atmosphere will drive up the rate of temperature increase to the point that most land and sea species won't have time to evolve and adapt and will therefore die out in Earth's sixth mass extinction event, worse than the Permian extinction 250 million years ago that wiped out more than ninety percent of life. When the burning of carbon heats up the planet enough so that vast amounts of methane escape from ocean shelves and tundra, the tipping point for a runaway climate catastrophe is imminent and humankind's ability to mitigate the worst effects becomes inadequate.

  • Democrats Should Add Three States Now: Turnabout, as the old saying goes, is fair play   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Countries that allow major imbalances in governance vs. population often prove to be highly unstable and underperform economically.

    An example of this where the representation of Karachi where the population at partition in 1949 was somewhere around 1 million compared to 15 million today. Yet, the representation of the urban area in government has not kept up with urbanization of the population. The issues with governance have been one of the ongoing factors in the instability of the country.

    At the first census of the U.S. in 1790, the disparity of representation for the senate was 12.6 to 1 between Virginia and Delaware, when all people were counted. Comparing California to Wyoming in today's population the spread is 68.2 to 1. The Connecticut compromise was made against the backdrop of certain disparities but we are far outside the range of what the drafters of the constitution would have seen or factored into their negotiations.

    Demographics is destiny when there is no more land to acquire. If a country cannot adapt its governance to new demographics, instability and collapse are much more likely if not inevitable over time.

    By all means two additional states with DC and PR. As for US VI, Guam, and some of the other territories, the French governance model has a way of allowing voting representation by overseas outposts.

  • Democrats Should Add Three States Now: Turnabout, as the old saying goes, is fair play   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Ya know.

    There was a time when this country used to be just and fair.

    Our leadership used to listen to it's constituents, and depend on their votes.

    We need those times back..

    We will need to draw voting lines like grids and get rid of squiggly lines.

    Get rid of garbage that blocks either party to freely vote.

  • Democrats Should Add Three States Now: Turnabout, as the old saying goes, is fair play   3 years 49 weeks ago

    West Virginia joined the list of U.S. states in 1863. Up to that point, it was part of Virginia.

    It appears that adding 2 U.S. Senators was not a major factor in carving a Union state out of part of Confederate-led Virginia. However, it's a story that supports "thinking out of the box" to add further states.

  • Democrats Should Add Three States Now: Turnabout, as the old saying goes, is fair play   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Right on.

    Instead of competing honestly on policy issues to win over the sensible majority (A self-dealing agenda that primarily favors our one-percent overlords is always unpopular as hell, right?), Republicans dwell in a pretend democracy where they have to lie, cheat, and steal to attain and maintain top-down power, which is all they care about -- fck the little people!

    Mitch McConnell is fascism in the flesh, and his party of the rich is anti-democratic, authoritarian, and predatory by nature -- a snake striking its prey. Exactly like their power-hungry predecessors throughout history, Republicans are faking it. Their so-called principles are nothing but lies, big and small, fed to a base of ignorant authoritarian followers forever and rightfully in the minority, stubbornly clinging to fringe ideology and unscientific nonsense.

    Adding as many Democratic states as possible to balance out inherently undemocratic institutions -- the electoral college, the Senate, gerrymandered House districts, ubiquitous voter-suppression laws in red states, etc. -- that unfairly bestow way too much power on an unhinged minority is not only a wise move politically, it is an absolute imperative (certainly not the only one) for the ultimate survival of our democracy.

    The good news is that Sen. Joe Manchin is 'open' to statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico.

  • Democrats Should Add Three States Now: Turnabout, as the old saying goes, is fair play   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Best idea of the day for sure! No taxation without representation suits those 3 territories. Statehood would help clean up Puerto Rico's financial issues as it would not be as suspect for vulture capitalists like Paul Singer etc.

    Time for the democrats to take a few pages from the Turtle's playbook on his power politics.

  • Our Fossil Fuel Addiction is leading to "Bomb Cyclones" & Famines   3 years 49 weeks ago

    #'s 5 & 6, Riverplunge, SysBanana.

    We are bacteria on a petri dish in an unforgiving vacuum lost in endless blackness. It doesn't look like anyone will come to our rescue any time soon, if ever. And our gods are warring with each other, as always.

    Last spring while digging camping gear out of the shed, I came across an old aluminum coffee percolator, which had been put away a few years prior with grounds left in the basket that had turned into a fine white powder.

    "...for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." - KJV: Genesis 3-19

    Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. In 2020, it fell on August 22.

  • Our Fossil Fuel Addiction is leading to "Bomb Cyclones" & Famines   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Darn, Legend, they must have heard you, and found another way in.

  • Our Fossil Fuel Addiction is leading to "Bomb Cyclones" & Famines   3 years 49 weeks ago

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  • Our Fossil Fuel Addiction is leading to "Bomb Cyclones" & Famines   3 years 49 weeks ago

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