Recent comments

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Thanks norgotoad. Good post!

    Also, about Obama and the ideas of "bipartisanship,"
    It was pretty clear from the beginning that he was going
    to spend his time trying to build bridges - which then, seemed
    like a good idea at first, but when it was clear that hosting big dinners
    with people to make amends - the very same people who would host
    their own dinners to talk about how to make you a one-term president -
    were not working, then why continue trying to do so against the odds?
    I remember hoping that after various time-frames - after midterms ...
    after the first 4 years ... and so on - that he would learn from the obvious.
    Yes, Biden has the chance, but unfortunately, he is not progressive enough.
    Making some headway out of a deep hole created out of lawlessness coupled
    with compromise can only happen as long as you get rid of all of the people who
    keep building an ever-rising wall that sits above ground around that same hole.

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    The Russian posts are spam, BlackKnight, and I regularly delete them, so no point replying.

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Well well, Thom is calling BS on the favorite Republican game: lose an election, totally fuck-up, and act like Dems aren't willing to work with them.

    I think lessons were learned concerning Obama's need to be above the fray. Remember that team of rivals crap? It has a touch of romance, but when your country is in the midst of several crises, action brought about by people on the same page is what's necessary. I just see Joe getting after it. Biden has said he would hire the experts, he'd listen, and they could leave the politics to him. I have heard him say there are enough of us to get things done; my translation of that is we don't need their asses for everything.

    Dems in Congress see this Republican ploy up close and personal.

    Also, President Biden is most certainly not No-drama Obama. He knows a big fucking deal when he sees one (remember he got caught on mic with that). Maybe because he has been tempered by loss, is older, or learned things the hard way, but I am thinking he is well aware of this particular Republican bullshit. Honor and respect means a great deal to Joe, and what the Trumpster fascists have done recently must disgust him the same way it does us.

    Thom's excellent ideas on exposing the bipartisan farce is a real start, but I would add another element. It is the growing number of unaffliated voters. That is where we are constantly working with others outside our party. It is time to sing their praises and point out to everyone the stats. When we talk about the "American people", clarify. Let's talk-up our independent friends.

    #10 Thanks for another great lesson, norgotoad. Enron actually claimed their debts were assets!

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    During the Obama admin I was part of a economic research unit working for the State of CA. We were developing mixed and multinomial logistic dynamic models in order to generate static and longitudinal analyses of small area economic "microclimates" so to speak. One of the models we were developing used GDP data as a well studied database to determine the validity of the models. We ran some second order correlated equilibria models and they were working very well in explaining the latent dynamics driving GDP time series. When we analyzed the post 2008 econ crash data, we observed something that made our jaws drop. In 2008 and 2009 the economy became inverted. The only major index driving the economy was the financial sector. Corporate and government domestic spending was down, not to mention the consumer sector. In a healthy economy (i.e., as far back as 1949) sizable portions corporate and government surpluses were re-invested in the production (i.e., consumer) sector in order to increase the common wealth (and health) of the nation basically creating a positive feedback loop. Of course we did have to take out some debt, but that was seviced and was used to increase production capability. Education was invested in creating increased intellectual capital which resulted in innovation. Transportation infrastructure, factory modernization, health care, etc. were invested in with RETURNS ON INVESTMENT via a progressive tax system. Then Reagan happened, followed by austerity, and divestment in the commons. Well, surprise.. surprise... domestic surplus spending stopped in the US in favor of investing in foreign cheap labor. Result: we got ourselves a shiny new inverted economy. Assets are liabilities, the stock market has replaced main street, and China (who decided to invest domestically together with help of US investments NOT going to the US) now has nearly 20,000 miles of high speed rail. We have broken down Amtrack. Now, if I want to build a factory, do I want to have my workforce show up on time, healthy, and well educated who can come in at a lower price point due to NOT having zillions of dollars of loans on their head complete with a modern infrastructure, OR should I build a factory in a crumbling near failed state bordering on a neo-fascist unstable government structure (i.e., the USA)? Gee where oh where would I make such and investment? Hint hint...psst... NOT THE USA!

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago
  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago
  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    I'm really more in line with the last lines of your second paragraph, deepspace.
    Instead of jumping at every hour's latest story-event, I'm more of a reader of
    more indepth discussions. So, I'll read Jacobin (lifetime subscriber), or
    In These Times, or The Nation and get books from publishers like Verso
    or Haymarket Books. Today was the 25th Anniversary day of Democracy Now.

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Sorry, but I cannot read your language and I would like to hear what you have to say. Would you mind translating into English.

    Thank you.

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    люблюпорхнуху Современный лицензированный игровой клуб 1xslots занимает прочные позиции в списке лучших брендов гемблинг-индустрии. Виртуальное казино ориентировано на лояльность к своим пользователям и является полноценным продуктом.

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    люблюпорхнуху Современный лицензированный игровой клуб 1xslots занимает прочные позиции в списке лучших брендов гемблинг-индустрии. Виртуальное казино ориентировано на лояльность к своим пользователям и является полноценным продуктом.

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    There are "very fine people, on both sides" don't you know. Why can't Democrats just learn to accept racist, fascist traitors and to compromise their principles and morals to unify the country? This is your brain on Republicanism.

    What caused the Texas disaster? Decades of Republican deregulation: "Laissez-faire run amok"

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Здравствуйте товарищи Обустройство скважины с адаптером Рассмотрим пошаговый процесс монтажа адаптера Раскапывают траншею глубиной ниже уровня замерзания (1,5-2 метра) и шириной 0,5 метров для удобства монтажа.В обсадной трубе сверлят отверстие требуемого диаметра и обрабатывают его края.Подготавливают адаптер: сначала его очищают от технологической смазки, затем для надежной фиксации обрабатывают герметиком уплотнительные кольца.В обсадную трубу опускают адаптер , используя Т-образный ключ. Резьбовую часть заводят в подготовленное отверстие. Затем обе части конструкции соединяют между собой. К погружному насосу подключают питающий и греющий кабель. Верх обсадной трубы обрезают и закрывают крышкой.Монтируются вспомогательные приборы.Проверка работоспособности системы и ее герметичности.Засыпают траншею песком.Монтаж завершен. Обустройство скважины с помощью адаптера. В чем преимущества? Подходит для комфортного пользования скважиной круглый годОбустройство скважины с адаптером позволит использовать пространства на Вашем участке наиболее оптимально и сэкономит егоУстановка адаптера на глубине 1,5-2 метра препятствует замерзанию скважиныПростой монтаж и демонтаж в случае, владелец не пользуется домом зимой (насос с адаптером легко доставать и возвращать на место)Отсутствует необходимость проведения земельных работ при обустройстве скважиныСвоим качеством в работе не уступает другим видам обустройства скважинВыгодно и экономично для заказчика Как влияет материал адаптера на срок его службы при обустройстве скважины? Рассмотрим, из каких материалов может изготавливаться адаптер: Адаптер из латунных сплавов является самым дешевым вариантом и служит 5-7 летБронзовый адаптер может исправно эксплуатироваться до 25 лет. Но этот материал дорогой и редко встречается в продаже.Адаптер из нержавеющей стали наиболее популярный вариант ввиду своих свойств. Способен проработать исправно до 25 лет. Его отличительная особенность в том, что адаптер не склонен создавать с течением времени вредные примеси в питьевой воде, добываемой из скважины.Адаптер из сплавов DZR обладает устойчивостью к потере цинка, то есть к коррозии. Питьевая вода не портиться при использовании такого адаптера совершенно не портится. DZR-адаптер хорошо служит долгие годы.

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Здравствуйте товарищи Обустройство скважины с адаптером Рассмотрим пошаговый процесс монтажа адаптера Раскапывают траншею глубиной ниже уровня замерзания (1,5-2 метра) и шириной 0,5 метров для удобства монтажа.В обсадной трубе сверлят отверстие требуемого диаметра и обрабатывают его края.Подготавливают адаптер: сначала его очищают от технологической смазки, затем для надежной фиксации обрабатывают герметиком уплотнительные кольца.В обсадную трубу опускают адаптер , используя Т-образный ключ. Резьбовую часть заводят в подготовленное отверстие. Затем обе части конструкции соединяют между собой. К погружному насосу подключают питающий и греющий кабель. Верх обсадной трубы обрезают и закрывают крышкой.Монтируются вспомогательные приборы.Проверка работоспособности системы и ее герметичности.Засыпают траншею песком.Монтаж завершен. Обустройство скважины с помощью адаптера. В чем преимущества? Подходит для комфортного пользования скважиной круглый годОбустройство скважины с адаптером позволит использовать пространства на Вашем участке наиболее оптимально и сэкономит егоУстановка адаптера на глубине 1,5-2 метра препятствует замерзанию скважиныПростой монтаж и демонтаж в случае, владелец не пользуется домом зимой (насос с адаптером легко доставать и возвращать на место)Отсутствует необходимость проведения земельных работ при обустройстве скважиныСвоим качеством в работе не уступает другим видам обустройства скважинВыгодно и экономично для заказчика Как влияет материал адаптера на срок его службы при обустройстве скважины? Рассмотрим, из каких материалов может изготавливаться адаптер: Адаптер из латунных сплавов является самым дешевым вариантом и служит 5-7 летБронзовый адаптер может исправно эксплуатироваться до 25 лет. Но этот материал дорогой и редко встречается в продаже.Адаптер из нержавеющей стали наиболее популярный вариант ввиду своих свойств. Способен проработать исправно до 25 лет. Его отличительная особенность в том, что адаптер не склонен создавать с течением времени вредные примеси в питьевой воде, добываемой из скважины.Адаптер из сплавов DZR обладает устойчивостью к потере цинка, то есть к коррозии. Питьевая вода не портиться при использовании такого адаптера совершенно не портится. DZR-адаптер хорошо служит долгие годы.

  • Lucy, the Football, and "Bipartisanship"   3 years 49 weeks ago

    I think Biden is a bit smarter than Obama was on this. He seems to get it that giving away half the advantage doesn't make friends, it just makes it easier for opponents to stop you.

  • Thursday 18 February '21 show notes   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Your interview with Ms Pang about a society & country she has never set foot in is about as farcical as the big lie of Trump's voter fraud mime. I highly encourage you and all of your listeners do a search for Ameilia Pang on the Grayzone ( I wonder how much more you can shill for the right-wing oligarchs you claim 5 days a week to be at war with. Once a CIA man, always a CIA man, huh Thom?!

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Of those two media-bias sites, the first one, Media Bias Chart, gives a general picture of the landscape and is useful for cross-checking stories but shouldn't preclude following the reporting from news platforms considered more politically biased (who isn't?) than others -- as long as their individual contributors stick to the facts and link to their sources. I, too, disagree with some of their placements. The second one, Media Bias/Fact Check goes into more detail and rates even more news organizations as they gain popularity but is still only a general guideline.

    I'm convinced that in this day and age of information overload the key to chasing down the veracity of reporting on any particular story is to multiple-source, figuring out who to trust. Therein lies the rub. With hundreds if not thousands of news outlets to choose from, that is no small task. But the good ones are out there, plugging away every day with professional journalism, trying to get the truth out. It also helps to peruse original sourcing such as government and university studies, scientific reports, and the first-hand work of dedicated investigative journalists. And of course, nothing beats reading good old-fashioned books.,, Politifact, SourceWatch, Press Watch, OpenSecrets, Pew Research Center, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, The Cook Political Report, History News Network are some of the better fact-checking sites. Media Matters for America, even though it's rated on the left side of the scale, has high factual reporting, as do many other outfits that may be rated with a certain degree of "bias" overall. Democracy Now with Amy Goodman covers stories in-depth that the mainstream media glosses over or ignores. Thom Hartmann is another truthteller with a lifelong commitment to sharing factual history as it relates to current events. (But we already knew that.) It drives the right-wing totally nuts, but the MSNBC lineup also has highly factual reporting despite leaning Democratic -- or maybe because they do lean Democratic. };--))

    For climate science, the IPCC is a quality source. The Skeptics Guide to the Universe is a great podcast hosted by scientists and doctors. Thank god, there are many excellent sources for science available at our fingertips. Yesterday, it was absolutely fascinating watching the team at NASA land Perseverance and talk about their upcoming Mar's missions -- a nice respite from planet Earth politics. Their "Marscopter" Ingenuity will no doubt be a big hit with kids, who are the future.

    It's impossible to list them all here (information overload), but there are so many places to find high-quality news in the internet age that there is simply no excuse for believing lies and conspiracy theories unless you want to. Even though "a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on," in the long run, "the truth is out there, Scully." It may get lost in the blizzard of slanted journalism, but it's still there, standing strong, when all the lies finally melt away.

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    This song from the 70's which references Texas and their (conservatives) disdain for smart energy decisions is pretty ironic now.

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    #11: Thanks for both of those links. The second link is especially nice for its daily updates and its daily pick of a source to report on.

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    #11. Interesting first link. I have to disagree with a few of its places. The second link seemed to risky to open.

    Kind of fun watching the Republican Party melt down. Trump will not talk to Nikki Haley. Ted Cruz vacations in Cancun during a State Emergency. Mitch McConnel torches Trump and Trump torches back. Ron Johnson acts like the Insurrection was a tea party (no pun intended) event. Texas Republicans cannot get their foot out of their mouth, and the common folk start to realize that they have been taken.

  • Thom Hartmann's Hunter and Farmer Approach to ADD/ADHD   3 years 49 weeks ago

    I don't think we can draw a parallel between hunters and farmers, we're talking about people who work to earn money on the one hand and people who do a hobby on the other...

  • Thursday 18 April '19 show notes   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Affordable prices are pleasing to the eye and good for your wallet. If you want to get a cheap paper, order an essay in advance. The further the deadline is, the lower the price for the customer will be.

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Texas was a Democratic stronghold until George H. W. Bush moved his political machine from CT to TX? After they took TX, they exported Jeb Bush and Rick Scott to Florida. This is how the GOP infection spread from state to state. The majority DOES NOT RULE.

    Slave-owners were not the majority, but the legacy of slavery has survived to this day due to mob rule. The majority does not rule.

    As President Biden is trying to tell the people, we must unite. Please stop trying to make this a red state vs blue state, POC vs white, Dem vs Rep, truth vs fiction, smart vs stupid. None of that matters when the minority rule the majority. THIS is why dictatorships win; divide the people, conquer the people and own the country.

    Unite the country. Know that the red states are majority Democrats who have been lied to for decades and are now captured by the fascists attempting to overthrow democracy.

    The wealthy are the corporations and they have no feelings, exactly like corporations. They stopped caring about social responsibility years ago as they began to rob the workers of their pensions, their right to unions, their healthcare, their benefits, their wages, their political voices, their right to privacy, their right to free speech.

    Corporations own politicians and have inserted themselves into every part of government. The public/private partnerships is the 21st century trickle-down economics.

    Educate and unite the people. We can do it if we work together. Do not divide us into red/blue, north/south, Dem/Rep. We're all people being ruled by the minority. We all want our country back.

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    Soooo many lies, so little time! They came at us from so many directions during the last administration, I think we are still a bit dizzy. What else could you expect when a bonafide sociopath led the way? The hardest lie to digest from that time is how his cult portrayed Trump.

    But as Thom pointed out, the lying has been a cornerstone of the Republican's agenda for a long time. The phrase perception is reality comes to mind. Change how someone perceives the government and TA-DA! magically the government is the problem not the answer.

    Without a doubt, there are the folks who succumb to FOX and truly believe. However, I would argue it's obvious over time powerful people chose the lies and decided to expand them. Motives are also obvious: greed, hatred, inhumanity, and winning at all cost to name a few. Thank goodness for all who use the truth to educate. Thanks should go to Thom and media members for presenting the facts.

    In spite of Governor Abbott being a slime-ball that takes no responsibility, the Swedes have kindly offered him a master class in operating windmills at low temps. Maybe Greta would take his call. Nah, I take that back, she doesn't suffer fools!

  • As Texas Shows, the GOP Big Lie Strategy has Already Destroyed Much of America   3 years 49 weeks ago

    It takes less effort to believe a lie than to refute it.

    One of the worst things for the Homo sapien brain (and therefore society), besides being drugged into a stupor or paralyzed by fear, is to be fed false information. That's because one of the key survival instincts is to detect accurately and then to figure out rationally what's going on in our external environments, which contain all the physical resources to avoid mortal danger and to maintain life. Once mere survival is assured, however, the brain continues its passionate search for the truth of all things, a seemingly impossible yet unstoppable quest of the human spirit.

    On the other hand, a unique characteristic of the human mind is a boundless capacity for soaring imagination and great flights of fancy. After all, the brain is essentially walled off, spending most of its time thinking and daydreaming all by itself -- trapped inside a cave, completely alone in the darkness, isolated from the rest of reality. The only connection to life on Earth other than its own consciousness is by way of a fragile network of tiny nerves intricately woven throughout the body and funneled into the prison of the skull.

    Probably more than any others, those twin attributes -- the obsessive search for truth and a colorful imagination -- have allowed our species to survive and thrive, evolving in great leaps and bounds to dominate the planet. But to corrupt that delicate mental balance in both individual and collective consciousness with lies, which degrades our ability to understand and respond intelligently to outward existence, is to corrupt the whole world. A quick glance at today's headlines confirms that sad fact.

    So yeah, spreading lies is absolutely the worst thing for individuals, for society, for Mother Nature, for survivability, for evolution. Unless our species truly wakes up, the avoidance of truths and the acceptance of untruths will be our epitaph.

  • Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican   3 years 49 weeks ago


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