Was his tweet a call to "take out" Pence?
What if Donald Trump actually hoped that his mob would murder Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi?
What if he believed such a crime would create a crisis big enough to let him declare a state of emergency, shut down the government for a transition period through that emergency, and retain his position as President moving into the new year?
Senator Tommy Tuberville told
Politico that he told Trump, "Mr. President, they just took the vice president out, I've got to go," but there's no indication on the current public record that Trump understood that "they just took the vice president out" meant that Pence had been taken to safety.
"They…just took [him] out" could have been taken by Trump to mean the
mob had taken Pence, just as easily as it could mean the Capitol Police had saved Pence from the mob.
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